Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 24 Monarch and ministers unite, Bai Di Geng Jin Jue

Chapter 24 Monarch and ministers unite, Bai Di Geng Jin Jue
"Ding, you have been baptized by the majestic Daqin luck, and your realm has broken through."

boom! boom! boom!
Immediately afterwards, following the last time he had achieved [-] breakthrough progress, he broke through two small realms and stepped into the third layer of the Purple Mansion.

This wave of baptism of luck has brought Yingxi's realm to a higher level, reaching the sixth level of the Purple Mansion.

"Tianji Pavilion, I will destroy it!"

And this is just the Daqin luck that Ma Bin himself intercepted.

But I don't know how much luck has been intercepted by Tianji Pavilion through Ma Bin?
It is conceivable that it must be an extremely huge amount of luck.

Whispering to himself, Yingxi's murderous intent was even stronger than before.

"Your Majesty, this old slave has already hung Ma Bin's head on the Xuanwu Gate, and also, Master Jia Xu is back."

Not long after, Cao Zhengchun set foot in the True Dragon Palace again and leaned over to report.

"Where is Jia Xu? Quickly let him come to see me."

When Ying Xi heard this, his eyes lit up immediately.

He wanted to hear what Jia Xu had been doing during this time.

Unexpectedly, it also opened the prelude to the turmoil in the world.

"Your Majesty, Master Jia Xu is waiting outside the palace, and this old slave will pass him into the palace."

Cao Zhengchun answered again.

"it is good."

Slight forehead.

Not long after, Cao Zhengchun took Jia Xu into the True Dragon Hall.

"My humble minister, Jia Xu, greets His Majesty."

Without waiting for Jia Xu to complete the salute, Ying Xi waved his hands and said, "Ai Qing is free, please tell me about Ai Qing's experience during this trip."


"Reporting to Your Majesty, my minister is on this trip."

Immediately afterwards, Jia Xu reported in detail what happened along the way after leaving Xianyang, as well as the Battle of Yinshan, and reported it to Yingxi.

"Oh, I see."

After listening to it, Ying Xi almost understood it.

It has to be said that Jia Xu deserves to be the number one poisonous warrior of the Three Kingdoms in the past.

From the beginning, Jia Xu had already planned to use the power of Great Qin Destiny above the imperial decree to manifest the Qin Huang's secret key on the Yin Mountain, causing the Qin Huang's secret key to collapse.

However, at that time, Jia Xu just wanted to confirm his identity in the Poison Fairy Valley, and on the Yin Mountain, he tried to kill righteous people as much as possible, hoping to bring disaster to the east and provoke a war between good and evil.

It is also good to temporarily resolve the crisis of the Great Qin Dynasty and give the Great Qin Dynasty more opportunities for development.

Unexpectedly, this time, the final result was far beyond Jia Xu's expectations.

Because of the infighting among the Blood Crazy Warlord, Wang Tianlong, and Fa Yan, the matter became more complicated and would definitely cause even greater turmoil.

Of course, from Yingxi's point of view, this might be a better opportunity.

"By the way, Your Majesty, when I was on my way home, I made a secret visit to Marquis Anwu's mansion."

"Accidentally discovered that the Marquis of Anwu's mansion has already gathered masters and is ready to fight, and there are even some people in it who are plotting to make Marquis Anwu the king."

"I'm just afraid that Marquis Anwu will establish himself as king in a few days and separate himself from one side."

As she said that, Jia Xu felt a sad look between her brows.

Even though Great Qin has long lost control of the entire Kyushu, no one in the Kyushu dares to claim the title of king!

On the bright side, princes from all over the world still pay respect to Great Qin.

Zhou lost its tripod, and the world asked about it; Qin lost its deer, and the world chased it!

Once someone declares to be the king, which sets a precedent, in the world, it is unknown how many people will become the king and how many people will become the hegemony.

At that time, Daqin will definitely lose face and dignity, and it will be even more difficult to regain control of the land of Kyushu and create the world of Daqin again.

"A mere Marquis of Anwu also wants to be king? Hmph!"

"Jia Xu, I ordered you to go and monitor Anwuhou's mansion immediately, and report any news at any time."

