Chapter 76

Chapter 76 The Great War is Coming, and the Urgency Is Extreme

Although Feng Aojin's words were very inspiring, shook the morale of the army, and moved Gu Hengsheng slightly, but it was obviously impossible for Gu Hengsheng to kneel on the ground.

Because, in this life, Gu Hengsheng will not bend his knees to anyone except his blood relatives who have worked hard to protect him until he grows into a weak crown. This is his Dao heart.

At the beginning, when the current king of Tianfeng Kingdom summoned Gu Hengsheng, he never made Gu Hengsheng kneel down.Now that he was only facing the second-rank general at Yanxingguan, Gu Hengsheng was able to bow his hands and bow, which was already considered pretty good.

However, no one present could understand Gu Hengsheng's state of mind.

"Gu Xiaowei, what are you doing?" Ren Qifeng turned his head and stared at Gu Hengsheng coldly, and said sharply, there was a hint of reminder, but also anger.

Gu Hengsheng didn't reply, just quietly looked at the soldiers and Feng Aojin who were kneeling on one knee.

"Okay, let's all get up!" Feng Aojin took a deep look at Gu Hengsheng, and then said in a solemn voice to the crowd with no expression on his face: "The whole army is on the first level of alert, ready to meet the enemy at any time."


The crowd responded loudly.

It was an emergency situation at this time. Facing the enemy, although everyone was very dissatisfied with Gu Hengsheng's indifferent attitude just now, they had no choice but to press down.However, the cold eyes that stared at him one after another were indispensable.

Then, all the generals and school lieutenants returned to their respective camps in a hurry, ready to deploy troops, and began to deploy the battle that might break out tomorrow.

Ren Qifeng led several lieutenants under his command and strode towards the camp. Naturally, Gu Hengsheng was also on the list.

"Hmph!" Ren Qifeng just glanced at Gu Hengsheng coldly, without accusing him.Now time is extremely urgent, Ren Qifeng has no time and energy to waste.

Soon, Ren Qifeng, Gu Hengsheng and others returned to the camp.

"Go back and get ready immediately, and prepare for the big battle in advance." Ren Qifeng looked at the captains under his command and said loudly.

The school lieutenants took orders very solemnly, and then rushed to the camps they commanded, preparing everything needed for the battle.

However, when Gu Hengsheng turned around, Ren Qifeng stopped him: "Lieutenant Gu, wait a minute."

"General Ren, what's the matter?" Gu Hengsheng turned around slowly and asked.

"Lieutenant Gu, you came from Beijing with official documents in hand, and I would be powerless to stop you. I originally planned to let you stay in the army for a while and leave after you didn't like it. But now that the war is breaking out, I have no intention of caring about it." You, you should go back and forth from wherever you came from!"

Ren Qifeng's complexion was extremely handsome, and there was a hint of sternness from the knife scars on his face.He didn't expect that when a big war was about to break out, Gu Hengsheng would cause him any trouble, or let him take care of it, it would be too troublesome.

"General Ren, please don't worry, I don't need your care." Gu Hengsheng came to the frontier just to let his body in this life experience the baptism of blood, how could he leave at this critical moment.

"You!" Ren Qifeng pointed at Gu Hengsheng, slightly angry, and said in a deep voice, "The battlefield is ruthless. If you don't leave today, your life may be in danger tomorrow."

"It's okay, General Ren doesn't need to take care of me, everything will be carried out according to the dispatch of the army." Gu Hengsheng responded without any worries.

"It's up to you!" Ren Qifeng didn't bother to persuade, he waved his hand and turned to leave.

Gu Hengsheng didn't take this seriously.

In his previous life, he has gone through thousands of years of hardships. He has seen so many broken mountains and rivers, so many seas of blood, and so many mountains of corpses.In the end, he stepped into the peak of the Profound Sky Realm, overlooking hundreds of millions of living beings, and the ancient kingdom at the peak did not dare to hide its edge.

