The sword rises

Chapter 77 Shocking my Heavenly Wind and National Prestige!

Chapter 77 Shocking my Heavenly Wind and National Prestige!

Chapter 77 Shock me!

The atmosphere in Yanxing Pass was extremely suppressed, causing countless soldiers to hold their breath.

The morning light in the past was extremely peaceful, but today it is so dazzling.

Just as the first ray of morning dawned, Gu Hengsheng and other school lieutenants and generals gathered together under the call of Yanxingguan General Feng Aojin.

Today, Feng Aojin was wearing a maroon heavy helmet, looking into the distance with eyes like torches, with an extremely dignified expression.

Everyone just looked at Feng Aojin and stood silently.

Not long after, a soldier rushed over out of breath, then bowed to Feng Aojin and said loudly, "General Qi, the [-] North Vietnamese army is only [-] miles away from Yanxing Pass."

"Continue to investigate." Feng Ao's expression sank slightly, and he said hoarsely with his eyes slightly raised.

"Yes." The soldiers who responded hurriedly nodded and accepted the order, then immediately turned and left, and went to investigate the movements of the North Vietnam Kingdom.

puff... puff...

Gu Hengsheng seemed to be able to hear everyone's heartbeats, the beating became more and more rapid, and the tense and depressive atmosphere continued to spread.

Feng Aojin looked into the distance for a long time, then turned to Gu Hengsheng and the others, and said: "All soldiers, follow me to the city wall to find out."

Everyone bowed their hands and took orders, followed closely behind Feng Aojin, and came towards the wall of Yanxing Pass.

Standing on the city wall, Gu Hengsheng seemed to smell Xiao Teng's bloody smell. This bloody smell came to his nostrils, and he couldn't get rid of it at all.

Looking down at the scenery outside Yanxing Pass, Gu Hengsheng subconsciously clenched his fists.He seemed to see Gu Youmo's bloody figure five years ago, and felt waves of ethereal sadness.

At this time, the outside of Yanxing Pass was extremely quiet, and it looked extremely peaceful.

However, Gu Hengsheng knew that before long, Yanxing Pass would be filled with endless blood, and maybe the corpses would pile up into mountains, which was extremely terrifying.

The yellow sand land outside the Yanxing Pass bears the will of countless people, and also contains the thick smell of the long river of blood.

At this moment, every soldier in Yanxing Pass is ready to face the coming army of North Vietnam at any time.

Xiao Teng's tense breath slowly spread in Yanxing Pass, as if he was going to swallow the entire Yanxing Pass.

"General Qi, the enemy army of Beiyue Kingdom is only a dozen miles away from Yanxing Pass." Not long after, the soldiers who inquired about the news of Beiyue Kingdom rushed back immediately, and then went straight to Feng Aojin, clasped their fists and reported the report.

At this moment, one after another, the warm and weak sunlight pierced through the dark night on the sky and descended on the Yanxing Pass, which also gave a glimmer of light to the yellow sandy land outside the pass.

Feng Aojin looked into the distance silently, clenched his fists tightly, his armor looked extremely dazzling under the light of the morning sun, making people afraid to look directly at it.

Feng Aojin and a group of soldiers all held their breath, and no one spoke, staring at the distance of the yellow sandy land outside the pass.

The atmosphere became more solemn and depressing.

Gusts of wind began to roll up from the yellow sandy land in the distance, and it was getting closer and closer to the Yanxing Pass.

Seeing this, Feng Aojin's eyes sank and he was stunned, his hands subconsciously resting tightly on the city wall.All the generals immediately tensed up, and they all gritted their teeth and looked towards the distance where the yellow sand was gradually rolling up.

"Beiyue Kingdom, [-] troops..." Feng Aojin gritted his teeth, looking sharply at the gusts of wind coming from afar.

"Northern Vietnam... five years ago, was it your invasion that caused Second Uncle to mourn for five years?" Gu Hengsheng's silver-black armor made iron sounds in the howling wind.

Looking at the yellow sand and wind and smoke rolling in from a distance, Feng Aojin raised his right hand with staring eyes, and roared loudly: "All officers and men stand by, beat the drum!"

When the order is issued, the drums will be beaten loudly.

"Boom! Rumble..."

On the wall of Yanxing Pass, all the soldiers began to beat the drums according to Feng Aojin's order.One after another, the sound of beating drums rose loudly from within the Yanxing Pass, and surged towards the void in all directions.

Standing on the city wall, Gu Hengsheng heard the thunderous sound of drums, and countless complicated emotions began to surge in his heart.He seemed to have seen the bloody scenes of himself facing countless powerful enemies in his previous life.

"In this life, I will climb to the top and touch the ethereal and emptiness realm in my previous life." Gu Hengsheng's face was extremely stern, thinking of the realm that he struggled to touch but could not touch in his previous life, he raised a strong fighting spirit.

Some people say that the disputes in troubled times will inevitably lead to rivers of blood and bloody corpses.Some people also say that fighting is an invariable theorem in a hundred kingdoms.

The hero's road is destined to be covered with blood, stepping on countless bones and blood to reach the peak.However, if there is a peaceful place in the world where there is no need to fight, how many people are willing to fight desperately?
Unfortunately, there are some things, no matter whether you want to do them or not, you have to bear heavy responsibilities and honors, and stick to it with your life.

Just like the countless soldiers in Yanxing Pass at this moment, they know that life and death are hard to know, but they have to fight to the death, just to make the people living in the rear have peace, and hope that the national prestige of Tianfeng Kingdom can be raised between heaven and earth.

Because only in this way can they live up to the expectations of hundreds of millions of souls and be worthy of the beliefs they hold.They are not afraid of life and death, they are only afraid of the loss of Tianfeng Kingdom's national prestige, they are not afraid of war, they are only worried that the people in the rear will be hurt.

"Everyone listen to the order!" Feng Aojin looked into the distance, then turned around and raised his hand, gazed at the generals, and ordered in a deep voice: "Lead the soldiers under your command, and be ready to defend against the enemy at any time!"


The generals immediately raised their heads and roared.

Accompanied by the drum beating, all the generals rushed towards the barracks one after another, waiting for Feng Aojin's order to go out of the city to meet the enemy.

Gu Hengsheng also followed behind General Pi Ren Qifeng, and quickly returned to his camp, preparing for the upcoming battle.

Although Ren Qifeng is only a fifth-rank general, he has more than two thousand people under his command.Standing on his commanding platform, looking down at the soldiers under his command, he raised his head and shouted loudly: "The North Vietnamese army is approaching, all the soldiers are willing to go out of the city with this general to meet the enemy?"


All the soldiers under Ren Qifeng's command looked up and said in unison.

The roar of all the soldiers mixed with the beating of drums, went straight to the sky, and the earth seemed to tremble in shock.

"Kill all the invading enemy bandits, and defend our Heavenly Wind and National Prestige!"

Ren Qifeng held a black spear tightly in his hand, and suddenly thrust it straight at the sky, the thick muscles in his neck violently raised his arms and shouted.

"Protect my Heavenly Wind and National Prestige!"

The roar of more than two thousand soldiers reverberated in all directions in the sky for a long time, causing ripples in the depths of Gu Hengsheng's heart...

(End of this chapter)

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