Chapter 68

Chapter 68 The old man lost his temper

tonight, dead of night

After Li Qiurou and Gu Hengsheng came back from the street, they each went back to the hospital to rest.After the old man's tossing, the two became a little familiar without knowing it, and they were no longer as stiff as before.

After Gu Hengsheng returned to his courtyard, he closed the door tightly.

Inside the house, Yan Chenge stood aside respectfully, and said respectfully, "My lord, you have already bought all the spiritual herbs you want, what else can I order?"

"Put away the elixir for the time being, it will be of great use after I enter the Lingxuan Realm." Gu Hengsheng casually glanced at the elixir and elixir Yan Chenge placed on the table, and ordered.

"Yes." Yan Chenge nodded and replied.

"By the way, I have something to go out in a few days, and I may not be able to come back for a while. You should go out of the city to the valley ten miles to the southwest, see how those boys and girls are doing, and let them enter the path of cultivation as soon as possible , and sharpen their minds."

"What's more, you should look around to see if there are any warriors who are scattered and have no sects. As long as they have a good heart, they can be put in the Jianyu Pavilion for the time being. I will make a specific decision when I come back."

After pondering for a while, Gu Hengsheng tapped the table lightly, and said solemnly to Yan Chenge.

Now that he has decided to establish power, he must have the ability to stir up the general trend of the world in the future.If not, how could he be worthy of Gu Hengsheng's training and establishment?
"My lord, I understand." Yan Chenge didn't ask where Gu Hengsheng was going, because he knew his identity, and he also understood that a person like Gu Hengsheng should not speculate casually, just do his own thing.

"En." Gu Hengsheng nodded slowly.

Originally, Gu Hengsheng planned to slowly put on the skin of a dandy, quietly deploy the world and grow and recover, but who knew that the matter of Gu Youmo and Princess Yong'an was imminent.

For this reason, Gu Hengsheng can only speed up his pace and strive to let himself enter the Lingxuan Realm in advance, so that he can come back to heal Gu Youmo's disabled legs, so that Gu Youmo can once again stand on the peak superior.

The next day, when he just woke up, Gu Hengsheng went to Mr. Gu's courtyard.

Seeing Gu Hengsheng coming early in the morning, Mr. Gu frowned calmly, and asked in a deep voice, "What's the matter? What's the matter here early in the morning?"

"Grandpa, I have something I want to discuss with you." Gu Hengsheng bowed deeply to Mr. Gu, respectfully.

Seeing Gu Hengsheng being so courteous and thoughtful, Mr. Gu's heart sank. He suddenly remembered that the last time Gu Hengsheng was so respectful was to persuade himself to go to the Sword Market...

"Speak!" Mr. Gu had a bad feeling, and his brows were slightly furrowed.

"I'm going to leave the mansion for a while." Gu Hengsheng raised his eyes and stared at the old man, and said solemnly.

"Leave?" Mr. Gu secretly said "Sure enough" in his heart, then he waved his sleeves and said, "No, don't even think about it, let me stay at home with peace of mind, and accompany Qiurou well."

The last time Gu Hengsheng went to Jianxuan, Mr. Gu worried for a whole month, which kept him awake at night, because he was afraid that Gu Hengsheng would die because of this, and the Gu family would have no successors.

Now that Li Qiurou and Gu Hengsheng are engaged, as long as their relationship is well cultivated, they can have a grand wedding in a short time.At this juncture, how could Mr. Gu agree to let Gu Hengsheng go out.

"Grandpa, why don't you ask me where I'm going?" Gu Hengsheng had already guessed the situation, and then said calmly.

"Where are you going? Tell me about it." Mr. Gu stared at it for a moment, then asked thoughtfully.

"Frontier." Gu Hengsheng spit out these two words without haste.

As soon as Gu Hengsheng's words fell, Mr. Gu's eyes shrank in an instant, and he yelled at Gu Hengsheng tremblingly: "Bastard, are you impatient? What do you want to do in the frontier? There is Can you go? Ah!"

Facing the roaring and excited Mr. Gu, Gu Hengsheng had already expected it. He allowed Mr. Gu to scold him for a full quarter of an hour before he clasped his fists neither humble nor overbearing and said, "Grandpa, I naturally know where the frontier is. Because of this, I'm going."

Frontier!A place full of blood and bones, corpses everywhere, and a sea of ​​blood all over the sky.

It is precisely because of this that Gu Hengsheng has to go, because only in this kind of place can he allow his body in this life to be baptized by blood, and can truly integrate his soul and body to the extreme, and step into the realm of spiritual mystery.

Only in this way can Gu Hengsheng use some secret techniques from his previous life to heal Gu Youmo's legs.Five months later, it was heard that Princess Yong'an was going to Nanyuan Kingdom. The matter was imminent, and Gu Hengsheng didn't have much time.

He didn't want his second uncle Gu Youmo, who treated him like a son, to leave regrets, so he was willing to do his best for this.

"Fuck you big-headed ghost, there's no need to discuss it, just go away." Old Master Gu shouted at Gu Hengsheng angrily, with an urge to slap Gu Hengsheng to death in his heart.

This kid is so capable of tossing around, Mr. Gu cursed secretly in his heart, and the veins on his forehead bulged a little.

"Grandpa, do you want me to live under your wings for the rest of my life? If even you can give up the prestige of my Gu family, then I have nothing to say." Gu Hengsheng deliberately responded in a aggressive tone.

"You!" Old Master Gu pointed at Gu Hengsheng, his chest heaving and snorting coldly, "Why are you going to the frontier?"

"Sharpen your mind and go to see the wind and rain in the frontier. Even if I can't practice, I won't be so timid and submissive in the future, so that I can inherit the traces of the Gu family's prestige! Don't worry, my character is not good enough. Clearly, I am more afraid of death than anyone else."

After Gu Hengsheng finished speaking, he chuckled a few times, most of the heavy atmosphere in the room was relieved.

Hearing Gu Hengsheng say such... uplifting words, Mr. Gu's furious expression immediately diminished by half, and he looked at Gu Hengsheng's eyes with a hint of relief: "Stinky boy, I know what you want, but you can't do it yet. Go out and sharpen, we will talk about it when we have a chance. After all, Qiurou is still at our house, if you leave, it will be nothing."

"Grandpa, I'll take care of Ms. Li, please agree." Hearing the old man's relief, Gu Hengsheng naturally wanted to chase after him.

"You... oh! That's all! You're an adult, as long as you don't mess around, you should go and see!" Old Master Gu sighed heavily, and patted Gu Hengsheng on the shoulder and said, "What's the matter?" It would be good if Yi Bo accompanied you to the frontier."

Let Yi Bo accompany him?Then how can you let your body experience the baptism of blood?
(End of this chapter)

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