The sword rises

Chapter 763 You are too weak and not worthy

Chapter 763 You are too weak and not worthy

Chapter 760 You Are Too Weak, You Are Not Worthy

Thousands of people showed their sharpness, and they all tensed up. As long as Gu Hengsheng dared to turn around and leave, they would take action in an instant and leave Gu Hengsheng here.

"There is only one stalk of Daobao medicine, and you have stayed here for so long, but no one has come to take it. If this is the case, why can't I take it?"

In the face of thousands of fierce gazes, Gu Hengsheng was not afraid at all, and the situation was calm and calm.

Ridiculous, who dares to be the first bird?
Everyone was scornful in their hearts. They all wanted to take the Daobao medicine for themselves, but they were worried that they would not have the life to use it.

Therefore, everyone is in a stalemate.

"Hand over the Daobao medicine."

The thousand-faced young master of the demon fox tribe climbed into the sky, looked at Gu Hengsheng from a distance, and said coldly.

"There is only one plant of Dao Bao Yao, and there are so many people here, who should I give it to?"

Gu Hengsheng asked back.

Why did the Ultimate Dao Cauldron, which had disappeared for many years, fall into this person's hands?

This question lingers in many people's minds, and they can't figure it out.

Moreover, the Ultimate Dao Cauldron, even the Almighty would have to pay a high price to destroy it, how did this person do it?
"This Daobao medicine has five petals. We can divide it into five parts. Although it will lose some medicinal power, it is the best way to distribute it. Only the five strongest people in the field can have one petal of the Daobao. medicine."

Young Master Thousand Faces of the Demon Fox Clan squinted his eyes and came up with a method that he thought was good.

The Daobao medicine is divided into five parts, and everyone will bear some pressure, but it is definitely less dangerous than a complete treasure medicine.

Moreover, if it is divided into five shares, Young Master Qianmian thinks he can also take one share.

"I agree."

You Tianjiao thought for a moment, then raised his voice.

"I agree too."

"This is indeed possible. Divide the precious medicine into five parts, each according to its strength."

Some Tianjiao and evildoers who thought they were powerful expressed their opinions one after another.


Suddenly, Gu Hengsheng burst into laughter, which attracted everyone's attention.

"You guys are really ridiculous." Gu Hengsheng raised his head and laughed loudly: "Now that the treasured medicine of Dao is in my hands, it is my property, and you are actually discussing how to share my property here, are you out of your minds? They were all kicked by donkeys?"

As soon as this remark came out, it was earth-shattering.

"I'm just asking who you want to give it to, and I don't really intend to give it to you. What are you doing so excitedly? Because you are too weak and not worthy."

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for everyone to get angry, Gu Hengsheng's words completely set off a huge storm.

You guys are too weak and unworthy.

These words echoed in the void for a long time, and it was difficult to dissipate.

In the crowd, Su Ningyi, Han Xinxue and other five people were stunned. They finally knew what Gu Hengsheng wanted to do, and exclaimed in their hearts: "Captain, are you crazy!"

"What did you say?"

The young man with thousands of faces from the demon fox tribe looked livid. He was tricked by Gu Hengsheng, and his anger slowly welled up in his heart.

"I said, you are all too weak, and you are not qualified to discuss the distribution of Daobao medicine with me."

Gu Hengsheng pulled out the Xuexiao sword, put it across his waist, and said sternly to Young Master Qianmian and Qianjiao Tianjiao present.


The whole place was silent.

Immediately afterwards, all the Tianjiao burst into a turbulent aura, with coldness in their eyes.

"Presumptuous! He even uttered wild words!"

"Do you really think that you are a monster of the human race, so you can fight against me and the arrogance of a hundred clans?"

"Thinking of swallowing the whole plant of the Daobao medicine by yourself, do you think you are the emperor of the world? Even if you can keep it for yourself temporarily, once you walk out of the ancient battlefield, you probably won't even be able to keep this life."

One after another voices came from the crowd, chaotic.

Everyone was staring at Gu Hengsheng, their swords were on the verge of breaking out, and their killing intent was long.

Gu Hengsheng sneered in his heart, if he walked out of the ancient battlefield, maybe the power of hundreds of clans would go crazy because of this treasured medicine, let alone protect the treasured medicine, ordinary people might not even be able to save their lives.

However, behind Gu Hengsheng is the entire floating tomb!
The forces that dare to wrestle with the Floating Life Tomb in this world can be counted on one hand.And these forces standing on the top of the cloud, will they go to war with the Floating Life Tomb for a plant of Daobao medicine?

"Look at your appearance, what else is there to do besides screaming here?"

"The pride of a hundred clans is nothing more than a joke."

"Only the weak will think and talk endlessly."

Gu Hengsheng stood in the sky with his sword in his hand, overlooking the thousands of geniuses below, and raised his voice, "Looking at the geniuses of hundreds of clans, who would dare to fight?"


At this moment, the eastern polar region trembled.

There was a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and a sea of ​​thunder rolled in surprise, and the sky seemed to tremble because of it.

"Seeking your own way."

The thousand-faced son of the demon fox tribe couldn't bear it anymore, and directly revealed the true body of the eight-tailed white fox.

Young Master Thousand Faces turned into his real body, [-] meters tall, biting towards Gu Hengsheng with blood-colored fangs.He circulated the supernatural power of killing and cutting, and his fangs exploded with monstrous power, sealing off the void around Gu Hengsheng.

"The body of the eight-tailed demon fox is a bit extraordinary."

Gu Hengsheng squinted his eyes, said a few words, and swung his sharp sword down.

For the demon fox family, their talents and achievements have been determined at birth.One tail is the worst, and nine tails is evil.And the real body of Young Master Thousand Faces is Eight Tails, presumably his status in his clan is not low, he can be regarded as a top arrogance.

call out!
Gu Hengsheng swung his sword, and Xiao Cheng's immortal sword intent shattered Young Master Thousand Faces' killing powers, and chopped on his bloody fangs.


Young Master Thousand Faces' fangs were chopped off, which made him feel extremely humiliated.


The silver-white tail of Young Master Thousand Faces turned into a sharp pillar and fell towards the top of Gu Hengsheng's head.

Gu Hengsheng had already been running his Sky-Guarding Eyes, and before the tail of Young Master Thousand Faces fell, he dodged in advance and was unscathed.

Gu Hengsheng held on to the Xuexiao Sword, and with another strike, he slashed at the huge fox body of Young Master Thousand Faces.

Young Master Thousand Faces was extremely fast, trying to avoid Gu Hengsheng's sword.

However, this sword is very fast, and the real body of Young Master Thousand Faces is so huge, there is no way to completely dodge it.

With a loud bang, Young Master Thousand Faces' real body was cut open, bloody.

"I want your life."

Young Master Thousand Faces glanced at his wound, his eyes were red, and he roared.

"This sword is called Xuelan Zhan."

Gu Hengsheng hadn't used this sword for a long time, because with the improvement of Gu Hengsheng's strength, it didn't have much effect, it was ordinary.

However, it was the first time that Gu Hengsheng used the Blood Wave Slash, which contained the intent of the immortal sword.


The sword came out and shocked the world, messing up the color of the world.

The Eastern Pole was suddenly filled with blood, and the air was instantly filled with a strong smell of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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