The sword rises

Chapter 668

Chapter 668

Chapter 660 The eighth chapter is fighting for the front, the storm is coming

The world is fighting for the front, and the storm is about to come.

Gu Hengsheng stepped out slowly from the northern pole, the Xuexiao sword in his hand seemed to sense the coming storm, and the sharp cold light poured straight into Jiuxiao.

At first, Gu Hengsheng didn't know what to do and was a little apprehensive.But now, Gu Hengsheng only had a strong fighting spirit left.

Since Second Senior Sister believes that she can do it, then I must not let Second Senior Sister down, and cannot lose the dignity of the Fusheng Tomb.

In the years to come, Gu Hengsheng wants to let the world know one thing: in the same realm, he is undefeated!
Gu Hengsheng cannot be defeated, this is his only belief.

The cold wind came howling, blowing the corners of Gu Hengsheng's white shirt, elegantly and gracefully.

"Here we come! Come out!"

Beyond the polar region, tens of thousands of people had already gathered. They were extremely excited when they saw the figure of Gu Hengsheng stepping forward.

"Mr. Jiu from the Tomb of Floating Life, can he really stand up to the challenges of the evildoers in the world?"

"As long as Mr. Jiu loses, then he can get Emperor Hongyu's Emperor Sutra. This temptation is too great."

Some young people looked at Gu Hengsheng's figure, eager to try, with greedy eyes.

Gu Hengsheng walked out from the depths of the ice-covered polar region unhurriedly. Every time he took a step, he gathered more momentum, as if the sky and the earth were reflected against him.

Time seemed to pass very slowly at this moment. Many people watched Gu Hengsheng's gradually approaching figure, and their palms were clenched in cold sweat.

More and more people used their supernatural powers to rush to the northern pole and came here.


After a long time, Gu Hengsheng finally broke through the barriers separating everyone and walked out from the depths of the polar region.

"Mr. Nine!"

Everyone spoke one after another, with good manners.

Gu Hengsheng's expression was indifferent, he glanced at the warriors in all directions with his sword in hand, and nodded slightly in return.

Gu Hengsheng took a step forward, and suddenly a man stopped Gu Hengsheng, cupped his fists and said, "Mr. Su Wenjiu is extremely talented. I have just stepped into the second realm of the Dao. I wonder if I can fight?"

This person couldn't help showing a fierce fighting spirit and a ray of undisguised greed.

Gu Hengsheng didn't use secret techniques to cover up his cultivation, he was the strength of the second realm of the Great Dao, which he showed to the world.

"You are too weak."

Gu Hengsheng just glanced at the man in front of him, then shook his head, thinking that he was not qualified to challenge himself.

The man's expression darkened. He felt that Gu Hengsheng was humiliating himself, and said angrily, "Mr. Jiu is afraid?"

"A sword."

Gu Hengsheng groaned softly.

The man frowned, and instantly felt that the air around him froze, and he felt a little flustered and suffocated.

Gu Hengsheng slashed down with his sword from the air, cutting straight at the man.

The man's eyes widened, and he wanted to avoid it, but found that he couldn't avoid the sword no matter what.Simply, he could only gather the strength of his whole body to block it.


It's a pity that before the sword fell on him, his profound energy was eroded by the sharp sword intent, and he fell to the distance due to the majestic sword energy, and was seriously injured.


All the cultivators here were shocked, although they thought Mr. Nine of the Floating Tomb must be unusual, but they never expected to be so overbearing.With just one sword, he defeated a martial artist of the same realm, and he was definitely among the evildoers.

A year ago, the world only knew that Gu Hengsheng was wielding the Emperor Sword to slay the immortal platform, thinking that he had borrowed the unrivaled power of the Emperor Sword.

Now, Gu Hengsheng is only holding on to an ordinary spirit sword, and he has defeated warriors of the same realm. He still has the talent to look down on the world, which made the world tremble suddenly.

With this sword, Gu Hengsheng condensed the power of heaven and earth that he had stepped forward step by step, and added the sword intent he had comprehended, ordinary practitioners of the same level could not stop it at all.

"Being able to become a disciple of the Fusheng Tomb, Mr. Jiu is really extraordinary, he is truly a monster."

You Da Neng sighed, and his eyes were full of fighting intent, but he didn't have the guts to make a move, so he could only watch from afar.

The attitudes of Floating Tomb and Emperor Hongyu are very clear, the younger generation is fighting for the top, even if Gu Hengsheng dies, it will be considered that his own strength is not enough and he cannot blame others.

However, if there are strong men of the older generation who dare to make insidious moves, then it will depend on whether their power can withstand the wrath of the Fusheng Tomb.

Before Gu Hengsheng could take a few steps, a person suddenly appeared.

This person was only in his twenties, his whole body was on fire, and his eyes were staring at Gu Hengsheng like a beast.

"The contemporary little holy son of the Fire God Temple, Yin Chen." A voice came from the crowd immediately.

"It is rumored that the little saint son of Yin Chen is an evildoer who is rarely seen in the Fire God Temple in 5000 years. Now he is only a weak crown, and he has already entered the first level of the avenue. He has practiced the three-strength true fire, and there is no rival among his peers. .”

A martial artist with a deep Dao realm was astonished, showing a strong look of fear.

Yin Chen of the Fire God Temple, relying on his own ability, broke into the realm of the Great Dao when he was in his twenties.

One must know that Gu Hengsheng was able to enter the second stage of the Great Dao at his current age, firstly because of the help of the Emperor Sword of Everlasting Hate, and secondly because of the catalyst of Fifth Senior Sister Xiang Ruyu's treasure pill.

Moreover, in order to consolidate the foundation of Gu Hengsheng's cultivation, he even let the fourth senior brother Wen Muxuan's mount Xiaobai practice for a year, so that Gu Hengsheng did not leave the root of his cultivation.

"What's the matter with you?"

Gu Hengsheng tilted his sword, stared at Yin Chen, the young holy son of the Fire God Temple, and said in a hoarse voice vigilantly.

"Can you dare to fight?"

Yin Chen of the Fire God Palace said bluntly.

Everyone stepped back one after another, watching this scene with concentration.

Will Mr. Jiu refuse this battle?If that's the case, then Floating Life Tomb will definitely lose face, and Mr. Jiu's name will also be a joke.

"What is there to be afraid of after a war?"

Gu Hengsheng pointed his sword at Yin Chen, full of fighting spirit.

Only in the same realm can you make a move, this is the only requirement that Emperor Hongyu gave to the world.

At this moment, people with a lower level of cultivation than Gu Hengsheng are coming to challenge. If Gu Hengsheng refuses to challenge, people in the world will definitely say that Gu Hengsheng is timid, and the Fusheng Tomb will be ashamed.

Therefore, how could Gu Hengsheng have to fight this battle?
"Then let's see if the sword in Mr. Jiu's hand is as sharp as Sword Immortal Xiaoyao's back then."

The corner of Yin Chen's mouth curled up, and raging flames shot out from his body, as if they were going to melt the glaciers in all directions.

The elegant demeanor of the Xiaoyao Sword Immortal in those days surpassed the present age, with a sword that held up to the sky, and an unrivaled youth.

No matter what, Gu Hengsheng would not lose his name as a senior brother and a senior sister.

Since they were able to suppress a monstrosity back then and climb to the top, then they must be able to do it themselves, and live up to the supreme demeanor of the Fusheng Tomb.


Gu Hengsheng kicked off the ground, stepped into the void, and pointed his sword at the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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