Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 148 Natal Ability: Nine Yin Tongyou

Chapter 148: The Divine Ability of Native Fate: Nine Yins Tongyou
"Ding, with the help of the remaining power of the Celestial Corpse Orb, you will transform another two hundred purple mansions into Dongtian in one fell swoop, and successfully promote to the ninth level of Dongtian."

"Ding, all the thousand caves in your body have been successfully engraved with the supernatural powers of life: the transformation of the corpse, the real body of the magic dragon, the mighty world, the entry version of the Taiyi body, the angry-eyed King Kong, and the nine suns in the sky."

So far, the purple mansion in Yingxi's body, except for the first purple mansion in the world, the rest of the purple mansions have all been transformed into caves.

Yingxi only needs to inscribe his natal supernatural powers, and then use a wave of heaven and earth spiritual energy to transform the first purple mansion into a cave. Yingxi is expected to advance to the realm of magic with the strength of the first cave in history.

The war is over.

Immediately afterwards, Yingxi ordered Ma Chao to clean up the battlefield and hunt down the remnants of the Dongshanhou Mansion.

Let Shangguan Haitang go and gather all the big and small forces from Ningyong Mansion, Dongshan Mansion, and the two mansions one by one, and let them all bow their heads and proclaim themselves ministers.

If there are any dissatisfied, Ying Xi also clearly told the ancient Haitang that he can directly exterminate the family and punish the nine clans.

Zhongzhou, Shannan Road, Yuanwu Moshan.

After the Heavenly Demon Sect was destroyed.

The forces from all directions should have left happily.

However, at this moment, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, and the tens of thousands of troops under their command are besieged by the three forces of Taiyuan Wang Clan, Jinshan Temple, and Money Gang.

"Elder Jin Chang, Butcher Wang, Xuankong, what do you mean?"

Looking at the three of them coldly, Zhao Yun's tone was very unfriendly.

At the same time, Zhao Yun silently winked at Zhang Fei.

The two of them looked at each other, and they knew each other well.

Knowing that the opponent's comer is not good, they are also ready to turn their faces and kill the enemy at any time.

"What do you mean?"

"Zhao Yun, don't you understand?"

"The person next to you is very unfamiliar."

Butcher Wang smiled coldly.

Although he is only the Nine Layers of the Heavenly Cave, behind him is the Wang family of Taiyuan.

Therefore, even if Zhao Yun is already at the second level of the Faxiang Realm, he is not false at all, and he still represents the Taiyuan Wang family's tough dialogue with Zhao Yun.

"This is under the command of Marquis An Wu, General Zhang Fei."

Now, there is no order from Yingxi.

Zhao Yun couldn't figure out what Yingxi was thinking, so he could only choose to arrange Zhang Fei's identity as An Wuhou's subordinate first.

In this way, it can be regarded as covering up part of the power under Yingxi's command in a disguised form.

At the critical moment, Yingxi might be given some surprises.

It might also become a nightmare for one of Yingxi's enemies.

"General Zhang Fei?"

"I don't think it's General Zhang Fei, but the Great Devil Zhang Fei?"

As soon as Jin Changcai said something, a big hat was immediately put off.


Hearing this, Zhao Yun secretly said that it was true.

Just before, Zhang Fei was still using the power of magic to kill the enemy wantonly.

Zhao Yun just had a vague feeling that someone might want to use this to make a fuss.

Now, it's really here.

They wanted to directly characterize Zhang Fei as the devil.

They beheaded Zhang Fei again, suppressed him, and even, a little harder, even killed him.

At that time, the reputation of stepping down the Tianmo sect will belong to the three major forces of Taiyuan Wang Clan, Money Gang, and Jinshan Temple.

As for Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun, it is very likely that they will bear the name of the demon leader who colluded with the Heavenly Demon Sect to cause chaos.

These three major forces, planning like this, can't be said to be vicious.

"You say my old Zhang is a devil?"

