Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 208 1 Sword Comes West, Flying Immortals from Heaven

Chapter 208 One Sword Comes West, Flying Immortals Beyond the Sky (Five-in-One Chapter)

Luozhou, Tianjian Dao.

This way is the only way in the entire Kyushu world that is named after the way of swordsmanship.

It is also a place named after Tianjianzong, the head of the top ten sword sects in the world.

Heavenly Sword Dao has always been regarded as a holy land of sword Dao in the entire Kyushu world.

All those who are strong in the way of the sword are fascinated by the Dao of the Heavenly Sword. If they cannot swim the Dao of the Heavenly Sword in this life, they will feel regretful.

this day.

The top ten sword sects in Luozhou gathered in Tian Jianzong.

Even after Ximen Chuuxue took control of the Five Elements Sword Sect and was suppressed, he brought Li Bai and others, representing the Five Elements Sword Sect, to the Heavenly Sword Sect.

After all, this kendo conference has a lot to do with it.

It is related to the future direction of the entire Los Angeles.

Ximen Chuixue, as a member of Daqin, had to plan for Daqin.

"Ximen Chuuxue, you dare to come here. Are you really not afraid that our Nine Great Sword Sects will team up and slaughter you, Qin Huang's running dog?"

Just when Ximen Chuuxue was about to step into the Heavenly Sword Sect's mountain gate.

An old man, with an epee on his back, fixedly stared at Ximen Chuuxue, and burst into tears on the spot.

He didn't take Ximen Chuuxue seriously.

"Zhang Bufang, do you really think I can't kill you?"

Staring at Zhang Bufang coldly, Ximen Chuuxue's eyes were full of murderous intent when he spoke.

Zhang Bufang, from the Nandou Sword Sect, is a Supreme Elder of the Nandou Sword Sect.

Previously, he also fought against Ximen Chuuxue.

It's just that, at that time, Ximen Chuuxue was a perfect figure.

Now, Ximen Chuuxue is the perfect Dharma!
Behind Ximen Chuuxue, there is a cold and powerful swordsmanship, like a sword that spans through the ages, making people bow their heads when they touch it.

Especially for those who are strong in the way of the sword, after encountering Ximen Chuuxue, their will in the way of the sword may even be in danger of collapsing in an instant.

[Sword of Ruthless: The eighth-grade dharma is perfect, and a sword of dharma is condensed with ruthless mind. This sword is invisible but better than tangible. It is an extremely terrifying sharp blade]

When Ximen Chuuxue's ruthless sword intent, as cold as winter, eroded into Zhang Bufang's body.

Zhang Bufang shuddered suddenly.

Pointing at Ximen and bragging, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Exclaimed: "You have already consummated the Dharma."

"Zhang Bufang, right now, I don't want to kill people, you sensible ones, get out of here."

With a heavy drink, Ximen Chuuxue knew that in today's situation, he had better focus on deterrence.

As long as he is strong enough, he should be able to gain something.

But if he starts killing people now, it will definitely attract the dissatisfaction of the other nine sword sects.

At that time, not only will he not have the opportunity to achieve the expectations of this trip, but he may also face the siege of the Nine Great Sword Sects.

At that time, he himself doesn't care. With his current strength, even if he loses, but, guess, if he wants to leave, no one can really trap him.

But, the most important thing is, Li Bai, Linghu Chong, and Feng Qingyang are still with him, and they are only a perfect figure at the moment.

There is still a long way to go before the Dhamma becomes consummated.

Sword Dao, emphasizing comprehension, even if the sun is covered by the sun, the speed of practice is accelerated, but for those who practice the Sword Dao, the breakthrough speed of simple comprehension of the Sword Dao will not be accelerated too much.

Of course, if some special means are used, for example, without comprehending the sword intent, simply practicing exercises can indeed speed up the breakthrough speed like ordinary people.

But, in that case, it is no longer a pure sword repair, and the combat power of the sword will be greatly reduced.

For example, this time, Ximen Chuuxue could clearly feel it for some members of the Nine Great Sword Sects that Ximen Chuuxue had fought against.

Many people who have completed their dharma appearance have used the sun to cover up the sun, and forcibly practiced some skills to break through their dharma appearance.

However, in this way, the disadvantages are also very serious. Due to the lack of understanding of the way of the sword, their real housekeeping skills and fighting strength of the way of the sword have not increased much.

As Dharma Xiangs who are consummated, because of their lack of understanding of the way of the sword, they are at best slightly stronger than ordinary Dharma Xiang Dacheng.

