Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 162 Stepping on the ground, supernatural powers are invincible

Chapter 162 Stepping on the ground, supernatural powers are invincible

"Ding, congratulations, after your dragon horse has absorbed a lot of the true meaning of Confucianism and Taoism, it has successfully advanced to the initial stage of the fifth stage (between the first and third stages of the Faxiang Realm)."

After a long time, the pure-blooded dragon horse finally finished its advancement.

During this period of time, some people occasionally came to try to kill them, but they were all beheaded by Ying Xi with a single sword.

In the small mountain depression, there are already thousands of corpses lying horizontally, and the strong smell of blood is extremely piercing.

"Let's go."

Take a drink in a deep voice.

Ying Xi planned to ride the dragon horse and continue to return to Xianyang.


Shangguan Haitang had no objection. She had been recuperating from her injuries after Ying Xi made a move, and at this moment, she had almost recovered.

After all, she hadn't suffered any serious injuries before, it was just that she was a little over-used.

"Qin Huang Yingxi, where are you going!"

At this moment, two middle-aged men in Taoist robes suddenly appeared, standing in front of Yingxi.

"Taiyi Palace, Longhu Mountain?"

Ying Xi's eyes dimmed.

He is quite familiar with the aura of these two people.

An aura is passed down from the same line as the Taiyi Zang he cultivated, and no accident, it must come from the Taiyi Palace.

The other one is very similar to the aura of Chongyangzi in Longhu Mountain before. Presumably, it should come from Longhu Mountain.

"Ding, Heavenly Prison senses the aura of the eighth level of the two Dharma Phases, and Heavenly Prison wants to suppress them."

"Qin Emperor, we are here today to represent Longhu Mountain and Taiyi Palace, and to give you a chance."

"As long as you release me, Chongyangzi of Longhu Mountain, Jianxuan, Xuanshuang, Xuanxin of Taiyi Palace, and the holy girl You Ziying."

"Besides, write another letter of guilt, kiss me at Longhu Mountain, and kowtow 99 at the Taiyi Palace, so that I can apologize. I, Longhushan and Taiyi Palace will spare your life."

Both of them looked confident and aloof, as if they were gods in the sky, and Yingxi was just a lowly commoner, who could be abused and played around with.

"You two trash, you dare to speak nonsense in front of me?"

Ying Xi smiled coldly.

If these two were both in the ninth level of the Dharma Aspect Realm, condensing the existence of a real Dharma Aspect, maybe Yingxi would still be afraid.

However, Ying Xi still doesn't pay attention to the mere eighth level of law.

Of course, to be precise.

In fact, in the Dharma Aspect Realm, only the Nine Layers of the Dharma Aspect Realm, which condenses the existence of its own Dharma Aspect, can be truly called the Dharma Aspect Realm.

Those below the Ninth Layer of the Law Aspect Realm basically failed to condense their own Dharma Aspects. The source of the battle still depends on the cave.

Therefore, the existence below the ninth level of the Dharma Aspect Realm, which does not condense its own Dharma Aspect, can also be said to be a false Dharma Aspect Realm.

Theoretically speaking, as long as your cave power is strong enough, even if you are not in the state of law, you can reverse this false state of law.

Coincidentally, Yingxi is this kind of existence with enough power in the sky.

And it's a terrifyingly strong existence!

The True Dragon Emperor sword was unsheathed.

Burning Heaven Sword Art!

Slash out with one sword, and the ground will be thousands of miles away!

The scorching momentum seemed to burn the entire small mountain into scorched earth.

The vision of the cave opened!

One Thousand Cave Heavens, the eight natal supernatural powers are engraved in the cave sky, the nine yangs are in the sky, the nine yins are open to the secluded, the celestial corpse transformation, the real body of the magic dragon, the sky dog ​​eats the sun, the brush of magic, and the entry version of the Taiyi body.

In an instant, between the supernatural powers, the rays of light reflected each other, and in just an instant, the power of that sword increased by more than ten times.

