The sword rises

Chapter 727 Yu Menghua, laughed

Chapter 727 Yu Menghua, laughed
Chapter 720 Yu Menghua, laughed
The emperor of You Chu Kingdom came with the wind and went to Tianfeng Kingdom in person, which made the whole capital nervous.

People in the world only say that the emperor of You Chu State is so clever that he overwhelms all nations, but no one knows how strong she is.

It's just that there was a news that a martial artist from the Profound Sky Realm had lurked in the capital of You Chu State, intending to assassinate the Queen, but unfortunately he failed to hurt the Queen at all.

The empress's personal visit aroused all the officials of the Tianfeng Kingdom, and they rushed to the gate of the capital one after another.Even the emperor Mo Yushu stepped out of the palace and greeted him with great gifts.

"Welcome to the Queen!"

A long dragon spread from the gate of the capital to the imperial palace, headed by the emperor Mo Yushu and other officials, and the rest were soldiers guarding the imperial capital.

"Retire! Gu is here to pay homage to His Majesty."

Empress Yu Menghua didn't wear a dragon robe today, but changed into a light blue noble brocade dress. With a light wave of her bare hand, she dismissed all the civil and military officials of Tianfeng Kingdom.

Under the order of Empress Yu Menghua, even Mo Yushu had to back away and dare not disobey.

Because, the empress is the most honorable person in the hundred kingdoms today, even more popular than Gu Hengsheng and the sword master Dugu Shang back then.

All the officials backed away one after another, giving way to a road leading directly from the gate of the capital to Gu's family.

The common people can only stand at the ends of both sides of the street, watching the respected queen from a distance, and they are astonished.

Yu Menghua stepped into the capital of Tianfeng Kingdom with only a few bodyguards, and walked towards Gu's residence step by step.

Sir, here I come.

I did it.

I really stood on the top of countless people, ruled the world, and overlooked hundreds of millions of living beings.

In at most ten years, I will be able to unify a hundred countries and become the only emperor of a hundred countries.

But why do I feel farther and farther away from you.

Every time Yu Menghua took a step, her heart would tremble inexplicably, and the scene of traveling with Gu Hengsheng in Chu State in the past years appeared in front of her eyes.

Gu's mansion, Mr. Gu and others had already stood at the gate, waiting for the queen's arrival.

And Li Qiurou just left a word, then left Gu's house and returned to Li's house.

"No matter what decision you make, I will support you, as long as you have me in your heart."

Li Qiurou said this to Gu Hengsheng, and the beautiful figure disappeared gracefully.She knows that her husband is very good, and she will definitely have some confidante. She doesn't expect her husband to only love her in his life, but just hopes that he will not abandon herself.

Therefore, in order to avoid embarrassment, Li Qiurou temporarily returned to the Li family.

"Silly girl."

Regarding this, Gu Hengsheng just murmured in his heart.

In any case, Gu Hengsheng will not let go of other people in his heart, Rou'er alone is enough.

Gu Fu, Mr. Gu and others stood at the gate very solemnly. Gu Hengsheng may not care about the only queen in the world, but they cannot ignore it.

Because, Mr. Gu and others have witnessed the rise of the Queen with their own eyes, and they know how terrifying the Queen of Chu Kingdom is.

In retrospect, it took only ten years for Queen Youchu to grow to where she is today, which is unbelievable like a fantasy.

dong... dong... dong...

The iron-blooded army went from the gate of the capital to the gate of Gu's mansion. Whenever Yu Menghua passed these soldiers, they put away the spears in their hands and smashed the handles of the guns to the ground to show their respect to the world.

She was wearing a light blue dragging long dress, with three thousand blue silks hovering above her head with a silver jade hairpin, and her red lips were like peach blossoms in June, exuding nobility in her charm.

"See the Empress!"

Old Master Gu, Gu Youmo and others bowed and saluted one after another, shouting loudly.

Yu Menghua nodded lightly, then looked at the gate of the Gu Mansion, her delicate body paused calmly.

Ten years!Sir, how are you now?
Yu Menghua hesitated, she didn't know how she should face Gu Hengsheng.

In the eyes of people from all over the world, she is a ruthless queen and an extremely noble existence.

However, she still hasn't forgotten who gave her hope when she was at her worst, and made herself ascend to the throne step by step.

"Sir, Menghua asks to see you."

Yu Menghua didn't pay attention to Mr. Gu and the others, and didn't look at the emperor Mo Yushu and other officials on the side. Instead, she bowed gracefully to the depths of Gu's mansion, and lingering words came from her red lips.

Seeing this, everyone was silent, the world was silent, and time seemed to freeze.

After a long time, someone sighed, and came from the depths of the Gu mansion: "Come in!"

This voice was still so familiar, it had awakened Yu Menghua from her sleep in countless nights.


Yu Menghua's heart trembled, her throat tightened, and tears filled her eyes instantly.

In that year, when hundreds of nations conquered Chu, he once said: "Since you have chosen this path, the difficulties you will face will be unprecedented. The arrival of millions of troops today is just the cornerstone for you to climb to the top of a hundred nations. Facing it with the attitude of Ling Jue, you must have the determination to sweep the world."

That day, he stood alone in front of a million people: "If you really feel sorry for me, then go climbing! Let me see the day when you suppress the ages and sweep the kingdoms. At that time, I will definitely regard you Proud."

Sir, for ten years, I have never had a single day off. I only hope to stand on top of a hundred nations and be closer to you.

But, why do I feel that I am getting farther and farther away from you, and I can't even see your back.

Yu Menghua closed her eyes, letting her heart gradually calm down, and the mist of tears in the red eyes disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Then, Yu Menghua dragged a long skirt and walked into the gate of the Gu residence.

As for Mr. Gu, the Emperor Mo Yushu and others, they waited quietly at the gate, motionless.

The current empress is a legend in a hundred countries. Her figure is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and cannot be disobeyed.

Yu Menghua walked into the front yard of the Gu family, and at a glance saw an arched green path leading directly to the deep courtyard.

With deep and complicated emotions, Yu Menghua walked up the green path, came to the deep courtyard of Gu's mansion, and saw Gu Hengsheng in the center of the courtyard.

Under a century-old willow tree, there was a stone table. Gu Hengsheng sat beside the stone table, elegant and elegant.

"First... sir, how have you been all these years?"

Yu Menghua's eyes fell on Gu Hengsheng who was wearing a white shirt, and she couldn't look away anymore.

After ten years of journey and fighting, Yu Menghua was just waiting for this moment, and it was worth it.

"I'm fine." Gu Hengsheng looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, memories flooded into his heart, and he was very emotional: "It's been ten years, and you have grown a lot compared to before."

Hearing this, Yu Menghua smiled.

Even if You Chu's territory expanded dozens of times, and its national strength reached its peak, it could not compare to a word of praise from Mr. Chu.

(End of this chapter)

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