Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 207 The Secret Realm Opens, The Authority of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 207 The Secret Realm Opens, The Authority of Heaven and Earth (Six In One Chapter)

As we all know, there are five roads in Yunzhou, namely: Huaifeng Road, Jingshuang Road, Chongchuan Road, Linyuan Road, and Xiangxi Road.

Huaifeng Road, Jingshuang Road, Linyuan Road, and Xiangxi Road, the four roads were all under King Yun's command shortly after King Yun raised the anti-flag.

Only Chongchuan Road, which is adjacent to Linyuan Road where King Yun is located, can also be regarded as the hinterland of Yunzhou. Under the call of the Heroes Association, a large number of people in Chongchuan Road are now resisting King Yun, preventing King Yun from easily controlling Chongchuan Road. Chuan Road.

However, before that, King Yun didn't care too much.

It has always been regarded as scabies. After all, in the eyes of King Yun, the Hero Club is no different from a clown who thinks it can be dealt with at any time.

The reason why he didn't go to war was because King Yun still wanted to preserve his good reputation and tried to solve the problem from within the Hero Association.

He has this kind of thinking, because Chen Jinnan and Chen Jialuo are the recent leaders of the Heroes' Association, and that's why King Yun has the idea and decision to shake the Heroes' Association.

As everyone knows, the Hero Club has already been included in the gang panel.

The whole hero will go up and down, and now it is monolithic.

It is not a force that King Yun may disintegrate from within.

At this time, Gou Qing brought up the old matter again, advocating abandoning Huaifeng Dao and stepping up efforts to subdue Chongchuan Dao, which caused some thoughts to arise in King Yun's mind for a while.

King Yun also realized that, too, his methods were too mild in terms of subduing Chongchuan Dao and dealing with the Hero Association.

If possible, he should take this opportunity to make a strong move, destroy the Hero Association, and take down Chongchuan Road.

As Gou Qing said, he really needs to pacify the interior of Yunzhou as soon as possible.

Chongchuan Road is located in the hinterland of Yunzhou, so he can't be careless.

"Gou Aiqing, what you said makes sense."

"However, Gu Wang still doesn't want to give up Huaifeng Dao easily."

"Why don't we let all the cities in Huaifeng Road fight to the death."

"Gu Wang then ordered Huang Bold, Li Dali, and Zhang Dakuan to lead a total of 60 Tiger Roaring troops to retreat to Jingshuangdao and Anyang Pass."

"How does Gou Aiqing feel?"

After thinking about it, King Yun made a compromise proposal.

He still didn't want to give up Huaifeng Road easily.

However, in his heart, he also accepted the fact that Huaifeng Dao cannot be kept for a long time.

It was decided to let the cities of Huaifeng Road resist on their own, and his 60 Tiger Roaring Army, as Gou Qing said, retreated to Jingshuangdao and Anyang Pass.


When Gou Qing heard this, there was a hint of hesitation on his face.

In fact, his plan was to let King Yun withdraw all the vital forces in Huaifeng Dao.

This can minimize losses.

However, consider the face of King Daoyun.

If I refute him again and again.

Even if King Yun would not be too harsh on him because of his status, it would definitely affect his future plans.

Once King Yun got bored with him, there would be a lot of trouble in the future.

After thinking for a while, Gou Qing said: "What His Highness King Yun said is true."

Simply, the remaining vitality of Huaifeng Road is not too important.

Gou Qing felt that if you give up, just give up, and there is nothing too regretful about it.

"That's good."

Taking a deep look at Gou Qing, King Yun turned his eyes to Ye Gaoyuan, and asked aloud, "Ye Aiqing, do you have any other ideas?"

"His Royal Highness King Yun is wise in his decision-making, Lord Gou's plan is exquisite, and this humble minister has nothing to say."

Relatively speaking, Ye Gaoyuan seemed much more low-key this time.

There's no point in showing off.

He didn't want to make any comments at all.

Especially now, he just wanted to make his sense of existence weaker.

Lest King Yun think about the annihilation of the fifty thousand Yunying Army.

Even if King Yun didn't take the initiative to pursue it, and made things difficult for him a little bit, he would still feel uncomfortable.

"Ye Aiqing, the entire army of the lonely king's Yunying army has been wiped out, and new supplements are urgently needed to make up for the loss of the Yunying army."

"The lonely king heard that the Gaoyang Ye clan secretly raised a lot of early-stage black spirit eagles. I don't know, can the lonely king build a bridge through Ye Aiqing and buy some from the Gaoyang Ye clan?"

Although King Yun was asking, there seemed to be a trace of indisputable meaning mixed in with his words.

He was going to beat Ye Gaoyuan at the same time.

Ye Gaoyuan should also be held responsible for the annihilation of the [-] Yunying Army.

And Gaoyang Ye's third-order early black spirit eagle is his goal.

"Black Spirit Eagle?"

He quietly sucked in a breath of cool air.

Ye Gaoyuan's complexion instantly turned ugly.

The Black Spirit Eagle at the beginning of the third level was secretly raised by Gaoyang Ye.

All along, the quantity is not too much, even Gaoyang Ye's own use is not enough.

