The sword rises

Chapter 641 I forgot to ask for my name

Chapter 641 I forgot to ask for my name
Chapter 640 I forgot to ask for my name
Xiaoyao Sword Immortal, Chu Xiaoyao.

The young man, who seems to be in his early twenties, is actually an existence who has practiced for thousands of years.

Chu Xiaoyao was the young man's name.

As soon as he appeared, he set off a shock, and reminded many strong people present of some kind of secret, shocked and trembling.

There are nine celestial beings and hundreds of great powers, none of whom dare not pay homage to them.

"Is it fun?"

Chu Xiaoyao glanced at the bloody battlefield below, and he slightly hooked the corner of his mouth, revealing a smile, and asked the nine immortals who were standing in front of him.

The nine Xiantai powerhouses stood in place, motionless, they didn't know how to answer.

If there are careful people, they will definitely find that the foreheads of these strong men are covered with dense cold sweat.


Just cold sweat.

As peerless powerhouses in the Sendai realm, they can be said to have reached the first-class level in this world.However, facing the young man who suddenly appeared, they all trembled, not daring to show any disrespect.

Xiaoyao Sword Immortal, an existence that terrified countless people.

More than 2000 years ago, Emperor Nangong was still fighting on the Emperor's Road, suppressing all the arrogance and evildoers, and sweeping away many holy land sects, which can be called crushing all the way.

However, in the same era, there are two people who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Emperor Nangong.One is Xue Tingyan, the lord of the Ancient You Palace, who is now Li Qiurou, and the other is the Xiaoyao Sword Immortal in front of him.

There are rumors in the world that Xiaoyao Sword Immortal is more powerful than Palace Master Guyou. He once fought with Emperor Nangong from the first stage to the last stage of Dilu.

Until the last moment, Xiaoyao Sword Immortal lost a trick to Emperor Nangong, allowing Emperor Nangong to ascend the throne and become the emperor, overlooking the heavens.

At that time, after Emperor Nangong ascended the throne, Sword Immortal Xiaoyao had fought against him. It was rumored that Sword Immortal Xiaoyao was defeated after the battle with a thousand moves, and the world was shocked.

2000 years ago, when Xiaoyao Sword Immortal faced Emperor Nangong who had just ascended the throne, he had a look of disdain: "Stop fighting, now you have the blessing of the Dao, it's meaningless at all."

This matter did not spread throughout the heavens, but only spread among the real big forces.

In the following years, countless forces wanted to invite Xiaoyao Sword Immortal to see him, and they were willing to donate countless treasures.However, after the final battle between Sword Immortal Xiaoyao and Emperor Nangong, they disappeared without a trace.

Some people say that Xiaoyao Sword Immortal likes to be free, wandering around the world without restraint.Some people also said that Xiaoyao Sword Immortal was unwilling to lose to Emperor Nangong, and practiced secretly, wanting to rebel against Emperor Nangong.

More than 2000 years have passed in a hurry, and many people have forgotten Xiaoyao Sword Immortal, thinking that he disappeared in the years.

Unexpectedly, Xiaoyao Sword Immortal was born again today, which made the nine immortals tremble with shock.

You know, Xiaoyao Sword Immortal has been almost invincible for more than 2000 years, and now 2000 years have passed, who knows how strong he is.

Under the Great Emperor, he is invincible.

This is the praise of Xiaoyao Sword Immortal by the strong in the world.

If there is no Emperor Nangong, the position of emperor in this life will definitely belong to Sword Immortal Xiaoyao.It's just that Xiaoyao Sword Immortal doesn't seem to be interested in the position of emperor, and he is not depressed at all, and is at ease.

"Xiaoyao Sword Immortal..." In the crowd far away, a strong man thought of some kind of rumor and exclaimed: "Could it be that he is the Xiaoyao Sword Immortal who once competed with Emperor Nangong for the throne!"

"My God! Sword Immortal Xiaoyao has disappeared for more than 2000 years, and he is now in the ancient palace."

"More than 2000 years ago, Sword Immortal Xiaoyao was able to fight against Emperor Nangong without losing a thousand moves. How strong should he be today?"

When the title of Xiaoyao Sword Immortal was spread, the entire Starfield of the Heavens was shocked.

Tens of thousands of disciples from Guyou Palace were stunned, and Xiaoyao Sword Immortal, a mythical figure, suddenly appeared.

"Sword Immortal, do you have anything to do?"

The bald monk of the Great Buddha Sect took a deep breath, stepped forward half a step, bowed with his palms together and asked.

Facing the almost invincible Xiaoyao Sword Immortal in the realm of Xiantai, the bald monk dared not slack off in the slightest.It is no exaggeration to say that the bald monk might not be able to withstand the three swords that Xiaoyao Sword Immortal slashed at random.

"Me! I'm here to find someone."

Xiaoyao Sword Immortal took a sip of fine wine, and replied softly with a lazy expression on his face.

Find someone?

Who is it that Sword Immortal Xiaoyao is worth looking for in person?

"Sword Immortal, are you here to find your younger generation?"

The bald monk couldn't think of anyone other than the top people in this world who could make Xiaoyao Sword Immortal come forward, so he couldn't help asking suspiciously.

All the strong men of Xiantai and everyone stood in place, fearing like a child facing an elder, not daring to move.

"Your junior?" Sword Immortal Xiaoyao scratched his hair, seemed to think for a while, and pondered, "It's about the same! I heard that it's my junior brother, so I specially spent half an hour rushing here from the deserted sea."

"Master... Master... Junior brother?"

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

Just now Xiaoyao Sword Immortal was right!He came to find his junior brother?Does Xiaoyao Sword Immortal still have a teacher?Why hasn't this news been heard in these thousands of years?

For a peerless figure like Xiaoyao Sword Immortal, how powerful is his master?What kind of character is his younger brother?
Questions filled everyone's minds, and they were completely dumbfounded.

Moreover, the barren sea seems to be hundreds of thousands of miles away from the ancient palace!It only took half an hour for Xiaoyao Sword Immortal to rush over, and he seemed very leisurely.

"You said, are you here to find Junior Brother?" The strong man of Xiantai in the Nether Holy Land rolled his throat, and a feeling of uneasiness suddenly rose in his heart, and he couldn't help asking.

"That's right! I've been wandering in the wild sea all these years, and I only found out about an hour ago that I had an extra junior brother, so I couldn't wait to come over and have a look."

Xiaoyao Sword Immortal said seriously.

Everyone was surprised and their eyes were dull.

Feelings You didn't know there was a junior brother before?But judging by your appearance, it seems that you don't even know who your junior is!

All the experts in Xiantai couldn't help twitching the corners of their mouths secretly.

"Senior Sword Immortal, may I ask who your junior brother is?"

One person bowed to Xiaoyao Sword Immortal who was sitting on a sharp sword and drinking, and asked with his fists clasped.

Sword Immortal Xiaoyao stroked his chin, then scratched his hair, lowered his eyebrows and meditated for a while, then muttered in a low voice with blank eyes: "That's right! I forgot to ask my junior brother's name."

Sword Immortal Xiaoyao didn't hide his voice, his muttering to himself naturally reached the ears of everyone present.

"..." Everyone raised their eyebrows and were speechless.

Sword Immortal Xiaoyao instantly squeezed out a formula with his left hand, as if he was transmitting a sound to someone.Seeing the appearance of Xiaoyao Sword Immortal, all the experts in Xiantai guessed that he was asking about the identity and name of his junior brother.

Regarding Xiaoyao Sword Immortal's behavior, the corners of the mouths of all the powerhouses couldn't help twitching.

(End of this chapter)

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