Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 213 The Blood Cloud Dynasty, the Transformation of the Elite Disciples of the Beggar Gang

Chapter 213 The Blood Cloud Dynasty, the Transformation of the Elite Disciples of the Beggar Gang (two chapters in one)

However, Gou Qing just finished speaking.

In the Palace of King Yun, it suddenly became extremely cold.

Before he knew it, Gou Qing only felt his scalp go numb.

Quietly glanced at King Yun.

It can be seen that at this moment, King Yun already exudes a frightening aura all over his body.

"Gou Qing, you heard clearly, the lonely king is not discussing with you."

"The lonely king is ordering you to make atonement."

"Ten days, you only have ten days."

"Ten days later, if the lonely king doesn't see an ace army comparable to the Yunying army appear."

"Then, even the forces behind you can't keep you."

"The Lonely King will personally send you on your way."

Hearing King Yun's words, Gou Qing's hair stood on end immediately.

He knew that King Yun was going to be serious with him.

If he dares to shirk again.

King Yun will never show mercy to his subordinates.

Sighing silently, Gou Qing also knew that the current situation had reached this point, and King Yun could not tolerate any more hypocrisy with him.

King Yun, I'm afraid he is ready to gamble everything.

At this time, he has only two choices.

One, obey King Yun's instructions and help King Yun.

Two, come down first, then leave the Palace of King Yun, and just run away.

So, now, he needs to make a choice.

Obviously, after thinking about it, at this time, if he just walks away, he will ignore King Yun.

That meant that everything he had done before was in vain.

What's more, he felt that King Yun was far from exhausted.

He is willing to fight with King Yun.

Bet big.

If he wins the bet, he will be a big celebrity in front of King Yun from now on.

His harvest will be endless.

The most important thing is that he cannot let the investment of the forces behind him go to waste.

Otherwise, even if he had a hundred lives, it would not be enough to die!
After making a decision in my heart.

Gou Qing finally settled down, and said in a deep voice: "His Royal Highness Yun Wang has an order, and I will obey everything."

"Please rest assured, His Highness King Yun, it won't take ten days, three days, and within three days, I will definitely create an ace army comparable to the Yunying Army for His Highness King Yun."

Now that he has made the decision to stand on the same boat with King Yun, Gou Qing intends to help King Yun at all costs.

"Okay, I'll give you three days."

King Yun couldn't help but relax a little when he heard that.

His complexion also softened a lot.

Staring at Gou Qing, there was even a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Weichen will resign now and go to prepare everything for His Highness King Yun."

Saying that, Gou Qing resigned slowly.

Looking at Gou Qing's retreating figure, King Yun's eyes moved slightly.

Deep in the pupils, there was an indescribable emotion brewing.

Follow Gou Qing to leave.

King Yun stood up slowly.

Walk towards the back of King Yun Palace.

Keep going all the way.

Finally, it stopped outside a rockery.

"Junior Wu Yun, I implore all ancestors, open the secret realm, come out to help me, unify Kyushu, and restore the glory of my blood cloud dynasty."

At this moment, if there are outsiders present.

It will definitely surprise you.

This King Yun, whose real name is Wu Yun, was actually a descendant of the Blood Cloud Dynasty in the early days of this era.

It seems that there are still secret realms left in the Blood Cloud Dynasty.

It's just that I don't know how much heritage exists in the secret realm of the Blood Cloud Dynasty.

"Junior Wu Yun, respectfully invite all the ancestors to step out of the secret realm and reshape the glory of my blood cloud dynasty!"

"Junior Wu Yun, respectfully invite all the ancestors to step out of the secret realm and reshape the glory of my blood cloud dynasty!"

"Junior Wu Yun, respectfully invite all ancestors to step out of the secret realm and reshape the glory of my blood cloud dynasty!".
See no reply for a long time.

Wu Yun kept bowing his head and begging for orders respectfully.

At this moment, even though he is the king of Yun, facing the heritage left by the blood cloud dynasty in the past, he is only a junior, and he can only respectfully invite him.

Because, even he himself doesn't know how much foundation there is in the secret realm of the Blood Cloud Dynasty.

Fear often comes from the unknown.

At this moment, King Yun felt more and more uneasy.

His heart was full of worries.

He was not only worried that the background in the secret realm of the Blood Cloud Dynasty had perished, but also worried that the people with strong backgrounds were too strong.

In short, Wu Yun at this moment can be regarded as distraught.

Time passed little by little.

I don't know how long it took.

King Yun kept his head down all the time, not daring to move.


Finally, with the sound of thunder, it suddenly sounded.

