Chapter 66

Chapter 66 Accompanying shadows, subtle atmosphere

Today's Gu family is more lively because of Li Qiurou's arrival.

The breakfast banquet in the morning was extremely rich. All kinds of delicacies were placed on the large red sandalwood table.

"Qiurou, eat more of whatever dish you like, and if you don't like it, order it to be cooked immediately in the dining hall." Mr. Gu sat on the main seat, looking at the charming Li Qiurou with lower eyebrows with a smile on his face. Said loudly.

Hearing the sound, Li Qiurou bit her charming red lips lightly, and couldn't help but glance at Gu Hengsheng who was sitting quietly opposite.Then he got up slowly, bowed to Mr. Gu, and expressed his respect in response.

"There is no need for a big gift, just sit down quickly, as if you are in your own home." Mr. Gu likes Li Qiurou's ladylike temperament very much, even if she can't speak, it doesn't hurt.

Li Qiurou nodded lightly, and slowly sat down with red lips.

There were only Gu Hengsheng, Mr. Gu and Li Qiurou on a large table of dishes, but they seemed a little cold.As for Gu Youmo, he stayed in the courtyard as usual, as if he was escaping from something.

Soon, the breakfast banquet was over. Li Qiurou gently wiped her red lips with a white pink handkerchief as gently as jade, then bowed to Mr. Gu and saluted to Gu Hengsheng.

The more he looked at Li Qiurou's behavior, the more satisfied Mr. Gu felt, and he nodded secretly.

"Hang Seng, accompany Qiu Rou for a walk around the mansion later to get acquainted with him." Old Master Gu looked at Gu Heng Sheng meaningfully and said with a light smile.

Mr. Gu's intention was very clear, that is to let Gu Hengsheng develop a relationship with Li Qiurou as soon as possible, and then hold a formal wedding in advance.Mr. Gu is afraid that he wants to hug his great-grandson. After all, there are too few direct blood relatives in the Gu family, so he looks very cold.

"I see, Grandpa." Gu Hengsheng wanted to refuse at first, but when he saw the unquestionable look in the depths of Old Master Gu's eyes, and Li Qiurou's graceful figure silently at the side, he could only nod in response.

Then, Gu Hengsheng nodded slightly to Li Qiurou and said, "Miss Li, let's go for a walk!"

Li Qiurou smiled sweetly, staring at Gu Hengsheng with a pair of beautiful eyes, blinking slightly, and followed Gu Hengsheng's back with light steps, not rushing.

Watching the backs of Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou leaving the lobby, the smile on the corner of Mr. Gu's mouth slowly froze, and then changed back to a dignified and solemn appearance, which made people feel fearful.

Perhaps, only in front of his family can Mr. Gu be able to let go of the tediousness and power in his heart, so that he can relax slightly.

Gu Jiagui is a family of generals in the Tianfeng Kingdom, and the land is naturally vast, so it will take some time to walk around Gu's residence.

On a quiet Fangcui path, Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou walked forward side by side, both of them were silent, just maintaining this delicate atmosphere and letting the breeze blow over their faces.

Walking forward, Gu Hengsheng looked around as if no one was there, as if he had merged with the breeze.

Li Qiurou, on the other hand, was slightly behind Gu Hengsheng by half a step, taking a slight step on the lotus steps to examine the surrounding verdant bamboo groves and buildings with carved railings.Occasionally, Li Qiurou would sneak a glance at Gu Hengsheng's profile from the corner of his eye, wanting to see what kind of person his grandfather Li Tianyuan praised him for.

The two were silent and moved forward slowly.

One is wearing a white gown, with long hair tied into a crown, and his hands lightly resting on his back. He is indifferent and elegant, like a lonely and proud sword that does not touch the dust.

One of them is wearing a pink and white long dress, with a turquoise hanging gauze around his waist, and his long hair is like a waterfall dancing with the breeze, like a fairy in the world, independent of the world.

