The sword rises

Chapter 728 Sir, the tea is cold

Chapter 728 Sir, the tea is cold
Chapter 720 Sir, the tea is cold
Overthrowing the world, and ruling a hundred countries in this chaotic world, she just hopes to be recognized by one person.

"Sir, let me make you a pot of tea!"

Yu Menghua walked slowly to Gu Hengsheng's side, looked at Gu Hengsheng's profile, how she wished that time could stay at this moment forever.

"it is good."

Gu Hengsheng did not refuse, but nodded.

Yu Menghua stretched out a pair of jade hands that were as white as creamy fat, and slowly put them on the teapot on the stone table, carefully making a new pot of fragrant tea for Gu Hengsheng.

Looking back at those years, Yu Menghua was just like a maid, quietly accompanying Gu Hengsheng.

The days at that time were very difficult, You Chu had domestic and foreign troubles, and murderous intentions were everywhere, but it was the memory that Yu Menghua couldn't let go of the most.In the dead of night, after she finished dealing with the government affairs of the day, she thought about the young man in white in her memory and gradually fell asleep.

If the people waiting at the door of Gu's mansion saw this scene, they would be stunned.

The Empress You Chu, who is admired by the world, has fierce means, points out the country, and leveled the dynasties, so that the entire hundred countries are in a stable state, and she looks down on all directions.

However, a generation of empresses is making tea for Gu Hengsheng like a maid at this time, without the arrogance of swearing at Fang Qiu in the past, only the respect from the heart and the affection hidden in the depths.

"Tea, very good." Gu Hengsheng took a sip of the fragrant tea and praised.

Yu Menghua's vermilion lips grinned lightly, her smile made all the budding flowers in the courtyard lose their color.

"Sir, do you want to leave?"

When Yu Menghua uttered these words, the plain hand that rested lightly on the willow's waist couldn't help but tense, tense and heavy.

"Well, I will leave Baiguo soon." Gu Hengsheng replied after pondering for a while.

" soon will you be back, sir?"

Yu Menghua bit her red lips lightly with her white teeth, stared at Gu Hengsheng's face with her watery eyes, and asked softly.

Gu Hengsheng looked up into the distance, shook his head and said, "I don't know, maybe it will take a long time!"

The emperor's road will open, and the world will be in chaos.Gu Hengsheng is destined to embark on the avenue of competition, to compete with the evildoers in this world, and to see the real brilliance of the world.

Perhaps, the next time Gu Hengsheng came back, it would take a long time, so long that even Gu Hengsheng himself could not predict it.

"Sir, is the outside world big?"

A dimness flashed in the depths of Yu Menghua's eyes, and soon recovered, and asked again.

"It's so big, it's so big that the entire Hundred Kingdoms is just a piece of duckweed in the outside world."

Gu Hengsheng responded solemnly.

Hearing this, a seed was planted in Yu Menghua's heart.Until one day, this seed will germinate, grow, and then spread to the heavens and the world.

"Mr. is out, be careful."

Yu Menghua opened her mouth. In fact, she still had a lot of things to say to Gu Hengsheng, but when the words reached her throat, she found that she couldn't say anything.

"I will." Gu Hengsheng noticed that the atmosphere was a little heavy, and changed the subject: "Where's Hua Ze? How is he doing now?"

The Huaze that Gu Hengsheng was talking about was Yu Menghua's younger brother, named Yuhuaze.

Back then, Gu Hengsheng was exiled in You Chu State, and he intentionally took Yu Huaze as his disciple and taught him how to practice.

"He left Hundred Kingdoms a few years ago and went to the outside world."

Yu Menghua was a little envious of her younger brother, who was able to leave Baiguo without worry, to pursue her own path, and to be closer to Gu Hengsheng.

Although Yu Menghua really wanted to go to the outside world, but now she is the emperor of the Youchu Kingdom, and the prosperity of the entire hundred kingdoms is closely related to her.

Therefore, she had no way to let go of Baiguo and just leave.

At the very least, wait until she has properly arranged the affairs of the Hundred Kingdoms and truly stabilized the situation in the Hundred Kingdoms before she can pursue the path she really wants to take without any worries.

"That's it!" Gu Hengsheng was slightly taken aback, a little surprised.

Ten years passed by in a hurry, and many people chose to leave the Hundred Kingdoms and go to see the real world.

For example, Yan Chenge, who was the first to follow Gu Hengsheng back then, Gu Hengsheng does not know where he is now.

After Gu Hengsheng returned to the Hundred Kingdoms, his spiritual thoughts enveloped the entire Hundred Kingdoms, and Yan Chenge was not found.Thinking about it, Yan Chenge had already left Baiguo, and he didn't know where he went.

Gu Hengsheng just hoped that he could see Yan Chenge again in this life, as long as he was safe and sound.

There is also the Jianyu Pavilion that Gu Hengsheng established a long time ago, and it has become the most powerful force in a hundred countries, protecting the Gu family and You Chu.

Yu Menghua was able to grow to this day in just ten years, and she couldn't do without the help of Jianyu Pavilion.

"Sir, can I go find you when I'm done with all the affairs of the kingdom?"

Yu Menghua clenched her hands tightly, with a look of anticipation in her eyes.

"The outside world is very big. If you want, you can go out and have a look. However, the world is so big that it is full of dangers everywhere. It is much crueler than the Hundred Kingdoms."

Gu Hengsheng did not answer Yu Menghua's words directly, but chuckled lightly.

"En." Yu Menghua nodded slightly.

Yu Menghua didn't have any extravagant hopes, she just hoped that she could be closer to Gu Hengsheng, and that it was enough to be able to look at Gu Hengsheng's figure from a distance.

As for the others, Yu Menghua never thought about it.

When she met her husband in the most helpless and difficult time, there was no room for other people in her eyes.

However, she also knew that Gu Hengsheng only had Fairy in White in her heart, so she never thought about other things, but only hoped to see Gu Hengsheng once in a while, so she didn't regret it.

"Sir, the tea is cold, Menghua is warming it up for you."

After a while, Yu Menghua picked up the tea on the stone table, slowly held it in his hand, and warmed the tea with Xuan Wen.

For Yu Menghua, the present moment is already the best, she cherishes it very much, and enjoys the tranquility and warmth of this moment.

"En." Gu Hengsheng did not reject Yu Menghua's kindness, and allowed her to pour tea for him.

Watching Gu Hengsheng drink another cup of fragrant tea, Yu Menghua was very measured and knew it was time to leave.

"Sir, Menghua still has state affairs to deal with, so she resigned."

Yu Menghua bowed her waist and bowed to salute.


Gu Hengsheng nodded.

Immediately, Yu Menghua turned around immediately and walked towards the gate outside the courtyard. Every time she took a step, her heart would tremble fiercely, afraid that she could not help crying.

"You have done a good job, go and pursue the path that really belongs to you!"

When Yu Menghua walked to the gate outside the courtyard, Gu Hengsheng's voice fell in her ears, causing her lotus steps to pause slightly.

Yu Menghua just froze for a moment, then stepped out of the Gu family's gate without looking back, and resumed the posture of the noble queen.

"Return to Chu!"

Yu Menghua ignored the people at the door, took her cronies, and embarked on the road of returning to Chu State.

(End of this chapter)

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