The rockery seems to have opened the door.

A big black hole appeared.

In the depths of the black hole, an ancient door gradually opened with a creaking sound.

"This is?"

King Yun's mind suddenly became agitated.

He could feel that in the depths of that gate, there were terrifying auras raging wantonly.

He knew that those were the background of his Blood Cloud Dynasty!

"Wu Yun, do you know that once the secrets of my Blood Cloud Dynasty's secret realm come out of the world, my Blood Cloud Dynasty will have no way out."

"You are the only hope for my blood cloud dynasty to regain the destiny in this life."

"Are you really sure that you want me to step out and make a last-ditch effort for the Blood Cloud Dynasty?"

At this moment, a majestic and heavy tone suddenly sounded in King Yun's ear.


King Yun never thought of it.

The ancestors of the Blood Cloud Dynasty who were still in the secret realm would value him so much.

Treat him as the only hope to regain the destiny.

Could it be that after so many years, there hasn't been a young and promising Tianjiao-level figure in the secret realm of the Blood Cloud Dynasty?

Or, did his performance make the existences in the secret realm of the Blood Cloud Dynasty deeply satisfied?

King Yun was very puzzled.

After thinking about it, King Yun finally decided that it would be better to ask clearly: "Dare to ask this ancestor, why are you so sure that I am the only hope of the Blood Cloud Dynasty in this life to fight for the destiny?"

He believed that if the ancestor in the secret realm really valued him.

It will definitely not be hidden from him.

"There are two reasons. First, those who compete for the destiny are not people in this world, and there is no hope!"

"Secondly, the secret realm of my blood cloud dynasty, because I don't have the heart of the secret realm, can barely maintain the level of the yellow-rank middle-rank secret realm until now."

"That is to say, over the years, in the secret realm of my Blood Cloud Dynasty, it has been extremely difficult just to preserve a certain amount of strength, and it is even more impossible to cultivate any young talents."

Hear the sound transmission of the ancestor in the secret realm.

For a moment, King Yun couldn't help but feel relieved.

This ancestor in the secret realm definitely explained it in great detail.

This was clearly told to him.

Two important reasons.

Especially the first point is to make King Yun no longer feel worried.

The existence that can compete for the destiny must be a person in this world.

That is to say, the strong people who step out of the secret realm can only assist in fighting for the destiny at best, and absolutely cannot directly compete for the destiny.

This reduced the pressure in King Yun's heart by a lot.

"Now, have you made up your mind?"

"Do you want me to step out of the secret realm and help you?"

When that voice sounded in the ear again.

Take a deep breath.

King Yun thought about it for a moment in his heart.Slowly made a decision.

Said in a deep voice: "I've made up my mind, I implore all seniors, come out of this world and help me fight for my destiny!"

In fact, King Yun knew very well that with his current strength.

Even if the forces behind Gou Qing and Gaoyang Ye family were forcibly pulled into his chariot.

At that time, the power he can control may not be able to fight against the menacing armies of Great Qin this time.

Therefore, let's not talk about the matter of fighting for the destiny, if there is no help from the background in the secret realm of the Blood Cloud Dynasty.

King Yun felt that he might not be able to survive the catastrophe before him.

Not to mention the future?
Therefore, King Yun made a decisive decision.

In any case, he needs the help of the ancestors of the Blood Cloud Dynasty in the secret realm.

At least, get through the immediate disaster first.

Only then can they hope to compete for the destiny of this life.

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll wait for the old man, and I'll follow you in this last gamble."

"For my blood cloud dynasty, fight for the last chance of survival."

Saying that, in the Blood Cloud Dynasty, there is a strong man who stepped out of the world.

Later, the voice of Iron Horse Jinge came out.

Every ordinary soldier is far stronger than the individual strength of King Yun's ace army, the Yunying Army.

In the depths of King Yun's pupils, the light called ambition became even hotter because of this.

at the same time.

Zhongzhou, border of Jiangnan Road, Ningquan Pass.

Xiao Feng, Guo Jing, and Hong Qigong are the leaders.

Leading [-] elite disciples of the Beggar Gang.

They have assembled on Ningquan Pass.

All of them looked extremely serious, and they were all staring closely at each other.

Guan Xia is the million lions sent by Zhu Wuqing.

It is said that the leader is Zhu Wuqing's confidant named Chai Hao, who was regarded by Zhu Wuqing as the generalissimo of this expedition.

According to rumors, this Chai Hao is also a strong man in the realm of heaven and man.

"Zhu Wuqing's million lions should not be underestimated."