The two Dharma Aspect Realm Eighth Layers from Longhu Mountain and Taiyi Palace didn't even have time to declare their names and show off their prestige.

Even if he was swallowed by Yingxi's sword, he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

After a while, Yingxi withdrew his power.

On the small col, there are still raging fires everywhere.

Ying Xi stepped forward slowly, walked to the side of the two scorched bodies, and found that both of them were still breathing.

"Hmph, it's your fate."

With a cold snort, Ying Xi didn't intend to let them go so easily, and went straight to soul searching!

Soon, they got a lot of secrets about Longhu Mountain and Taiyi Palace from the minds of the two of them.

Both of them are existences of the eighth level of Faxiang Realm, and they can be regarded as high-ranking and powerful in Longhu Mountain and Taiyi Palace, so they know a lot of things.

For example, Yingxi searched out a big secret from their minds.

That is, Longhushan, the Taiyi Palace, has secretly discussed and formed an alliance, planning to take advantage of the situation to unify the Taoist sects in the world at the next Taoist conference.

This is a big move.

The corners of Yingxi's mouth rose slightly. With such excitement, he felt that it was necessary for him to participate.

"Ding, your great method of changing the sky and striking the earth has successfully advanced to the realm of Dacheng after the soul-searching two Dharma Aspect realms have reached the eighth level."

The phantom of hell descends.

Yingxi is based on the idea of ​​waste utilization.

It was to kick the two of them into the heavenly prison.

"Ding, Heavenly Hell has received two big toys again, and Heavenly Hell is as happy as a child."

"Ding, when Heavenly Prison gets excited, it yells at the Luck of Longhu Mountain and Taiyi Palace: Bring it here, and grab a lot of Luck from the two Daomen."

"Ding, Heavenly Prison stripped off the two people's exercises, and when they were practicing and enlightening, they felt that it might not be of great help to you, so they simply turned all of them into Taoist exercises and enlightenment and dedicated them to you."

"Ding, with a lot of Taoist insights, your exercise "All Things Rejuvenate" directly advanced to the No. 14 level, and successfully promoted the king-rank top-rank natal supernatural power: Taiyi body entry-level advanced king-rank best, and transformed into: earth recovery. "

[The recovery of the earth: Wang Jie's supernatural powers can awaken the power of the earth, bless one's body, step on the earth, and have invincible supernatural powers]

"Ding, the natal supernatural power engraved in the cave in your body: the entry-level version of the Taiyi Body has all been transformed into: the recovery of the earth."

"Ding, after absorbing a small amount of luck, your "Nine Turns Soul Eater Jue" has advanced No. 14, and your "Dan Ling Heart Sutra" has advanced No. 12."

"Ding, I feel that Shangguan Haitang is trying her best to protect the lord, and I must give you a reward. The panel of all civil and military officials will help Shangguan Haitang to make a big improvement."

"Ding, after receiving the help of civil and military officials, Shangguan Haitang made rapid progress and directly advanced to the ninth level of the cave."

next moment.

Shangguan Haitang's realm is like riding a rocket, breaking through one after another in the blink of an eye, reaching the ninth level of the cave.

"Shangguan Haitang, follow me back to Xianyang."

After Shangguan Haitang's breathing stabilized, Yingxi shouted in a deep voice.


At that moment, Shangguan Haitang followed Yingxi and galloped on the horse towards Xianyang.

Shannan Road, outside of Wumo Mountain.

Just as Zhao Yun led the army out of the Yuanwu Demon Mountain, he entered another huge formation.

In the formation, the murderous intent was revealed, and in a short period of time, many soldiers under Zhao Yun's command were crushed and killed.

Zhao Yun's pupils sharpened suddenly, and he roared angrily, "Who is it?"

From the monster riot in the depths of the Yuanwu Demon Mountain, to this moment, as soon as he got off the mountain, he entered into the killing array carefully arranged by others.

Zhao Yun has already affirmed that this matter, from beginning to end, was carefully set up by others.


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(End of this chapter)

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