Chapter 67
Chapter 67 Pushing the Waves
The life of the Gu family is very comfortable and peaceful for the time being.

However, under the surface of peace and tranquility, there is an indescribable sense of oppression hidden.

Unknowingly, Li Qiurou has been in Gu's house for nearly half a month.

In the past half a month, Gu Hengsheng has basically never left the Gu family. He either took a walk with Li Qiurou under the strong arrangement of Mr. Gu, or he meditated and practiced alone in the courtyard.

"According to my previous knowledge, it is not a problem to step into the Profound Spirit Realm. How could it be blocked?" Today, Mr. Gu did not call Gu Hengsheng, so Gu Hengsheng stayed in the room and meditated.

"My Dao heart is unshakable like a rock. Even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, I can't retreat in the slightest. But how can this threshold of the Lingxuan Realm be blocked?" Gu Hengsheng sat cross-legged on the bed, frowning talking to himself.

After thinking for a long time with slightly lowered eyebrows, Gu Hengsheng quickly lowered his head and glanced at his hands, then lightly shook his head and said to himself, "So that's how it is..."

"In this life, I have always been making troubles and playing around. If I hadn't gone to the Sword Market to hone my body and step into practice, I'm afraid I would be out of breath after walking two more steps." Gu Hengsheng couldn't help but clenched his fists and walked through the window. Looking up at the sky, he murmured: "This body is the baptism of lacking blood after all. Even if the Dao Heart and Soul reach the peak, it will be difficult to make up for the innate deficiency of the body."

Thinking of this, Gu Hengsheng stopped meditating and practiced, but slowly got down from the bed.

Before Gu Hengsheng could walk out of the room, a maidservant's voice came from outside the courtyard: "My lord, the master told you to come over."

"Okay." Gu Hengsheng's voice came back immediately.

Soon, Gu Hengsheng arrived in front of Mr. Gu.

Mr. Gu kept a straight face, stared at Gu Hengsheng slightly darkly, and snorted coldly: "Stinky boy, I want you to accompany Qiurou well and cultivate your relationship. What are you doing at home all day long? Do you think you are Is it the big girl of Huang Hua? You used to go out to fool around every day, but now you are like a woman who doesn’t leave the door without leaving the door, what are you going to do?"

"..." Gu Hengsheng, who had just arrived, was stunned in the face of Mr. Gu who suddenly yelled at him.

The most important thing is that Gu Hengsheng couldn't criticize and refute Mr. Gu, he could only accept it with a wry smile in his heart.

"Grandpa, I'm reading a book." Gu Hengsheng quickly explained.

"Reading?" Mr. Gu was stunned, and then he frowned even more and cursed: "Can you make up a decent reason? I still can't understand it with your foolishness. If you can make up Tiannuo is reading a book in the house, and the sun is coming out from the west."

"..." Gu Hengsheng opened his mouth, but he didn't try to defend himself, because he felt that no matter what he said, he was pretending in front of the old man at this time, so it was better to keep his mouth shut and keep silent.

Originally, Mr. Gu wanted to scold Gu Hengsheng, but at this moment, Li Qiurou's beautiful figure slowly came over.

"Qiurou, you're here." Seeing Li Qiurou approaching gracefully, Mr. Gu's dark face just now was filled with a kind and kind smile, and he said softly.

Seeing Mr. Gu's face change in an instant, Gu Hengsheng secretly covered his forehead and smiled bitterly from the bottom of his heart.

Li Qiurou walked over quickly, and bowed to Old Master Gu and Gu Hengsheng.She was originally admiring the flowers in the West Wing Courtyard, grinding and writing, but when she heard Mr. Gu's summons, she quickly put down everything in her hands and hurried over.

"Qiurou, you've been bored at home for half a month, let Hang Seng accompany you to go out for a stroll today. If you see something you like or gadgets, just ask Hang Seng to buy them for you."

Old Master Gu took half a step forward, pulled up Li Qiurou's jade hand with his left hand, and pulled Gu Hengsheng who was waiting beside him with his right hand.

Then, Mr. Gu put Li Qiurou's bare hand into Gu Hengsheng's palm, pressed it tightly twice, and said kindly: "Qiu Rou, although Hang Seng was a little naughty before, he is still very introverted. If he What is not good enough, you come and tell grandpa, grandpa will help you teach him."

With the nephrite jade in his hand all of a sudden, even Gu Hengsheng couldn't help being stunned for a moment. He subconsciously glanced at Li Qiurou beside him, and found that her cheeks were flushed at this moment, which was extremely charming.

A faint fragrance came from Li Qiurou's delicate body, which made Gu Hengsheng really not sure what to do, he was a little hesitant, but also a little relieved.

Li Qiurou never thought that the old man would put his hand on Gu Hengsheng's, which made her lower her beautiful chin in confusion, and bit her red lips a little bit shyly.

"Today, taking advantage of the fine weather, the two of you go out for a stroll, and just come back for dinner at night." As Mr. Gu spoke, he gave Gu Hengsheng a meaningful look, as if giving some warning.

After Mr. Gu finished speaking, he took back the hand that was holding the two of them tightly.

At the same time, Li Qiurou hurriedly withdrew the jade hand that was placed on Gu Hengsheng's palm in a panic, and bowed to the old man to cover up his shyness.

Mr. Gu is an old man, so he can naturally see Li Qiurou's panic, and he is not promoting the development of the two of them, as long as it is appropriate.

However, the way he looked at Gu Hengsheng was extremely weird, and he murmured to himself suspiciously: "In the past, this brat stared at a beautiful girl, and even stole the clothes of Shang Shuqianjin, and now he is standing next to him." How could a young and beautiful woman be so stupid?"

Old man Gu couldn't figure it out, so he simply didn't bother to think about it. Now he just hoped that Gu Hengsheng would cultivate a good relationship with Li Qiurou earlier, and then formally hold a big wedding, so that he could hold his great-grandson sooner.

Under the strong request of Mr. Gu, Gu Hengsheng had no choice but to sigh inwardly, and accompanied Li Qiurou out of the gate of the Gu family.

Li Qiurou put her hands lightly on Liu's waist, and was more than one meter away from Gu Hengsheng, walking slowly on the street.Behind them, there are two beautiful servant girls and servants accompanying them, and there are several extremely hidden auras coming from behind.

The streets are bustling with people coming and going.

The figures of Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou became a beautiful landscape, attracting many people's attention.

"Isn't that the young master of the Gu family and Miss Li's family?"

"Miss Li is so...beautiful! Just married...ah!"

"If you don't think about Young Master Gu's previous appearance, he and Miss Li are both talented and beautiful, and they match very well. It's just..."

Among the street crowd, many people were discussing in low voices, all of them were fascinated by Li Qiurou.

Indistinctly, Li Qiurou also heard some words, and the reddish appearance of her earlobe added a bit of coquettishness to it, which made people want to pity her.

Gu Hengsheng, on the other hand, walked forward quietly as if there was no one else around, ignoring anyone around him.

Along the way, Li Qiurou didn't buy anything, but just picked a set of paper, ink, brushes and inkstones at random.For some reason, Li Qiurou seemed to be greedy for the feeling of walking together quietly, even if the two of them were silent.

Every time she looked at Gu Hengsheng's side face from the corner of her eye, there was a ripple deep in her heart, and she couldn't be calm for a long time.

"Maybe, the former him is not the real him..."

After so many days of contact, Li Qiurou's attitude towards Gu Hengsheng has changed greatly, and the curiosity towards Gu Hengsheng in her heart has become more and more intense.

(End of this chapter)

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