"Ximen Chuuxue, you are going crazy, I advise you to be more honest."

"Look carefully, what is this place, this is Tianjianzong!"

"It is the head of the top ten sword sects in the world, the mountain gate of Tian Jianzong!"

"If you dare to act presumptuously here, you will not only be hunted down by the Heavenly Sword Sect, but also by the swordsmen from all over the world."

"At that time, there will be no place for you in the whole world."

"Even if you are Qin Huang's running dog, your Majesty Qin Huang will not be able to protect you."

It's different from Ximen Chuuxue.

Zhang Bufang started to panic because of Ximen Chuuxue's realm.

However, after the panic, he seemed confident again.

Gain, as he said, this is the Heavenly Sword Sect.

As the Supreme Elder of the Nandou Sword Sect, he will definitely be protected by the Heaven Sword Sect.

It will also attract the support of other kendo sects.

In terms of strength behind.

At this time, he can undoubtedly be counted as leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade.

It's a little bit of bullying.

It's purely bullying Ximen Chuuxue and has no backup at this time.

He also didn't need to worry about Ximen Chuuxue at all.

He just needs to continue to make things difficult for Ximen Chuuxue, that's enough.

He believed that now, more than one pair of eyes were looking at this place.

If Ximen Chuuxue really dared to do it.

Someone must be there to save him.

"Zhang Bufang, do you know that you are courting death?"

"If I really make a move, no one will be able to protect you."

Ximen Chuuxue stared at Zhang Bufang coldly.

It is true that for the sake of the overall situation, he did not want to kill casually.

However, this doesn't mean that he really won't kill people.

The big deal, if he left his life here today, he would also cause heavy losses to the Nine Great Sword Sects except the Five Elements Sword Sect, and make this Sword Dao Conference a complete joke.

"Ximen Chuuxue, don't scare me."

"The old man is standing here, promise not to fight back, if you have the courage, you will kill the old man!"

"A lackey of the Qin Emperor dares to speak nonsense in front of this old man. It's really ridiculous."

Hearing this, Zhang Bufang didn't restrain himself in the slightest.

On the contrary, the old god was there, standing with his arms behind his hands in confidence, with an air of superiority, he was sure that Ximen Chuuxue would not dare to kill him.

In other words, he firmly believed that there must be someone in the Heavenly Sword Sect who would protect him and stop Ximen Chuuxue at the critical moment.


Smile coldly.

Ximen Chuuxue's eyes showed murderous intent.

Zhang Bufang is just a Dharma image that came from a crooked path, and its combat power is only slightly stronger than the ordinary Dharma image Dacheng.

In the past, Ximen Chuixue had scruples in his heart, and he always showed mercy in order to allow the Five Elements Sword Sect to support him for a longer period of time.

Become a nail for Daqin in Luozhou.

Nailed in the heart of Luozhou, so as not to make the enemy feel comfortable.

But now, he found that sometimes, the more scruples and forbearance, the more rampant the enemy will be.

What is there to say?

Can't bear it, no need to bear it anymore!

He decided to make a move, and after that, he let go of his hand, wanting to slaughter.

It would be best if the Nine Great Sword Sects could be severely damaged. At that time, even if the nail of the Five Elements Sword Sect was destroyed, it would not be a loss to Daqin.


In just an instant, a ruthless sword extinguished all emotions, turned virtual into reality, and passed Zhang Bufang's body.

Just hear a bang.

Zhang Bufang didn't even realize what happened.

It was cut into two parts by a sword, and died on the spot.

No one could save him in time.

"How brave!"

"Killing people in front of my Heavenly Sword Sect, Ximen Chuuxue, you are a little too presumptuous, aren't you?"

In Tianjianzong, a domineering voice burst out suddenly.

The sharpness of the sword is far from comparable to that of Zhang Bufang before.

This is a serious existence that relies on the comprehension of the way of the sword and is promoted to perfection.

"Sky Sword Sect, Li Dayong."

With dim eyes, Ximen Chuuxue had fought against Li Dayong before.

At that time, he had achieved great success, so he could only reluctantly fight this person.

Now, he is very interested in the consummation of Dharma, so he killed Li Dayong on the spot.

Sometimes, the confrontation between swordsmen, especially the existence of the ruthless sword like Ximen Chuuxue.

The only thought is to kill all the strong swordsmen who stand in front of him, so as to prove his strength and the swordsmanship in his heart.