After a long time, the two of them walked along quiet paths from the East Wing Courtyard of the Gu Family to the West Wing Courtyard.

"Miss Li, I have arrived at the West Wing Courtyard. I will not send you in. You can rest well. If you have something to do, you can order the servant girl as you like."

The West Wing Courtyard is now Li Qiurou's temporary residence, Mr. Gu has arranged dozens of maids to wait on it, intending to take care of Li Qiurou's daily life.

After the two of them walked for so long, Gu Hengsheng smiled indifferently and nodded, "Miss Li, if there is nothing else, I will leave first."

Li Qiurou's eyes were shining brightly, she stared at Gu Hengsheng for a long time, then slightly pursed her red lips and bowed her head to nod.

Then, Gu Hengsheng didn't stay any longer, turned around and left the area of ​​the West Wing, leaving behind a slender figure in white shirt.

Li Qiurou stood under a green shade that covered the sky and the sun, quietly watching Gu Hengsheng's back as he walked away step by step, and murmured in the depths of his heart, "He seems to be completely different from before. Today's him looks so deep, he doesn't look like a playboy at all."

Looking at the back of Gu Hengsheng who was gradually leaving, Li Qiurou was a little fascinated. This was the first time she stared at a person of the opposite sex for so long.From childhood to adulthood, there has never been anyone who could make Li Qiurou want to get to know him better.Because, although she can't speak, but her heart is like a mirror, she can understand those family members chasing her at a glance, without any disturbance.

However, the current Gu Hengsheng, the rumored No. [-] rich young master in the capital, actually gave her a strong desire to understand.That ethereal and unattainable faint breath fascinated her heart a little.

Before, Li Qiurou tried her best to resist the marriage between the two families. If it wasn't for the sake of her grandfather Li Tianyuan, she would never have stepped into the Gu family.But at this moment, she suddenly found that Gu Hengsheng, who broke into Li's house back then, was not so annoying anymore, and even felt a little inexplicable emotion.

"What kind of person are you?" After Gu Hengsheng's back completely disappeared, Li Qiurou slowly withdrew his eyes, and couldn't help but lick his red lips, talking to himself in his heart.

Her smile is tender yet charming, sweet yet noble.The flowers blooming in the West Wing Courtyard instantly appeared dim and colorless under this sweet smile.


After leaving the west wing courtyard, Gu Hengsheng went straight back to the courtyard where he lived.

Deep in the courtyard, Yan Chenge was cleaning the fallen leaves like a servant.

In order to prevent Yan Chenge from revealing his cultivation and identity, Gu Hengsheng arranged for Yan Chenge to only walk around in his own yard, and not to display his cultivation at will, so as not to attract the attention of Mr. Gu and Gu Youmo.

"Master." Seeing that Gu Hengsheng had returned, Yan Chenge immediately put down the broom in his hand, and said hoarsely.

"Chen Ge, I have something for you to do." Gu Hengsheng said directly with a cold and serious face.

"My lord, please give me instructions." Yan Chenge bowed and cupped his fists in the utmost awe.

"Go out in hiding, take 5 taels of silver bills to the Spiritual Medicine Pavilion in Beijing, and buy bone spirit grass, vein rock grass, and Tongchen wood..." Gu Hengsheng took out a stack of silver bills from his chest pocket and handed them to him. Yan Chenge, solemnly said: "Remember, don't expose yourself, understand?"

"Yes, my lord." Yan Chenge took a stack of bank notes, nodded solemnly.

Afterwards, under the signal of Gu Hengsheng waving his hand, Yan Chenge disappeared like a ghost, and only a broom with a few dead leaves remained on the ground where he was standing just now.

"It seems that we have to hurry up, otherwise... anyone will be able to insult my Gu family."

Gu Hengsheng straightened his slender body, and his eyes, like sword lights, approached the top of the sky.The faint stern color emanating from the body burst out, directly causing the void to tremble and freeze.

(End of this chapter)

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