Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 212 Cloud King's Request

Chapter 212 Cloud King's Request (I wish everyone a happy Qixi Festival~)

Hearing Chen Jialuo's whim.

Yue Buqun suddenly had some ideas.

"Perhaps, we can deliberately create some illusions that we are joining forces with the Blood Shadow Sect and the Heavenly Formation Sect to deal with King Yun."

"You can even order people to spread rumors, saying that the Blood Shadow Sect and the Tianzheng Sect are actively contacting us and want to submit to His Majesty, and help His Majesty from the inside to overthrow King Yun's rule."

As Yue Buqun spoke, the light in his pupils grew stronger and stronger.

He seems to have found a good way to play with King Yun.

That's right, it was simply teasing King Yun.

He knew very well that the words he said now were nothing more than small tricks.

King Yun, the Blood Shadow Sect, and the Heavenly Array Sect will soon be resolved.

It's just that they can disgust them in a short time.

"Yes, this is a way, I will arrange to spread rumors."

"Not to mention that it can make them really turn against each other, at least, it can also make them mess up for a while."

Chen Jinnan also spoke up afterwards.

He seemed interested.

This kind of thing seems to be the first time he has done this kind of thing in his previous life. It sounds very interesting.


"Chen Jinnan, Chen Jialuo, the two of you can go down and make arrangements now."

"However, don't put the cart before the horse."

"The key point is to pay close attention to the movements of the Blood Shadow Sect and the Heavenly Array Sect. Once these two sects strike, we must take action to stop them as soon as possible."

"We must guard the Chongchuan Road for Your Majesty."

Nodding his head, Yue Buqun agreed to let them do it.

However, in the words, the meaning is also very clear.

That is, spreading rumors and disgusting King Yun is enough.

Don't worry too much about the rest.

The point is that they must keep Chongchuan Road well.


After Chen Jinnan and Chen Jialuo agreed, they strode away.

Now, on the side of Chongchuan Road, they are actually not under much pressure.

Therefore, everyone is quite interested.

At the moment when Chen Jinnan and Chen Jialuo were preparing to spread rumors and disgust King Yun.

Yunlong City, Yunwang Palace.

The center of the hall.

On the huge dragon chair, King Yun sat on it.

His eyes were faintly bloodshot.

The whole body was filled with chilling intentions.

"Gou Qing, I need an explanation."

"Why, your swearing-in plan, let me send Huang Bold, Li Dali, and Zhang Dakuan to lead a total of 60 Tiger Roaring Army to retreat to Jingshuangdao and Anyang Pass."

"At the same time, it also made me entangle Jing Shuangdao with a lot of power to guard Anyang Pass. As a result, it took only a long time, less than half a month."

"Anyang Pass collapsed, and the entire Jingshuangdao has already lost most of its territory."

"I'm afraid, after a while, the Blood Shadow Sect will be unable to stop it, right?"

King Yun's expression was unprecedentedly cold.

Gou Qing, in front of him, is no longer his favorite Gou Aiqing.

The plan failed twice in a row.

Even, in King Yun's mind, this defeat was even more unbearable than the last time.

Because of Gou Qing's proposal, he directly gave up the entire Huaifeng Road, and let the armies of the Great Qin easily take down Huaifeng Road.

I thought that everything would be as Gou Qing expected.

He assembled a heavy army, and at Jingshuangdao and Anyang Pass, he was able to lock up all the armies of the Great Qin Dynasty at Anyang Pass, preventing them from advancing half a step.

As a result, how long is this.

Anyang Pass was breached, and most of Jingshuangdao's territory fell.

Especially King Yun's darling, the four great generals disappeared completely after this time, Huang Bold, Li Dali, Zhang Dakuan, and 60 Tiger Roaring Army were all slaughtered in the battle of Anyang Pass.

In addition, the entire army of the previous [-] Yunying Army was wiped out.

In other words, not long after this battle, he had already lost the four great generals, the 80 Tiger Roaring Army, and the [-] Yunying Army, the trump card army.

This loss was too great for him.

So big that King Yun is now so angry that he can't control his emotions at all.

"His Highness King Yun forgives the crime, the humble minister made a mistake in his plan, and is willing to be punished."


Under the strong coercion of King Yun, Gou Qing simply knelt down.

At the same moment, Gou Qing's pupils were also full of panic.

He never thought, how long has it been?

Absolutely not a month before and after, King Yun's realm has actually undergone a qualitative change.

He was sure that the current King Yun might already be above the fourth level of the Heaven-Human Realm.

Compared with him, it is much stronger.

If it is said that the previous King Yun, he might have to use his hands and feet to deal with him.

The current King Yun, Gou Qing felt that maybe he could be easily suppressed and killed with just one move.

too frightening.

Gou Qing vaguely felt that this King Yun was even more terrifying than what he had imagined.

In particular, he guessed that behind King Yun, there might be a force that could shock the world.

Thinking of this, Gou Qing's body trembled unknowingly.

"be punished?"

"Just punishing you, can you make up for the loss of the lonely king?"

Staring at Gou Qing coldly, King Yun's voice was almost extremely cold.

The loss is too great.

It was too big for him to bear.

Now, judging from his hatred, he can't wait to tear Gou Qing into pieces.

However, reason told him.

It doesn't make any sense to pursue Gou Qing.

It has no effect other than cutting off his wings.


The light in his eyes moved slightly, and Gou Qing's mind became sober all of a sudden.

The whole person, in his mind, immediately wanted to understand a lot of things.

Vaguely, I had some guesses in my heart.

However, now is not the time for him to let go.

He could only speak out more respectfully: "I also ask His Highness King Yun to make it clear that no matter how His Highness wants to be punished, I will be willing."

What he said was also testing King Yun.

"Hmph, you should understand what the Lonely King means."

"You have been following the lonely king for quite some time."

"Listen, the lonely king is too lazy to play charades with you."

"Now, under the command of the lonely king, the loss is heavy."

"The lonely king has only one request for you. The lonely king gives you ten days to form an ace army of at least 10 people for the lonely king, which is not inferior to the Yunying Army."

Hearing this, Gou Qing's eyes suddenly went dark.

He knew that King Yun would not let him go easily.

Now, King Yun's request also confirmed his thoughts.

An ace army of at least 10 people, not weaker than the Yunying Army, this requirement is not low.

After thinking for a while, Gou Qing tried to struggle and said, "His Royal Highness, ten days is too short."

"Also, if you want to build an ace army that is not inferior to the Yunying Army, the price is too high, and the time it takes is definitely not as simple as ten days."

"I implore His Royal Highness King Yun to learn from you."

What he said, in fact, was to shirk.

Also, by the way, test King Yun's determination.

If King Yun loosened a bit, he would push the boat along with the current and push it away completely.


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[Today's Chinese Valentine's Day, I wish everyone a happy Chinese Valentine's Day ~]

[There are too many things during the two days of Qixi Festival, and I will slowly make up Qiangeng for everyone later]

(End of this chapter)

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