Help him achieve higher and stronger!

"Ximen Chuuxue, even you, dare to call yourself the sword god?"

"Today, you will surely die."

"Emperor Qin's lackeys, and people in my swordsmanship, are all shameless."

At this moment, an old voice came out.

The same perfect state of Dharma, in terms of momentum, is not inferior to Li Dayong in the slightest.

"Li Dayong has met Senior Huang of Yujian Villa."

Ximen Chuuxue had never seen this old fellow.

Li Dayong seemed to be quite familiar with it, and directly bowed to the old man.

Huang Dashi?
Upon hearing Li Dayong's voice, many swordsmen around him, especially those of the older generation, recognized the old man's identity.

The old man's original name was Huang Dashi, and he was an all-powerful existence in Yujian Villa hundreds of years ago.

It should also be one of the few powerhouses at Yujian Villa today.

"Old but not dead is a thief, old thief, do you also want my title of sword god?"

Ximen Chuixuesen sneered, and did not put Huang Dashi in his eyes.

One Li Dayong, one Huang Dashi.

If he kills one, he kills, and if he kills two, he still kills.

Now, as long as it is not a strong person in the heaven and man realm, it will be shot.

Ximen Chuuxue is confident that he will be in a state of invincibility in the consummation of the Faxiang.

Even if there are two more Dharma phases to be consummated, why should Ximen Chuuxue be afraid?
"Ximen Chuuxue, you are too crazy."

"Today, I, together with all my colleagues, will kill you completely."

"Let you know what the price is."

"You dare to call yourself a sword god, this karma is not something you can bear!"

Another person is also in the realm of perfect Dharma.

However, Ximen Chuuxue just glanced at this person coldly, not even the slightest interest in talking nonsense to him.

This person, whom Ximen Chuuxue knew, came from the Big Dipper Sword Sect, and his name was Li Buluan. Like Zhang Bufang before him, he was promoted through crooked methods and reached the Consummation of Dharma.

The strength is very poor.

Compared with the previous Zhang Bufang, it was even worse.

Ximen Chuuxue even felt that Li Bai, Linghu Chong, and Feng Qingyang beside him, any one of them could kill Li Buluan.

This kind of person is not worthy to be compared with the perfection of ordinary Dharma at all.

"Sword God?"

"It's a good name."

"Ximen Chuuxue, your strength is not bad."

"However, it's a pity that you are Qin Huang's lackey."

"You don't deserve the title."

"My generation of swordsmen will never recognize your title."

Staring at Ximen Chuuxue coldly, another Dharma figure stepped out consummately.

This person's imposing manner is very complete, and at the moment, he may even be a little stronger than Li Dayong of Tianjianzong.

"Li Dayong has seen Famous Sword Villa, Senior Wei."

"Wei San, long time no see."

Huang Dashi also cupped his fists slightly and saluted Wei San.

Unlike the scene where Li Buran was ignored, Huang Dashi was able to take the initiative to say hello to Wei San.

It also proved that Wei San's strength is not bad, at least, he has already gained Huang Dashi's attention.

"You two are welcome."

Similarly, Wei San just returned a salute to Li Dayong and Huang Dashi.

At all, they didn't care too much about Li Buluan.

One reason was that, in his opinion, Li Buran's strength was not worthy of him taking the initiative to say hello.

Even, because Li Buluan wasn't a serious and consummate swordsman, he couldn't look down on Li Buluan from the bottom of his heart.

The second reason is also the most important one.

That is, in today's Kyushu, the top ten sword sects in the world, in fact, although they are also called the top ten sword sects.

However, among the Sword Sects, there are only three families whose foundations are still strong, namely the Heavenly Sword Sect, the Yujian Villa, and the Mingjian Villa.

Among them, the Heavenly Sword Sect is the most respected.

The remaining seven sword sects are no longer the top powers in the world, and some of them are barely even the first-class powers.

Just like Nandou Sword Sect and Beidou Sword Sect, they are the two slightly stronger sword sects among the remaining seven sword sects.

Now, in order to maintain the appearance, it is only Li Buluan and Zhang Bufang who have gone astray and consummated.

As for the remaining five great sword sects, their strength is even worse.

The Five Elements Sword Sect has been captured by Daqin, and the remaining four Sword Sects are Yi Jian Sect, Wuhua Sword Sect, Feisha Sword Sect, and Shuangji Sword Sect.

