The sword rises

Chapter 760: Monsters Gather, Swords Are at Tension

Chapter 760: Monsters Gather, Swords Are at Tension

Chapter 760: Monsters Gather, Swords Are at Tension

Gu Hengsheng and his party of six came out from the top of the mountain, pointing their swords at the east.

After Gu Hengsheng left for a long time, the hundreds of geniuses on the top of the mountain dared to take a deep breath, feeling scared for a while.For several hours, each of their clothes was soaked in cold sweat several times.

They didn't know Gu Hengsheng's background, they only knew that they and others had ridiculed Gu Hengsheng just now, for fear that Gu Hengsheng would settle accounts with them.

"Send this matter to the brothers and the others immediately, and tell them to be careful after encountering this person."

Many Tianjiao began to transmit the news, spreading the news that Gu Hengsheng beheaded eight Murloc Tianjiao with one sword.


At the same time, Gu Hengsheng and the others had already moved away from the [-]-meter high mountain, and kept approaching the east.

The sudden appearance of a plant of Daobao medicine is enough to make everyone tempted.

The treasure medicine of the Great Dao can make the power of the ninth realm of the Great Dao break into Xiantai, and to a certain extent, it has the effect of bringing the dead back to life and increasing the life expectancy.

Even the Floating Life Tomb doesn't have a few plants of this kind, and the priceless existence in the world is even rarer than Emperor Art.

After all, the inheritance of imperial art has always been there, and one plant of Daobao medicine is one less.

"The real monster of a hundred clans, don't let me down!"

An ordinary Tianjiao might not even be able to catch Gu Hengsheng's sword.He has truly stepped into the ranks of immortality, and his swordsmanship has entered the hall, and each sword contains indescribable power.

Perhaps, only the existence of evil spirits can allow Gu Hengsheng to display his full strength in a hearty battle.

In the east of the ruins world, a elixir that has survived for tens of thousands of years has undergone a transformation some time ago, turning into an extremely rare treasure medicine in the world.

All of a sudden, there was a turmoil, and many self-proclaimed and powerful Tianjiao monsters put down everything and went straight to the east, wanting to compete for the treasure of the great way.

After all, even the emperor would be moved by this thing, how can everyone be exempt?
"Liu Yunxiao, the monster of the Golden Crow tribe, has spread his fiery red wings for ten miles, like the scorching sun burning the sky, and his momentum is like a rainbow. I heard that he has rushed to the eastern pole."

"The human race stunned a monstrous sword cultivator. On the top of the mountain, he beheaded the eight arrogances of the murlocs with a single sword, shocking the crowd."

"Hong Yuanyi, the little princess of the Dragon Carp Clan, was born. Not long ago, she crossed the Zhisheng River. It is rumored that she has stepped into the Ruins Realm. She seems to be rushing to the east of the Ruins Realm to compete for the treasure medicine of the Dao."

"Chu Xiaosheng, the monster of the murlocs, uttered bold words, intending to fight the monster Jianxiu of the human race, and avenge the tragic deaths of the eight murlocs."

In all directions of the ruins world, many news spread all over at once, causing countless people to panic.

In the eastern polar region, the entire land was frozen by ice, and it was a vast expanse for hundreds of miles, which was very strange.

It was only because in the depths of the eastern polar region, there was a elixir plant that obtained the Tao and turned into a treasure medicine of the great way, which caused this vision.

The scene of hundreds of miles of ice, not only did not stop the Tianjiao and evildoers who came here, but stimulated their minds, making them convinced that there is really a great medicine here.

"If I refine a plant of Daobao medicine, it will be enough to greatly improve my cultivation aptitude. Even if I am born a monster, I will be happy and not afraid."

Some Tianjiao clenched their fists, and the greed in the depths of their eyes continued to grow stronger.

"If we can bring the Dao Bao medicine back to our ancestors to take, it may allow the family to create another glory."

Everyone has their own ideas, and they are bound to get the great medicine, even if they sacrifice their lives.

In the Eastern Pole, everyone was wary of each other, and some small teams even disbanded directly to prevent being attacked by their own people.

There is no way, under the supreme temptation of Dao Bao Yao, they will not trust anyone except themselves.

After traveling day and night, Gu Hengsheng and others finally arrived at the Eastern Pole, where they saw the magnificent scenery of the frozen hundreds of miles.

"over there!"

Gu Hengsheng turned his sky-watching pupils to look, and saw traces of whereabouts left by some people in the void.

In the depths of the Eastern Pole, there are thousands of figures.

Nearly [-]% of the Tianjiao monsters who came to the Ruins Realm rushed here.

The temptation of the Daobao medicine is definitely no less than a volume of imperial art and Taoism.

"Then... is it the great medicine? It's so beautiful!"

In the depths of the eastern polar region, there stands a thousand-meter ice peak.On the top of the ice peak, there is a precious medicine plant about half a meter high, with five petals in bloom, white as jade, not stained by dust.

"The treasured medicine of the Great Dao is already effective, and I am afraid it will be difficult to get close to it."

Someone was standing [-] meters away from the ice peak, and he felt a powerful force blocking him, making it difficult for him to move forward, he squinted his eyes and whispered.

"These people are all well-known existences among the younger generation of hundreds of clans. It's terrifying that they all gathered here."

Some people looked around and found that many evildoers who had seen their heads and tails showed up, and they were shocked.

call out!
Several figures came from afar, which attracted the attention of some Tianjiao.

"Who's here again?"

Many people looked sideways.

Naturally, among these figures was Gu Hengsheng.

Gu Hengsheng's elegant white shirt, like a banished immortal, attracted many people's attention.

"He's... that monstrous sword cultivator from the human race!"

You Tianjiao stared at Gu Hengsheng carefully, and found that Gu Hengsheng was very similar to someone in the rumors, so he recognized him and let out a big shout.


Immediately, almost all the thousands of people present turned their heads and focused on Gu Hengsheng who was walking step by step from the void.

The monstrous sword cultivator of the human race can be said to be in full swing in the market.

When crossing the Rebirth River, he pointed to a sword and assisted his companions to cross together, safe and sound.

On the top of the mountain, the first eight murloc arrogances were awarded with a sword, and their strength was terrifying.

Someone said: "The human sword cultivator seems to have stepped into the realm of immortal sword intent, his strength is unfathomable, and he is unparalleled."

Relying on the cultivation base of the fourth realm of the Dao, comprehending the Immortal Sword Intent, this speculation is a bit shocking.

Thinking back to the sword cultivators since ancient times, it seems that few people can have such a terrifying sword talent!
"The monster sword repairman of the human race, Gu Yun."

Everyone tensed up as if they were facing an enemy.

Gu Hengsheng landed on the icy ground and slowly walked forward from behind.

The way he did, Tianjiao avoided him one after another, not daring to touch his edge.

Su Ningyi and the other five people followed closely behind Gu Hengsheng, and passed each and every one of the Tianjiao who shocked the whole family. They were both shocked and excited.

Suddenly, a man in a black gown jumped into the air from the crowd. With a stern expression, he looked down at Gu Hengsheng who was walking on the ground, and said coldly, "You are the sword cultivator from the human race? You were the one who killed me." The eight arrogances of the murlocs?"


Gu Hengsheng paused, slowly raised his head, and exchanged a glance with the man standing in the sky: "What's the matter?"

"I, the Murloc, cannot be bullied!"

The man said sharply.

He is the evildoer of the murlocs, Chu Xiaosheng.

(End of this chapter)

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