That is, recently, due to the coming of the sun and the soaring strength of monsters, the number and quality of the black spirit eagles of the Ye family in Gaoyang have skyrocketed.

There are quite a few, it is said that they have been promoted to the late stage of the third order, and even the early stage of the fourth order.

At this time, the Black Spirit Eagle can be said to have become one of Gaoyang Ye's trump cards.

How could Gaoyang Ye easily hand over his hole cards to others?
Not even King Yun!
However, at this time, he was serving under King Yun after all.

Ye Gaoyuan thought about it carefully, it seemed that if he refused straight away, he wouldn't be able to.

It will arouse King Yun's anger, and the gain outweighs the loss.

"His Royal Highness, I really don't know much about the Black Spirit Eagle."

"In that case, please His Royal Highness Yun Wang give this minister some time."

"Weichen will return to the Gaoyang Ye family in the past two days, ask for details, and then reply to His Highness King Yun?"

There is no good way to think of it for the time being.

Ye Gaoyuan just pretended not to know, and resorted to dragging words.

"Well, since Ye Aiqing doesn't know, the lonely king can only wait for the news."

"However, right now, the lonely king's [-] Yunying army has been wiped out, and it is really in urgent need of replenishment."

"Ye Aiqing can't wait too long."

"In this way, the lonely king will give Ye Aiqing three days."

"Gu Wang believes that with Ye Aiqing's ability, within three days, he will be able to give Gu Wang an answer, right?"

King Yun stared closely at Ye Gaoyuan, and when he spoke, he immediately set a deadline of three days, not giving Ye Gaoyuan a chance to object.

"Three days?"


Sensing King Yun's gaze, Ye Gaoyuan felt like a glow on his back.

In the end, he could only reluctantly agree.

"Also, Ye Aiqing doesn't have to make trouble."

"You can bring a message to Gaoyang Ye when you go back."

"As long as Gaoyang Ye is willing to sell some black spirit eagles to the lonely king, even the lonely king owes Gaoyang Ye three favors."

"The lonely king promised that the Gaoyang Ye family can come to ask the lonely king for these three favors at any time."

King Yun is not stupid either.

He knew that it was almost impossible for Gaoyang Ye's to trade the Black Spirit Eagle to him for no reason.

He can only use coercion and temptation.

If it hadn't been for the annihilation of the [-] Yunying Army this time, it would be difficult for King Yun to say this.

Now, King Yun took the initiative to add three more favors, in order to make Gaoyang Ye family agree to the deal for the sake of profit.

Let his subordinates once again be able to produce an ace army stronger than the Yunying army in the shortest time.

"In that case, I will resign for the time being, and I will rush back to the Ye family in Gaoyang to strive for the success of the transaction for His Royal Highness King Yun."

He arched his hands at King Yun.

Ye Gaoyuan didn't say much.

Gaoyang Ye's interior is intricate.

Even though he is already in the state of perfection, he is really not the person in charge in Gaoyang Ye's family.

He only has a certain right to speak within the Gaoyang Ye family.

This time, whether the Black Spirit Eagle can successfully trade, to be honest, he has no bottom at all in his heart.

He is leaving decisively now, just with two hands in his arms.

If Gaoyang Ye agreed to trade the Black Spirit Eagle, he would return quickly, and he would definitely be able to make a great contribution to King Yun.

For him, it was obviously a great thing.

But if it was Gao Yang, he would not agree to trade the Black Spirit Eagle.

Then he intends to stay in the Gaoyang Ye family for the time being, and will not return to King Yun's side in a short time.

Wait until the wind has passed, and then return to King Yun's side.

In case King Yun would take his anger out on him.

Anyway, he has a way to evade it when the time comes, so he said that he has been fighting for the Black Spirit Eagle deal with King Yun within the Gaoyang Ye Clan. Thinking about it, King Yun can't blame him too much at that time.

"It's so good, Ye Aiqing, let's go at ease."

After waving his hand, King Yun looked at Ye Gaoyuan's eyes, which were still meaningful.

"His Royal Highness, who is this?"

After Ye Gaoyuan left, Gou Qing looked at King Yun with some puzzlement.

He didn't understand what King Yun's intention of persecuting Ye Gaoyuan was.

He felt that King Yun had made a foolish move.

You know, if this move is not good, King Yun will hate Gaoyang Ye family.

At that time, without the support of Gaoyang Ye's family, King Yun will lose a lot of help.

This is not a good thing for King Yun.

"Gou Aiqing, there is nothing the lonely king can do."

"You have seen this situation now, Daqin is coming aggressively."

"Facts have proved that Daqin's strength is still extremely strong and should not be underestimated."

"Gaoyang Ye's current support for the lonely king is far from enough."

"Based on the current level of support, Gu Wang would rather not have the support of Gaoyang Ye's."

When Gou Qingwen heard King Yun's words, he couldn't help but gasped.

Only then did he understand King Yun's intentions.

But it turned out.

King Yun's move was not just for the sake of the Black Spirit Eagle.

King Yun also wanted to use this to force Ye Shi of Gaoyang to make a decision.

Whether to step up efforts to support King Yun and bind him together, or to abandon King Yun completely.

