The sword rises

Chapter 775 Are You Blocking The Way?

Chapter 775 Are You Blocking The Way?

Chapter 770 You block the way, is it really okay?

Gu Hengsheng quickly integrated into the human team, and he learned a lot from these people.

Today's market place is basically occupied by various ethnic groups, and it is divided into seven domains, which are ruled by seven evildoers.

Chu Xiaosheng from the Murloc Clan, Xue Shaoyi from the Shura Clan, Hong Yuanyi from the Dragon Carp Clan, Wang Chiya from the Gu Clan, Liu Yunxiao from the Jinwu Clan, Qing Family from the Emperor Clan, and Yuan Lin from the Black Phoenix Clan.

The seven evildoers divided the Ruin Realm together, took advantage of the opportunity, and their strength was much more terrifying than ten years ago.

"I heard that Chu Xiaosheng of the murloc tribe is at the ruins monument, intending to conquer the ruins monument and leave his name behind."

In the queue, a girl from the third realm of the avenue patiently introduced Gu Hengsheng.

It was this girl who spoke just now, and Feng Chanyong agreed to let Gu Hengsheng follow them.

The girl's name is Liu Ya, and she comes from a holy place in Zhongzhou.

A group of ten or so Tianjiao are all brothers of the same school, otherwise they would not form a team to explore the land of the ruins.In this era of fighting, no one will trust strangers.

These ten or so people were able to cross the River of Rebirth, which shows that they are all extraordinary arrogance, possessing a talent that is unique in a million.

"Chu Xiaosheng is going to fight against the monument?"

Gu Hengsheng was a little surprised.

"Chu Xiaosheng of the fish-human race is not simple. He is a real monster of the world. He may leave his name on the ruins monument and make his name last forever."

Liu Ya spoke crisply with admiration.

Who doesn't want to be the protagonist of this bright era?

It's a pity that this great world belongs to the evildoers of the great world.And the generation of Tianjiao, who has no one in a million, can only be reduced to a foil, a witness.


Gu Hengsheng chuckled disapprovingly, and said lightly.

A group of ten or so people were always watching Gu Hengsheng's movements and guarding against Gu Hengsheng.After all, a stranger has joined the team, somewhat dangerously.

"Fellow Taoist, don't you know your name yet?"

Gu Hengsheng didn't use secret methods to hide his cultivation, Feng Chanyong saw through his cultivation at the fourth level of the Dao at a glance, and said in a deep voice.

"Gu Yun." Gu Hengsheng responded.

Gu Yun, such a familiar name, I seem to have heard it somewhere.

Feng Chanyong and the others frowned, feeling as though they had heard this name somewhere before.Soon, they saw that Gu Hengsheng had done nothing wrong, so they didn't ask any more questions.

Feng Chanyong and the others did not want to have too much communication with Gu Hengsheng. They let Gu Hengsheng follow them along the way and avoided a lot of trouble.

Along the way, many auras secretly probed Feng Chanyong and the others, their thoughts were self-evident.

However, when the unruly people hiding in the dark sensed Feng Chanyong Dao's sixth realm of cultivation, they put away their thoughts of plundering.

Feng Chanyong and the others thought that if Gu Hengsheng was not intimidated by himself and others, if he walked alone in the ruins world, he would probably be devoured by others.

"Why do you act alone? Aren't you afraid of death?"

Liu Ya was very curious about Gu Hengsheng. It was hard for her to imagine that Gu Hengsheng could be so stable walking alone in the market.

Moreover, Liu Ya could not see any tension or panic on Gu Hengsheng's face, it was very flat.

It's like hanging out.

Although this guess and idea is absurd, Liu Ya really thinks so.

What a strange person.

"I'm used to being alone." Gu Hengsheng smiled lightly.

"Oh." Liu Ya nodded half-understanding, and then asked: "Then why do you want to go with us again?"

"Junior Sister, don't you need to think about it. It must be that the great geniuses gathered together just now. This fellow Taoist was a little scared, so he sought us for protection."

Someone laughed and interrupted.

Gu Hengsheng smiled lightly and did not answer.He just simply wanted to inquire about the news of the Ruins Realm, that's all.

"Really?" Liu Ya was dubious, she didn't see the slightest fear from Gu Hengsheng's face.

"Okay, stop talking." Feng Chanyong, as the captain and senior brother of the group, once he opened his mouth, everyone shut their mouths and dared not speak out.

Immediately afterwards, Feng Chanyong turned his head to look at Gu Hengsheng, and said solemnly: "Fellow Daoist, we are going to the monument, do you want to accompany us?"

It was heard that many arrogance gathered at the monument, just to witness the scene of Chu Xiaosheng's battle against the monument, to see if he could leave his name on the monument.

"I happen to have that plan too."

Gu Hengsheng nodded without hesitation.

Hearing the sound, everyone showed a look of contempt, as if it was true.

In the eyes of others, Gu Hengsheng must have been afraid of acting alone, so he said that he just happened to go together in order to get close to them without losing face.

"Then let's go together!"

Feng Chanyong did not refuse, with a dignified expression.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng, along with Feng Chanyong and a group of others, flew towards the ruins monument in a mighty manner.

Gu Hengsheng didn't care about these people's thoughts at all.

Ten years have passed, I don't know how strong the evildoer was back then?
In the first battle back then, Gu Hengsheng barely managed to draw with the three monsters, and fled away with serious injuries.Nowadays, it is impossible to know who is strong and who is weak.

A group of people crossed the mountains and rivers, encountered some powerful enemies who wanted to plunder on the way, and they were all suppressed and killed by Feng Chanyong.

The land of ruins is full of crises, and if they can form a team, the security will naturally be improved.

A few days later, Feng Chanyong, Gu Hengsheng and his party got closer and closer to the monument.

When they passed a deep mountain, a sudden change occurred.

The ground shook suddenly, and a killing formation suddenly rose up, blocking the way of Gu Hengsheng and others, and sealing off the void around them.

"Ready to fight!"

Feng Chan roared bravely as if facing a formidable enemy.


After a while, several figures appeared in front of everyone.

"Leave something and let you survive."

The strong enemy blocking the way is not the human race, but the few arrogances of the wild wolf clan. They don't want to fight with Feng Chanyong and others, and they raised their voices.


Feng Chanyong and the others cursed inwardly, they didn't expect someone to set up a killing array in this deep mountain, what a mistake.

"Everyone, it's a bit dishonest for you to act like this! It seems that my human race has not offended the wild wolf clan at all!"

Feng Chanyong clasped his hands to the several Tianjiao of the Wild Wolf Clan.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, either leave the treasure or leave your life."

A proud man of the wild wolf tribe sneered.

Feng Chanyong and the others were silent. They could sense the extraordinary power of this killing formation. If they forced their way in, they might suffer casualties.

However, if they hand over their precious weapons, it will be even more dangerous. No one knows whether the wild wolf tribe will turn their backs, and there will be no room for resistance at that time.

"Hey! Is it really okay for you to block the way like this?"

At this moment, Gu Hengsheng said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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