The sword rises

Chapter 83 After the War

Chapter 83 After the War
Chapter 83 Postwar
Inside the Yanxing Pass, the army led by General Su Quan was resting, and all the wounded soldiers were brought back for treatment one by one, without missing any one.

Counting the number of casualties, only about [-] of the tens of thousands of elite soldiers returned, including wounded soldiers, and suffered heavy losses.However, the casualties of the North Vietnamese army were even more serious, as high as [-], and the wounded who were brought back were not included.

Victory, and a big victory!

With 1 people fighting against 3 people, such a record is already considered a big victory.Fortunately, there are soldiers in the Yanxing pass plundering the formation, otherwise, if the battle continues, Su Quan and the other [-] troops who survived may all be buried in the bloody yellow sand.

In the Chifeng camp, Gu Hengsheng, who had always been indifferent, looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help but dim a bit.

There are soldiers with broken arms and pale faces; there are soldiers with ears cut off and bright red cheeks;

Looking at this scene, Gu Hengsheng couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"Captain!" A sad voice came from behind, Gu Hengsheng turned around slowly, and saw Liu Lingwu's pale face.

Liu Lingwu bowed down to Gu Hengsheng respectfully. He no longer dared to underestimate Gu Hengsheng, because the scenes on the battlefield stayed in his heart forever.

"Lieutenant, you... are you really that Mr. Gu from the capital?" Liu Lingwu still rolled his throat in disbelief, and he couldn't tell the rumors about the young Mr. Gu's family causing trouble and the figure on the battlefield that intimidated all parties. Combined.

"Yes." Gu Hengsheng nodded lightly, "I am."

"This... this is too incredible!"

Liu Lingwu said hesitantly: "Lieutenant, you don't quite look like the legendary young master of the Gu family."

"Let's not talk about that." Gu Hengsheng patted Liu Lingwu's shoulder lightly, and then said solemnly: "You should make arrangements for the injured brother first!"

"Yes, I understand." Liu Lingwu nodded fiercely, looking at a group of Chifengying soldiers who were seriously injured, his eyes were slightly red.

Now, all the soldiers of the Chifeng Battalion looked at Gu Hengsheng's figure unconsciously with a sense of reverence.They couldn't help but think of the scene where they laughed at Gu Hengsheng as a brat before, their ears were all red and they clenched their fists, as if they felt a little ashamed.

At this moment, Gu Hengsheng was still wearing the blood-stained silver-black armor, but he had taken off the helmet on top of his head, and his black hair was slightly messy and slightly swaying.

At this moment, the sound of rapid footsteps rumbled from outside the Chifeng Camp.

When Gu Hengsheng heard the sound, he saw Feng Aojin, the general of Yanxingguan, leading a group of generals coming, walking hurriedly.

"General." Everyone in Chifeng Battalion immediately called out respectfully.

Feng Aojin just nodded slightly, then walked straight towards Gu Hengsheng.

In the blink of an eye, Feng Aojin came in front of Gu Hengsheng.

"You...are you really Young Master Gu?" Feng Aojin pondered for a while, staring at Gu Hengsheng with complicated thoughts, and asked.

"En." Gu Hengsheng nodded slowly, and replied.

In fact, Feng Aojin is already convinced that Gu Hengsheng is the young master of the Gu family. The bloody figure that shook the world and the domineering and shocking momentum just now are very similar to General Chengmeng and General Xuexiong in the past.

But when Feng Aojin heard Gu Hengsheng admit it with his own ears, he couldn't help being startled.There's no way, the youthful figure that shocked thousands of troops just now turned out to be the good-for-nothing son of the Gu family who has been famous all over the world for so many years, who can accept it all at once?

"Blood Red Army, Feng Ao Jin, pay homage to Young Master."

Feng Aojin was startled for a moment, then saluted Gu Hengsheng with fiery eyes, and shouted loudly.

"I'll pay my respects to you, Young Master." Immediately afterwards, all the generals behind Feng Aojin bowed to Gu Hengsheng one after another.

The Blood Red Army, the first army of Tianfeng Nation, has a small number, only about tens of thousands of people, and they are basically distributed in various barracks of Tianfeng Nation.However, as long as there is an order, the blood red army will be assembled in the first time, waiting for instructions.In normal times, in order to improve the overall entity of Tianfeng Nation, it is evenly deployed in various places.

Feng Aojin is a general of the Blood Red Army and the general guarding Yanxing Pass.As for Mr. Gu, the real commander of the Blood Red Army, Feng Aojin naturally wants to call Gu Hengsheng a son.

"You generals don't have to be like this." Gu Hengsheng said flatly and softly.

Feng Aojin came this time not only to confirm Gu Hengsheng's true identity, but also to get a closer look at what the legendary No. [-] playboy in Kyoto is like.

However, no matter how Feng Aojin looked at it, he didn't feel that Gu Hengsheng had the slightest impetuous dandyism of the sons of officials and eunuchs. He really couldn't figure out that such an arrogance like Gu Hengsheng would be called a waste.

A person who can stand proudly on the battlefield and scold tens of thousands of troops without changing his face, is this kind of person called a playboy?
With his cultivation at the early stage of the Spirit Profound Realm, he escaped unscathed from the sharp arrow attack from the powerhouse of the Earth Profound Realm. Rumors say that Gu Hengsheng is a useless body that cannot practice?

Thinking of this, Feng Aojin and the others couldn't help secretly scolding those who spread such a complete reversal of right and wrong.If a young and arrogant person like Gu Hengsheng is called a troublemaker, then how many people in the entire Tianfeng Kingdom are not trash?
"My lord, you really shocked me just now. Are you injured?" Feng Aojin couldn't help but secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead when he thought of the arrow that Gu Hengsheng was attacked by the commander of the North Vietnamese country, and smiled wryly. road.

If something happened to Gu Hengsheng at Yanxing Pass, then Mr. Gu would definitely break down and go into a rage.At that time, I am afraid no one will be able to bear the consequences.

"I'm fine." Gu Hengsheng naturally guessed the worries of Feng Aojin and others, and responded with a slight smile.

"It's fine." Feng Aojin secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and then said: "My lord, why did you come to Yanxing Pass?"

"I'll just come over and take a look. After all, this place carries my second uncle's obsession." Gu Hengsheng pondered for a while, then said with a little deep meaning.

Young Master Gu's second uncle?Isn't that the old blood hero general?

The expressions of the people couldn't help sinking, as if they were a little sad.

"Since the young master is safe, I won't bother you."

Feng Aojin just wanted to prove Gu Hengsheng's falsehood before, but now he can be sure that Gu Hengsheng is really the young master of the Gu family.Therefore, Feng Aojin is not bothering, and intends to leave.

"Okay." Gu Hengsheng whispered softly.

Then, after taking a deep look at Gu Hengsheng, Feng Aojin led the generals, left the Chifeng camp, and headed for the general camp.

"The Gu family... a good-for-nothing young master who doesn't need to practice? It's ridiculous. Maybe it won't be long before the young master can inherit the majestic appearance of his father's generation and stand on the top of the battlefield."

Feng Aojin, who was walking on the road, couldn't help but recalled the figure of Gu Hengsheng, who commanded tens of thousands of troops with a single shot, and sighed inwardly.

At the same time, news of the Battle of Yanxing Pass also came back from the capital of Tianfeng Kingdom...

(End of this chapter)

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