The sword rises

Chapter 773 Conquer the Monument!

Chapter 773 Conquer the Monument!

Chapter 770 The third battle against the ruins monument!

When Chu Xiaosheng from the fish-human race came to the ruins monument, the heavenly prides of all directions were terrified and did not dare to look directly at his sweeping eyes.

"Is he the unrivaled evildoer of the murloc race? He really has unrivaled talent. Looking at the entire ruin world, and even the entire ancient battlefield, perhaps only the other six evildoers can match it!"

Some arrogances who just crossed the Wangsheng River looked at Chu Xiaosheng longingly, and said softly.

Just one person can overwhelm countless arrogances. This is the evildoer Chu Xiaosheng who stepped on countless corpses.

Someone once saw Chu Xiaosheng raise his hand and kill more than a dozen Tianjiao, his blood-stained demeanor shocked the eyes of countless people.

"No, apart from these six monsters, there should be another person who can match Chu Xiaosheng, or even surpass him. If... if he... is still alive."

Tianjiao, who had visited the ruins for more than ten years, shook his head, and said solemnly.

"What? In today's Ruins World, apart from the other six monsters, is there anyone else who can compete with Chu Xiaosheng of the Murloc?"

Many Tianjiao who just stepped into this world in the past few years looked puzzled and couldn't believe it.

"Impossible! In this glorious world today, there are so many monsters, it is already extremely terrifying. You actually said that there are people who are worse than Chu Xiaosheng of the murlocs. It is too ridiculous!"

Many arrogances of the Hundred Clans sneered and didn't believe it at all.

"You... have never experienced the scene ten years ago, and you will never know how big the world is, let alone how shocking the world was in that battle."

Tianjiao, who had personally witnessed the world-shattering battle in the eastern polar region more than ten years ago, they would shudder every time they recalled it, and they would never forget the figure holding the sword.

The eyes of some Tianjiao who have experienced it are dim, like regret, like panic, with complicated emotions.

"The scene ten years ago? What happened? Why do you say there is still a monster?"

The group of Tianjiao who had just stepped into the Ruins Realm, they felt the bleak look of the older generation who came to this Tianjiao, and they were puzzled.

"Back then, with the power of one person, he first fought against the little princess of the Longli clan, then Chu Xiaosheng of the Murloc clan, Xue Shaoyi of the Shura clan, and Wang Chiya of the ancient clan without defeat."

Tianjiao said in a low voice.


Everyone gasped, and unconsciously took half a step back, with shocked expressions on their faces.

"Is it true that you can fight against four monsters with one person's strength?"

Someone didn't believe it and questioned it.

"You're wrong, it's not Lien Chan, the four monsters."

The elder Tianjiao shook his head.

"Let me just say, how could someone fight against four monsters in a row? That's too absurd and unbelievable."

The newly arrived Tianjiao let out a long breath, as if they were relieved.

"He... didn't fight against the four monsters in a row, but he fought with the little princess of the Dragon Carp Clan first, and it was considered a tie. After that, he fought against Chu Xiaosheng, Xue Shaoyi, and Wang Chi all by himself. Cliff, against the shocking siege of the three monstrous evildoers without defeat."

Tianjiao of the older generation chuckled, looked at Tianjiao who had just arrived with a sad look, and said slowly.


In an instant, many people's minds went blank, their expressions were dull, and they were all dumbfounded.

Fight against three monsters alone without losing!
Not fighting one after another, but facing the siege of three monsters.This is no longer as simple as one plus one, it is completely beyond the scope of ordinary monsters.

"Once upon a time, the little princess of the Dragon Carp Clan said a word."

The older Tianjiao continued to speak.

"What... what?"

Many Tianjiao who were unknown to the First World War ten years ago were dumb, and asked.

"The little princess said that he has the qualifications of a great emperor."

someone answered.


This piece of news hit the heads of many Tianjiao like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, making them stunned and stunned.

"No... Impossible! How could there be such a terrifying existence?" Some people still didn't believe it, and asked hesitantly.

"You just need to inquire about it casually, and you will know whether what I said is true or false. Why should I deceive you, it will not do me any good." Tianjiao of the older generation sneered.

"Then... what clan does that person come from? What's his name? Why have you never heard of such a number one person?"

Someone swallowed and asked curiously.

"Human race, Gu Yun."

Many people lowered their eyebrows, recalling the scenes of those years, and murmured: "I don't know if he is still alive. If he is still alive, the situation in the entire Ruins Realm may undergo a shocking change!"

"Human Race!"

Tianjiao of Hundred Clans looked at each other and fell silent.

Everyone knows that the strength and status of the human race in the Ruins Realm is not low, but it is not in the forefront either.

However, more than ten years ago, a human evildoer unexpectedly appeared, and he was praised as an evildoer with the qualifications of a great emperor.Are these things true?
Many people were lost in thought, unable to imagine what happened ten years ago.

"Chu Xiaosheng has walked to the ruins monument. Is he planning to directly fight against the ruins monument? Can he leave his name on the ruins monument?"

The originally silent crowd became noisy because of the news.

The Wanmixu Stele is as majestic as a mountain.

Chu Xiaosheng slowly walked to the bottom of the ruins monument, looked up at the names of the outstanding people on the ruins monument, the fighting spirit on his body became more and more surging, and many arrogances with lower cultivation levels couldn't help but It went a long way backwards.

"On the ruins monument of this great world, there will definitely be my name, Chu Xiaosheng!"

Chu Xiaosheng whispered hoarsely, and issued his declaration.

Immediately, Chu Xiaosheng lifted his robe, sat on the ground, and slowly closed his eyes.

Chu Xiaosheng put his soul power into the ruins monument, and his body was enveloped by the halo of the ruins monument, so that he would not be hurt by others.

After these ten years of practice, Chu Xiaosheng got many opportunities, and his strength is much stronger than before.

Because of this, Chu Xiaosheng had the confidence to come to the ruins monument, intending to challenge the phantoms of outstanding figures left on the ruins monument.

As long as Chu Xiaosheng defeats the figure left on the ruins tablet by a world-class hero, his name will be listed on the ruins monument, above the names of the heroes he defeated.

Chu Xiaosheng of the fish-human tribe wanted to conquer the ruins stele. This news shocked all directions in the ruins world and attracted many arrogances to come.

At the same time, in a certain corner of the Ruins Realm.

A plain-looking man in a white shirt came out of the cave in the deep mountain. His breath was normal, and he seemed to blend into the heaven and the earth with every breath.

"After 11 years of retreat, how has the Ruins Realm changed?"

Naturally, this person was Gu Hengsheng who had disappeared for over ten years.That is to say, the human race Gu Yun in the world, that monstrous sword cultivator.

(End of this chapter)

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