Among them, Yijianmen was a little better, and had once been brilliant. It is said that at its peak, it almost replaced the status of Tianjianzong.

Unfortunately, in recent years, due to various reasons, the power has declined sharply.

It is said that it has fallen to the point where it is almost inferior to the Five Elements Sword Sect.

At the beginning, when Ximen Chuuxue suppressed the Five Elements Sword Sect, there was only one Faxiang Xiaocheng left in the Five Elements Sword Sect.

In other words, Yijianmen may not even have a Dharma Xiang Xiaocheng now.

This time, it was said that the Nine Great Sword Sects were condemning together to deal with the Five Elements Sword Sect.

But, in fact, Yijianmen has never participated in the fight against the Five Elements Sword Sect. This time, it seems that Yijianmen may not come to the Sword Dao Conference.

The remaining Wuhua Sword Sect, Feisha Sword Sect, and Shuangji Sword Sect are more like making up numbers.

Their power is at best a second-rate power in the arena.

It seems that there is not even a strong man with the rudimentary form of the law.

However, even in this situation, these three sword sects have no strength, but are very confident. They all threatened to destroy the Five Elements Sword Sect and kill Ximen Chuuxue, the lackey of the Qin Emperor.

If Ximen Chuuxue hadn't been able to spare his hand for the time being, he would have wished to send these three swords to the ground.

In Ximen Chuuxue's eyes, these three major sword sects are like three happily jumping grasshoppers, making people extremely disgusting.

So, to sum up, as far as the current top ten sword sects are concerned.

The only ones who can truly compete with each other, chat together, and stand at the top of the pyramid of the top ten sword sects are the Heavenly Sword School, Yujian Villa, and Mingjian Villa.

Therefore, Li Dayong, Huang Dashi, and Wei San, these three people will greet each other.

As for the others?
Excuse me.

The three people who think highly of themselves don't look down on others at all.

If it weren't for this kendo conference, they would represent their own forces and have their own ghosts.

Everyone has a lot of ideas, ambitions, and huge plans, and they will not come to participate in this kendo conference.

And in their eyes, the hosts of this kendo conference are only the three of them.

When the rest of the sword sects came, they had to obey their orders.

They didn't regard other sword sects as human beings at all.

Seeing that Wei San, Huang Dashi, and Li Dayong all ignored him.

Li Buluan couldn't help but his complexion twitched, and a stern look appeared in the depths of his pupils.

If not for his lack of strength.

He wanted to get violent now and kill Wei San, Huang Dashi, and Li Dayong in a sneak attack, so that they dared to ignore him.

He wanted these three people to pay the price.

However, the reality is cruel, and he can only think about it, but he can't do it at all.

Even if he could do it, he didn't dare to do it.

Gein, there is Beidou Jianzong behind him, if because of him alone, he offends Tianjianzong, Mingjian Villa, and Yujian Villa, these three major forces, causing great disasters for Beidou Jianzong, then he will be dead , nor can I rest in peace.

"Ximen Chuuxue, now that we have four Dharma figures consummated, why don't you surrender quickly and die with peace of mind?"

After thinking about it, no one pays attention to him, but he will find a sense of existence by himself.

Ever since, Li Buluan yelled loudly again.

There is quite a feeling of a fox pretending to be a tiger, and a dog fighting against others.


Ximen Chuuxue was extremely cold.

Glancing at Wei San, Huang Dashi, and Li Dayong, Ximen Chuuxue still ignored Li Buluan.

This person is not worthy of his attention.

"Ximen Chuuxue, I have to admit that you are very strong."

"But, that's all. Facing the siege of the old man and the other three, you will definitely die."

Huang Dashi stared fixedly at Ximen Chuuxue.

In the words, he was already convinced of Ximen Chuuxue's appearance.

At the same time, the next sentence made Li Buran's face turn green.

The siege of three people?

Li Buluan, isn't he considered a person?
Is it really okay to ignore him like this?

He is very angry now and really wants to kill people, especially, he wants to drink Huang Dashi's blood.

"That's right, Ximen Chuuxue, with me, Senior Huang and Senior Wei around, you will definitely die."

Similarly, Li Dayong did not mention Li Buluan at all.

"Ximen Chuuxue, why don't you bind your hands, kneel on the ground, and surrender to us?"

Wei San also shouted loudly.

"Ding, I feel that many enemies are too arrogant and despise Ximen Chuuxue too much. In reincarnation, Ximen Chuuxue's lifelong enemy can't help but step out of reincarnation, and together with Ximen Chuuxue, destroy this group of arrogant enemies."