It can be said that King Yun took advantage of the problem and made a big bet.

If he succeeds, he will almost be able to get the full support of Gaoyang Ye's family, and the power of King Yun's subordinates will increase dramatically.

If it fails, it doesn't seem to have much impact on King Yun?
Because, from the current point of view, Gaoyang Ye's betting on King Yun seems to be limited to Ye Gaoyuan?
Other than that, there isn't much to bet on.

"His Royal Highness King Yun is wise."

Gou Qing can only worship.

He had nothing to say about that.

It can only be said that King Yun made his choice.

As for right or wrong, we can only see the results.

Although, from his point of view, King Yun should be more gentle towards Gaoyang Yeshi, boil the frogs in warm water as much as possible, let Gaoyang Yeshi slowly place his bets, and step by step completely board the warship of King Yun.

But, now it seems that King Yun can't wait any longer.

Among them, in Gou Qing's view, there is also the factor of Daqin's rapid offensive this time, which made King Yun feel like he can't wait for time, right?

"Gou Aiqing, you said earlier that while defending Anyang Pass, the lonely king will vigorously destroy the Heroes' Association and completely take down Chongchuan Road."

"Which army do you think the Lonely King should send out, and who should be responsible for destroying the Hero Association?"

Immediately afterwards, King Yun asked Gou Qing another question.

Now, he is a little uncertain about what kind of force he should send out to deal with the Heroes Association.

"Your Highness King Yun, in my opinion, you don't need to use your own army to deal with the Heroes Association."

"To deal with the Hero Association, we can borrow a knife to kill people."

As soon as Gou Qing said something, immediately, King Yun's eyes lit up.

Hastily said to Gou Qing: "Borrowing a knife to kill someone?"

"Oh? Gou Aiqing, please tell me more about the method of borrowing a knife to kill someone."

King Yun was slightly surprised, his eyes moved slightly.

Vaguely, King Yun had guessed about Gou Qing's thoughts.

"His Royal Highness, the Tianzhen Sect of Linyuan Dao and the Blood Shadow Sect of Jingshuang Dao, these two sects are among the eight sects in the world, and they are rare powerful forces in the world."

"These two great forces have already served you before."

"Now, you can also order them to deal with the Hero Association."

Gou Qing smiled, a little darkly.

The Heavenly Formation Sect and the Blood Shadow Sect are both one of the eight sects of heresy in the world.

It didn't take long for King Yu Yun to raise the flag of rebellion, and he took the initiative to serve King Yun. This time, Gou Qing planned to completely drag these two sects into the battle situation and into the water.

"Gou Aiqing's plan is very good, very good!"

Hearing Gou Qing's plan to kill with a knife, Yun Wangdang applauded.

Regarding the Blood Shadow Sect and the Heavenly Array Sect, King Yun was thinking about how to use them before.

Especially after the two great sects joined King Yun, they became ostriches without saying a word.

King Yun was also very dissatisfied in his heart.

It's just that there has been no chance to vent, and there is no good way, no suitable reason, to test, use the blood shadow sect, the sky array sect, these two sects.

This time, the Blood Shadow Sect and the Heavenly Formation Sect were invited to eradicate the Heroes' Association. King Yun also took this opportunity to test these two sects.

If these two great sects are against him, they will attack the hero if they don't try their best.

He can also find a reason, an excuse, so as to clean up these two major sects.

Later, after subduing the two sects, King Yun expected that in the future, he would be able to control the two sects better.

Of course, this is the worst plan. King Yun still hopes that the two sects can get to know each other better.

Follow his orders with all your strength, and will attack heroes.

In this way, after that, he can rest assured of these two major forces.

Lest he have to be distracted from fighting wits and courage with these two great sects, wasting his mind.

"Gou Aiqing, since you came up with this plan."

"The Lonely King has no one available for the time being."

"If not, you can go to the Heavenly Formation Sect and the Blood Shadow Sect for the lonely king, let them take action against the Hero Association, and help this king win Chongchuan Dao?"

King Yun smiled and stared at Gou Qing, with the same tone that did not allow Gou Qing to refuse.

Hearing this, Gou Qing felt his heart skip a beat and shook his head secretly.

If he had known earlier, he would not have come up with such a bad idea.

Now it's all right, King Yun is going to put him on the fire and roast him.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Heavenly Formation Sect and the Blood Shadow Sect are only paying lip service to King Yun, and it is conceivable that he should go to the Heavenly Formation Sect and the Blood Shadow Sect to pass on orders to deal with the Hero Association. How unwilling these two major forces will be.

By that time, he must be in serious trouble.

However, now that King Yun has said so, Gou Qing also knows that he can't evade it, so he can only agree with a wry smile: "I will obey the order of King Yun, and I will definitely send an order to let the Blood Shadow Sect and the Heavenly Array Sect, Dispatch at the fastest speed, destroy the Hero Association, and seize the control of Chongchuan Road for you."

"So, with Gou Aiqing's guarantee, the lonely king can rest assured."

Smiling and nodding, King Yun is in a good mood right now.

He felt that his series of arrangements was very good.

Let Gou Qing deal with the Blood Shadow Sect and Tianzhen Sect, and let Ye Gaoyuan force Gaoyang Ye to make a decision.

