Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 103 Wang Jian, the Four Famous Generals of the Warring States Period

Chapter 103 Wang Jian, the Four Famous Generals of the Warring States Period ([-]th update, please subscribe)

[Bahuang Fighting Intent: Heaven-ranked top-grade supernatural powers, a terrifying fighting intent imprinted from the Bahuang Battle Body]

[Xiaoyao Zhenyi: Heaven-level top-grade supernatural powers, blessed with Xiaoyao Zhenyi, every offensive can bless a Xiaoyao Zhenyi, doubling its power]

"Break it for me!"

Xiao Feng, who has received help from various panels, felt like a god at this moment!

With a roar, the sound shook the sky.

With a click, with the power of two hundred caves, he broke into the realm of the law!
"Ding, at the same time as Xiao Feng broke through the realm of the law, with the help of a large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy, he successfully inscribed the fighting spirit and the true meaning of happiness into the two hundred caves in his body."

"Destroy me!"

The dragon swings its tail!

At the moment of breaking through, Xiao Feng threw out a palm resolutely.


The phantom man looked dumbfounded.

In this short moment, Xiao Feng went straight from the eighth level of the cave to the realm of Faxiang?
Until Xiao Feng's palm almost hit his chest, he couldn't wake up from the shock.

The phantom spewed out a mouthful of blood, and his entire body felt like it was cracked inch by inch.

"Soul search!"

At this moment, Ying Xi stepped over, and when the phantom's body was about to shatter, he forcibly placed his palm on top of the phantom's head, and began to search for the soul.

"I see."

A moment later, a look of relief appeared in Ying Xi's eyes.

The reason why he came here on purpose was to know why the Seven Demon Palace would attack Da Qin.

You must know that through the previous investigation by Xiao Feng and others, the Seven Evil Demon Palace had planned to deal with Da Qin long ago, and it was not after he killed the elders of the Seven Evil Demon Palace that he made the decision.

This time, after soul searching, Yingxi finally understood.

But it turned out that the reason why the Qisha Demon Palace wanted to take action against Daqin had to go back thousands of years.

Thousands of years ago, after the Great Qin Shihuang unified Kyushu, he vigorously encircled and suppressed the Palace of the Seven Demons, causing the Palace of the Seven Demons to almost perish for a time.

It was not until nearly a hundred years ago that it slowly recovered its vitality.

This time, they will join forces with Tian Luohou, Bailian Sect, and Golden Horde Khanate to conquer Xianyang, in order to avenge the great revenge of thousands of years ago.

"Resolve the battle quickly."

After giving an order, Yingxi's figure flickered, but he didn't stay here too long!


After receiving the order, not only Xiao Feng, but also Hong Qigong appeared at the right time, found the Cave Heaven Realm of the Demon Palace of the Seven Fiends hidden in the army of demon puppets, and began to kill wildly.

It didn't take long for the battle at Beitianmen to end with Great Qin's complete victory and the annihilation of the puppet army.

"Ding, the guards of Beitianmen successfully wiped out the entire army of golems. Beitianmen is overjoyed. He, who has always been lazy, even took action himself, robbing [-]% of the Qisha Demon Palace's luck."

"Ding, since it was Beitianmen who took the initiative to plunder the luck, without experience, there was an unknown change in the feedback of the exercises."

"Ding, the kung fu feedback has mutated into a wisp of pure Yin Qi."

"Ding, a hungry tiger in the "Nine Yin Manual" will devour this ray of pure Yin energy."

"Ding, after devouring this ray of pure Yin Qi, the completion rate of the "Nine Yin Manual" advanced to the king level has increased to 50.00%."

"Ding, washed away by luck, your "Nine Suns Cooking Sea Jue" has advanced to the seventh level, and your "Little Five Elements Emperor Jue" has advanced to the ninth level."

"Ding, Beitianmen felt that it was difficult to reward the guards of Beitianmen with the power of his accumulated merits, so Beitianmen once again used the Dafa of Weeping and Weeping so heartbreakingly that he couldn't stand it for a long time gone."

