Chapter 161

Before Wang Yangming came to the world, and the embodiment of Confucian saints, they can still maintain a calm.

But now, there are constant palpitations in my heart, which are difficult to calm down.

At this moment, the five-clawed golden dragon and the blue dragon all turned into the general trend of heaven and earth, their phantoms were almost solidified, and they fought continuously with the sky as the battlefield.

Such a terrifying movement is like an ancient heavenly emperor playing chess with an ancient Confucian saint behind the scenes using the heaven and the earth as a chessboard.

Not long after, all the top powerhouses in the entire Kyushu felt uneasy about it and speculated again and again.

"Sure enough, there must be big changes in the struggle for destiny in this life."

Somewhere, in a thatched hut, an old Taoist sighed deeply.

"Confucian sage? Heavenly Emperor? I just don't know, in this life, will my Buddhist World-Honored One come to the world."

On the back mountain of Shaolin Temple, an old monk with white beard and hair was gazing at the sky and muttering to himself.

"Damn it, I don't know when Lord Mozun will be born."

In the depths of Yuanwu Demon Mountain, there is actually a terrifying demon land. Inside, there is an old demon, whose eyes are full of unwilling roars.

During this short period of time, I don't know how many people are shouting and wandering.

In the small mountain depression, Ying Xi also felt a little impatient.

He could feel that the battle between the Heavenly Mandate Emperor Body and the Confucian Saint Body became more intense.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid, it won't wait for them to decide the winner.

Yingxi's body would be the first to collapse under their tossing.

"Heavenly Mandate Emperor Body, Confucian Saint Body, you guys, fuse with me!"

For a certain moment, Ying Xi could no longer sit idly by and sneered coldly.

Just like Tianyin came out.

Then, above the sky, it could be seen that a big hand was tearing apart the void, with a majestic momentum that covered the sky and the sun.

In an instant, it was like carrying two urchins, locking the fate of the five-clawed golden dragon and the blue dragon by the throat.

No matter how the two struggled, their strengths were constantly fused under the kneading of the big hands.

After about a moment, the five-clawed golden dragon and green dragon disappeared one after another, and above the sky, a ghostly figure of a giant dragon that looked like gold and not gold, green and not green, alternating green and gold raised its head!

hold head high!hold head high!hold head high!
After the three dragon chants, the phantom dissipated, and the world once again returned to its former clarity.

However, the visions around Yingxi still haven't dissipated.

Brilliant golden awns, arrogant green awns, entangled with each other, in a trance, as if a treasure of heaven and earth is about to be born.

Shangguan Haitang, who was guarding outside, was already drenched in blood at this time, beheading countless prying eyes.

All in all, during Yingxi's retreat, there were no less than a hundred corpses around Shangguan Haitang.

Moreover, with the passage of time, more and more people, full of greed, rushed towards this place.

Of course, there were also quite a few people who saw that Shangguan Haitang was too vicious, so they hibernated temporarily and scattered around, looking for opportunities to break through Shangguan Haitang's guard.

at the same time.

Ying Xi's expression gradually eased down.

In a vague moment, his spirit seemed to be wandering in the ocean of Confucianism and Taoism.

In the silence, Yingxi could feel that his true Confucianism and Taoism were being crazily multiplied every minute and every second.

If Yingxi wanted to, he could even show the true meaning of Confucianism and Taoism that was more pure and powerful than the body of a Confucian saint at any time.

His Heavenly Mandate Emperor Body also undergoes invisible changes in the dark.

Although Yingxi's physique is still based on the Mandate of Heaven as the main body, but this time, the body of Confucianism and Saints is integrated, and the two are almost completely equal.

Therefore, the body of the Heavenly Mandate Emperor at this time is actually the body of a Confucian saint!

The two have already blended together, regardless of each other.

"Ding, your "Mirror Moon True Explanation" took advantage of the battle between the Heavenly Mandate Emperor Body and the Confucian Saint Body, secretly devoured the essence of a lot of Confucian Saint Body, and directly advanced to the No.14 level."

"Ding, your "Mirror Moon True Explanation" wanders in the ocean of Confucianism and Taoism with you, and your mind is wide open. Take advantage of the trend to guide your evolution of your natal supernatural power: Haoran Jiangshan, and transform it into the best natal supernatural power of the king rank: the pen of magic."

[Miraculous brush: Wang Jie's superb supernatural powers, guided by the true meaning of Confucianism and Taoism, every stroke is all supernatural powers, the strokes of the pen startle the wind and rain, and the poems cry ghosts and gods]

"Ding, all of your thousand caves will be engraved with natal supernatural powers: Vajra's glaring eyes, nine yangs in the sky, nine yins open to the secluded, celestial corpse change, magic dragon's real body, celestial dog's eclipse of the sun, the pen of magic, and the entry-level version of the Taidao body."

Ying Xi stood up slowly, flexed his muscles and bones, and glanced at the pure-blooded dragon horse beside him. He was surprised to find that this dragon horse was actually wrapped in a rich layer of colorful halo. Every moment, his The power is crazily increasing.

"Never mind."

Ying Xi was originally too lazy to bother, but after retreating, he planned to leave on a pure-blooded dragon horse.

He didn't want to do anything to the grasshoppers who were waiting outside.

But, now, for a while, the pure-blooded dragon horse really can't be promoted.

But at a glance, Shangguan Haitang has gradually run out of money.

The grasshoppers who rushed over were getting stronger and stronger.

It seemed that he really had to do it.

"Girl, you'd better get out of the way."

"You can't protect the treasure inside."

Outside, at this time, Shangguan Haitang was staring sharply at the three old men in front of him.

These three people are all strong in the Dongtian Realm.

It is far from the group of stinky fish and rotten shrimps that she killed before, which is no taller than the ninth level of the Zifu.

Especially the old man who made the sound, with a sinister face, is already the existence of the sixth level of the cave.

Shangguan Haitang thought to herself, it might be hard to resist.

However, she did not flinch at all.

Taking a deep breath, he tightened his grip on the curled long sword in his hand, and said with an extremely firm attitude: "I said before, if you want to go in, you have to step on my corpse."

For Yingxi, she did not hesitate to die!
"Stop talking nonsense, let's do it together and kill her!"

In the small mountain depression, the vision is gradually dissipating.

The other two old men were anxious and shouted loudly.


Saying that, the three elders, one of the sixth level of the cave and two of the fifth level of the cave, all launched the strongest offensive without mercy, intending to kill Shangguan Haitang with one blow.

"His Majesty!"

In desperation, Shangguan Haitang murmured and glanced back, planning to rush forward and fight for her life.

"A bunch of trash, die for me!"

At this time, Yingxi was holding the True Dragon Emperor Sword, like a god descending from the earth.

The body is like a blazing sun, shining forever.

As soon as the sword came out, the shadow of the sword overflowed, sweeping across the void.

boom! boom! boom!
The sound of bodies collapsing successively sounded.

Near the small mountain col, hundreds of martial artists with evil intentions all turned into blood mist.

In an instant, it was as if a rain of blood was falling near the small mountain depression, causing many warriors who rushed to the vicinity to tremble, their faces turned pale with fright, and they left without looking back.

so horrible!

Only by seeing such a scene of blood raining down the sky with one's own eyes can one know how breathtaking it is.


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(End of this chapter)

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