The sword rises

Chapter 774

Chapter 774
Chapter 770
In the north of the Ruins Realm, the territory of the Jinwu tribe.

A man in a white shirt stepped out from the deep mountains and old forests. He has a little bit of Dao charm on him, unlike ordinary people.

"The sky in the Ruins Realm has changed."

Gu Hengsheng raised his head and glanced at the sky, and he noticed a trace of the Dao that was different from back then, and murmured.

After 11 years of retreat, Gu Hengsheng never stepped out of the cave.

At first, Gu Hengsheng only planned to look for opportunities after recovering from his injuries.

However, Gu Hengsheng was both surprised and delighted when he discovered that he could absorb the supreme medicinal power dispersed by the Dao medicine from the ultimate Dao cauldron.

In the Ultimate Dao Cauldron, the Fifth Senior Sister Xiang Ruyu once reserved three strands of profound energy to destroy the Baoding Cauldron in case Gu Hengsheng encountered any misfortune.

In the first way, Gu Hengsheng directly suppressed the Dao Baoyao, and sealed the Dao Baoyao together with the thousand-meter ice peak in the Ultimate Dao Cauldron.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng destroyed the second level of profound strength, and found that he could use the Ultimate Dao Cauldron to absorb the energy of the great medicine, and it would not harm the medicine.

Therefore, for the past ten years, Gu Hengsheng has practiced in closed doors by relying on the power of the Dao Bao medicine dispersed in the Ultimate Dao Cauldron.

After this period of retreat, Gu Hengsheng was only one step away from the fifth realm of the Great Dao.

As for how far the sword intent has reached, Gu Hengsheng himself cannot say clearly.

"what is that?"

Gu Hengsheng was walking on the vast land, and saw some figures not far ahead, and there was a ray of sunshine blooming.

"I think it was born by chance, which attracted many people."

Gu Hengsheng murmured, quickened his pace, and planned to go over to have a look.

Gu Hengsheng wanted to find someone to ask about the general situation of the current market place, so as to make up for the vacancy in the past 11 years.

Ahead, there is a valley, surrounded by hundreds of figures, swords drawn.

In just a moment, Gu Hengsheng came here and hid in a corner.

"There is actually someone who is the pride of the race." Gu Hengsheng looked at the battle in the valley and said secretly.

In the valley, there are five or six ethnic groups separated, each of them staring at a stalk of spiritual grass in the middle of the valley, the atmosphere is extremely dignified.

Of course, this spiritual herb is not as good as the Dao treasure medicine, but it is also an extremely rare medicine, which can promote the cultivation of warriors, so it is very precious.Therefore, no one wants to give up this spiritual herb.

"Everyone, please give my giants a face, and give this fire grass to my giants."

There are a dozen or so giants in the giant family, each of them is ten meters tall, wearing animal skins, and their muscles are bulging explosively.

"This spiritual herb was first discovered by my mole tribe, so if you want to leave, you must leave."

On the other side, there are about [-] half-meter-tall people staring at them.Although they are weak in stature, they are extremely powerful. They use the technique of killing, killing people invisible.

The dozen or so Tianjiao of the human race were silent, and it seemed that they had no intention of leaving.This spiritual grass can have a chance to improve the cultivation level, it is extremely precious, and the human race's arrogance does not want to miss it.

"Little Mole, believe it or not, I stomped you to death with one foot."

A certain Tianjiao of the giant clan stomped hard, and a huge footprint appeared on the ground, and said coldly to everyone in the mole clan.

"A bunch of stupid big guys, be careful not to know how you died."

The mole tribe is proficient in assassination techniques. Since ancient times, they have assassinated countless strong people, so they have occupied a place among hundreds of tribes, and many tribes dare not underestimate them.


All the arrogances of the giant clan snorted coldly.

Slowly, the atmosphere in the valley became more and more oppressive, and finally some tribe's Tianjiao couldn't bear it anymore, and planned to fight for this spiritual grass, and then escaped into the void.

But who knows that at this moment, an accident happened.

call out!call out……

Several figures came from afar at a high speed, with a pair of fiery red wings spreading out from their backs, they were menacing.

"Oops! People from the Golden Crow tribe are here!"

In the valley, someone's complexion turned dark, and he secretly yelled that it was not good.

In the next moment, several arrogances of the Golden Crow descended in the valley, and raised their voices: "This world is the territory of our Golden Crow, so naturally this Huoyuan Grass belongs to our Golden Crow."


In the valley, the expressions of the giants, moles, humans, and stone demons all sank.

"The hands of the Golden Crow are too long!"

A Tianjiao of the giant clan refused to accept, and asked angrily.

"The north of the Ruins Realm is the territory of our Jinwu clan. If you refuse to accept it, how dare you fight with the young and patriarch of my clan?"

The people of the Golden Crow tribe raised their heads proudly and shouted loudly.

For a moment, everyone was speechless, their eyes dim and drooping.

The young patriarch of the Jinwu clan is Liu Yunxiao, one of the evildoers.Looking at the entire market, there are tens of thousands of geniuses, and there are very few people who can fight against them.

" Jinwu people are too deceptive."

Someone was dissatisfied and roared in a low voice through gritted teeth.

"So what?" the Golden Crow Clan's prides directly used their magical powers to take the Huoyuan Spiritual Grass in front of everyone, and said proudly.


Even if I deceive you, so what?
Do you still dare to fight against the Golden Crow in the Ruins Realm?
Unless you want to be slaughtered by the Golden Crow, let alone chance, you won't even be able to save your life.

Everyone watched helplessly as Tianjiao of the Golden Crow Tribe took away the spirit grass, but they couldn't do anything.I was extremely aggrieved in my heart, secretly hating myself and others for making wedding dresses for others.

"Let's go!"

The dozen or so Tianjiao of the human race quickly accepted this fact, stopped staying, withdrew from the valley, and walked forward.

The other ethnic groups clenched their hands and vented their anger in the valley, shattering the entire valley.

"Wait a minute."

Gu Hengsheng, who had been hiding in the dark for a long time, appeared and came towards the dozen or so talents of the human race.


A dozen or so Tianjiao paused, turned their heads and saw Gu Hengsheng's figure.

"The aura of my human race, which holy land are you proud of? Why do you act alone? Are you not afraid of accidents?"

The leader of the human group was a man named Feng Chanyong. He was wearing a black gown and asked directly.

"I'm just a casual cultivator, and I just came to the land of the ruins."

Gu Hengsheng lied without blushing.

"What are you doing?"

Although they are both of the human race, Feng Chanyong, as the captain of the group, would not trust a person easily, and asked cautiously.

"I want to go for a walk with you, is that okay?"

Gu Hengsheng actually wanted to inquire about some news.

"This..." Feng Chanyong frowned, he hesitated.

The other dozen or so Tianjiao kept looking at Gu Hengsheng, but they didn't see anything.

"Captain, since they are all human races, let's accept him for now! To avoid being persecuted by other races."

In the team, a girl couldn't bear it and said softly.

"Okay! Then you follow us! But, you have to be clear about one thing, if you have any unruly thoughts, I will kill you without mercy."

Feng Chanyong pondered.

"Okay." Gu Hengsheng nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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