The sword rises

Chapter 705 Home!The land of Zhang Guo!

Chapter 705 Go home!Back to the Land of Hundred Kingdoms!

Chapter [-] Go home!Back to the Land of Hundred Kingdoms!

Because of a pot of 5000-year-old spiritual wine, the seventh senior brother hated Emperor Nangong for 2000 years, wishing to beat him up violently.

Seventh senior brother doesn't even care if he loses his position as emperor, but he attaches so much importance to a pot of spiritual wine.

Hmm... Gu Hengsheng found out that his brain circuit couldn't keep up with Brother Seven, and he was stunned.

Brother Seven, aren't you superficial?

It's just a pot of spiritual wine!

You can think about Emperor Nangong for more than 2000 years, and you can't wait to encourage Gu Hengsheng to beat Emperor Nangong in the future.

Suddenly, Gu Hengsheng discovered the mount of the fourth senior brother Wen Muxuan, which was Senior Brother Bai. It was a miracle that he could live to this day!

"Senior Brother Seven, let's not talk about this anymore, let's go!"

The corners of Gu Hengsheng's mouth twitched secretly, not to talk too much on this topic, lest Brother Seven would get angrier by talking more.

"Little brother, how about it, do you want to agree with this decision of senior brother? As long as you nod your head, senior brother will immediately suppress the Great Buddha Sect. Even if other old Buddhist masters of Lei Yao Buddhist Sect came to the world together, senior brother will definitely let you go!" The Great Buddha Sect has paid a heavy price."

Brother Seven put his left hand lightly on Gu's shoulder, luring Gu Hengsheng to agree to this matter.

"No, this matter is the karma of the ancient You Palace, which is also my karma, so I don't bother senior brother to come out. In the future, I will solve it myself, so that I can be enlightened."

Gu Hengsheng directly refused, shaking his head without any hesitation.

On one side is the Great Buddha Sect, and on the other is an Unrivaled Emperor.

In these two situations, Gu Hengsheng would be stupid to choose the second one.

"How timid." Seventh senior brother broke Gu Hengsheng's words, and walked ahead without bothering to pay attention.

Senior Brother Seven was standing and talking without pain in his back, so Gu Hengsheng could only shake his head helplessly.

Now Gu Hengsheng is only at the second stage of the Great Dao. If he utters bold words to beat Nangong Great, the consequences will probably shock the whole world.

Gu Hengsheng gradually calmed down the restlessness in his heart, and glanced back in the direction of the Great Buddha Sect, with a flash of sharpness in his eyes.

In fact, even if the seventh senior brother intended to settle the cause and effect for Gu Hengsheng without asking, Gu Hengsheng would not agree.

The Great Buddha Sect had bloodbathed the ancient You Palace back then, so Gu Hengsheng had to bloodwash it back with his own hands.

Only in this way can Gu Hengsheng feel better in his heart without leaving any regrets.

Thus, Gu Hengsheng and Seventh Senior Brother headed towards Fusheng Mountain without stopping at other places.

Not long after, there was a shocking news from the Great Buddhist Sect: "The Great Buddha Sect surprised a great monster, and was accepted as a personal disciple by an old Buddha Master of the Leiyao Buddhist Sect."

"It is rumored that the monster of the Great Buddha Sect is a relic who has attained the Tao, is proficient in various Buddhist scriptures and Taoism, and has amazing talents."

"The old Buddha Lord of Leiyao Buddhist Sect is not simple! He walked in the world more than 5000 years ago, and he is invincible in the world."

"Now the relationship between the Great Buddha Sect and the Lei Yao Buddhist Sect is getting closer, and this day seems to be changing."

With the arrival of the bright era, many evildoers of the great world were born, which caused a sensation in all directions.

On Fusheng Mountain, after Gu Hengsheng heard the news, he finally understood why an old Buddha Master of Lei Yao Buddhist Sect came to Great Buddha Sect.

No matter what, Gu Hengsheng will not change his obsession with the Great Buddha Sect.

One day, Gu Hengsheng will go there with his sword in hand to suppress the Buddhist sect.

After returning to the master's gate, Gu Hengsheng went to visit his senior brothers and sisters, and told himself that he would leave Zhongzhou for a while and planned to go home to have a look.

Where to go home!
Before I knew it, it had been about ten years since Gu Hengsheng left the Land of Hundred Kingdoms.

What a whole ten years!I don't know what has become of the Land of Hundred Kingdoms, whether the old man and the others are alright.

"Go! Remember to come back early, there is not much time left for you."

The third senior brother Zhuge Haokong agreed to let Gu Hengsheng go back and instructed him earnestly.

"Yes, third senior brother, I understand." Gu Hengsheng nodded in response.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng embarked on a journey, left Fusheng Mountain, and rushed straight to Guyou Palace.

In the ancient You Palace, there was a lot of voices, all of them were discussing about the upcoming opening of the Emperor's Road.

When Gu Hengsheng came to Guyou Palace, he was immediately surrounded by the disciples of Guyou Palace. Countless people stared at Gu Hengsheng with stars in their eyes, and shouted: "Young master is here! Hello, young master!"

"Mr. Jiu, please come in."

The elders of Guyou Palace did not dare to be as impetuous as the disciples, and welcomed Gu Hengsheng in respectfully.

When Gu Hengsheng stepped into the main hall of Guyou Palace, he saw Li Qiurou in a formal dress, and he stepped forward to caress her hair and cheeks with tenderness like water.

Seeing Gu Hengsheng's actions in front of everyone, Li Qiurou couldn't help but blushed slightly, charmingly.

"Young master and palace master are so happy!"

Some disciples outside the main hall murmured enviously.

The elders arranged a seat for Gu Hengsheng and poured a cup of spirit tea.

Now Gu Hengsheng's reputation can be said to be resounding all over the sky. He suppressed the younger generation in many holy places by himself, just to avenge the ancient You Palace, which shocked the world.

From the elders of the Guyou Palace to the disciples who have just started, they are all full of lofty respect for Gu Hengsheng, and they couldn't be more satisfied with Gu Hengsheng's status as a son-in-law.

"Rou'er, I think we should go back and have a look, what do you think?"

After dismissing all the elders and disciples from Guyou Palace, Gu Hengsheng gently embraced Li Qiurou and whispered.

"Okay, I also want to go back to the Land of the Hundred Kingdoms." Li Qiurou nodded lightly.

"Tomorrow morning, let's set off!"

Gu Hengsheng kissed Li Qiurou lightly, and said softly.

"Okay, everything is up to you." Li Qiurou murmured with a pink face.

"Really?" The corners of Gu Hengsheng's mouth curled up.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.


The next day, Li Qiurou arranged all the trivial matters in Guyou Palace, and then stepped out of the gate with Gu Hengsheng.

At the beginning, many elders strongly opposed it, worrying that Li Qiurou would be attacked by unruly people after going out.However, under Li Qiurou's insistence on going his own way, the elders could only nod their heads in agreement.

Along the way, Gu Hengsheng took Li Qiurou's plain hand and found a teleportation array that could lead to Beizhou.

Originally, when Guyou Palace was at its peak, there were plenty of teleportation arrays.It's just that after the war a few years ago, they were all damaged one by one, and they couldn't stand the toss.

After a while, the figures of Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou appeared in Beizhou.

Beizhou, deep.

"The front should be Jiuyou Jianzong."

Gu Hengsheng glanced into the distance, and then recognized the way he came here: "Let's go to Shenfu Palace for a walk!"

Gu Hengsheng held Li Qiurou's jade hand tightly, exchanged a glance with her, and then flew towards the direction of Shen's palace.

(End of this chapter)

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