One pile, one piece, made King Yun feel that he is the most sensible monarch.

"Wei Chen retire."

At this moment, Gou Qing's expression is not so beautiful, he knows very well in his heart that what he will face next will be a bunch of troublesome things.

Zhongzhou, Cangbei Road, Xingshan Mansion.

Today, Yingxi is bringing Shangguan Haitang and Sunflower Patriarch here.

"Your Majesty, not far ahead is the secret realm of my Danwu Pavilion."

Danwu Pavilion advocated Yi Nian, and also bowed down to lead the way in front of Ying Xi.

Danwu Pavilion secret realm.

A secret realm belonging to Danwu Pavilion.

According to Zhang Yinian's initiative, the secret realm of Danwu Pavilion is a secret realm built by many powerful people in the realm of heaven and man in Danwu Pavilion in the early days of this era.

The purpose is to send some real powerhouses in the Danwu Pavilion into the secret realm to continue to survive before the world's bondage comes.

Otherwise, under the constraints of heaven and earth, without entering the secret realm, many strong people can only be suppressed by heaven and earth, their lifespan will be exhausted, and eventually, all their strength will return to heaven and earth.

Just like before, heaven and earth are bound, and no one who is strong in the realm of heaven and man is allowed to appear.

At that time, as long as there is a strong person in the realm of heaven and man who dares to step out of the secret realm, it will not take long for him to be wiped out by the general trend of heaven and earth.

Therefore, the so-called secret realm, in a sense, is also a lingering place built by many strong people.

After understanding these, Yingxi thought of another question.

Why, the heaven and the earth have to be bound continuously, from the unrestricted in the early era to later, as time goes by, the bound of the heaven and the earth continues to increase, until the realm of heaven and man cannot appear.

Now, why the heaven and earth have a vision of the sun covering the sun, and gradually loosen the bondage, Ying Xi feels that there must be a big secret in it.

It's just that, at present, he still can't know too much inside information.

"Zhang Yinian, how much do you know about this secret realm?"

Ying Xi asked Zhang Yinian directly.

He came here only to get a letter sent by Zhang Yinian to Xianyang.

On the letter, there was not much written about the secret realm of Danwu Pavilion.

Only the key points were mentioned, that is, Danwu Pavilion advocated that Yi Nian got the news from the secret realm. The secret realm of Danwu Pavilion will be opened soon, and the strong inside will also set foot in the world.

It is precisely because of this that Ying Xi will go there in person.

In any case, the opening of the Danwu Pavilion secret realm is a big event.

If it was before, Yingxi had Yuwen Chengdu and others under his command who could be sent here, but now, the people under Yingxi's subordinates are basically sent out by him to fight and scout for news.

Therefore, Yingxi could only go there in person.

In order to prevent the strong men from the secret territory of Danwu Pavilion from coming out and rampaging wantonly in this Cangbei Road, Yingxi will send people to quell the chaos again.

It's better for Yingxi to come by himself and kill the root of this chaos in the cradle.

That's right.

At this moment, Yingxi has already made a plan in her heart.

As long as the strong men who appear in the secret territory of Danwu Pavilion are dishonest, he doesn't mind killing them himself, and by the way, also try the power of the Supreme Dharma.

To prevent them from being born, harming Zhongzhou where Yingxi has stabilized.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, it was my subordinate's fault that it was not stated in the previous letter."

"This subordinate will inform His Majesty of the details of this secret realm."

Hearing this, Zhang Yinian hurriedly confessed his crime first.

Lest Yingxi pursue his responsibility.

He was indeed negligent before, not writing the details of this secret realm on the letter and passing it on to Yingxi.

"It's okay, just say what you want, I won't hold you accountable."

Ying Xi waved his hand nonchalantly.

Danwu Pavilion has been included in the Dao of Medicine panel, and Zhang Yinian has already become his diehard loyalist.

As for his loyalists, as long as he didn't make a particularly serious mistake, under normal circumstances, he would only point it out at most, and it was impossible to get to the bottom of it.

That was completely meaningless to him.

What kind of imperial power is used on loyalists, why?

Are you in a hurry?

Ying Xi is not that boring yet.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your innocence."

Paying another respectful obeisance to Ying Xi, Zhang Yinian's face was full of gratitude.

"There is no need for these empty rituals, tell me the details of this secret realm quickly."

Ying Xi urged her a little bit.

"Don't dare to hide anything from His Majesty."

"This secret realm was created by my ancestors in the early era of Danwu Pavilion."

"In the beginning, Danwu Pavilion spent a lot of resources to support this secret realm, which can be regarded as the top grade among the secret realms of the Huang rank."

"Even the thirteenth-level powerhouse of the Heaven-Human Realm can accommodate it."

"But later, as my Danwu Pavilion continued to decline, until now, the secret realm has no resources to support."

"The current secret realm should only be regarded as a low-rank yellow rank."

"I'm afraid it can only accommodate those who are within the third level of the Heavenly Human Realm."

"To be precise, perhaps, the current secret realm is already on the verge of collapse, and it feels like it might collapse at any time."

