The sword rises

Chapter 82 One battle, the world is shocked!

Chapter 82 The World War Is Surprised!
Chapter 82 World War One, The World Was Surprised!
The commander-in-chief of the North Vietnam took a breath, as if he had seen a scene many years ago. At that time, he was not a general of the North Vietnam, but just a general.

Many years ago, a young man in blood-drenched clothes stood on the battlefield like Gu Hengsheng, holding a blood-red spear and shouting: "I am the Gu family of the Tianfeng Kingdom, Gu Youmo! Offend Tianfeng Kingdom for no reason!" whoever, beheaded!"

All of a sudden, the North Vietnamese commander's chest heaved and heaved to suppress the fear in his heart. He seemed to see from Gu Hengsheng the blood hero general who intimidated all directions in the past and made all countries dare not lightly violate the Yanxing Pass.

When the countless soldiers of the North Vietnam Kingdom heard the word Gu family, they all stepped back a few steps in fear.

The prestige of the Gu family was so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people that the morale of countless soldiers in the North Vietnam State suddenly collapsed and they dared not fight.

"You are the young son of the Gu family, Gu Hengsheng? The son of Gu Chengjun?" The commander of the North Vietnam Kingdom used his cultivation at the Earth Profound Realm in disbelief, and shouted, "Impossible! Everyone knows that Gu Chengjun's third son is a waste , how could you be him?"


Everyone knows that the Gu family, Gu Chengjun, gave birth to three sons, two tigers and one worm.Gu Hengsheng's useless body and dandyism are well known to the surrounding countries, so how could the person who shocked thousands of troops before him be the young son of the Gu family?

This is absolutely impossible!

Not only was the North Vietnamese commander unwilling to believe it, but even the tens of thousands of soldiers in the Tianfeng Kingdom were suffocated in horror and became suspicious.

However, Gu Hengsheng's demeanor and body appearance, especially the awe-inspiring aura on the battlefield, are so similar that it is daunting to look directly at.

"He...he...he is the young master of the Gu family? is it possible?" Feng Aojin, the general of Yanxingguan, was also stunned in horror. He looked at the back of Gu Hengsheng riding on the horse, and felt extremely shocked. Familiar with him, he muttered to himself: "It was the same with the Bloody General back then, intimidating all directions, what a domineering side leak..."

"Ah..." General Pi Ren Qifeng opened his mouth wide, showing a horrified expression among the ten thousand troops of the Tianfeng Kingdom, unable to conceal the shock in his heart: "He...he is the son of General Cheng Meng who died for his country back then, son of General Xuexiong Nephew? That young master of the Gu family who is famous for being a dandy?"

"Our captain of the Chifeng Camp, is... is... Gulu, the legendary young master of the Gu family? This is too..." Liu Lingwu of the Chifeng Camp stammered to himself, looking at him standing on the battlefield. The fearless and domineering Gu Hengsheng was completely stunned.

"Isn't it rumored that the young master of the Gu family is a trash who can't practice? What's going on?" At this time, whether it was the soldiers of the Tianfeng Kingdom or the army of the Beiyue Kingdom, they all showed expressions of shock.

Gu Hengsheng's silver-black armor was covered with blood stains, and his crown jade face was also stained with a few streaks of bright red, making him extremely mighty.

"From today onwards, anyone who violates our Tianfeng Kingdom will be killed without mercy!"

Facing the doubts and astonishment of countless people, Gu Hengsheng's face remained unchanged. After taking a deep breath, he let out a fierce roar.

Gu Hengsheng just used a ray of breath deep in his soul, and he rolled up waves of wild sand on the battlefield, rushing towards countless North Vietnamese soldiers.


With one sound, all troops are frightened.

Under Gu Hengsheng's murderous roar, countless North Vietnam soldiers backed away in fear.

"This... is this really the young master of the Gu family?" Even standing high on the city tower, Feng Aojin could feel the awe-inspiring power emanating from Gu Hengsheng, his body trembled involuntarily, and his face showed shock and excitement.

Faced with Gu Hengsheng's killing intent, even the commander of the North Vietnam Kingdom felt enveloped by death for an instant, but he couldn't weaken his momentum, otherwise the soldiers of the North Vietnam Kingdom would lose their morale.

After a while, an abyss-like deep voice sounded from the army of the North Vietnam Army. This voice came from the commander-in-chief of the North Vietnam Army: "Gu Hengsheng! I will remember you. In the future, I will personally behead you! , come to pay homage to the heroic souls of our North Vietnam who died in battle!"

"I'm waiting! I want North Vietnam to repay the grievances of the past with blood!" Gu Hengsheng pulled the horse's reins vigorously, then raised his head and shouted, using the power of his profound energy to respond loudly.

Then, under the watchful eyes of Wan Jun, Gu Hengsheng returned on horseback, the glistening armor on his body reflected the blood-colored light, showing his arrogance.

The North Vietnamese commander gritted his teeth, and could only watch as Gu Hengsheng stepped into the gate of Yanxing Pass.There is no way, now that everyone in Tianfeng Kingdom knows Gu Hengsheng's identity, they will definitely protect him heavily.

If the commander of the North Vietnam Kingdom had known that a small lieutenant was actually the young son of the Gu family, even if he was spurned by countless people, he would rush into the battlefield and capture Gu Hengsheng with his own hands.

It's a pity that that arrow not only failed, but also made the Gu family's great reputation.

Then, when Gu Hengsheng stepped into the pass, the city gate was slowly closed tightly.

The North Vietnamese army did not dare to take half a step forward, because after this battle, they suffered heavy losses, and it can be said that they no longer have the ability to forcibly attack the city.

The most important thing is that because of Gu Hengsheng's scolding just now, the North Vietnamese army was in a state of confusion and was unable to fight any more.Therefore, they can only roll up the yellow sand and blood, retreat back, and plan for the long term.

This battle can be described as shocking and thunderous, which shocked countless people.

The Gu family, Gu Hengsheng, even became famous in one battle!
One man, one gun, one horse, not afraid of the power of the army, galloped ahead with ink guns in hand, making the North Vietnamese army tremble.The most astonishing thing was that when the army retreated back to the pass, he not only beheaded dozens of North Vietnamese soldiers, but also avoided the sharp arrow attack of a strong man in the Profound Earth Realm.

Even though the commander of the North Vietnamese army was furious, he had no choice but to watch this scene with anger.

This blood-red domineering figure is destined to remain in the depths of everyone's hearts forever, is destined to write another chapter of youth in troubled times, and is destined to become a nightmare in the hearts of countless North Vietnamese soldiers.

As soldiers, they all want to be famous and make great contributions on the battlefield.In this battle, Gu Hengsheng's contributions, the enemies he killed, and the morale of the army were not insignificant.

The most shocking thing is that he let countless people know that Gu Hengsheng is not the rumored playboy, but the young master of the Gu family who is not afraid of thousands of troops!

This battle has made Gu Hengsheng's reputation.

This battle protected the national prestige of Tianfeng Nation.

This battle laid the foundation stone for Yanxing Pass not to be taken lightly.

"I am the Gu family of Tianfeng Kingdom, Gu Hengsheng!"

These words instantly spread in all directions of the Hundred Kingdoms, causing the dark clouds in Qingtian to disperse, causing the yellow sand to roll up wildly on the battlefield, and reducing the morale of countless soldiers of the North Vietnam Kingdom.

The news of the battle at Yanxing Pass flew to every corner of Tianfeng Kingdom as if it had grown wings.

(End of this chapter)

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