Zhang Fei smashed the Zhangba Snake Spear heavily on the ground.

The terrifying power turned into a shock wave, solemnly growing old.

A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Jin Changchang's old face was full of horror.

Just a random blow, no, this is not a formal attack.

He was a majestic nine-level cave, and he was almost killed directly.

Great horror!
Looking at Zhang Fei with lingering fear in his heart, Jin Changchang was full of anger in his heart.

But he didn't dare to say anything more.

I'm afraid that if Zhang Fei comes again, he may go back to the west directly.

Xuankong and Wang Butcher, who were going to echo with him, couldn't help but gasped.

Afterwards, the two of them even retreated several tens of feet in unison, only then did they stabilize their minds.

"How dare the devil be presumptuous?"

What the elder Jin Chang represents is the entire Qiang Gang.

How could it be possible that the dignified money gang would not have someone strong in the Faxiang Realm.

next moment.

The three money helpers came to the scene one after another.

Together, the three of them took care of Jin Changlao firmly behind him.

"Oh, if you dare to frame me, you should be prepared to die."

Zhang Fei let out a loud drink.

Subconsciously, he felt a burst of thunder exploding in his ears.

It was too late to say, but soon, Zhang Fei was crushed out by Zhang Ba Snake Lance, and with one sweep, he pierced through the bodies of the three Dharma Aspects of Qianqian Gang one after another.

Three consecutive beeps.

The blood mist exploded by the three figures splashed on Jin Changlao's body.

In an instant, Jin Changchang's face was dull for a while.

What a joke.

Although the people who came to help them with money were not very powerful.

However, it is also the second level of the three dharma phases.

However, in Zhang Fei's hands, the three Dharma Aspect Realm Level [-] couldn't even stop a single move.

At this moment, Elder Jin Chang couldn't help but think.

Could it be that before, the rumors were not false, but true?

Did Zhang Fei really kill most of the Heavenly Demon Sect's Dharma Realm with his own power?

so horrible.

Just thinking about it makes my head tingle.

"Zhang Fei, you are looking for death!"

"Amitabha, demon head, put down the butcher's knife quickly, I can save you and become a Buddha today."

The Wang family of Taiyuan has three Dharma Aspects at the third level.

The three monks in Jinshan Temple are in the fourth level of Dharma realm, and they are still the dignified images of Buddhism.

One by one, as if they were doing Zhang Fei's good, they wanted to convert Zhang Fei.

"You don't deserve it!"

Zhang Fei smiled.

He really didn't know where these three forces got the courage to deal with him.

Not to mention their three major powers and nine Dharma realms.

That is, the nine Faxiang realms that Tianmozong returned to support before, which one is not a big realm higher than the nine of them?

The Dharma Aspect Realm of the first three Heavenly Demon Sects are already at the fifth level of the Dharma Aspect Realm.

Isn't he conferring the head under Zhang Fei's Zhangba Snake Spear?


Another explosion roared, and the vision of Zhang Fei's cave opened.

Two hundred caves, under the blessing of two great supernatural powers.

Zhang Fei is the most terrifying existence.

A shot blasted out like a thunderbolt six points.

In an instant, they pierced through the bodies of the three monks of Jinshan Temple and the three bodies of the Wang family of Taiyuan respectively.

boom! boom! boom!
The sound of successive body explosions was shocking.

"Ding, Zhang Fei even killed the Qianqian Gang, Jinshan Temple, Taiyuan Wang's family, a total of nine Dharma Aspects, and the Mo Dao panel was overjoyed."

"Ding, Mo Dao took the opportunity to plunder the luck of the three major forces and transform it into the wisps of pure Yin Qi you need."

"Ding, after absorbing several wisps of pure Yin Qi, your "Nine Yin Blood Hell Jue" has advanced No. 14, and derived the king's best natal supernatural power: Nine Yin Tongyou."


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(End of this chapter)

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