Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 149 The psychic sword body, the heavenly hell is upgraded again

Chapter 149 The psychic sword body, the heavenly hell is upgraded again (six more, please subscribe)

[Nine Yins Tongyou: The supernatural power of the king's rank. According to the legend, the extreme of the Nine Yins can pass through the nether world. This supernatural power has unknown and mysterious effects]

After Zhang Fei went on a killing spree.

The three major forces were all dumbfounded.

Especially when they made the decision to kill Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun, Jin Changlao, Xuan Kong, and Wang Butcher all had dull eyes, empty and dull eyes.


Killing one is still killing, killing two is still killing.

Now that the blood feud has been forged, Zhang Fei no longer has any worries.

When even Yu roared again, like a tiger joining a flock of sheep, he rushed into the three major forces and began to slaughter wildly.


Zhao Yun took a deep breath.

There was also a flash of determination in the eyes.

After several shots in succession, Jin Changlao, Xuan Kong, and Wang Butcher all became the souls of Zhao Yun's gun.

He had wanted to kill these three things for a long time, but this time, it was just right.

"Ding, Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei went on a killing spree, slaughtering people from the three major forces, and won the heart of the Demonic Dao panel."

"Ding, Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei both received rewards from the Magic Dao panel."

"Ding, received a lot of martial arts spiritual energy, Zhao Yunjin entered the third level of Dharma Aspect, and Zhang Fei entered the fourth level of Dharma Aspect."

Cangbei Road, Dongshan Mansion.

After Shangguan Haitang and Ma Chao cooperated with each other, repeatedly persuaded them to surrender, and exterminated the clan, Dongshan Mansion, Ningyong Mansion, and all the forces in the two mansions, except for those who were obliterated, are now included in the gang panel and family panel. He became Yingxi's loyal dog.

"Your Majesty, after this great victory, many forces in Lixing Mansion, Xingshan Mansion, and the lands of the two mansions have taken the initiative to send people here, wanting to surrender to His Majesty in advance."

Cangbei Road is also home to three prefectures, namely Dongshan Mansion, Lixing Mansion and Xingshan Mansion.

At this moment, Shangguan Haitang was also slightly excited.

According to this speed, she felt that the day when Yingxi regained control of Kyushu would not be too far away.

"is it?"

The corners of Yingxi's mouth raised slightly unconsciously.

"What happened to Danwu Pavilion?"

Afterwards, Yingxi asked again.

Although Danwu Pavilion is not among the top powers in the world.

However, it is said that it was also a powerful force that competed with the Palace of Medicine King.

In terms of strength, it has been widely rumored in the world that it will not be much worse than the Palace of Medicine King.

Now, Danwu Pavilion is located in Xingshan Mansion. It seems that Yingxi wants to control the entire Cangbei Road, and Danwu Pavilion is a hurdle that cannot be bypassed.

"Returning to Your Majesty, there has been no expression from Danwu Pavilion, and I don't know what they are thinking."

Shangguan Haitang shook her head.

She is also trying to find out.

However, Danwu Pavilion has never revealed anything to the outside world.

"Is that so?"

"Then take Lixing Mansion first, and put pressure on Danwu Pavilion from the side."

Ying Xi thought for a while, then said in a deep voice.

Regarding Danwu Pavilion, Yingxi still wanted to use peaceful means to resolve it.

If it really doesn't work, then use violent means to solve Danwu Pavilion.

After all, Danwu Pavilion still has some background, if it can be used for its own use, it will be great.


Shangguan Haitang didn't have any objection, and Dang even agreed.

Los Angeles.

On the official road, dressed in white, bohemian.

The wine jug is hanging on the waist, and I take a big mouthful from time to time.

He chanted: "You don't see it, the water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky, and it will never return to the sea.

See you, Gaotangmingjing has white hair in sorrow, and the morning is like blue silk and snow in the evening.

Life is full of joy, so that the gold is empty for the moon.

I am born to be useful, and come back when my wealth is gone.

Cooking sheep and slaughtering cows is fun, and you will have to drink three hundred cups.

Mr. Cen, Dan Qiusheng, will drink, don't stop drinking. ".
A sound, a sentence, seems to imply some kind of power.

Passers-by heard and listened, and they all stopped and listened unconsciously.

until a certain moment.

Suddenly someone blocked Li Bai's way.

That's right.

It was Li Bai who was dressed in white.

Under Yingxi's order, he traveled around Luozhou and practiced the way of swordsmanship. When the time came, he would choose the famous sword villa with his sword and crush the Five Elements Sword School.

"I heard that you are Li Bai, the lackey of the Qin Emperor?"

"I don't think you are worthy of the title of sword god in this world. Today, I, Li Rufeng, want to challenge you."

When the time came, the onlookers all gasped.

Li Rufeng.

In Luozhou, it is really famous.

One of the top ten sword sects, the second son of the Li family of Yujian Villa, masters swordsmanship.

It is said that he has a psychic sword body, and he has been able to feel the spirit in the sword since he was a child.

, and was recognized by Yujian Villa's inherited sword, the king-ranked high-grade Burning Heaven Qilin Sword.

Now, at the age of less than thirty, he is already a master of the Nine Layers of the Cave, famous in Luozhou.

It can be said that such a talent is rare in the entire Kyushu.

In the past, Yi Wenbo from the Five Elements Sword Sect and Su Yan from the Famous Sword Villa competed for the title of the current Sword God, and he didn't even bother to do it.

Because, he is confident that as long as he makes a move, the title of the current sword god will belong to him without any suspense.

At this moment, the reason why he wants to challenge Li Bai is because he has been influenced by Yujian Villa since he was a child, and he looks down on the Great Qin court.

Hearing someone's instigation again, I had an impulse to come here, wanting to kill Li Bai with the sword.

Of course, he would not admit it. In fact, what he cared more about was that people in the world actually rumored that Li Bai was the sword god in the world, and that he was a banished immortal, and his reputation once overshadowed him.

This made him already jealous.

"Challenge me?"

"You should think about it."

"Before I came, Your Majesty set the rules for me."

"Anyone who wants to challenge me, there is only one rule."

"That is, to determine the outcome and determine life and death."

"The winner lives, the loser dies!"

After Li Bai took a sip of wine, there was neither sadness nor joy in his tone.

It was as if he didn't care about his life or death at all.


I was a little taken aback.

Li Rufeng held his head up, like a proud swan, and let out a low voice.

He is confident that as long as he makes a move, it is absolutely impossible to lose.

He is also the ninth level of Dongtian, and he wants to let Li Bai know that he killed Li Bai like a dog!

"Ding, Heavenly Prison is very interested in Li Rufeng's psychic sword body."

"Ding, in order to get Li Rufeng, Heavenly Prison began to upgrade itself."

"Ding, the Heavenly Prison has been successfully upgraded. After that, the Heavenly Prison can cast a ghost image of the Heavenly Prison anywhere in Kyushu. As long as you throw people into the ghostly shadow of the Heavenly Prison, the Heavenly Prison can detain them back to the real Heavenly Prison. among."

"Ding, Li Bai already knows that Heavenly Prison longs for Li Rufeng's psychic sword body."

"I suddenly changed my mind."

Suddenly, Li Bai took a deep look at Li Rufeng and said in a low voice.

"Li Bai, aren't you afraid?"

Li Rufeng immediately mocked.

"No, I just want to say, if you lose, I won't kill you, but I will send you to my Great Qin Heavenly Prison."

The projection of the Great Qin Heavenly Prison seems to be able to descend anytime and anywhere.

This is no longer a secret in the entire Kyushu.


[Six more, please subscribe, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward~]

(End of this chapter)

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