"Ding, when Ye Gucheng was born, he also received a gift from the mysterious sword fairy, and his birth realm and aptitude have greatly increased."

"Ding, in order to make Ye Gucheng's birth more meaningful, your Destiny Emperor Body deliberately drew out a trace of the power of fate in the dark to help Ye Gucheng obtain a local identity."

【Name: Ye Gucheng】

【Affiliation: Legend of Martial Arts】

[Martial Arts Qualification: Monstrous Level]

[Martial Arts Potential: Nine Stars]

[Martial Arts Realm: Dharma Perfection]

[Identity: Ye Gucheng was a direct descendant of the Ye family in Gaoyang in the early years, and later joined Yijianmen for some reason, after becoming the elder of Yijianmen, he traveled overseas, and now he is the Lord of Baiyun City overseas]

Ye Gucheng.

The only being born with four identities.

He is not only a member of the Ye family in Gaoyang, but also a member of Yijiange, and even the lord of Baiyun City overseas, the subject of Emperor Qin Yingxi!
"Only by you, are you worthy of letting Ximen Chuuxue bind his hands?"

"Look at you trash, one counts as another, who can take my sword?"

Dressed in white, he stepped into the air, his eyes filled with contempt for the world.

There was a sense of contempt all over the place when he spoke.

The ethereal kendo energy all over his body is as ethereal as a fairy.

The body is like a sword, and the sword is like a person!
This is a swordsman who is as strong as Ximen Chuuxue, and everyone admires him!
A king of swords!
If you say, Ximen Chuuxue can be called the sword god.

Then he, Ye Gucheng, can be called a sword master!
"Ye Gucheng?"

Ye Gucheng had just been born.

Li Dayong was a little confused.

After all, his seniority is relatively young, and Ye Gucheng has been away overseas for many years, so it is normal for him not to know him.

On the contrary, Huang Dashi and Wei San both recognized Ye Gucheng.

Especially Huang Dashi, there was still a trace of panic hidden in his eyes.

As if, there used to be some shadow.

"Ye Gucheng, you are finally here."

Ximen Chuuxue looked directly at Ye Gucheng and smiled.

Laughed heartily.

His expression, as if the iceberg had melted, was no longer indifferent.

His ruthless sword will only fluctuate at the moment when he sees Ye Gucheng.


Slight forehead.

Ye Gucheng also smiled.

There is a wonderful feeling of heart-to-heart between the two of them.

"I care who you are?"

"Death to me!"

When Wei San and Huang Dashi saw Ye Gucheng, their expressions turned gloomy in an instant.

Silently, no more words, and the momentum of action has also weakened a little.

Seeing this, Li Dayong instinctively told him to look at the situation before speaking.

Only Li Buluan, the second idiot, was eager to find his own sense of existence.

After a loud shout, he swung his sword and pointed it at Ye Gucheng.

"court death!"

I also didn't see how Ye Gucheng moved.

I saw a bright sword light piercing the sky.

Then, there was a bang.

Li Buluan's body shattered suddenly, blood and flesh spilled all over the ground, he couldn't die anymore.


Seeing this, Li Dayong glanced coldly at the broken corpses all over the sky, and cursed indifferently.

In his opinion, Li Buluan is a complete waste, he must find a sense of existence, is it okay now?
He was wiped out with a random sword strike.

He also lost the face of the top ten sword sects, he is really a waste of waste.

If Li Buran was still alive, he would have wished to wipe out Li Buran with a single sword, so as not to embarrass him.

"What? You, Ye Gucheng, the dignified elder of Yijianmen, have you also become Qin Huang's lackey?"

"Still, your entire Yijian Sect has fallen like the Five Elements Sword Sect, have you joined Emperor Qin?"

At this time, after adjusting his breath, Huang Dashi glanced at Ye Gucheng, and asked in a deep voice.

There seemed to be deep fear in the tone.

If it was true as he said, then things would be a big deal.

Two of the top ten sword sects belong to Daqin. Although it seems that they can't affect the overall situation, in fact, the influence in the whole world is still quite huge.

"Your words make me feel ugly."

"In a moment, you will die first!"

"It is my pride that I am a courtier of Emperor Qin."

"Whoever has the slightest intention of insulting Emperor Qin will have to die, so you must die!"

"However, regarding Yijianmen, I think we have to ask the meaning of the contemporary sword master."

Yijianmen, the person in charge is called the sword master.

