Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 122 Li Qiushui's Birth

Chapter 122 Li Qiushui's Birth ([-]th update, please subscribe)

[Nine Suns Burning the Sky Jue: The king-level top-grade exercise, which is advanced from the Nine Suns Cooking the Sea Jue, and the exercise is divided into fourteen layers]

"Ding, your "Nine Suns Burning the Sky Jue" has not been baptized by luck, and it has entered very slowly, stopping at the fifth level."

"The army continues to set off."

After solving the nineteen dharma phases, Ying Xi continued to give orders.

"Your Majesty, why don't we go back to Xianyang first?"

During the march, Shangguan Haitang hesitated for a moment, then spoke cautiously.

The nineteen Dharma Stages just now made her realize that the news of Yingxi Yujia's personal conquest must have been known to many people.

I'm afraid that if Ying Xi continues to go to the north road, more and stronger people will be attracted to intercept and kill him.

For the sake of Ying Xi's safety, she only persuaded her like this.

"It's okay."

Yingxi directly refused.

It's not that Ying Xi is conceited, but that he knows a truth, the flowers in the greenhouse are destined not to last long.

He, Yingxi, wants to reorganize the country, and he has to deal with some crises in person.

More importantly, if he returned to Xianyang at this time, wouldn't it mean that Yingxi was frightened?
This will only increase the arrogance of those who want to murder Yingxi, but it will degrade Yingxi's own arrogance, and the gain outweighs the loss.


Seeing Ying Xi's firm gaze, Shangguan Haitang didn't try to persuade her anymore. She knew Ying Xi's character well, and knew that it would be useless for her to be numerous.

You can only do your best as a scout.

Lingzhou, Baihua Palace.

After bidding farewell to Yingxi that day, Yu Muling returned to Baihua Palace alone.

As soon as she entered Baihua Palace, Yu Muling encountered unprecedented criticism.

Inside the main hall of the palace.

Fang Hongyi, the lord of Baihua Palace, was on the throne, with a blank expression on his face, and he remained silent.

On both sides are the six powerful elders of Baihua Palace, each of whom is a great master of the Nine Layers of the Heavenly Cave, and rarely appears in the rivers and lakes on weekdays.

Yu Muling stood alone in the hall, looking a little helpless.

"Yu Muling, as the elder sister of Baihua Palace, you made arbitrarily determined decision to prostrate yourself at the feet of Emperor Qin, willing to degenerate and become Qin Emperor's maid. You have completely disgraced my Baihua Palace."

The last seat on the right, the Sixth Elder of Baihua Palace, looked old, he hammered the ground several times with his crutches, his face was full of hatred for iron and steel.

That's right, about Yu Muling becoming Yingxi's maid, I don't know when and where the news leaked out. Today, Yu Muling was summoned to the main hall just after returning to the sect.

Yu Muling has heard such scolding more than once.

"Sixth Elder, Emperor Qin is wise and powerful, and has the appearance of a great emperor. It is my honor to be his maid."

Although she is in a very passive situation now, she still retorted stubbornly when it was about Yingxi.


The chief on the left, the Great Elder, yelled loudly.

Her aura, like overwhelming mountains and seas, crushed down towards Yu Muling in an instant.

A mouthful of blood spurted out violently.

Although Yu Muling was extremely oppressed, her eyes were still stubborn.

Now, in her consciousness, Yingxi is the sky!
No one can humiliate Yingxi in front of her.

"Palace Master, in my opinion, Yu Muling is no longer worthy of continuing to be the Senior Sister of Baihua Palace."

"Some time ago, the Shangguan family in Runan sent someone to send a letter, hoping to marry me in Baihua Palace. In my opinion, it's better to let Yu Muling pay off his merits and marry Shangguan Feiyun."

The chief and second elder on the right looked at Yu Muling, unconsciously revealing a sinister look.

She has long disliked Yu Muling.

Gain Yu Muling snatched away her direct disciple, Lan Wei'er's senior sister position.

Now, she just took this opportunity to drive Yu Muling away. She believed that no one would be able to compete with her apprentice Lan Weier for the position of Senior Sister.

"Second Elder's words, it's too late."

"No matter what, Yu Muling is an excellent disciple of my Baihua Palace. The position of senior sister can be taken away, but I don't agree to let her go into marriage."

Although the Sixth Elder had criticized Yu Muling a lot before, but at this moment, he strongly opposed Yu Muling's marriage.

To be honest, if it is a normal marriage, the sixth elder will not stop it.

The Shangguan family in Runan is also one of the six great families in the world.

Originally, the marriage with the Shangguan family in Runan was a matter of great joy.

However, the marriage partner is Shangguan Feiyun, so it seems difficult to explain.

Shangguan Feiyun was often known as a genius in his early years, and it is said that he became the master of the Purple Mansion when he was less than twenty years old.

However, later, for some reason, Shangguan Feiyun's realm suddenly retreated. In just a few years, only the third stage of body training was left, and he became a complete waste.

Therefore, the Sixth Elder did not agree to let Yu Muling marry Shangguan Feiyun.

She didn't deliberately protect Yu Muling, but simply felt that it was not worthwhile for an excellent disciple like Yu Muling to marry a waste like Shangguan Feiyun.

"No, what the Sixth Elder said is wrong, but I think what the Second Elder said is very true."

"Anyway, this Yu Muling has already lost the face of my Baihua Palace, so what if she is excellent?"

"It's better to use the waste, and let her marry Shangguan Feiyun, which is just right."

In the second seat on the left, the third elder also agreed with what the second elder said, and his words had completely nailed Yu Muling to the pillar of shame.

"Ding, feeling that your maid Yu Muling is being insulted and bullied, the maid panel is furious."

"Ding, in order to protect your maid Yu Muling, the maid panel has invited a martial arts expert from reincarnation."

"Ding, Li Qiushui is invited by the maid panel and is about to step out of reincarnation."

"Ding, in order to ensure that Li Qiushui's birth can guarantee absolute suppression, the maid panel helped Li Qiushui to be blackened, his strength doubled, and the realm of his birth was raised to the third level of Dharma."

"Ding, in order to better help your maid Yu Muling, the Destiny Emperor has specially given destiny guidance to help Li Qiushui obtain a native identity."

【Name: Heihua·Li Qiushui】

【Affiliation: Legend of Martial Arts】

[Martial Arts Qualification: Monstrous Level]

[Martial Arts Potential: Eight Stars]

【Martial Dao Realm: Triple Stage of Dharma (Supreme Grand Master)】

[Cultivation technique: Small Formless Kung Fu (Tian Tier Top Grade)]

[Identity: The Supreme Elder of Baihua Palace who has been hidden for a long time]

"Palace Master, I think it's feasible."

The Great Elder also seconded.

"No, I am Qin Huang's maid, how can I marry someone else?"

Yu Muling screamed loudly, she was ready to die.

She would rather die than marry that Shangguan Feiyun.

If these elders continue to persecute her, she will commit suicide, and she can't let Yingxi down!
"Presumptuous, you can also question the decision of the sect?"

"Palace master, this elder dared to call the shots and let Shangguan Feiyun marry Yu Muling."

The Great Elder was angry and decisive.

"I think you are impatient to be an elder, you want to die!"

At this moment, a domineering voice came from outside the hall.


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(End of this chapter)

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