The sword rises

Chapter 759: The Dao Precious Medicine Appears!

Chapter 759: The Dao Precious Medicine Appears!

Chapter 750 The Ninth Great Dao Medicine is Present!

Most of the injuries of the people recovered quickly, and they all knew that the elixir that Gu Hengsheng gave just now must be extraordinary, and they thought to themselves: If the captain is really a casual cultivator, are all casual cultivators so rich now?

Taking out the top-quality medicine, Gu Hengsheng didn't even blink his brows, with a look of indifference.

Why do I feel that I, as the arrogant of the Holy Land, am not as wealthy as the captain, a casual cultivator?

"It's fine."

Gu Hengsheng was slightly relieved when he saw that everyone had gradually regained their vitality.

If they hadn't tried their best to protect each other just now, Gu Hengsheng's chance would have been destroyed, and it would be difficult to enter that state of ecstasy in the future, let alone make a huge breakthrough in the realm of sword intent.

On the top of the mountain, hundreds of Tianjiao were stunned, and the youth of that sword could not be shaken off in front of their eyes.

The sword marks on the stone wall still exist, containing a huge dao rhyme.However, the current Gu Hengsheng was able to see through one or two of the sword marks, which was considered heaven-defying.

He has just stepped into the small realm of immortal sword intent now, and the deep-level sword intent cannot be comprehended or figured out at all.

Perhaps, only when Gu Hengsheng's strength has improved a bit can he come here again and study it carefully.

"The Daowen he left behind." Gu Hengsheng walked a few steps forward, looked at the Daowen engraved on the other side, and fell silent.

Wherever Gu Hengsheng passed by, all the arrogances retreated one after another, not daring to stop them.

Killing eight Tianjiao with one sword, the strength is extremely terrifying.

Of all the people present, not one Tianjiao dared to say that he could receive Gu Hengsheng's sword just now.

That sword was too fast and too sharp.

Some Tianjiao recalled the scene of the murloc Tianjiao being cut off with a sword, and they all felt a chill on their necks, and shrank their heads subconsciously.

"The avenue is as simple as it is, don't stick to the shape, don't get lost in the heart, the sword will pass when the heart is fixed, and the thought will be reached when the mind is moved..."

Gu Hengsheng looked at the Daoist texts on the stone wall, and seemed to have more insights and opinions on the road of swordsmanship, muttering to himself.

There was silence all around, no one dared to make any noise, and even held their breath, for fear of attracting Gu Hengsheng's attention.

Gu Hengsheng had one hand behind his back, a white shirt fluttering in the cold wind, and his ordinary face was a bit more profound.

After a long while, Gu Hengsheng slowly retracted his gaze, and glanced coldly at Tianjiao present, which made everyone shudder and dare not meet Gu Hengsheng's eyes.

"Do you want to see it?"

Gu Hengsheng turned his head to look at Su Ningyi and the others, pointed to the Daowen on the stone wall, and asked softly.

Su Ningyi looked excited, she is also a swordsman, practicing the way of swordsmanship.The Daowen in front of her was left by the only Heaven-hating Sword Immortal in ancient times, so she certainly didn't want to miss it.

"Of course." Su Ningyi nodded heavily.

Although Han Xinxue and others don't practice swords, they can master one skill and master ten thousand skills. The Daowen of Hentian Sword Immortal when he was young is definitely an extremely precious opportunity in the world.

"En." Everyone nodded, their eyes full of anticipation and joy.

The sword marks on the left side of the stone wall, everyone must not be able to see anything, after all, they have not practiced the Red Dust Nine Extremes Sword, so how could they know the dao rhyme hidden in these sword marks.

But the Taoist text on the wall is different, it clearly records the perception of the sword fairy Hentian on the method of cultivation, which is very precious.

Since Su Ningyi and the others have their own ideas, Gu Hengsheng, as the captain, of course cannot let them down.

"Give way."

Gu Hengsheng walked directly below Daowen, and said coldly to the crowd.

Sweat broke out on Zhong Tianjiao's forehead, and he gave up a large area without any hesitation.

"Okay, come and have a look! How much you can gain depends on your own understanding and chance."

Gu Hengsheng turned his head and said to Su Ningyi and the others.

The crowd saw Gu Hengsheng's majesty, and with just one word, Tianjiao didn't dare to fart, gave up a good position, and felt very proud.

So, everyone walked quickly with smiles on their faces, looking at Daowen on the stone wall with excitement in their hearts.

Su Ningyi was particularly urgent, sitting cross-legged on the ground, her soul power gradually merged with the Taoist text on the stone wall, comprehending the true meaning of the Dao contained in the Taoist text.

After this battle, Su Ningyi deeply felt that she was too weak, and she couldn't even block other people's tricks.

If she doesn't improve her strength as soon as possible and grow up, she might hold back the whole team.

Su Ningyi naturally doesn't want to see herself becoming a burden, so she has to race against time to force herself to grow and become stronger.

The five of them sat cross-legged under the stone wall side by side, not worried about any danger emerging, because Gu Hengsheng stood behind them.

"Where did this monster come from!"

Many Tianjiao could only stare blankly at Su Ningyi and the others who had entered the state of cultivation, a little envious and trembling.

"He is not a monster who came out of some ancient clan! Otherwise, why have you never heard of this person's name?"

Some people quietly looked at Gu Hengsheng, secretly guessing in their hearts.

"The murlocs always retaliate. Today, this person bestowed eight of the murlocs' arrogance with a sword. I'm afraid the murlocs will not let it go."

"I heard that there is also an unrivaled evildoer in the murlocs. It seems to be called Chu Xiaosheng. If he knows what happened today, I don't know what he will do."

Gu Hengsheng stood there, making hundreds of Tianjiao feel uncomfortable, so they could only discuss in secret, not daring to disturb Su Ningyi and others who had enlightened under the stone wall.

If Su Ningyi and the others were really disturbed, who knows if Gu Hengsheng would kill him with a sword.

Thinking about the tragic death of the eight Tianjiao of the Murloc tribe, all the Tianjiao shuddered and felt apprehensive.

As a result, a very strange scene appeared on the top of the [-]-meter high mountain.

Gu Hengsheng folded his arms in front of his chest and looked at Daowen quietly.But Tianjiao for hundreds of years stood motionless and did not say a word.

Three hours passed in the blink of an eye.

Su Ningyi, Han Xinxue and the others all woke up.

Su Ningyi was the one with the biggest change in momentum. She practiced swords since she was a child, and now she has learned a lot of things that she has never been exposed to from the Taoism left by Hetian Sword Immortal, and she has gained a lot.

"Captain, where are we going now?"

Han Xinxue is not so restrained now, she knows that Gu Hengsheng looks cold on the outside, but his heart is indeed hot.

"I heard that a plant of great medicine appeared in the east of the ruins, and countless arrogances and even evildoers all rushed to it."

Gu Hengsheng learned some news from Tianjiao on the top of the mountain, and made a decision in his heart long ago.

"The Great Way Precious Medicine!"

Han Xinxue and the others looked at each other, and their breathing became short of breath.

The value of a Daobao medicine is comparable to a complete set of imperial techniques, a priceless treasure, and a truly peerless reserve.

"It's time to meet the monsters of the Hundred Clans."

The corner of Gu Hengsheng's mouth slightly raised.

(End of this chapter)

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