The sword rises

Chapter 724 Brat, you still know Zhang Lai

Chapter 724 Brat, you still know to come back
Chapter 720 Brat, you still know to come back
Gu Hengsheng, Marquis of Tianyu, has returned home.

For a time, Kyoto was shaken, and all civil and military officials were shocked.

The current Emperor Mo Yushu, who was originally the eldest prince of the Tianfeng Kingdom, immediately put aside the court proceedings and walked down the high platform of the hall with great strides, with an awed and excited look on his face: "After ten years of dazzling, Tian Yuhou has finally returned. gone."

Ten years ago, the emperor of Tianfeng Kingdom was Mo Xiuyang, but as he got older, Mo Xiuyang could no longer handle so many trivial matters, so he simply passed the throne to the eldest prince Mo Yushu.

And the previous emperor, Mo Xiuyang, was free every day, and from time to time, he would drink and play chess with his brothers who fought together on the battlefield together. The days were extremely pleasant.

"Respect... Your Excellency, he is back."

Gu Hengsheng is not only the Marquis of Tianyu in the Tianfeng Kingdom, but also the famous venerable in all countries.Among the civil and military officials, many people have experienced the scenes ten years ago. Whenever they think of Gu Hengsheng, their hearts will be filled with reverence and fear.

"My brat is back, no, I have to go back and have a look right away."

Gu Youmo, the Grand Marshal of the Zhenguo at the time, could not stand still, and wished he could fly back home immediately.

However, Gu Youmo knew his identity very well, and immediately cupped his fists to the Emperor Mo Yushu and said, "Your Majesty, please leave the court for the time being."

"Yes." Junhuang Mo Yushu shook his head and nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Youmo, Marshal of Zhen Guo, left the palace hall directly in front of all the officials, and rushed towards the Gu family.

After Gu Youmo left for a long time, Junhuang Mo Yushu let out a deep breath and broke free from the shock.

"Today's matter, let's discuss it tomorrow!"

The return of Marquis Tianyu will definitely cause a great uproar, and the civil and military officials will not even have the time to talk about the government.

The eldest prince of the past, and now the emperor, Mo Yushu has witnessed Gu Hengsheng's rise with his own eyes, and the germ of awe in his heart has already grown into a towering tree.

At that time, Gu Heng was born in the Battle of Yanxing Pass and became famous all over the world.Mo Yushu tried to court him before, but he was rejected by Gu Hengsheng.

For this, Mo Yushu still complained in his heart back then.

However, Gu Hengsheng then fought in Nanyuan Kingdom, the Northern Expedition, and Tianxu.Gu Hengsheng has grown from an unknown person to an existence that all living beings in a hundred countries need to look up to.

The trace of dissatisfaction in Mo Yushu's heart back then has long since dissipated, and all that remains is deep awe and admiration.

With the power of one person, the situation of a hundred countries was reversed, and the reputation was revered, shaking all directions.

It was because of Gu Hengsheng back then that Tianfeng Nation had the detached status it has today, and no one dared to insult it.

"Ten years have passed, how strong has he become?"

This question not only reverberated in Emperor Mo Yushu's mind, but also made all civil and military officials stumble.


Kyoto, the Gu family.

Surrounded by countless people, Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou stepped into the gate of the Gu family.

Deep in the Gu family, Gu Cang, the old man of Gu, heard the movement outside the door, and vaguely heard the words "Young master is back". He put down all the chores in his hands, rushed to the front yard quickly, and looked at the gate. .

Seeing the two figures approaching from the door, Mr. Gu's eyes instantly turned red and foggy.

One person, wearing a white gown, with a blood-colored long sword slung around his waist, has long hair fluttering like a prince in the world.

One person, wearing a white dragging long skirt, with a willow waist, and three thousand black hairs hanging down her waist like a waterfall, like a picture.

Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou looked at the much older Mr. Gu in front of them, their hearts ached, their steps stopped, and they looked at each other from a distance.

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment, and there was an unusual silence.

"Old man, I brought Rou'er back."

Gu Hengsheng gently lifted the white shirt to one side with his left hand, his knees softened, he knelt down, and said with a sob.


Li Qiurou bent her waist, knelt down on the ground together with Gu Hengsheng, looked up at the old man in front of her, and called out from the bottom of her heart.

Yi Bo and other servants in the mansion couldn't help but clenched their lips and throats.

Mr. Gu staggered to the front of Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou, with tears streaming down his face, he said hoarsely: "It's good to be back, it's good to be back..."

The old man stretched out his hand to help Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou up, his wrinkled face was full of excitement and surprise, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was mixed with two lines of tears, looking extremely kind.

At this time, a woman came out from the courtyard of Gu's family, and she also led a little girl who looked like a porcelain doll.

Gu Hengsheng immediately turned his head and looked at the woman who came out, his heart warmed, and he bowed and called with reddish eyes: "Auntie."

"Auntie." Li Qiurou followed Gu Hengsheng and whispered to the woman.

The woman is the second uncle Gu Youmo's wife, the princess of Tianfeng Kingdom, Mo Miaoling.

"Two silly kids, finally found their way home."

Mo Miaoling's red lips trembled slightly, and she laughed with a choked voice.

The little girl led by Mo Miaoling muttered and kept looking at Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou, wondering who were these two in front of her?Why did grandpa and mother cry?
"Is she... Xiao Qingyan?" Li Qiurou looked at the pink little girl, and immediately recognized the baby who still needed to be babbling in her arms.

"Mother, who is this fairy sister?"

The little girl looked up at Mo Miaoling beside her, and asked in a childish voice.

Mo Miaoling hugged the little girl in her arms, and said with a smile: "She is your sister-in-law, that person is your brother."

"Oh! They are the brothers and sisters-in-law that grandpa often talks about!"

The little girl's name is Gu Qingyan, and she is over ten years old this year. Listening to her mother's explanation, she suddenly realized.

This warm and picturesque appearance melted the hearts of both Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou. The two embraced gently and looked at the old man and the others with warm smiles on their lips.

"Old Yi, immediately send someone to invite in-laws over, and tell them that Rou'er and Hang Seng are back, let them hurry up!"

Mr. Gu immediately came back to his senses, and gave orders to Yi Bo.

"Master, don't worry, I've sent someone there, the old man of the Li family must be on his way now." Yi Bo, who was waiting quietly at the side, responded.

"Okay, that's good." Mr. Gu smiled happily, staring at Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou with a pair of cloudy eyes, extremely pleased.

Ten years!
It has been a full ten years since they left, and the old man's expectation at the beginning has turned into worry, fearing that they will encounter some danger in the outside world.

After leaving for so many years without hearing from him, the old man and the Gu family were extremely worried, but they didn't dare to think too much about it.

Now that Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou finally came back, the boulder hanging in everyone's heart was slowly put down, leaving only excitement and joy.

"Brat, you fucking know how to come back!"

Suddenly, a roar came from a distance, making the entire Gu family and even the capital tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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