The sword rises

Chapter 642

Chapter 642

Chapter 640: All the Disciples of the Master Sect Show Up

Sword Immortal Xiaoyao lowered his brows and thought for a moment, then he thought to himself: "Why is no one responding to me? What's the name of my junior brother?"

Xiaoyao Sword Immortal, Chu Xiaoyao, he has been traveling around the world for so many years, rarely contacting his fellow disciples.One hour later, he heard from his third senior brother that a junior junior brother had joined the ranks. Of course, he was overjoyed, and hurried from the boundless barren sea across the star field.

However, the third senior brother seemed to only say that the junior brother was in Guyou Palace, so he cut off the sound transmission and rushed over in a hurry, forgetting to ask his name and origin.

Mistake, Mistake.

Chu Xiaoyao looked at the countless people present expressionlessly, and ordinary people could not see the embarrassment in his heart at all.

Just now Chu Xiaoyao pinched the formula and wanted to ask about the little junior brother, but no one responded, as if it was on purpose.

Hmm... probably the third senior brother and the others are angry, so I should just wait where I am!
"Senior Sword Immortal, look at us..."

A strong man from Sendai looked at the dilemma battlefield below, and said cautiously.

Facing an unrivaled powerhouse who was once on a par with Emperor Nangong, it is estimated that the nine Xiantai powerhouses would be hanged and beaten together.Therefore, everyone did not dare to do anything, and waited in place holding their breath.

"Let's withdraw! Aren't you tired from calling back and forth?"

Due to his own mistake, Xiaoyao Sword Immortal forgot to ask for the name of his junior brother. Now he felt a little irritable and waved his hand casually.

Ten powerful forces besieged the Ancient You Palace with great fanfare, and even a Xiantai from the Fenglei Holy Land was killed in battle.After paying such a high price, how can we withdraw immediately?

"Xiaoyao Sword Immortal, you have a noble status, and we all respect you from the bottom of our hearts. However, this battle was jointly launched by ten forces including me, Youyin Holy Land, and the arrow is on the string, so it has to be launched."

The Xiantai powerhouses in the Hidden Holy Land are not willing to evacuate just now, so the powerhouses deployed and the price they paid would be in vain.

"In the past, Palace Master Xue slaughtered a large area, which caused serious damage to the interests of our forces. Now that Palace Master Xue returns, he will naturally have to bear the consequences of the karma. Senior Sword Immortal, please don't interfere."

A strong man bowed deeply to Chu Xiaoyao, and murmured.

Chu Xiaoyao pinned the wine gourd to his waist, and raised his brows lightly, realizing what these powerful men said.


They brought out the strength of the ten major forces, hoping to make Chu Xiaoyao retreat in the face of difficulties.Otherwise, no matter how powerful Chu Xiaoyao is in the world, he will inevitably be hurt by both sides.

All the strong people in Xiantai don't believe that Xiaoyao Sword Immortal, who has disappeared for more than 2000 years, will become enemies with ten great forces for the sake of Guyou Palace.

"Hearing your tone, you are threatening me!" Chu Xiaoyao's mouth curled up, a smile that was not a smile: "Youyin Holy Land, Great Buddha Sect, Nanxiang Valley... are they strong?"

Chu Xiaoyao read out all the forces behind these great powers in Xiantai, propped his chin in disapproval and said: "I have traveled the world for two thousand years, don't these forces of yours take me seriously?"

Hearing the words, all the strong men were shocked in their hearts, and couldn't help but backed up a few steps.

"Don't dare!" All the strong men bowed down and saluted at the same time, and said loudly.

The nine immortals and hundreds of great powers all bowed tremblingly, not daring to take a breath.

More than 2000 years ago, this master dared to compete with Emperor Nangong, and it was only at the last moment that he lost a move.Now that so many years have passed, the ghost knows how strong he has become, at least he is more terrifying than back then.

Just now, all the powerful people just hoped to use many forces to see if they could force Xiaoyao Sword Immortal back.

However, looking at it like this, Sword Immortal Xiaoyao doesn't pay attention to many forces at all.

If anyone is talking nonsense, even if he is suppressed by Xiaoyao Sword Immortal on the spot, it is estimated that the forces behind him will not be enemies of Xiaoyao Sword Immortal.

"Then just wait."

Sword Immortal Xiaoyao sat on the long sword, stretched slowly, and yawned.Then, propping his chin with his hands, he closed his eyes and took a nap.

Many strong men looked at each other in blank dismay, at a loss.

It's not a retreat, it's not a fight. Is it true that I just wait here foolishly?
However, Xiaoyao Sword Immortal has already spoken and waited, no one dares to act rashly!Unless the ancestors of the major forces came forward, who would have the guts to confront Xiaoyao Sword Immortal.

The tens of thousands of disciples in Guyou Palace looked at a loss, they seemed to have no connection or relationship with Xiaoyao Sword Immortal!Why Xiaoyao Sword Immortal suddenly came forward to save Guyou Palace, at least for a while, Guyou Palace can breathe again.

"Palace Master, have you dealt with Xiaoyao Sword Immortal in the past?"

The Supreme Elder of Guyou Palace sent a voice transmission to Li Qiurou, a flash of hope flashed deep in his eyes.

If Xiaoyao Sword Immortal is willing to stand on the side of Guyou Palace, then at least the tens of thousands of disciples in Guyou Palace can be protected from worry, and they will not be wiped out.

Li Qiurou hugged the dying Gu Hengsheng in her arms, nourishing Gu Hengsheng's frail body with profound energy, and did not answer the questions of the Supreme Elder.

Deep in Li Qiurou's heart, she was also extremely curious about why Xiaoyao Sword Immortal would suddenly appear and temporarily stop a big fight. More than 2000 years ago, Li Qiurou only had a relationship with Xiaoyao Sword Immortal, and the two did not have much interaction, let alone human relations.

Could it be that Sword Immortal Xiaoyao really came to find the junior he mentioned?
Everyone was silent, each thinking.

Sword Immortal Xiaoyao closed his eyes lightly to take a rest, he felt a little depressed, he would have asked clearly if he had known.Now, in order not to hurt his junior brother whom he has never met, he had no choice but to order the battle to stop for the time being and wait quietly.

It is estimated that the brothers are coming soon, and we will know when the time comes.

Although Chu Xiaoyao closed his eyes, his divine sense was extremely strong, covering hundreds of thousands of miles, and every move of the people present could not escape his perception.

Therefore, no one dared to make a small move, and could only stand there with a bitter face.

After a while, a vortex appeared on the top of the sky, which shocked everyone.

"It's so lively!"

A person stepped out slowly from the vortex. This person was dressed in elegant clothes, holding a folding paper fan in his hand, speaking elegantly.Wen Muxuan, known as the most romantic and suave, appeared in the eyes of the world.

Immediately afterwards, several figures appeared.

The third senior brother Zhuge Haokong, he was dressed in a red long gown, and he was as handsome as a god.

The fifth senior sister, Xiang Ruyu, whose three thousand blue silks dance in the wind, is not like a mortal, but as beautiful as a fairy.

Sixth Senior Brother Zhu Zhentian always had a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, making it difficult for people to see what he was thinking.

"Third Senior Brother, Fourth Senior Brother, Fifth Senior Sister, Sixth Senior Brother."

Chu Xiaoyao immediately put away his long sword, and saluted the four people who stepped out of the vortex on the top of the cloud with a solemn face.

(End of this chapter)

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