Gu Hengsheng didn't care about the attack of tens of thousands of troops, he just wanted to let his body experience the baptism of blood in this life, and enter the Lingxuan Realm as soon as possible.

Back at the Chifeng Camp, Gu Hengsheng explained to the generals of the Chifeng Camp that the North Vietnamese army was about to arrive.

"What's the matter, everyone stopped talking, are you afraid?"

Gu Hengsheng could feel the anger and murderous intent emanating from the faces of the crowd, but Gu Hengsheng pretended not to see the clenched fists of the soldiers, but said in a sarcastic tone on purpose.

"How is that possible!" As soon as Gu Hengsheng's sarcasm reached everyone's ears, some generals raised their heads and shouted fiercely: "As a soldier of the Chifeng Battalion, he can die in battle and be shrouded in horse leather, but he must never be afraid. enemy."

"How could we be afraid of the North Vietnamese thieves? I can't wait to go to the battlefield now and chop off the heads of the North Vietnamese enemies."

Immediately, one by one, the soldiers began to join in, with an incomparably majestic momentum.

"Gu...Lieutenant Gu, don't worry, if you are in danger on the battlefield, I, Liu Lingwu, will definitely not let you die. Even if there are mountains of swords and flames ahead, I will lead my brothers to save your life."

Liu Lingwu suddenly stepped out from the crowd, and his hulking body reflected an extremely long shadow on the ground. He slapped his chest heavily, and assured him with righteous words: "After all, no matter whether you are capable or not, you will be After all, you are also the captain of our Chifeng Battalion. Wouldn’t it be too embarrassing if brothers from other battalions knew that we couldn’t even protect our captain well?”

"Yes! Anyway, Xiaowei Gu is also a member of our Chifeng Battalion. We can fight against Xiaowei Gu in private, but we can't let the little wolf cubs from North Vietnam bully us."

The crowd echoed loudly.


As the breeze blew, it blew up the strands of clothes on the armor of the soldiers, scattered the hair hanging from the temples of the people, and even blew it deep into Gu Hengsheng's heart.

Hearing everyone's rough words, Gu Hengsheng couldn't help but smile.

As far as the soldiers of the Chifeng Battalion were concerned, how much they were making noise and how unhappy Gu Hengsheng was serving as their school lieutenant was all the family affairs of their own barracks.

If Gu Hengsheng was in danger on the battlefield, they would definitely do their best to rescue him, because this was the responsibility and dignity that their Chifeng Battalion carried, even if it cost them their lives.

Because, the dignity and glory that the Chifeng Camp has accumulated for so many years cannot be trampled on!
"Okay, I'll thank you all for your care first." Gu Hengsheng couldn't help grinning when he realized that the rough guys in front of him were very interesting.

The battlefield is so ruthless, someone is willing to die to protect each other, this is a very lucky thing

Gu Hengsheng, who bears the knowledge of his previous life, has seen too many scenes of cannibalism, but he can feel the determination of the soldiers of Chifengying at this time, and he knows that they are not flattering, but really dare to kill themselves Give your life to protect the dignity you want in your heart.

Perhaps, the more simple-minded a person is, the more he will stick to one thing!Even if you pay everything for it, including your life.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng and all the soldiers looked at each other quietly, without speaking, but using their eyes to express their inner beliefs and fighting spirit.

After all, there are some things that don't need to be said.

Soon, the twilight was like a big gray net, quietly falling down, covering the whole earth.In that dark night, it seemed that boundless thick ink was smeared heavily on the sky, covering up the glimmer of the stars.

Although the night falls on the earth, the Yanxing Pass is brightly lit, just like daytime.

The [-] soldiers guarding the Yanxing Pass are busy patrolling back and forth nervously, and are still preparing boulders and sharp arrows to deal with the possible battle tomorrow.

Waves of rustling sounds spread to the dark sky, seeming to shake the entire dark sky...

(End of this chapter)

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