Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 123 Synchronizing "Small Wuxiang Gong", the natal spiritual gold supernatural powe

Chapter 123 Synchronizing "Small Wuxiang Gong", the divine power of the natal spirit gold (eight more, please subscribe)

The terrifying breath spread into the hall, and all the elders were startled in an instant.

Even the Lord of Palace of Hundred Flowers, his expression changed, and he couldn't sit still anymore.

"Elder Taishang?"

When Li Qiushui stepped into the hall, Palace Master Baihua was the first to exclaim.

"Fang Hongyi, pay homage to Elder Li Taishang."

"I don't know why the Supreme Elder is here?"

Fang Hongyi felt Li Qiushui's unstoppable murderous intent pouring out, even though she was already at the first level of Fa Zhe, she couldn't help but feel frightened at this moment.

She had a premonition that with Li Qiushui's strength, Li Qiushui could easily crush her to death with a flick of a finger.

Thinking of this, her attitude became more and more respectful.

"I have seen the elders too."

Seeing this, the six powerful elders hurriedly saluted.

Especially the First Elder, she was taken extra care by Li Qiushui. At this moment, drops of cold sweat continued to flow across her body, and the majestic force rolled over her body, making her almost out of breath.

"Just now, are you three going to send my little niece to marry?"

Li Qiushui was still as handsome as ever, with a cold voice, Li Qiushui increased his power.

Immediately, the First Elder, Second Elder, and Third Elder were all overwhelmed by the terrifying momentum, unable to move.

Fang Hongyi and the other three elders all looked at Yu Muling in surprise.

Li Qiushui, the Supreme Elder, is actually Yu Muling's aunt?
How can this be?

When Yu Muling joined the Hundred Flowers Sect, they checked all eight generations of Yu Muling's ancestors.

There is no such relationship at all, what is going on here?

Infinite doubts arose in Fang Hongyi and the other three elders.


Yu Muling also couldn't help but became incredulous.

She even wondered, did Li Qiushui admit the wrong person?

When did she have such a powerful aunt?

"Little girl, it's your fate. Being His Majesty's maid is the most correct decision in your life."

At the same time, Li Qiushui glanced at Yu Muling playfully, and said secretly.

Hearing the sound transmission, Yu Muling looked at Li Qiushui, and it took him a long time to confirm that he had no auditory hallucinations.

It was because of His Majesty.

She hurriedly covered her little mouth, she was really afraid that she would cry out excitedly.

At this moment, Yingxi was no different from a god in her eyes.

Even the Supreme Elder of Baihua Palace seems to belong to His Majesty, and she is honored as a maid.

"From today on, the three of you are no longer elders."

After Li Qiushui's majestic voice fell, the First Elder, Second Elder, and Third Elder all struggled together and shouted: "No, we are not convinced, you have no right to deprive us of our position as an elder."

They are all elders with real power, and they have been domineering for many years. If they take down their positions as elders, it will be more uncomfortable than killing them.

"I'm not qualified? Palace Master, what do you think?"

Li Qiushui smiled but wasn't smiling.

"Of course it's okay for the Supreme Elder to speak up, but since the three elders don't know that Yu Muling is your niece, I wonder if the Supreme Elder can forgive them for a while?"

After thinking about it, Fang Hongyi decided to intercede for the three elders.

"But they keep saying that I'm not qualified!"

"If you do something wrong, you will have to pay the price!"

Li Qiushui's voice gradually became colder, Fang Hongyi's throat moved, he hesitated for a while, but in the end he didn't dare to say more.

"We didn't do anything wrong. It's clear that Yu Muling did something wrong and tarnished the reputation of my Hundred Flowers Palace. He should be punished. You can't use your power for personal gain, Supreme Elder."

The Great Elder still did not give up, and tried his best to argue.

"Very good, how about you?"

"Do you think so too?"

Li Qiushui glanced at the second elder and the third elder.

After being stunned for a moment, the second elder and the third elder were so heartbroken that they simply decided to go all the way to Hei. They were both members of Baihua Palace, and they didn't believe that Li Qiushui really dared to do anything to them.


"Since that's the case, then you guys, go to die!"

As everyone knows, Li Qiushui is ruthless and merciless, do you expect Li Qiushui to be afraid of his fellow disciples?
Dream it!

Three palm shots, the first elder, the second elder, the third elder, and the three elders didn't even have time to react, they were directly shot to death!

This scene completely shocked Fang Hongyi and the other three elders. They all made up their minds that in the future, even if they were killed, they would not be able to provoke Yu Muling.

This Li Qiushui is too scary.

"Palace Master, you can choose another three elders. As for the three of them, they should be executed for offending the deity."

After Li Qiushui finished speaking, he pulled Yu Muling and said softly, "Come with me, my little niece."

Yu Muling followed Li Qiushui away with a flattered expression.

Fang Hongyi looked at Li Qiushui's back and saluted respectfully, "No."

"Ding, Li Qiushui strongly overwhelmed the owner of Baihua Palace, killed the three powerful elders of Baihua Palace, and the gang panel plundered 50.00% of Baihua Palace's luck in one fell swoop."

"Ding, congratulations, you have successfully obtained exercise feedback."

"Ding, there is an unknown change in the exercise feedback, and it has been corrected for you. Congratulations on successfully synchronizing Li Qiushui's "Little Formless Kung Fu."

[Small Formless Kung Fu: Heaven-rank top-grade kung fu, when it came to this world, unknown changes occurred, and the kung fu is divided into nine levels]

"Ding, you have successfully synchronized, the ninth level of advancement of "Little Formless Kungfu"."

"Ding, you have received a lot of luck, your "Soul Eater and Heavenly Poison Sutra" has advanced to the tenth stage, your "Nine Yin Xuanming Jing" has advanced to No. 13, and your "Dan Xin Qi Dian" has advanced to No. .13 levels, your "Nine Suns Burning the Sky Jue" has advanced to the ninth level."

"Ding, you have received a lot of luck. Although your "Little Five Elements Emperor Jue" has not yet advanced to No.14, it is still at No.13. However, your natal Gengjin supernatural power has been transformed, and you have advanced to the king-level top-rank natal Lingjin supernatural power."

[Lingjin: Wang-rank top-grade natal supernatural powers, can better sit on your lungs]

Right now.

Yingxi has already led his army into the North Border Road.

"Your Majesty, ten miles ahead, there seems to be people from the devil's way. The whole Zhuangzi was slaughtered by bloody means."

Shangguan Haitang came to report quickly.

On the face, there was still a trace of sullenness.

The scene she witnessed just now was too tragic.

In the entire Zhuangzi, according to her visual inspection, there were at least 600 people, all of whom died in terrible conditions. The entire Zhuangzi was full of resentment.

One can tell at a glance that there must be someone in the devil's way.

"A man in the devil's way? Tucun?"

When the Qisha Demon Palace slaughtered the Qinglong Mansion before, Yingxi had seen those tragic scenes with his own eyes.

Although Yingxi himself is a murderous existence, he usually won't do anything to innocent people.

At this moment, a trace of indignation appeared in my heart unconsciously.

If given the chance, he would kill this demonic person.

"Go, take me to have a look."

"The army rests in place."

After thinking about it, Yingxi decided to go and see for himself.

It's good to find out what's going on.


[Eight more, ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward~]

(End of this chapter)

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