The sword rises

Chapter 725

Chapter 725
Chapter 720 The Five Nations Are Alarmed
After Gu Youmo left the palace, he used his whole body's profound energy to rush back.

When he saw Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou in the front yard, he was very excited.However, in order to hide his feelings, he cursed: "It's been so many years, you kid still knows where to come back!"

"Second uncle."

Gu Hengsheng raised his head and looked at Gu Youmo's figure falling from the void, with warmth all over his body, he called softly.

"Second Uncle." Li Qiurou also followed Gu Hengsheng in a soft voice.

Gu Youmo just landed in the yard, before he walked in front of Gu Hengsheng, Mo Miaoling glared at him and said angrily, "If you scare Hang Sheng and Qiu Rou, let's see how I deal with you."

In an instant, Gu Youmo's majestic look, which he had made so hard, drooped down, tense helplessly.

The sky is big and the earth is big, Gu Youmo is not afraid even in the face of millions of soldiers, but he loves his wife very much and dare not refute.

"This brat has been away for ten years, and we have been in fear all day long. We have to scold him a few times to make him remember."

Gu Youmo turned to look at Mo Miaoling, gave Gu Hengsheng a hard look, and shouted pretending to be dissatisfied.

However, Gu Youmo's red eyes couldn't be concealed, only the tears did not fall.

After worrying for ten years, they finally came back. Even the iron-blooded Gu Youmo couldn't help but have a sore throat.

"Old man, second uncle, aunt, Yi Bo, it's my child's fault that you have been worried for so many years."

Gu Hengsheng bowed again, and finally returned to the warm home of the past.

Gu Hengsheng's tense mind never dared to let go of the battle in the great world.

Only here can Gu Hengsheng be able to cast off the shackles all over his body and let go of himself.

"Stinky boy..."

The old man, second uncle Gu Youmo and others laughed and cursed with tears rolling down their faces.

Not long after, everyone from the Li family arrived one after another. When they heard that Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou had returned, they jumped up and down anxiously, and came to the Gu family in a hurry.

"Mr. Li." Gu Hengsheng bowed respectfully to Mr. Li's family, who is Li Qiurou's grandfather in this life.

As well as Li Qiurou's father and others, Gu Hengsheng went to see the ceremony one by one.

Although Li Qiurou recovered the memory of her previous life and broke the shackles of heaven, she still did not forget that she was a member of the Li family, and she went to pay her respects like a lady.

"They're all back. They've been away for so many years, and they're finally back."

Everyone in the Li family was very happy, and kept wiping away the tears that flowed from the corners of their eyes.

"Have a banquet! If you don't get drunk today, you won't return!"

Today is the happiest day for Mr. Gu in ten years. He raised his hand and his voice was like thunder.

Today, a wedding banquet is unavoidable.

All the servants of the Gu family started to move wildly, preparing the banquet with smiles on their faces.


The news of the return of the Gu family, Gu Hengsheng, and the Li family, Li Qiurou, swept through the land of a hundred countries with the strong wind, and shocked all forces.

In just three days, every corner of the land of a hundred countries knew that the old master had returned.

Mo Yushu, the current emperor of Tianfeng Kingdom, visited Gu's family in person, without showing any royal majesty, talked to Gu Hengsheng with great respect, and then left Gu's family.

Civil and military officials came to Gu's house with heavy gifts to congratulate Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou on their return.

In the past few days, the Gu family has poured in a lot of guests, and all kinds of precious gifts from the secular world have filled the Gu family's courtyard, which is very lively.

Although the Gu family is a family of the Zhenguo in the Tianfeng Kingdom, and Gu Youmo is the Grand Marshal of the Zhenguo, but they can't shake the officials so much.

But this time, everyone from first-rank officials to ordinary people was eager to see Gu Hengsheng.

Because, ten years ago, Gu Hengsheng was already invincible in a hundred countries and changed the situation of a hundred countries.

Ten years have passed in a hurry now, and no one knows where Gu Hengsheng has come, so how dare he be disrespectful?
"Back then, His Excellency was already a strong man in the Profound Sky Realm. Has he already reached the peak of the Profound Sky Realm?"

"In the battle of Tianxu, His Majesty swung his sword out of the Wanli Sword Market. Even though the order of the Hundred Kingdoms is now bordering on the great world, full of aura, there is still a sword mark on the top of the cloud."

"Ten years ago, Your Majesty went to the Great Northern State. With your talent, you must have made a name for yourself in Beizhou!"

Countless people from all over the world started talking about it, which shocked the whole world.

The major dynasties were shocked when they learned that the old venerable had returned, and they all planned to prepare a grand ceremony and send envoys to the Tianfeng Kingdom to congratulate the lord.

Now the only high-ranking dynasty in a hundred countries, Yu Chu, is more lively than other dynasties.

At the beginning, Gu Hengsheng was exiled in You Chu State, which was on the verge of extinction. He single-handedly pulled You Chu State back from the abyss of death, and made Yu Menghua the emperor, becoming the first empress of a hundred countries.

Under the leadership of Empress Yu Menghua, You Chu Kingdom developed extremely rapidly, and its territory covered half of the hundred countries.It won't take long for Yu Menghua to completely unify the Hundred Kingdoms.

And the leader who caused all this was Gu Hengsheng.

It was Gu Hengsheng who gave You Chuguo hope and made Yu Menghua the queen with all his efforts.

Tour Chu, the palace hall.

There was a woman wearing a golden dragon robe, sitting high on a dragon chair, extraordinarily noble and elegant.She is the current Emperor of You Chu, Yu Menghua.

"Sir, I'm back..."

This morning when the court was discussing matters, a soldier broke into the main hall and reported to Yu Menghua about Gu Hengsheng's return, making her heart hard to calm down for a long time.

More than ten years ago, a woman played a piano and said to a man: I want to prove to the world that women can also rule the country and the world!
The woman was helpless, and from the first moment she saw Gu Hengsheng, she knew that this might be her only hope.She is not afraid of being ridiculed, not afraid of being ruthlessly ridiculed, and resolutely expresses her thoughts.

After the man heard this, he didn't sneer, but instead replied solemnly: Since you have this heart, it doesn't matter if I help you rule the world.

Afterwards, the man fulfilled his promise, fighting against the disobedient people in the world with his own power, and helped the woman ascend to the throne of emperor.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed, and the woman has grown into the most noble queen in a hundred countries, loved and admired by hundreds of millions of living beings.

The woman swallowed thousands of miles, not for the illusory honor and the admiration of the living beings, but just hoping not to disappoint anyone, that's all.

"Sir..." Yu Menghua sat on the dragon chair, slowly got up, looked down at all the civil and military officials, and said in an unquestionable tone: "I want to go to Tianfeng Kingdom in person to visit sir."

Although the officials were worried that Yumenghua would be in danger on the way, they felt the majestic aura of Yumenghua, and they dared not speak out, trembling.

(End of this chapter)

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