"Ding, with the support of Time Changhe, Beitianmen began to reward the guards of Beitianmen with their heads held high."

"Ding, the guards of the Beitianmen broke through and broke through to the third layer of Tianyuan."

"Ding, the Centurion of Beitianmen broke through and broke through to the third level of the Purple Mansion."

"Ding, the commander of Beitianmen broke through the realm and broke through to the third level of the cave."

"Ding, Chief Wanfu of Beitianmen broke through the realm and broke through to the third level of Faxiang."

"Ding, Hong Qigong was also rewarded along the way, and his realm has advanced by leaps and bounds, breaking through to the ninth level of the cave."

"Ding, as a gift for you, Beitianmen specially synchronizes Xiao Feng's two natal supernatural powers for you: the true meaning of happiness and the fighting spirit of the Eight Desolation."

"Congratulations, you have obtained the true meaning of happiness and the fighting spirit of the Eight Desolation."

Beitianmen is the time when the army is pressing down on the border.

Outside the Nantian Gate, it is also for the army to suppress the territory.

Judging by the banner, it should be from Tianluohou Mansion.

Tianluohou, from Zhongzhou, north of Tianluo Mansion.

This time, in order to flatten Xianyang City, Marquis Tian Luo took action himself.

The reason why you are so anxious to do it.

In fact, Tian Luohou had no other choice.

Gein, Yingxi has risen too fast recently.

Beilin Road is next to Gyeonggi-do. Tian Luohou felt intuitively that if he didn't take the initiative to make a move, wouldn't he be the first person to be dealt with by Ying Xi when Yingxi became successful?

Therefore, he decided to strike first.

Originally, it was just a secret instigation, hoping that the Confucian scholars in the world would stir up momentum and deal a heavy blow to Yingxi.

Now, simply go into battle in person.

Gold and iron horses, the earth shook.

This time, Tian Luohou brought all his elites.

A total of [-] cavalry, at least all of them are in the fifth level of body training.

In terms of combat power, it is far from comparable to the magic puppet army that was quickly completed in a short period of time in the Seven Sha Demon Palace.

"Jietian Luo Army Formation!"

It has to be said that Tian Luohou is an amazing existence.

Not only is he amazing in martial arts, but he also possesses a powerful realm of the first level of the Faxiang Realm.

He is also an outstanding commander, who can actually make his [-] cavalry form a battle formation, doubling their combat power.

Seeing this scene, Sima Cuo, who was guarding above the Nantian Gate, was unaware of it.

To be honest, Sima Cuo consciously, with the strength of Tie Ying Rui Shi, at this moment, under his leadership, if [-] against [-], it may not be able to beat the [-] cavalry forming a large formation under the city.

"Ding, the glory of Great Qin cannot be tarnished."

"Ding, in the cycle of reincarnation, in the past, General Wang Jian of the Qin Dynasty was delighted to see Liexin, so he decided to step out of reincarnation himself, leading ten thousand iron eagle warriors, to meet the heavenly princes for a while."

"Ding, Wang Jian felt that his level of martial arts was too low, and he was afraid that he would lose to Marquis Tian Luo, so he asked for help from the sleeping Great Qin Heroes in reincarnation."

"Ding, with the help of the heroes of the Great Qin, Wang Jian's martial arts qualifications have been greatly improved, and even in the cycle of reincarnation, he used the power of a hundred caves to engrave the magical powers of the martial arts and entered the realm of the law."

【Name: Wang Jian】

【Affiliation: Eternal Heroes】

[Martial Arts Qualification: Monstrous Level]

[Martial Arts Potential: Nine Stars]

【Martial Dao Realm: First Stage of Law】

[Supernatural power: Eagle strikes the sky (warrior supernatural power)]


The moment Tian Luohou ordered the siege of the city.

Above the Nantian Gate, Wang Jian descended.

The sharp aura, like a tiger descending the mountain, instantly stunned Tian Luohou's pupils, and an invisible pressure suddenly bound Tian Luohou's body.

This made Tian Luohou's nerves instantly tense, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.


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(End of this chapter)

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