Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 25 True Dragon Emperor Sword

Chapter 25 True Dragon Emperor Sword
"Jie Jie Jie, Weeping Blood Knife, you are still so impatient, boring, really boring."

With a strange laugh, the old demon Canggu said: "This demon wants to do something big, surround and kill He Wanshan!"


Hearing this, Yang Chun immediately turned pale with shock, and shouted: "Damn it, Old Demon Canggu, you want to die, so don't try to hold me down."

He Wanshan, ranked in the Tianbang, is one of the 36 strongest masters in the world.

Yang Chun thinks that his strength is not bad, but he also has self-knowledge. With his current strength, he can barely compete against the great masters who have just entered the Dongtian Realm. is delusional.

Even, to put it harshly, it can be said that the old birthday star hanged himself, looking for death!
"Weeping Blood Knife, do you think this demon is crazy?"

Old Demon Canggu asked back.

"I see that you are not crazy or almost crazy."

Yang Chun replied angrily.

"Brother Yang, this demon is not crazy."

"To tell you the truth, back then, after He Wanshan Town killed Mo Yanghou, he sent a grand master of Dongtian Realm to ambush me to drive away my corpse. After the First World War, both of them injured the source. fall."

"Because it is related to a great master of the Cave Heaven Realm of my exorcism sect, my sect has completely blocked the news, even the Tianji Pavilion is still kept in the dark."

Seeing that Yang Chun was getting impatient, Old Devil Canggu didn't dare to be careless, and quickly threw out heavy news.

"Huh? Is that so?"

Sure enough, upon hearing this, Yang Chun thought about it and said, "But, why should I help you? It should be known that even though He Wanshan is on the verge of death, it is not easy for a great master of Tianbang to fight back when he is dying."

"Of course I can't let Brother Yang help in vain. After the matter is completed, He Wanshan's granddaughter, He Shuyao, the spirit body of grass and trees, will be the best stove that I will give to Brother Yang."

"Brother Yang, you don't have to worry about his status as the heir of the Palace of Medicine King. After the incident, He Shuyao will be captured by my exorcist sect."

Old Demon Canggu smiled.

He didn't believe it, and Yang Chun was still not tempted.

"Old Devil Canggu, do you really mean what you say?"

In fact, He Shuyao's cauldron is excellent, and Yang Chun had already thought about it.

However, because of his identity as the contemporary successor of the Palace of Medicine King, he did not want to provoke the Palace of Medicine King.

It should be known that although Yaowangdian is not good at fighting, his appeal is extremely strong. If Yaowangdian is angered, even the Blood Shadow Sect may not be able to keep him.

But now, Old Demon Canggu is willing to take over the hatred from the Palace of Medicine King in the name of the Corpse Exorcism Sect. This condition is quite attractive.

After weighing the pros and cons, Yang Chun was really tempted.


Old Demon Canggu patted his chest and promised.

"Okay, that's it."

"I hope you didn't deceive me."

Deeply forgot to take a look at Old Demon Canggu, Yang Chun was still very alert.

Seeking skins from tigers, he couldn't help but be careless.

"Brother Yang, don't worry, this time we both get what we need, and the cooperation is a win-win situation, Jie Jie Jie."

Xianyang City, Tianji Building.

"Qin Huang Yingxi, I want you to die!"

"Dead! Die! Die!"

"I must ask you to pay for my Bin'er's life."

After Ma Yuanzhong heard that Ma Bin's head was hanging above the Xuanwu Gate, his eyes were about to burst, and his emotions were completely out of control.

Ma Bin is his eldest son, and also his most outstanding son, he once placed high hopes on him.

Almost all the resources of his Ma family were piled up on Ma Bin.

The purpose is to let Ma Bin one day set foot in the Grandmaster Realm of Zifu, become the true heir of Tianji Pavilion, and truly let the Ma family gain a firm foothold in Tianji Pavilion.

But now, Ma Bin was beheaded for disrespect to Emperor Qin Yingxi, and his head was hung on the Xuanwu Gate for public display.

