The sword rises

Chapter 764 1 Sword of Blood, Breaking the Path of Life

Chapter 764 A sword of blood, breaking the road to life

Chapter 760 A Sword of Blood, Breaking the Road to Life

Xuelan slashed, and the sword slashed Jingyun.

The sky seems to be split at this moment.

Countless dense cracks appeared on the frozen ground, shaking the ground and shaking the mountains.

"what is this?"

The thousand-faced son of the eight-tailed demon fox's real body smelled the smell of death, and his heart was terrified.

Thousands of Tianjiao showed terrified expressions, and kept moving backwards, not daring to face the blood-smelling sword glow.

"A sword, a wave of blood, and a way to die."

As soon as Gu Hengsheng raised his sword and fell, all kinds of killing intent came from nothingness and descended on this earth.


The sword wind shattered the vast icy ground below it, distorting the void.

"Do not……"

This sword was very fast, Master Qianmian knew he was invincible, and wanted to escape into the void.

Young Master Thousand Faces turned around immediately, and escaped hundreds of miles away in the blink of an eye.

However, Xuelan Slash contains Xiaocheng's immortal sword intent, and its speed is so fast that it can fly for thousands of miles.

The sword intent spanned thousands of miles, and it slashed at the true body of the demon fox of Young Master Thousand Faces.


Young Master Qianmian sacrificed all his trump cards in an instant, hoping to block this murderous sword.

It's a pity that the hole card of Young Master Thousand Faces was extremely fragile under this sharp and bloody sword, and it was directly shattered into powder, unable to stop the sword light at all.


There was a loud noise, and the sword light mercilessly slashed on the body of Young Master Qianmian's demon fox, a scarlet wide and long sword mark suddenly appeared, and the sky was stained red with blood.

Immediately, the real body of the eight-tailed demon fox of Young Master Thousand Faces was directly beaten back into human form.

Then, Young Master Thousand Faces fell from the void and landed on the ground, creating a huge deep pit.


Young Master Thousand Faces spat out a mouthful of dark black blood, his clothes were in tatters, and a scar from his neck to the outside of his thigh looked extremely hideous.

He turned into a blood man, his breath was disordered, and he was seriously injured.

"Why? Why is he... so strong?"

Young Master Thousand Faces showed a pair of scarlet eyes, looking at Gu Hengsheng standing in the sky from a hundred miles away, with extremely complicated emotions, fear, fear, and disbelief.

Thousands of Tianjiao watched this scene, all of them paled in horror and gasped.

Is the evil sword cultivator of the human race really so terrifying?

Young Master Thousand Faces of the Monster Fox Clan is a genuine top arrogance, a strong man who has stepped on countless people to the present.Even when faced with some monsters, Young Master Thousand Faces can handle them with ease.

"You can't even take my three swords, and you are still begging for my treasure medicine. Who gave you the courage to stand up and fight with me?"

Holding the sword in his right hand, Gu Hengsheng looked down at the seriously injured Young Master Thousand Faces a hundred miles away, and raised his voice domineeringly.

Since you treat me like a fish, there is no need for me to be polite to you.

There is no kindness in the struggle of the great world, only life and death.


Hearing this, Young Master Qianmian became anxious and spit out another mouthful of blood, almost fainting directly.

However, Young Master Qianmian resisted the pain and gritted his teeth tightly, allowing the wound to stop the bleeding.

He couldn't faint here, because once he fainted, he might never wake up again.

No one knows if someone will take action against Young Master Thousand Faces at this time, killing and extorting goods, these things are common and happen everywhere.


Thousands of Tianjiao's throat rolled, and the eyes that looked at Gu Hengsheng gradually became terrified and awed.

With just three swords, he defeated Young Master Thousand Faces of the Demon Fox Clan. This is too terrifying!
Is this person really a human race?Why do I feel like an ancient beast with unfathomable strength?

At this moment, everyone's heart was overwhelmed. They found that there was such a big gap between themselves and the real monster of the world, and they couldn't help feeling helpless and sad.

Tianjiao!In previous eras, it shone like a star.

However, in this era, Tianjiao is so powerless that he cannot see the future of the summit of the world.

"Perhaps, we are just using it to praise these unparalleled monsters!"

A certain Tianjiao had a bitter taste in his mouth, closed his sad and helpless eyes, and muttered to himself.

" he really the captain? For so long, I have never seen such a domineering side of the captain."

Su Ningyi, Han Xinxue and other five people looked up at Gu Hengsheng with dazed eyes.

"The captain is so strong, why do you need to recruit teammates? Why do you want to bring us a bunch of burdens?"

Han Xinxue asked herself in Fang's heart, she felt that the gap between herself and Gu Hengsheng turned out to be an insurmountable moat, which made people despair.

In a daze, Han Xinxue remembered the day when Gu Hengsheng recruited teammates.

That day, Gu Hengsheng found Su Ningyi from the crowd and invited him personally, while Han Xinxue, Ma Weining and the others joined automatically, as if to round up the number of people.

"Could it be that the captain mentioned us by the way because of her?"

Han Xinxue had a delicate mind, and immediately figured out some problems, and subconsciously looked at Su Ningyi, with complicated emotions.

Su Ningyi doesn't seem to know the captain, why does the captain take such good care of her?Even just now, the captain asked me to take good care of Su Ningyi.

The more Han Xinxue thought about it, the more tired she became, and found that she couldn't figure it out at all.

"Three swords defeated Young Master Thousand Faces, is this the power of the real evil sword cultivator?"

Among the crowd, Tianjiao trembled.

"The treasured medicine of the Dao has fallen into the hands of this person, and I am afraid it will never be with us again."

Many people gave up the greed in their hearts at this moment. They still coveted the great medicine, but they knew how much they had, and they didn't want to die in vain.

"Even Master Qianmian's strength is on par with him, and even Master Qianmian can't match this man's three swords. I don't think it will be much better."

You Tianjiao's body trembled, terrified.

At this moment, the air is filled with a strong sense of fear, and most of the talents dare not look directly into Gu Hengsheng's cold eyes.

Young Master Qianmian swallowed some elixir, and he plucked up his courage and shouted at Gu Hengsheng: "Who the hell are you? Human monsters, which one is not famous, such as Feng Cangyou from the Feng family of the ancient family, and Lei Buddha disciple of Yao Buddhist Sect. Tell me, who are you?"

Who are you!

Not only Young Master Thousand Faces wanted to know, but everyone present wanted to know an answer.

Suddenly a monster appeared, which was enough to upset the balance of the entire world.

"Casual cultivator, Gu Yun."

Of course, Gu Hengsheng would not reveal his identity, otherwise these people would know that he was Mr. Jiu from the Floating Tomb, so who would dare to attack him easily?That would not be the role of experience.


Young Master Thousand Faces seemed to be a little crazy, he raised his head bloody and laughed loudly: "A casual cultivator, what a joke!"

(End of this chapter)

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