Generally speaking, in Yijianmen, no matter what happens, the sword master can settle it with one word.

That's why Ye Gucheng said this.

Even if he wants to subdue Yijianmen for Yingxi, it depends on the intention of the sword master of Yijianmen.

Although, with his current strength, he should be regarded as the strongest person in Yijianmen.

However, in theory, he has no right to decide the future of Yijianmen.

Of course, that's all.

If Yijianmen is really ignorant, Ye Gucheng doesn't mind using tyrannical means to force Yijianmen to surrender.

"The sword master of Yijianmen didn't come."

"It seems that only you, Ye Gucheng, have become Qin Huang's lackeys, not the whole Yijian Sect has become Qin Huang's lackeys."

Hearing this, Huang Dashi smiled.

Even if he already felt Ye Gucheng's murderous intent.

However, it can be confirmed that Yi Jianmen has not become Qin Huang Yingxi's lackey, which is undoubtedly great news for him.

So much so that it dilutes his bad mood that he might be killed.


Smiling coldly, Ye Gucheng didn't bother to continue to refute.

Because, in his heart, this Huang Dashi is already a dead person.

"Meng Zhiqiu, the contemporary sword master of Yijiange, has met Elder Ye Taishang."

"I also ask the Supreme Elder to introduce it for you. I, Yi Jiange, and I are all willing to serve His Majesty the Qin Emperor."

However, at this moment, Meng Zhiqiu, the contemporary sword master of Yijiange, appeared.

As soon as it appeared, just a few words shocked the audience.

Huang Dashi, Li Dayong, and Wei San, the three of them opened their eyes wide open, filled with expressions of disbelief.

They never expected that Meng Zhiqiu, the contemporary sword master of Yijiange, would suddenly appear.

And directly declare surrender to Emperor Qin Yingxi?

Could it be that Meng Zhiqiu and Ye Gucheng had planned this in advance?
The purpose is to co-play the oboe at this time, and then disrupt the kendo competition?
Now they can only think of these.

In other words, they are only willing to believe such facts.

Not willing to believe that other possibilities arise.

"Oh? Tell me, why did you have such a plan?"

Ye Gucheng really didn't expect it either.

Meng Zhiqiu will suddenly appear, and on behalf of Yi Jiange, surrender to His Majesty Qin Huang.

He originally thought that to make the entire Yijiange surrender, he would have to use a lot of hands and feet.

Now, it was so easy, which surprised him.

"The Supreme Elder, Rong Zhi, recently, I found my long-lost elder brother, Meng Xinghun."

"He convinced me to lead the entire Yijiange to serve the Emperor Qin."

It turned out to be the case.

As soon as the words fell, Ye Gucheng, Ximen Chuuxue and others showed their original expressions.

There can be no unprovoked allegiance, they say.

That's true.

It was Meng Xinghun who made great contributions.

They didn't expect that Meng Xinghun and Meng Zhiqiu were still brothers in the dark.

Now it's all right, Yi Jianmen will surrender unconditionally to His Majesty Qin Huang.

The top ten sword sects have taken advantage of the trend to subdue two of them.

Ye Zhiqiu and Ximen Chuuxue couldn't help but feel happy for Daqin deep in their hearts.

"Since this is the case, then I will boldly call the shots. From today on, Yi Jiange will be under His Majesty's command."

After thinking about it, Ye Gucheng decided to make a bold decision.

Afterwards, I will tell His Majesty the matter in its entirety, and apologize.

The main reason is that he feels that accepting Yijianmen at this time will be quite beneficial to the overall situation of the Kendo Conference, and even the overall situation of Luozhou.

"Ding, congratulations, your subordinate Ye Gucheng has accepted Yijiange for you."

"Ding, congratulations, Yi Jiange has been successfully included in the Kendo panel."

"Ding, congratulations, under the influence of the Sword Slave aura, Yijiange has completely become your diehard loyalists."

In an instant, the entire Yijiange Pavilion was under the influence of the sword slave halo, and in their hearts, they all worshiped Yingxi as a god, and became loyal with unwavering belief.

"Ding, congratulations, you have successfully obtained all the luck in Yijiange."

"Ding, congratulations, you have received feedback on Yijiange's exercises."

"Ding, there is an unknown error in the feedback of Yijiange's exercises, and you have obtained an emperor-level sword inherited from Yijiange: the Taihe Sword."