Having said this, Zhang Yinian couldn't help but pause a little, and sneaked a peek at Yingxi with some trepidation.

I'm afraid this explanation will make Yingxi feel dissatisfied.

"The level of the secret realm?"

"The secret realm of the yellow rank, does it mean that there are secret realms above the yellow rank?"

After hearing the words, Ying Xi immediately became interested.

The secret realm is also divided into levels. It seems that after that, as the sun obscures the sun step by step, the bondage of heaven and earth disappears step by step, and more interesting things are yet to come.

There are many strong men who only exist in legends, and perhaps they will also step out of the secret realm.

Vaguely, Yingxi could sense that an unprecedented great world was coming.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, as far as I know, the secret realm is divided into four levels of Heaven, Earth, Xuanhuang."

"The sky rank is the highest, and the yellow rank is the lowest."

"The secret realm of the Yellow rank is said to be the highest grade, and it can only accommodate the thirteenth heaven-human realm, and the total number of people must not exceed 100 million."

"As for the Mysterious Realm above the Yellow Rank, it is said that it can accommodate the strong above the Heavenly Man."

"However, the subordinates don't know exactly what kind of strong people they can accommodate, or how many people they can accommodate."

"The known ones are only from the inheritance classics of my Danwu Pavilion."

There was a trace of shame on Zhang Yinian's face.

He is true and there are not many sources of information.

In addition, over the years, the Danwu Pavilion has been declining more and more, so where can I get additional information about the secret realm.

Ying Xi nodded in understanding, and said in a deep voice, "It's enough to know this for now. What I want to know is, do you know how many people are still in your Danwu Pavilion secret realm?"

"Return to Your Majesty, the details are not clear to the subordinates."

"However, as far as the present is concerned, according to the intelligence and analysis obtained by the subordinates."

"I'm afraid the situation in the secret territory of our Danwu Pavilion is very bad now."

"The number of people is already afraid that it is less than one hundred."

"The strongest one should not exceed the third level of heaven and man."

Hearing Yingxi's question, Zhang Yinian seriously thought about it before answering solemnly.

"Well, I hope so."

Ying Xi stood with his hands behind his back, and he already knew a general idea about the secret realm of Danwu Pavilion.

If it is really like the number analyzed by Zhang Yinian.

Then, Ying Xi has absolute certainty, with his own power, he will wipe out all the so-called strong men who appeared in the secret realm of Danwu Pavilion.

Afterwards, there was no talking all the way, under the leadership of Zhang Yinian.

Ying Xi and the others came to a remote barren mountain.

As time passed, after about half a day, Ying Xi only felt a violent movement above his head, and large black cracks emerged, as if the void had been torn apart inch by inch.

"Your Majesty, why don't you go back first."

"The secret realm is about to appear, and the subordinates are worried"

Seeing this movement, he took a slight breath.

Zhang Yinian hesitated for a while, but still bravely spoke to Yingxi.

He was really worried that there would be someone stronger than he expected in the secret realm.

In that way, if Yingxi made any mistakes, he would not be able to forgive himself.

"Yes, Your Majesty, why don't you leave first and wait for Zhang Yinian to find out the situation before you do anything?"

Sunflower Patriarch also said with a worried face.

"Your Majesty, I guess Pavilion Master Zhang is also someone who can stay in the secret realm."

"Wouldn't it be better if we wait for him to find out the situation, and then stop the people in the secret realm before you make a move?"

Shangguan Haitang also followed suit.

On her face, the look of worry grew stronger.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry, I have my own plans."

"Since I dare to come, I am sure of it."

Before coming, Yingxi had already asked the system, and had a certain intuitive understanding of his current combat power.

At the very least, he is completely fearless as an ordinary celestial being.


Hearing this, whether it was Zhang Yinian, Shangguan Haitang, or Sunflower Patriarch, none of them dared to say more.

As far as they are concerned, they all know that their Majesty has always said what he says.

If you say any more, His Majesty will be bored.

What's more, they believe that His Majesty's strength will definitely be able to kill all powerful enemies.

Especially in the eyes of Shangguan Haitang, Yingxi is an undefeated god of war.

boom! boom! boom!
With the violent sound, it continued to roar out.

In midair, a pale yellow portal slowly appeared.

After a loud bang, the pale yellow door opened wide.

Ying Xi stared at the pale yellow door, his eyes dimmed.

He could feel that inside, a rotten, extremely stenchy breath was spraying out.

"It seems that this so-called secret realm has been completely corrupted."

While muttering to himself, Ying Xi had already guessed something.

Through the pale yellow portal, he couldn't feel the secret realm inside, and even a tiny bit of life seeped out.

In this case, in fact, I already had expectations in my heart.

Stepped out with the sound of heavy footsteps.

As you can see, three figures slowly appeared, each of them seemed to be well-dressed, all in brocade clothes.

However, at a glance, their faces are like rotting corpses. Their faces are already pitch black, spotted, and pitted, which makes people feel disgusting at a glance.

Basically, there is no human form.

As a girl, Shangguan Haitang has the worst tolerance.

I couldn't help but spit it out on the spot.

too disgusting.

Not only are their faces disgusting to the extreme, but their bodies smell like corpses that have rotted for an unknown number of years, with an incomparably stench.