The hopes of the Ma family were shattered, and because of this, they suffered great humiliation. How could Ma Yuanzhong not lose control?
Suddenly, Ma Yuanzhong felt a breeze blowing by his side, as if someone had stepped over.

Returning to his senses for a while, he looked up, his eyes were dazed, and he quickly bowed his head respectfully: "Ma Yuanzhong has seen His Royal Highness the Son of Heaven."

"How are things going?"

Shengzi Yantian's voice seemed very indifferent, and there seemed to be a trace of imperceptible anger in it.

Ma Yuanzhong was surprised, and then he said with a look of grief: "Holy Son, please make the decision for your subordinates!"

"Qin Emperor Yingxi dared to kill my son Ma Bin for no reason"

Immediately afterwards, Ma Yuanzhong narrated Yingxi's hatred with embellishment, trying to use the power of his son Yantian to help him complete his revenge.

"Qin Emperor Yingxi, is it true that he is not dead?"

In the short words of Shengzi Yantian, there are profound meanings.

Ma Yuanzhong is an old man, and he instinctively felt that there was a lot to be said for this.

"Your revenge, this Holy Son will help you avenge it."

"Qin Emperor Yingxi must die!"

Just as Ma Yuanzhong was still thinking about how to sound out, the two words of the holy son Yantian made Ma Yuanzhong very excited immediately.

"is it?"

"Just because of you, you also want to kill me?"

However, at this moment, an extremely majestic voice came.

"Trapped into the camp, Iron Eagle Ruishi, I will quickly surround the Tianji Building, and no one will be released."

Then, the sound of heavy footsteps shook the entire Tianji Building.

At this time, outside the Tianji Building, it was already surrounded by Gao Shun's [-] trapped camps and [-] iron eagle warriors.

The first batch of Tie Ying warriors, a total of 1000 people, have all been successfully trained. This time, Ying Xi brought them to the Tianji Building for training.

"who are you?"

Looking at the domineering figure in front of him, Shengzi Yantian took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice.

"Presumptuous? How dare you ask Your Majesty, can you find death?"

Cao Zhengchun was furious, his pupils were full of murderous intent.

"Peak master?"

"Qin Emperor Yingxi?"

Whispering to himself, Shengzi Yantian was filled with disbelief.

He couldn't accept the fact in front of him that a well-known waste would actually have such a majestic appearance now.

How could an emperor who only knew how to spend time and drink, and was willing to degenerate, get the allegiance of a master at the peak?

He is unwilling, he is angry.

In an instant, Shengzi Yantian broke the defense, and his emotions were out of control. He roared: "Impossible!"

"Qin Huang Yingxi is nothing but a waste, who are you?"

"You trespassed on the Tianji Pavilion and violated my taboo, aren't you afraid of my Tianji Pavilion's wrath?"

Hearing this, Yingxi smiled coldly, and responded: "Today, I am going to flatten this Tianji Tower and kill you, the holy son of Tianji Pavilion, a mere Tianji Pavilion, what do I have to fear? In the future, I will definitely destroy it !"

"Ding, Tieying Ruishi was infected by your words, his morale was greatly boosted, the collective demonization was successful, and his strength doubled!"

[A Thousand Iron Eagles (Demonized)—Sixth Level of Body Refining]

[Ten Centurions of Iron Eagles (Demonized)——Tianyuan Sixth Layer]

From one thousand iron eagle warriors, ten iron eagle warrior centurions were born.

It's a pity that there was no iron eagle sharp soldier commander.

According to Yingxi's calculation, the commander of Tie Ying Rui Shi must be the master of the Purple Mansion.

"Ding, the Holy Son of Tianji Pavilion insulted His Majesty, and the Artifact Refining Hall was furious. I present you the top grade of the king - the True Dragon Emperor Sword. I hope you will hold this sword and behead his head!"

[True Dragon Emperor Sword - King Rank Top Grade]

[Characteristic 1: The Wrath of the Emperor——When the Emperor was angry, he lay dead for thousands of miles, using the power of a real dragon to evolve the will of God, the stronger your anger, the stronger your power]

(End of this chapter)

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