The sword rises

Chapter 669

Chapter 669
Chapter 660 IX Defeats Tianjiao
A mass of red and blue flames appeared in the hands of Yin Chen of the Fire God Temple, and this mass of fire was the Sanyan True Fire he cultivated.

Under Yin Chen's thought, the Sanyan True Fire turned into a flame whip tens of meters long, and lashed towards Gu Hengsheng fiercely.

Gu Hengsheng didn't dare to underestimate it, and tightened the Xuexiao sword in his hand, and the icy frost sword intent came out from it.When the sword fell, the fire whip that Yin Chen swung was frozen into ice in an instant.

click -

However, the next moment, the sword intent ice cube was melted by the raging fire.

time la la!
Holding the fire whip in his hand, Yin Chen swung it over again, extremely fierce.

Gu Hengsheng never thought that his Frost Snow Sword Intent would be melted and cracked by this group of spiritual fire. He was slightly startled and felt that this person was extraordinary.


Gu Hengsheng slashed the Xuexiao sword in his hand to block the whip, and then slashed at Yin Chen with his sword.

The sword energy spread across countless miles in an instant, piercing Yin Chen overwhelmingly.


With Yin Chen's left hand together, his whole body was surrounded by a ball of spiritual fire in the blink of an eye, blocking the stabbing ten thousand sword intents.

Gu Hengsheng and Yin Chen each displayed their supernatural powers, shattering the vast ice field of the polar region for countless miles, and cracking mountain peaks with great momentum.

"The little holy son of the Fire God Temple is truly unparalleled in talent. He deserves to be known as a monster that is hard to come by in 5000 years, and his combat power is terrifying."

"Mr. Jiu has already embarked on his own path of swordsmanship. He looks like a free and easy sword fairy back then. No wonder he can enter the tomb of floating life. Don't underestimate him!"

"Based on their killing move, even warriors in the fourth realm of the Great Dao will have difficulty resisting it, or even lose to them."

In the crowd, there are many strong people who are discussing secretly, deeply moved.

Gu Hengsheng and Yin Chen from the Fire God Temple fought so hard that it was hard to tell the winner for a while.

The Sanyan True Fire practiced by Yin Chen is an extremely powerful spiritual fire, and it is one of the top skills in the Fire God Temple.Yin Chen's talent is unparalleled in the world, and he has almost perfected the control of Sanyan Zhenhuo only in his weak crown years.

No matter how many strands of sword intent Gu Hengsheng slashed out, they were all blocked by Yin Chen using the spiritual fire as a shield.

And Yin Chen's huge fireball and fire whip couldn't cause any harm to Gu Hengsheng, but they blasted pieces of frozen land in the polar region and collapsed for countless miles.

"Is your sword only at this level?"

Yin Chen shouted loudly, and the flames on his body became even more boiling, ready to burn to heaven.

Gu Hengsheng snorted coldly and pointed his sword at Yin Chen.


As soon as the Shuangxue sword intent came out, it was snowing heavily.

The Xuexiao sword turned into an ice sword in an instant, as if it had merged with the boundless and endless polar region.

"Swing the sword!"

Holding the sword, Gu Hengsheng slanted his waist, rolled up countless ice cubes on the polar region, mixed with the overwhelming snow, and chopped off at the waist with the sword.

Gu Hengsheng's sword condensed the power of the polar ice, and with the Frost and Snow Sword Intent burst out a murderous intent, making it even more sharp.

Yin Chen's heart sank, he quickly gathered his own powerful profound energy, and used Sanyan True Fire to form layers of solid barriers.

call out!call out!call out……

Thousands of huge ice cubes mixed with sword intent bombarded Yin Chen's body, and the blossoming snowflakes also turned into sharp swords, constantly eroding the profound energy barrier and protective spirit fire around him.

As soon as Gu Hengsheng's horizontal sword came, Yin Chen suddenly felt a huge pressure, and the three Yanzhen fires in all directions trembled violently, showing some signs of collapse.

Immediately afterwards, the countless sword intents in the void still did not stop, pressing Sanyan Zhenhuo fiercely, and curled up in a ball.


In the end, as Gu Hengsheng swung his sword down again, no matter how hard it was for Yin Chen to resist, the three-stretched real fire around him immediately disintegrated.

A series of frost and snow sword intents pierced Yin Chen's body, tore through his clothes and skin, turning him into a blood man in the blink of an eye.


With a loud noise, Yin Chen fell from the void, and a huge ice pit collapsed, looking very embarrassed.

A wisp of scarlet overflowed from Yin Chen's mouth, obviously he had suffered a lot of injuries.

"you lose."

Gu Hengsheng hid the cold light of the Xuexiao Sword, and the sword intent in all directions of the sky suddenly disappeared into nothingness, and the long snow became gentle and crystal clear again.

Yin Chen's eyes were bloodshot, his chest heaved up and down, he looked directly at Gu Hengsheng and said hoarsely: "As expected of Mr. Jiu from the Tomb of Floating Life, he has some skills."

Gu Hengsheng looked indifferent and refused to answer.

"I will challenge again after my true fire cultivation reaches perfection."

With a roll of Yin Chen's right hand, his whole body turned into a raging fire, and he headed into the distance, leaving only this sentence behind.

You have created a not-so-simple enemy!
Gu Hengsheng glanced at the direction Yin Chen was leaving with a trace of dignity.

If it weren't for Gu Hengsheng's cultivation level being stronger than Yin Chen's, maybe it's not certain who will win this battle.

However, when we meet next time, Gu Hengsheng will definitely be stronger than now, and he will never let those who lost to him catch up with him again.

The strong men in all directions were stunned for a long time before they looked at each other and said, "The little holy son of the Fire God Temple has lost."

"Mr. Jiu, in the future, he will definitely stand at the pinnacle of the world and become an existence not weaker than Xiaoyao Sword Immortal."

As for premature death, it is almost impossible.

With an unrivaled powerhouse from the Fusheng Tomb protecting the way, the older generation dare not have the slightest thought of strangling Gu Hengsheng.

As for the younger generation, there may be people who can defeat Gu Hengsheng.However, in the same realm, is there really someone who has a monster that can kill Gu Hengsheng?
Gu Hengsheng once again refreshed everyone's perception of him.

Although everyone knew that the Emperor Sutra and Daobao medicine promised by Emperor Hongyu were difficult to obtain, they did not expect it to be so difficult.

Originally thought that Gu Hengsheng and the little holy son of the Fire God Temple could at least draw a tie, but he never thought that after a hundred tricks, he would be defeated and leave, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

Da da da……

Gu Hengsheng ignored everyone, then continued to walk forward without caring.

Seeing this, everyone really wanted to stop Gu Hengsheng, but they didn't have the courage.

Among the people present, there may be people who can compete with the little saint son of the Fire God Temple, but there is absolutely no Tianjiao who is better than the little saint son Yin Chen.Therefore, the younger generation present did not dare to step forward, lest they become a stepping stone to Gu Hengsheng's reputation.

There are digital powers here, but they can only stand silently in the distance.

The older generation can't do it, otherwise, no one will be able to bear the consequences.

In the eyes of the world, Gu Hengsheng is now a peerless opportunity to walk in the world. I don't know how many people want to take a bite of it.No matter whether you can gnaw or not, you have to gnaw first before talking.

"Mr. Jiu is traveling all the way south and will soon arrive at Wangshanpo!"

The powerhouses in the polar regions passed on Gu Hengsheng's movements through the sound transmission stone.

In an instant, many people rushed towards Wangshanpo, and Tianjiao gathered.

(End of this chapter)

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