Zhang Yinian frowned.

He never thought that such a situation would happen after their Danwu Pavilion secret realm was opened.

The three figures, all of them are human beings, ghosts or ghosts.

No, to be precise, these three figures are much more disgusting than evil ghosts.


Finally, after thinking about it for a while, Zhang Yinian's face turned pale, and he couldn't help but vomited it out on the spot.

He can't stand the stench either.

It was also because a certain belief in the Danwu Pavilion in my heart collapsed at this moment and I completely vomited it out.

Patriarch Sunflower's complexion turns green and white for a while.

Want to vomit, but try not to vomit.

Only Ying Xi, with dim eyes and serious expression.

He is the strongest, and with a strong will, he can still hold on.

"Ding, I feel extremely disgusting, and the Artifact Refining Hall feels that it's time for me to show my hospitality again."

"Ding, the Artifact Refining Hall specially upgraded the Dragon Robe of Destiny for you."

"Ding, with the full efforts of the Artifact Refining Hall, your Dragon Robe of Destiny has been successfully promoted to the best emperor rank."

[Dragon Robe of Destiny - the best of the emperor rank, it is a dragon robe specially upgraded by the Artifact Refining Hall to please you]

[Characteristic [-]: The Destiny Belongs——With the dragon robe on your body, you are the Destiny Belonging, and you will be protected by the heavens and the earth. If anyone dares to hurt you, you will be backlashed by the heavens and the earth]

[Characteristic [-]: Invincible Heavenly Power—With the blessing of Heavenly Power, your coercion will be multiplied]

[Characteristic [-]: Purification of the Heavenly Territory——a three-foot domain condensed with the will of heaven and earth, without any breath or coercion that can affect you within three feet]

After advancing to the ultimate emperor rank, although there is only one more characteristic.

However, this feature, in many cases, is equivalent to an invincible existence.

Within three feet of Ying Xi's side, there was no breath, and the coercion could affect him.

This shows that in the future, no matter who it is, it is pure delusion to simply use aura to oppress Yingxi.

Once the purification of Tianyu came out, any coercion would be false in front of Yingxi.

Immediately afterwards, when Ying Xi put on the Dragon Robe of Destiny, a burst of bright golden light covered Ying Xi's whole body.

hold head high!hold head high!hold head high!
Immediately afterwards, beside Yingxi, the sound of dragon chant continued.

Within three zhang, around Yingxi, Shangguan Haitang, Zhang Yinian, and Sunflower Patriarch were all protected by Yingxi from the stench.

"Junior, your strength is not bad, and you still have such a treasure."

"However, this treasure is too precious for you to grasp."

"Let's leave it to the old man for safekeeping."

At this moment, those three extremely disgusting figures moved again.

The leading figure, with the corners of its mouth moving slightly, pulled out an extremely ugly smile. With its thin arms deep inside, it was staring at Yingxi's Dragon Robe of Destiny, and its eyes were full of greed.

"Ha ha?"

"What are you?"

"You also reach out to ask for my dragon robe?"

Ying Xi sneered, and burst out loud.

"Dragon Robe? Wait, aren't you my Danwu Pavilion disciple?"


"Didn't the old man send a message to the Danwu Pavilion through special means before?"

"Is the contemporary Danwu Pavilion already abolished?"

"No one came to greet the old man?"

At this moment, the old man suddenly shouted and cursed angrily as if he had gone crazy.

As if he was a little demented, it was only at this time that he realized that what Yingxi was wearing was a dragon robe.

"I am the current Pavilion Master of Danwu Pavilion, Zhang Yinian."

"Originally, I really planned to come to welcome my senior master from Danwu Pavilion."

"However, it seems that it is no longer necessary."

Take a little step forward.

Zhang Yinian looked at the three figures with indifference in his pupils.

He can come to a conclusion almost without thinking too much.

That is, even though the three people in front of him are really his seniors in Danwu Pavilion.

But now, he was already a monster who was neither human nor ghost, so he didn't need to keep respecting his seniors for a few monsters.

In my heart, the obsession with Danwu Pavilion can be regarded as completely letting go at this time.

In the back of my mind, there is no more distracting thoughts.

Now, he has one and only one identity, and that is the loyal servant of Emperor Qin Yingxi.

"Junior, do you know what you are talking about?"

"This old man gives you a chance to reorganize the language."

The three figures were all furious.

Especially the person at the head shouted loudly.

A power that was infinitely close to the realm of heaven and man burst out faintly.

The two figures on the left and right also have the powerful strength of the perfection of Dharma.

"You're already a bunch of monsters."

"Why do you have to be born again, and die in the secret realm, so that future generations can maintain their admiration, isn't it good?"

Zhang Yinian shook his head, his face was full of disappointment.

He was very disappointed that the three so-called seniors of Danwu Pavilion who came out of the secret realm of Danwu Pavilion were actually three monsters.


"How dare you call us monsters."

"you wanna die!"

"Junior, today, this old man will smash your corpse into thousands of pieces!"

Speaking of the word monster.

The three figures seemed to have been poked at the pain point, and they were furious.

"A group of rotten monsters, how dare they act presumptuously in front of me?"

