The sword rises

Chapter 612 Extreme sublimation, the final battle

Chapter 612 Ultimate sublimation, the final battle

Chapter 610 The second sublimation, the final battle

Greedily devouring Gu Hengsheng's blood, the originally bleak Eternal Hatred Sword gradually bloomed with sword brilliance, and the wisps of sword light reached nine days, alarming the heavens.

Naturally, it also spread to the heavens and myriad domains.

"This ray of sword power is so powerful, could it be that a certain peerless power was born?"

"It's just a flash of sword light that makes nine heavens thunder. What kind of existence is it? Could it be that a certain unrivaled powerhouse from a long sleep in some era woke up?"

The sky seemed to be darkened, and all the powerful men who overwhelmed the star field sighed.

In this era, I am afraid it will be another prosperous age.

"This sword light is somewhat familiar, it seems to be..."

At the Nine Nether Seas in Zhongzhou, there is a taboo existence looking back a hundred thousand years, as if thinking of something, he immediately extinguished the idea, muttering: "It can't be him, he has been silent in the years, and if he doesn't, It won't show up either."

Beizhou, in the middle of the Central Region, has peerless reserves.

In the huge stone room, a wisp of the Sword of Eternal Hatred suddenly appeared, and it disappeared in a flash, but it left a trace on the top of the sky, which would never disappear for at least a thousand years.


With a slight movement of the Sword of Everlasting Regret, the sword wailed, shocking all the powerful men in the sky.

However, Gu Hengsheng still couldn't pull out the Sword of Eternal Regret, and the amount of blood had already flowed out.

Gu Hengsheng's complexion gradually turned pale, and his hair turned white even with the naked eye, showing a hint of age.

The Sword of Everlasting Regret not only sucked Gu Hengsheng's blood, but also devoured Gu Hengsheng's blood essence and lifespan.

The Emperor Sword of Everlasting Hate has been asleep for a hundred thousand years, and Gu Hengsheng paid a heavy price for it to once again shine with its former glory.After all, the current Gu Hengsheng's cultivation is still too weak.

"Stop him! Quick!"

In the stone room, the strong men were shocked by the ray of sword radiance emitted by the Sword of Eternal Hatred.

"Let's not care about the ownership of the Emperor's Dao Artifact, and first suppress the ants that defile the Emperor's Artifact."

"Let's attack together, we must not allow this person to pull out the Great Emperor's Dao Artifact!"


Afterwards, everyone looked at Gu Hengsheng who was about to pull out the sword of eternal hatred. Whether it was out of greed or inexplicable panic, they all planned to rush to the high platform to stop Gu Hengsheng.

Facing the murderous intent of the enemies, the old man was as steady as Mount Tai, motionless.

The old man held the blood-colored giant ax in his right hand, and looked at the powerful men from all directions who were approaching constantly. His pale hair gradually turned black, blood red appeared on his wrinkled face, and his crooked body stood upright like a mountain.

In the blink of an eye, the originally pale and frail old man returned to the appearance of a middle-aged man.

A majestic hero, broad shoulders, and a majestic back.

The aura of the old man changed drastically, like a waterfall falling down, sweeping across the entire stone chamber, and spreading to the depths of the sky.

He held a blood-colored giant ax in his hand, and stared at the powerful men who were about to slaughter him like dazzling stars, as if he had returned to the glorious scene of fighting against the great world thousands of years ago.


The old man slowly opened his mouth and let out a deep roar.


In an instant, the immeasurable aura seemed to come from outside the sky, covering the hearts and bodies of everyone in the stone room.

"Extreme sublimation, you have to fight to the death! Are you crazy!"

The complexion of the old man in gray robe who had fought with the old man just now changed greatly. He exclaimed because the old man suddenly returned to his middle-aged appearance and his explosive momentum.

If you try your best to sublimate, you will undoubtedly die.

Is it worth spending a lifetime of cultivation just to protect an ant in the Profound Sky Realm?
The gray-robed old man and the countless powerhouses present were puzzled. They asked themselves, if it was for their own juniors, they would not dare to give up like this.

"You guys, are you afraid?"

The old man's face was stern, and the giant ax in his hand seemed to be flowing with scarlet blood. The cold ax light made countless people dare not look directly at it, and their hearts trembled.

The low-level martial artists looked at Gu Hengsheng on the high platform, and they didn't dare to take a step forward anymore, because they... were afraid.

The old man's aura seemed to have returned to the time when he was at his peak thousands of years ago, and he was using his last blood and life span just to bloom the brilliance of this moment.

All the powerful people know that if anyone takes a step forward now, he will be accompanied by a bloody giant axe, and there will be ten deaths and no life.At the very least, most of the people had no courage anymore. They just glanced at the old man, and they couldn't think of fighting anymore.

"Even if you try your best to sublimate and fight, what's the use? You are no longer what you were back then!"

The gray-robed old man let out a hideous sound, and charged towards the old man again, trying to suppress the old man and Gu Hengsheng behind him.

Immediately afterwards, several figures walked out of the crowd.

These people all came from Zhongzhou and other star regions. They crossed countless miles of void, and finally stepped into the peerless reserve.

"He is a blind old man from Xizhou, and a mighty figure who has disappeared for thousands of years!"

"The elders of Zhongzhou Baihua Palace heard that she has touched the threshold of Sendai. I don't know if it is true."

"Wu Spear King of the Blue Star Domain, it is said that he once fought against Xiantai with great power, but he is still alive, my God!"

As one after another figure stepped forward, shocking words came from the crowd, all of them showed a look of shock.

The few people in front of me are all famous and powerful people who can become the mainstay of a party's great teaching.

Now, these people have come forward one after another, are they planning to do something to the old man who has already sublimated to the extreme?
The Dao Artifact of the Great Emperor is too attractive. If it weren't for the legacy of the Heaven-hating Sword Immortal contained in the peerless storage, it would not be able to transmit the sound.Otherwise, the people who appeared here would not be a few powerful men, but countless peerless powerhouses who truly overwhelmed the world.

"Either get out of the way, or...die!"

An ancient mighty figure did not feel timid because of the old man's extreme sublimation, but revealed a more intense killing intent, and said sharply in a hoarse voice.

It seemed that several great powers had discussed it long ago, and they all walked towards the high platform at the same time, and showed murderous intentions at the old man who was blocking the middle of the road.

While resisting the supreme supernatural power of the old man in gray robe, the old man slowly turned his head to look at several powerful figures, and shouted magnificently and domineeringly: "Get out!"

In the distance, everyone was dumbfounded watching this scene.

He really dared to fight several powerful enemies alone, no matter whether he wins or loses, he will be famous through the ages.


A powerful man who had lived for thousands of years snorted coldly, without saying a single word of nonsense, and directly exploded at the extremely sublimated old man.

In an instant, the huge stone room was filled with supernatural powers, and a series of killing moves that could push thousands of miles across the mountains and rivers were bombarded at the old man.

The majestic figure of the old man stood upright, holding a blood-red giant axe to block all the killing moves, so that Gu Hengsheng on the high platform was not injured at all.

Extremely sublimated, just to bloom the last dazzling brilliance.

(End of this chapter)

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