"That's right, take a closer look, among the millions of troops, none of them is lower than the seventh level of the Tianyuan realm."

During the exchange between Hong Qigong and Guo Jing, there was a solemn look in the depths of their eyes.

They had never imagined that the million lions sent by Zhu Wuqing would be so strong.

One must know that before that, even the Tiger Roaring Army under King Yun's command had only started at the sixth level of the Tianyuan Realm.

In other words, Zhu Wuqing's million lions are stronger than the Tiger Roaring Army under King Yun's command.

"Unfortunately, the growth time given to me is too short."

Shaking his head, Hong Qigong showed regret.

Before Xiao Feng was born, the strength of the Beggar Gang fell to the bottom.

That is, after Xiao Feng took over the Beggars' Gang, the Beggars' Gang began to gradually become stronger.

Now, even after the sun is overshadowed by the sun.

Most of today's elite disciples of the beggar gang are no more than Tianyuan [-]st and [-]nd level.

They still need time to grow.

It's a pity that right now, the war is imminent.

It seems that there is no time left for the elite disciples of the beggar gang to grow up.

On Hong Qigong's face, there was an expression of great regret.

In his heart, it is also very clear.

Once the battle starts.

Just rely on the current elite disciples of the beggar gang.

It is bound to be an extremely difficult thing to resist the millions of lions in Ningquan pass.

Even, think pessimistically.

The disparity in strength between the two sides is incomparable.

It is feared that once the enemy's millions of lions attack the city, there may be large-scale casualties.

"Yeah, the growth time of my beggar gang is too short."

"If you give me another month for the Beggars' Clan, today, the offensive and defensive momentum will definitely be reversed."

Xiao Feng also nodded in agreement.

There was also deep regret in his words.

As he said, if you give the beggars another month.

Needless to say, today, there are [-] elite disciples of the Beggar Gang, all of whom are at the ninth level of Tianyuan or higher.

After all, with the coming of the sun, the strength of Yingxi's subordinates increased dozens of times faster than before.

Just have some time to buffer.

Under Yingxi's command, there will be one more powerful army after another.

Of course, time waits for no one now, and it can only be in vain to say these things.

"One month? We don't even have one day left."

Watching millions of soldiers approaching the city.

Guo Jing shook his head, collected his mind, and was already ready for battle.

His mind is already in a state of complete tension.

"Ding, feel the melancholy of Xiao Feng, Guo Jing, and Hong Qigong, and the gang panel empathizes."

"Ding, the gang leader doesn't want to see the elite disciples of the beggar gang suffer defeat in the first battle. The gang leader feels that he should do something."

"Ding, after contemplating for a long time, the gang panel finally decided to gather all their strength to help the [-] elite disciples of the Beggar Gang to a higher level."

"Ding, congratulations, with the full assistance of the gang panel, one hundred thousand elite disciples of the beggar gang, all in an instant, in the long river of time, after three years, their realm has improved by leaps and bounds!"

[One Hundred Thousand Elite Disciples of the Beggar Gang——Your Exclusive Gang Elite]

[One hundred thousand elite disciples of the beggar gang—they have been helped by the gang panel, and they have experienced three years of experience in a blink of an eye, and their realm has reached the ninth level of Tianyuan]

"Ding, among the [-] elite disciples of the Beggar Gang, [-] core disciples were born."

[A Thousand Core Disciples of the Beggar Gang——Your Exclusive Gang Core]

[A thousand core disciples of the Beggar Clan—the strong ones who stand out among the elite disciples, the opportunity of three years in a flash allows their talents to be displayed, and their realm reaches the ninth level of the Purple Mansion]

"Ding, among the [-] elite disciples of the Beggar Gang, hidden dragons and crouching tigers miraculously gave birth to [-] true disciples."

[One Hundred True Disciples of the Beggar Gang——Your Exclusive True Biography of the Gang]

[One hundred true disciples of the Beggar Gang——Among the one hundred thousand elite disciples, the real dragon is hidden. The opportunity of three years in a flash allows them to jump the dragon gate with a carp, and the realm reaches the ninth level of the cave.]

"Ding, among the [-] elite disciples of the Beggar Gang, there are even unborn geniuses, who are so overwhelming that they reach the chief disciple."

"Ding, congratulations, among the [-] elite disciples of the Beggar Gang, ten disciples have been born who can be called chief disciples."


[This chapter is a two-in-one chapter, four thousand words, equivalent to the previous two chapters. 】

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[Sorry, today is still affected by Qixi Festival, the update is too small, starting tomorrow, the normal update will resume~]

(End of this chapter)

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