The sword rises

Chapter 706 Re-chapter Shenfu Palace

Chapter 706 Returning to the Shen Palace

Chapter [-] Returning to Shen Palace

Shenfu Palace, where Gu Hengsheng stayed for a while back then.

At that time, Gu Hengsheng inexplicably became the eldest disciple of the younger generation of Shenfu Palace, causing a commotion in the palace.

Fortunately, Gu Hengsheng was able to withstand the pressure and accepted all the challenges of the younger generation of disciples.

Now that he was back in Beizhou, Gu Hengsheng certainly couldn't forget Shen's Palace, nor could he forget Liu Gu's affection for him.

Aunt Liu is the Mistress of Shen's Palace, she was the one who tried her best to make Gu Hengsheng a disciple of Shen's Palace, she was extremely tolerant and magnanimous towards Gu Hengsheng.

At that time, Gu Hengsheng didn't even know that he was from the Fusheng Tomb, so he joined Shen's Palace.

Looking back now, Gu Hengsheng didn't regret it at all, he just felt a little bit emotional.

"You came out of Shen's Palace that year?"

Li Qiurou learned about Shen's Palace from Gu Hengsheng's mouth.

"Well, since I agreed to become a disciple of Shen's Palace at the beginning, now that I'm back in Beizhou, of course I have to go and have a look."

Gu Hengsheng took Li Qiurou's hand and stepped on the void, getting closer and closer to Shen's Palace.

"Since you have been kind to you, of course you must not forget it."

If it weren't for the environment and cultivation resources given by Shen's Palace, Gu Hengsheng's cultivation base might not be consolidated and made a breakthrough, which would very likely slow down Gu Hengsheng's journey to Zhongzhou, and the consequences would be disastrous.

Therefore, Shen Fugong's move to help Gu Hengsheng practice with all his strength is undoubtedly to allow Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou to see each other safely at a critical moment.

Although Beizhou is not as lively as Zhongzhou, there have been many arrogance and great events.

It is rumored that there is a sword cultivator who is extremely powerful, and the younger generation in Beizhou has almost no opponents, which is very terrifying.According to rumors, Jianxiu is a disciple of a small sword sect in the border area of ​​Beizhou, named Dugushang.

Along the way, Gu Hengsheng had heard a lot of rumors about Dugu Shang, and couldn't help feeling a little nostalgic in his heart, hoping to drink and laugh with Dugu Shang again.

Shen Fu Palace, practiced as usual, they are not qualified to participate in the Great World War, they can only be a bystander.

However, being a bystander also requires a certain amount of strength, otherwise you won't even have the power to protect yourself.

"In a few years, the emperor's road will rise, and the real great world will come!"

In Shen's palace, someone sighed.

"Since that person left, Liushuijian has become vacant again, and I'm afraid no one will be able to live in it in the future!"

Some disciples glanced at the direction of Liushuijian. It was his practice place back then, and it was also the place where he crushed his fellow disciples all by himself.

"Didn't the palace lord say that senior brother is the arrogance secretly cultivated by our Shen Palace? Why did senior senior brother suddenly become that high-ranking Mr. Jiu?"

Back then, in order to protect Gu Hengsheng, the head of the Shen Palace, Liu Yiran, declared that Gu Hengsheng was a talent secretly cultivated by the Shen Palace.

It's a pity that no one expected such a shocking thing to happen, it is really frightening and shocking.

He stepped out of the peerless reserve of the Heaven-Hatening Sword Immortal, held the Ever-Hateful Emperor Sword in his hand, stepped into Zhongzhou, beheaded dozens of great powers and one immortal, and became famous all over the world.

This is not the most exaggerated.

His identity is the most terrifying and unbelievable.

Mr. Nine of the Floating Tomb!
His senior brothers and sisters are the Xiaoyao Sword Immortal who once fought against Nangong Emperor, the Medicine Immortal who used the heaven and the earth as his oven, and the first female emperor who proved Taoism 5 years ago, and so on.

From an unknown person, he instantly became an existence that countless people need to look up to.

Mr. Jiu's three words are too heavy, and countless people can't breathe.

"Eldest senior brother has a distinguished status now, even the holy land of Zhongzhou has to respectfully call Mr. Jiu, it's really enviable!"

"I heard that he made a big deal in Zhongzhou. One person and one sword wiped out the younger generation in many holy places. He is unparalleled."

"Perhaps Eldest Senior Brother has already forgotten about our Shen Palace! Sigh!"

Many Shenfu Palace disciples were discussing in low voices. It was hard for them to imagine that Gu Hengsheng, who was only in the Sky Profound Realm back then, had already walked ahead of countless people.

In the depths of Shen's Palace, Palace Mistress Liu still discussed matters in the palace with a group of elders, and they planned to let some of the younger generation go out for training.

It's just that there are too many arrogance and evildoers in this era, and the disciples of Shen's Palace are at most in the middle and bottom, and they can't make any waves.

Some elders choose to practice behind closed doors and do not appear in the world.Some elders want to keep up with the pace of the great world, hoping to let the younger generation go out to see the world.

Therefore, everyone caused a dispute and began to discuss.

In a trance, Liu Yiran, the head of the Shen residence, remembered that person back then, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Back then, the third disciple Su Ningyi brought back a person casually. He thought that he was extremely talented, comparable to a monster, so he was made the first disciple of Shen's palace.

Who knew that Gu Hengsheng's origins were so terrifying, and now he is even more famous in the heavens. Who doesn't know Mr. Nine?
"I, Shen Palace, cannot keep such an evildoer. However, to see him standing on top of the world in the future, this life is enough."

The head of the Shen residence, Liu Yiran, whispered in his heart.

In the main hall of Shen's Palace, there was constant chatter.

Suddenly, a disciple rushed in in a hurry, and there was no time to report.

"Frizzled, how decent!"

An elder immediately scolded the disciple.

If it had been the past, this disciple would have knelt on the ground trembling, but now he obviously forgot about it, and raised his voice nervously and eagerly: "Palace Master, elders, big... big brother is back!"

"What nonsense, where is there such a senior brother." The younger generation of Shen's palace has always only had senior sisters, and an elder asked with a dark face.

"Wait! Senior brother?" Someone thought of something, and his face changed drastically: "It seems that the younger generation of our Shen Palace really has a senior senior brother, can't it be him?"

Liu Yiran, the Palace Mistress of the Shen Mansion, immediately stood up from the exquisite jade chair, with endless ripples in his eyes: "Could it be... that little guy from back then?"

There was indeed a senior brother in the younger generation, but he left soon. Some elders only heard about it, but never saw it.

"Palace Master, it is the eldest brother who went to Zhongzhou a few years ago. He has returned and is staying outside the door at this moment."

The reporting disciple's throat was rolling, trying to keep himself calm, and said loudly.

Now, everyone present knew who the senior brother this disciple was talking about, and they all jumped up from their chairs, with expressions of horror on their faces.

"Floating Tomb, Mister Nine!"

A white-haired elder burst out, choking for breath.

Mr. Jiu has come to our Shenfu Palace!This is a shocking event!
Without saying a word, Liu Yiran, the Palace Master of the Shen Mansion, turned into a wisp of green smoke and rushed towards the gate.And all the elders were startled for a moment, and they all hurriedly followed behind.

(End of this chapter)

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