Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 102 The Awakening of the North Heaven Gate

Chapter 102 The Awakening of the North Heaven Gate (Sixth Watch, Please Subscribe)

[Characteristic [-]: The Destiny Belongs——With the dragon robe on your body, you are the Destiny Belonging, and you will be protected by the heavens and the earth. If anyone dares to hurt you, you will be backlashed by the heavens and the earth]

[Characteristic [-]: Invincible God's power - with the blessing of God's power, your coercion will be multiplied]

"Not bad!"

After expressing her appreciation, Yingxi was undoubtedly very satisfied with the Artifact Refining Hall.

"Ding, after the Artifact Refining Hall felt your appreciation, it danced and raised a middle finger at the Alchemy Tower to show provocation."

"Ding, the alchemy tower is not to be outdone, take out the real dragon pill he prepared for you."

[True Dragon Pill: Imperial-grade top-grade pill, which can help you condense the might of a real dragon]

[True dragon coercion: After it is condensed, it will shake people's minds with the power of a real dragon, it is a soldier who will not fight and defeat others]

"good stuff."

Immediately afterwards, Yingxi did not hesitate at all.

Take out the True Dragon Pill directly and swallow it directly.

In an instant, a storm of real dragons set off around Yingxi.

Suddenly, the real dragon roared behind Yingxi.

The terrifying coercion of the real dragon made Shangguan Haitang tremble.

Fortunately, this is just the real dragon's coercion that Yingxi subconsciously exudes.

If he used the real dragon coercion against Shangguan Haitang, Shangguan Haitang's mind would collapse within the breath.

At the same time, outside the square gates of Xianyang City, a large army arrived.

Outside the north gate of Xianyang City.

Demon flames linger.

The army of more than [-] people should be the private soldiers of various families who were tainted with demonic energy as the people from the Qisha Demon Palace said before.

To be precise, they should be considered golems now.

A body of combat strength can reach the third level of body training.

It is extremely strong.


Before the puppet army, there were dozens of grand masters in the Purple Mansion. Judging by their clothes, they didn't look like people from the Seven Demon Palace.

On the other hand, the brocade clothes and clothes look like the rulers of various families.

Then, if there is no accident, these people are the principals of the major families in Qinglong Mansion.

Come to think of it, they should have become the subordinates of the Seven Fiends Demon Palace and were willing to attack Xianyang City for the Seven Fiends Demon Palace.

"Ding, the north gate of Xianyang City has always been kind to people and has never bullied others. Today, a large army wants to attack the north gate of Xianyang City."

"Ding, the north gate of Xianyang City feels very wronged. Once wronged, the north gate of Xianyang City likes to find someone to cry."

"Ding, in the cycle of reincarnation, there is a group of Heavenly Court guards who are extremely indignant when they hear about the grievances at the north gate of Xianyang City."

"Ding, the north gate of Xianyang City has successfully sold the great law of misery. In the cycle of reincarnation, please send out [-] Beitianmen guards, [-] Beitianmen centurion commanders, ten Beitianmen thousand commanders, and one Beitianmen ten thousand commanders. .”

[Northern Heaven Gate Guard: According to legend, the guard who guards the western gate of a heavenly court, dedicated his life to guarding the North Heaven Gate, is a rare city guard]

[Centurion of Beitianmen: According to legend, the centurion who guards the western gate of a heaven can command a hundred guards of Beitianmen like arms and fingers]

[Northern Heaven Gate Commander: According to legend, the commander who guards the western gate of a heavenly court has good commanding skills and strong personal strength]

[Northern Heaven Gate Chief Wanfu: According to legend, the Wanfu Chief who guards the western gate of a heavenly court has the potential to become a god general]

[Guardian of the North Heaven Gate—Initial Realm: Nine Layers of Body Refining]

[North Tianmen Centurion—Initial Realm: Tianyuan Nine Layers]

[Chief of the Northern Heaven Gate——Initial Realm: Nine Layers of the Purple Mansion]

[Northern Heaven Sect Chief Wanfu——Initial Realm: Nine Layers of Cave Heaven]

"Ding, the north gate of Xianyang City also began to transform itself at the same time. It has a trace of the true meaning of the ancient Tianting Beitianmen, and its strength has increased a hundred times. It is officially renamed: Beitianmen."

"Ding, Beitianmen heard that Dongtianmen has two major characteristics, and continued to sell miserable mode, crying and complaining to Dongtianmen."

"Ding, Dongtianmen really couldn't bear Beitianmen crying and wiping away their tears, so they had to give Beitianmen the Shield of Encouragement and the War Horn at the same time."

"Ding, Beitianmen has successfully opened two new features, the shield of encouragement and the horn of war."

Almost in the blink of an eye.

Beitianmen is different.

In a short period of time, like a miracle, although the appearance of Beitianmen has not changed too much, the sudden majestic aura makes people feel daunting.

The family leaders who were aggressively trying to kill them just now couldn't help being a little stunned.

They stopped, and the golem army naturally stopped charging.

However, they stopped, and the Beitianmen's offensive started.

The war horn blows.

Not long after, a group of Beitianmen guards surrounded the army of golem puppets from all directions like divine soldiers descending from heaven!


Following the command of Master Wan of Beitianmen.

With the shield of encouragement, the defense is a hundred times stronger, and the war horn is a hundred times more offensive.

Coupled with the difference in the realms of the soldiers of the two sides, the guards of the North Heaven Gate have the ninth level of body training, and the golems have the third level of body training.

The difference in combat power between the two sides is like a natural moat in an instant.

The guard of Beitianmen is almost invincible.

Golems can't even break through their defenses!

All the family leaders were stunned for a moment.

They never imagined that the golem army they fantasized about sweeping away all powerful enemies would be slaughtered wantonly like ants.

According to this speed, I am afraid that the golem army will soon be wiped out.

The speed at which the Beitianmen guards killed the enemy was so fast that almost every moment, hundreds of puppets were killed.

With more than 3 magic puppets, it is hard to say whether they can last half an hour guarding the Beitianmen.


In the void, a terrifying specter suddenly appeared, and with a roar of anger, it rushed straight to the head of the North Heaven Gate.

He wanted to use his strength in the Faxiang Realm to forcibly behead the head of the Northern Tianmen, and make the Beitianmen guards leaderless.

"Your opponent is me!"

At this moment, Xiao Feng suddenly dashed out, and landed in front of the phantom.

"Dare you to stop me even if you're mere Dongtian Bazhong?"

Moying looked at Xiao Feng with disdain.

He is the realm of law.

The Dongtian Realm, even the Ninth Layer of the Dongtian, is not in his eyes.

"Why not!"


With a loud shout, the battle body of Bahuang opened up.

Xiao Feng's own shackles were instantly shattered.

His accumulated background is already enough.

This time, he took advantage of the trend to break through the realm and stepped into the Nine Layers of the Cave Heaven.

"Ding, in view of the fact that Xiao Feng uncovered the conspiracy of the four major forces last time, there was no reward. This time, all the major panels work together to give Xiao Feng a lot of rewards."

"Ding, the various panels have opened up another hundred caves for Xiao Feng, and helped him comprehend the supernatural power of his destiny: the fighting spirit of the Eight Desolation."

"Ding, the various panels help Xiao Feng transform the true meaning of happiness into the supernatural power of life."


[Six more, please subscribe, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward~]

(End of this chapter)

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