"Get down on the ground!"

As soon as the Supreme Dharma Appearance comes out, it matches the invincible nature of Tianwei on the Dragon Robe of Destiny.

In an instant, three figures, three menacing monsters, were all lying on the ground under the heavy weight of Ying Xi, like a lump of mud, ugly and unbearable.


He hummed heavily.

Ying Xi stepped forward slowly, and decisively searched the souls of the three figures.

After searching for the soul, he used the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Art and the power of raging fire to burn all three figures without leaving even a trace of ashes.

"You wait here for me."

"I will go in and eliminate the last scourge."

Immediately, Yingxi turned around and said to Shangguan Haitang, Sunflower Patriarch, and Zhang Yinian.


The three of them didn't dare to ask more questions, they could only nod silently.

They all knew that in the current situation, with their strength, there was nothing they could do.

They can only stay honest and don't follow Yingxi. Not adding trouble to Yingxi is the greatest contribution they have made.

"There's another old monster."


After the order was completed, the corners of Yingxi's mouth raised slightly, revealing a look of interest, and he stepped straight into the pale yellow portal of this secret realm.

After searching for the three monsters just now, Yingxi got several important news.

From the early era to the present, the secret realm of the Danwu Pavilion has also gone through a process of gradual decline.

Due to the gradual decline of the secret realm of the Danwu Pavilion, the number of people that can be accommodated and the strongest strength have all begun to decline sharply.

Inside the secret realm of Danwu Pavilion, the people of Danwu Pavilion also started to kill each other crazily because of resource problems and various panics from the bottom of their hearts.

About 3 years ago, the huge secret realm of Danwu Pavilion had been slaughtered gradually from the time when it was at its peak, dozens of heavenly and human realm experts and more than 50 disciples of Danwu Pavilion were gradually massacred until only a few hundred people remained.

The remaining hundreds of people, also due to the lack of resources, in the following time, were either affected by the secret realm and their lifespan was greatly reduced, until they died of old age, or they were plotting against each other and lost their lives in Huangquan.

In the end, until a hundred years ago, there were only four people left in the entire Danwu Pavilion secret realm.

No, to be precise, there are four monsters left.

The three monsters before, in the early days of this era, were even the existence of the thirteenth level of the Heavenly Human Realm, which can be called the pinnacle of the Heavenly Human Realm.

It's a pity that in these years in the secret realm, in order to survive, they were affected by the secret realm, intrigues, and all kinds of fighting. In the end, the realm collapsed, and even the heavenly and human realm could not be maintained. Became a monster.

Now, according to Ying Xi, it is the last old monster in this secret realm.

It was the strongest existence in the Danwu Pavilion back then, a terrifying existence that had already stepped out of the Heavenly Human Realm, and was about to set foot on the Heavenly Human Realm.

In the entire Danwu Pavilion secret realm, only this old monster can maintain the strength of the heavenly realm.

However, because this old monster is too cruel.

Even the three monsters that were killed by Ying Xi before did not dare to get close to this old monster in these years.

Therefore, regarding the current situation of this old monster, Yingxi could not get too much through soul searching.

Just stepping into the secret realm, Ying Xi heard a burst of beast-like roars.

The sound of this wild beast was extremely ear-piercing, upon hearing it, Ying Xi frowned, and there was a hint of irritability in his expression.

Follow the sound of the beast and look for it all the way.

Ying Xi quickly found the old monster.

As you can see, the old monster's eyes are scarlet, and his whole body looks like he has turned into a beast. With his limbs propped up on the ground, he runs furiously on the ground, like the most ferocious beast in the world, utterly irrational.

"It really is an old monster."

The three monsters before were at most rotten flesh, and their appearance was more permeable than ghosts.

But, at least, those three monsters can still walk like normal people, and they can still maintain a trace of human reason.

However, this old monster is completely different.

He looked almost like a mad dog.

Completely out of shape.

Not to mention what human reason can still be preserved.


Seeing Yingxi, the old monster frantically rushed towards him.

A large amount of saliva flowed out from the corner of the mouth, looking extremely disgusting.

It's like a wild dog waiting to be eaten.

"Heaven and Human Realm Level [-]?"

Ying Xi shook his head in disappointment.

This old monster is roughly equivalent to the first level of the Heavenly Human Realm.

No, to be precise, because this old monster has gone crazy, he cannot use the Heaven-Human Realm Domain.

His actual combat power is probably about the same as that of the previous blood cloud old devil.

It's only half-step heaven and man.

This kind of strength, it can be said, is not enough in front of Yingxi.

"Give it to me, perish."

With a wave of his hand, Yingxi completely burned the old monster with the terrifying power of flames.

As for why Yingxi didn't search for the soul?
It's very simple, this old monster has lost his sanity.

What is the use of soul searching?

I'm afraid I'm already insane.

Ying Xi was afraid that his soul would be searched, so he made himself insane.

"Ding, congratulations, you successfully killed four old monsters, and harvested an incomplete yellow-rank secret realm that is about to collapse."

[Incomplete yellow-rank secret realm that is about to collapse: This is a yellow-rank secret realm without the heart of the secret realm. It cannot maintain stability and will slowly degrade over time, and will eventually be destroyed.]