Ying Xi thought clearly.

If you want to prevent the princes of the world from becoming kings and hegemony, you must suppress them by force.

His pupils were small, and Ying Xi secretly calculated that maybe the day when Marquis An Wu became king would be a great opportunity for Ying Xi to shock the heroes of the world.


When Jia Xu heard this, she unconsciously smiled knowingly.

Vaguely, he had already guessed a bit.

"Ding, I feel that your ministers are very appreciative of your plan, which triggers a special affinity - the monarch and his ministers are of the same heart."

[Monarch and ministers of the same heart: As a monarch, you can directly obtain the supernatural powers that trigger the subjects of this phase]

"Ding, congratulations on your acquisition of supernatural powers—poisoning the common people."

"Ding, due to the addition of supernatural powers - Toxic common people, "Black Emperor Sunflower Jue" feels that his position is not stable, so he drags his brother "Bai Di Geng Jin Jue" to help out."

"Ding, congratulations on obtaining the heaven-ranked high-grade exercise "Bai Di Geng Jin Jue"."

[Bai Di Geng Jin Jue: Heaven-rank top-grade kung fu method. According to legend, one of the five emperors, Bai Di created the kung fu method. The kung fu method is divided into nine levels. When you practice to the ninth level, you can awaken your natal Geng Jin supernatural powers. It is an ordinary heaven-level kung fu method. Can't compare to it at all]

Thirty miles outside Xianyang City, there is an ancient temple that has been abandoned for a long time.

At this moment, looking from a distance, the shadows of blood are floating, the aura of corpses is everywhere, and there are signs of demons rampant.

Inside, there is a person wearing a red robe, above the tip of a knife, his blood is inhaling.

The other person is like a ghost in purgatory, not human-like, eerie and terrifying.

"Weeping Blood Knife, I can't think of it. I haven't seen you for many years. You are already the pinnacle of the master. Looking at this aura, I am afraid that you are only one step away from the great master of Dongtian."

The two confronted each other for a long, long time, the evil ghost opened his mouth, his voice was hoarse, which made people feel scalp numb.

"Old Devil Canggu, you are not bad, you are also a peak master, you have improved a lot over the years."

Weeping Blood Knife Yang Chun's pupils shrank slightly unconsciously.

As the third elder of the Blood Shadow Sect, he has not been an adventure in these years. The resources of the sect alone are astronomical, and he has just reached the peak state of the current master.

As for Old Demon Canggu, although he is the elder with real power in the Corpse Exorcist Sect, the Corpse Exorcist Sect is a sect abandoned by the world, and the accumulation of resources in the sect is no match for the Blood Shadow Sect.

However, Old Demon Canggu still did not lose to him, and he had also reached the peak of a master.

This is enough to prove, Old Devil Canggu, it's not easy!
"Tell me, why are you waiting for me here?"

He was secretly vigilant in his heart, gathered his mind, and took a deep look at Old Demon Canggu. He didn't believe that Old Demon Canggu would come to him for no reason.

"I heard from this demon that you want to find a good furnace cauldron to help you break through the ninth stage of the blood shadow magic skill, so that you can be promoted to the grand master of the Dongtian Realm, right?"

Old Demon Canggu didn't answer the question.

"So what?"

Yang Chun stood with his hands behind his back, but he had no intention of hiding it.

Anyway, the Blood Shadow Sect is one of the eight heretical sects, which is inherently good and evil, and even more inclined to the evil sects.

Therefore, even if the news of his search for the cauldron gets out, it is not a big deal.

At most, he would invite a few heroes of the righteous way to kill demons and guard the way, and he could destroy them at will.

After all, the righteous strongmen who are strong enough to kill him will more or less take the Blood Shadow Sect into consideration and dare not move.

"I do know that there is a good furnace that is just right for you, but I don't know whether you dare to cry blood knife."

Old Demon Canggu showed a provocative smile on purpose.

"Old Demon Canggu, you and I are not three-year-olds anymore, so don't show off this little trick in front of me. If you have anything to say, just say it. If you hesitate again, I won't accompany you."

Unexpectedly, Yang Chun was not fooled at all, his eyes turned cold, and he shouted coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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