[Taihe Sword: The top-grade sword of the imperial rank, is the sword inherited from Yijiange, with unpredictable power]

"Ding, as soon as the Taihe Sword entered your command, it became extremely arrogant. The elder brother who claimed to be the real Dragon Emperor Sword took advantage of his rank and started to fight against the True Dragon Emperor Sword."

"Ding, this action of Taihe Sword has aroused the unanimous disgust of many kung fu techniques, martial arts, even the Supreme Dharma Aspect, the Mandate of Heaven, and even all the treasures."

"Ding, the Supreme Minister shouted loudly: 'The last one who dared to be so rampant, now the grass on the grave is already three feet high.'"

"Ding, following the order of the Supreme Dharma Prime Minister, a group of treasures, exercises, and martial arts worked together to suppress the Supreme Harmony Sword in an instant."

"Ding, in the next moment, the Taihe Sword encountered a more tragic scene than the last "Cloud King Art", it was completely suppressed, and was swallowed wantonly by the True Dragon Emperor Sword."

"Ding, the Artifact Refining Hall was very indignant after learning about this. He shouted: 'The True Dragon Emperor Sword, but there are people covered by him.'"

"Ding, right after that, the Artifact Refining Hall did not talk empty words, and directly shot, helping the True Dragon Emperor Sword to swallow the Taihe Sword, and at the same time helping the True Dragon Emperor Sword to reach a higher level and advance to the best emperor rank."

【True Dragon Emperor Sword—Exquisite Emperor Rank】

[Characteristic [-]: The Wrath of the Emperor——When the Emperor is angry, he lays down his corpse for thousands of miles, and uses the power of a real dragon to develop Godless will. The stronger your anger, the stronger your power]

[Characteristic [-]: True Dragon Emperor Prestige - Within the thirteenth stage of the Heavenly Human Realm, under the True Dragon Emperor Prestige, all will be suppressed by at least [-]% of combat power]

[Characteristic [-]: True Dragon Triple Strike—Inspired by the meaning of a real dragon, it can greatly increase your sword power. Under the triple strike, you can burst out [-] times the sword power]

"Ding, with the infusion of a lot of luck, your "Five Elements Emperor Jue" has made great progress, and you have successfully advanced to the No.20 Jiuzhong. Your "Ten Absolute Demon Scriptures" has advanced rapidly, and you will directly advance to the No.20 Yazhong."

At the same time, after Yi Jiange publicly announced his submission to Emperor Qin Yingxi.

The news spread out like a tide.

It didn't take long for it to spread throughout Luozhou, and even the entire Kyushu world.

I don't know how many people, from now on, have a brand new impression of Daqin.

Subduing others without fighting can make Yi Jiange, one of the top ten sword sects in the world, voluntarily surrender.

This kind of influence is indeed too great.

Even, because of Yi Jiange's actions, many forces that directly participated in the Sword Dao Conference were shaken.

Especially the three major factions of Wuhua Sword Sect, Feisha Sword Sect, and Shuangji Sword Sect.

These three major forces are nothing but grass on the wall, falling with the wind.

The reason they had a lot of fun before was because they felt that with Tianjianzong, Yujian Villa, and Mingjian Villa in front, the Five Elements Sword School couldn't stand it at all.

However, it now appears that the facts may not be as they thought.

Obviously, Daqin's side has gradually become stronger, and they have a premonition that if they don't do it right, the Heavenly Sword Sect will also fall today.

Thinking of this, the representatives of the Wuhua Sword Sect, the Feisha Sword Sect, and the Shuangji Sword Sect, who came here, were all stunned.

In his heart, there were vague signs of leaning toward Daqin.

No way, if the situation changes later, they may fall to Daqin's side.

After all, their power has no integrity at all.

"Damn it, Meng Zhiqiu, do you know what you're doing?"

During the roar, Li Dayong's heart was filled with unstoppable anger.

He was very angry, and his heart was full of surging flames.

He wants to vent, he wants to tear Meng Zhiqiu's body into tens of thousands of pieces.

Only in this way can he vent his anger.

"Of course I know what I'm talking about."

"From now on, I, Yijianmen, are all His Majesty's people."

"I, Meng Zhiqiu, live as His Majesty's man, and die as His Majesty's ghost!"

Meng Zhiqiu has been completely transformed by the halo of the sword slave. At this moment, his words are sonorous and powerful.

Completely determined, she stood by Yingxi's side.

"What a reckless Meng Zhiqiu."

"Since you are looking for death, then I can't keep you."