[Heart of the Secret Realm: A mysterious item that can support the existence of the secret realm all the time]

After being prompted by the system.

Ying Xi unconsciously moved his eyes slightly.

In an instant, he thought of many things.

Finally, I understood why this Danwu Pavilion secret realm turned into such a bad state.

But it turns out that the Danwu Pavilion secret realm does not have the heart of a secret realm.

Only a secret realm with the heart of a secret realm can be extremely stable, like a small world, long-lasting and stable, allowing people to live in it safely.

However, Yingxi is not too sure whether the secret realm of Danwu Pavilion did not have the heart of the secret realm from the very beginning, or whether the heart of the secret realm was destroyed for some reason.

Both possibilities exist.

Ying Xi couldn't tell the difference either.

"Ding, may I ask if you are willing to return this incomplete yellow-rank secret realm that is about to collapse to the world."

"Ding, if you are willing to return this incomplete yellow-rank secret realm that is about to collapse to the world, this world will give you corresponding feedback."

Hearing this, Ying Xi's expression changed immediately.

He never thought of it.

This incomplete yellow-rank secret realm that is about to collapse is still useful?

Can it be returned to the heaven and earth, and be fed back by this heaven and earth?

and many more?

Ying Xi suddenly thought of a question.

Why did the system remind him so?

Could it be that the system has reached some kind of deal with Fang Tiandi?

In other words, the system itself has something to do with this world.

"Ding, you can rest assured that this is the result of negotiations between the will of heaven and earth and this system, and the two parties are based on the principle of mutual benefit."


Slight forehead.

Ying Xi didn't think much about it either.

Since the system said so.

At least, it won't do him any harm.

It seems that it is not bad to get the feedback from Fang Tian.

"System, immediately return this incomplete yellow-rank secret realm that is about to collapse to heaven and earth."

After giving an order to the system.

Ying Xi strode out of the secret realm of Danwu Pavilion.

He wanted to see what would happen if he returned this incomplete yellow-rank secret realm that was about to collapse to the world.

What can we get from this world?
"Ding, as you wish, the system has returned the incomplete yellow-rank secret realm that is about to collapse to heaven and earth for you."

As the system beeps down.

Ying Xi felt that the ground under his feet was constantly shaking, as if something was about to be forced in.

"Ding, congratulations, you have successfully returned this incomplete yellow-rank secret realm that is about to collapse to the world, and the territory of Cangbei Road has expanded, adding about one prefecture."

"Ding, congratulations, in order to thank you for the expansion of the Kyushu Continent, the Will of Heaven and Earth has decided to reward you."

"Ding, congratulations, the system makes it easier for you to accept rewards and get the most benefits, and specially helps you convert rewards into something that suits you best."

"Ding, congratulations, you have successfully obtained a trace of authority in this world."

[The authority of heaven and earth: it is the highest authority in a continent. With a little power of authority of heaven and earth, you can have privileges beyond ordinary people in this world. Even if you violate the will of heaven and earth, you can use this to offset the power of heaven and earth once. anger】

Carefully observed for a while the explanation of the authority of heaven and earth.

Ying Xi could feel that tinge of purple suddenly appeared in his dantian, and thunders spread all over it, overwhelming the power of authority in his dantian.

Ying Xi could clearly sense that with the power of the authority of heaven and earth, he has become a lot closer to this world invisibly.

Being able to mobilize the power of heaven and earth in an instant is also several times higher than before.

What's more, Yingxi knows very well that this power of heaven and earth is more equivalent to a gold medal for avoiding death.

Even if one day he provokes the will of heaven and earth, he can use this to avoid the attack of will of heaven and earth.

"Ding, in addition to this, you have also received a reward from this Fang Tiandi."

"Ding, congratulations, you have obtained the top grade "Ten Absolute Demon Sutra"!"

[Ten Absolute Demon Sutra: The ultimate imperial-level exercise. According to legend, it is an exercise created by a terrifying monster in ancient times. It can be called the first emperor-level exercise in the demon way. The exercises are divided into 29 heavy]

"Ding, congratulations, the newly added land in Cangbei Road, and the new luck of a new family, are also given to you by the will of heaven and earth."

"Ding, with the infusion of a lot of luck, your "Five Elements Emperor Jue" has made great progress, and you have successfully advanced to the No.20 level. Your "Ten Absolute Demon Scripture" has advanced rapidly, and you will directly advance to the No.18 level."

"Ding, you have been promoted to the perfection of Dharma Form by the impetus of the two best emperor-level exercises."

Take a breath of relief.

Ying Xi only felt that at this moment, he had already reached the extreme of Faxiang Realm.

One foot has already stepped into the gate of the heaven and man realm.

As long as Ying Xi takes a good retreat, he can easily step into the realm of heaven and man, and this seems to be the benefit of having the authority of heaven and earth.


[This chapter is a six-in-one chapter with 1 words, which is equivalent to the previous six chapters. 】

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[Before adding a reward, I owed a total of seven updates. I made up one update today, and I still owe six updates. The author will work hard to update and try to make it up as soon as possible~]

(End of this chapter)

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