"Death to me!"

As he said that, Li Dayong drew out his long sword abruptly, and slashed horizontally, insisting on beheading Meng Zhiqiu alive.

"Did I give you permission to kill?"

"In front of me, you also cooperate with your hands?"


The sword in Ye Gucheng's hand suddenly came out of its sheath.

With a sword coming from the west, the immortals fly from the sky!

This sword, like a fairy coming down to earth, is beautiful and magnificent.

Even Ximen Chuuxue couldn't help being immersed in it.

However, this beauty is formed with endless murderous aura.

A sword passed by.

Li Dayong's body suddenly shattered into a cloud of blood.

Blood splattered everywhere, dripping on the faces of Wei San and Huang Dashi.

Tick ​​tock!Tick ​​tock!Tick ​​tock!

Drops of cold sweat flowed down from the brows of the two of them.

They thought that Ye Gucheng was very strong.

So strong that even if they tried their best, they would not be able to deal with it.

However, they never thought that Ye Gucheng would be so swift when he struck, and Li Dayong, who was strong and weak, would also perish under his sword.

If this was changed, it was them just now?
Take a breath.

Deep down in their hearts, they still have a little self-knowledge.

Although Li Dayong can be regarded as the younger generation of the two of them, when it comes to actual combat strength, I am afraid that the two of them are not as good as Li Dayong.

Even Li Dayong couldn't stop Ye Gucheng's sword, what about the two of them?
It is conceivable that they can't resist it!
"With a sword coming from the west, the immortals will fly from the sky."

"This sword is still as wonderful as it was back then!"

Ximen Chuuxue stared at Ye Gucheng, as if he was still reminiscing about what he said.

The two stood side by side.

Standing proudly in the world in two white robes, at this moment, they are like two great swordsmen standing on the pinnacle of the world, shining with the sun and the moon, shining brilliantly!
"Your sword is still ruthless."

"Come on, today, let us fight through this so-called kendo conference, Luozhou, is His Majesty's Luozhou."

"Top ten sword sects, anyone who refuses to obey His Majesty will have a dead end!"

Ye Gucheng took a deep look back at Ximen Chuuxue.

Immediately, the voice changed, and the murderous intent continued to rise!
He, this life is a swordsman belonging to His Majesty.

The sword in his hand was also born for His Majesty to expand the territory and sweep the world!

His sword will drink the blood of the enemy!

Anyone who refuses to obey His Majesty is the enemy of Ye Gucheng!

All shall die by his sword.

"it is good."

Ximen Chuuxue nodded.

At the beginning, he was alone, feeling a little helpless.

But now, Ye Gucheng is here.

Everything is different.

He is no longer alone.

He has absolute help.

He joined forces with Ye Gucheng.

The combination of Sword God and Sword Master, today, is the appearance of a strong man in the realm of heaven and man, and he is also sure to join forces with Ye Gucheng to win the battle!
"Ye Gucheng, Ximen Chuuxue, the old man warns you, you'd better stop it."

"Kill Li Dayong, you leave now, or there is still a glimmer of life."

"If you continue to stay and attack the two of us, what awaits you will be an endless pursuit."

"Sky Sword Sect, Yujian Villa, Famous Sword Villa, the joint strength of the three major kendo forces will also be unbearable for the two of you."

"If you are sensible, go immediately."

"Maybe this old man will give you some good words in front of Tianjianzong."

Huang Dashi was afraid, before death was imminent.

He forced himself to calm down, trying to scare Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuuxue away by virtue of the prestige of Tianjianzong, Yujian Villa, and Mingjian Villa.

It's a pity that what he said was wrong after all.

He scares the wrong people.

How could the majestic sword god Ximen Chuuxue and the sword master Ye Gucheng be frightened by Huang Dashi's few words?

Obviously, this is a fundamentally impossible thing.

With a sword coming from the west, the immortals fly from the sky!

A single sword, like the vastness of heaven, turns reality into emptiness, with extreme ruthlessness, bursting out with extreme sword power!

A sword is a man, and a man is a sword!
Two sword glows that are equally astonishing in the world, at the same moment, amaze the world.

Two radiant sword gestures passed by, Huang Wenshi and Wei San, these two Dharma figures were perfect, even before they could even utter an exclamation, they turned into two clouds of blood mist, seeming to be amazed by these two sword gestures Applause in general.


[This chapter is a five-in-one chapter with [-] words, which is equivalent to the previous five chapters. 】

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(End of this chapter)

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