Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 318 Outside the heavens, Yingxi proves the Tao and becomes holy!

Chapter 318 Outside the heavens, Yingxi proves the Tao and becomes holy! (two in one chapter)

With Li Zini following him, at least, he shouldn't take the wrong path to the heaven.

Therefore, he deliberately made this statement, which can be regarded as an invitation to Li Zini.

"What? Are you inviting me?"

Li Zini smiled.

That smile almost made Yingxi unable to hold back.

"It can also be counted."

The corners of Yingxi's mouth rose slightly.

All along, his harem has no concubine or queen.

If it is Li Zini.
"Let's go then."

As she said that, Li Zini stepped out of the True Dragon Palace step by step, and then stepped into the air step by step.

Taking advantage of the whistling wind, he just eliminated the burning red color on his cheeks.

Afterwards, Yingxi gave orders to Shangguan Haitang.

He temporarily entrusted the control of the entire Great Qin Dynasty to a group of summoners.

He wants to go to heaven with Li Zini.

Start the final battle, fight for the destiny of this life, and transcend this universe.



On the mainland of Kyushu, people looked up at the sky.

It can be seen that Ying Xi is aloof, and there is a woman next to her, who is peerless.

It can only be seen that between the light taps of the green onion finger, a dark crack appeared on the top of the sky in the Kyushu Continent.

Then, the whole world seemed to feel something.

The sound of thunder suddenly sounded.

Seven-color rays of light surged in the long sky.

Tianyin protruded, sometimes enthusiastically, sometimes cheering, as if cordially seeing Yingxi and Li Zini off.

that's it.

People watched Yingxi and Li Zini, like emperors and queens of heaven, vaguely jumping into the black crack hand in hand and disappearing from people's sight.

Just jumped into the black crack.

Ying Xi had the feeling of stepping into the sea of ​​stars.

The whistling sound of meteors is full of ears.

In the silence, Yingxi felt a little crazy.

In his life, it was the first time he had seen such a beautiful scene.

In the ocean-blue sea of ​​stars, colorful meteors are constantly floating beside him.

Bathed in the shooting stars, Li Zini's body is like a colorful phoenix, unparalleled in beauty.

At that moment, Li Zini seemed to be the most noble and perfect woman in this world.

Slender figure, majestic Fengwei.

All of them meet Yingxi's requirements for the master of the harem.

Throat is slightly dry.

Ying Xi watched Li Zini move lightly and came to his side, exhaling like blue, "Why don't you leave?"

"You only have three days to go, and the time is very tight."

Deliberately charming smile.

Every move of Yingxi just now, even the slightest change in expression, fell into Li Zini's eyes.

And who is Li Zini?

Since he was a child, he has been favored by the legendary emperor Li Chengqian since he was a child.

What's more, his elder brother Li Hengzhi, who is the lord of the ancient imperial court, loves him dearly.

The aura on her body can be described as countless.

No matter how many people love her, she has developed some unruly temperament.

She not only has a noble side.

There is a more devilish side.

Right now, she is actually willing to show Yingxi her charming side.

It should be known that this side of her has never been revealed in front of outsiders.

Now, she is willing to show this seductive side in front of Yingxi.

Perhaps, even Li Zini herself didn't know that something had changed quietly in her heart.

"it is good."

Mind replied.

Yingxi has regained her former majesty as an emperor.

Facing Li Zini slightly between his foreheads, without any trace of evil, he said in a serious voice, "Let's go."

Say it.

The two went almost hand in hand.

During this period, Ying Xi could also feel that Li Zini was deliberately waiting for him.

Otherwise, with Li Zini's strength equivalent to that of the Supreme Realm, Ying Xi estimated that he would never be able to keep up with him if he rushed forward with all his strength.

The huge sea of ​​stars is boundless.

Even with Yingxi's foot strength, it took a full day and night to walk out of the sea of ​​stars.

far away.

Yingxi saw a towering golden arch.

On it, ten thousand rays of light shrouded it.

In a trance, it seems that many phantoms of golden-armored warriors can be seen guarding above the clouds.

"Is this the portal to the heavens?"

Ying Xi's eyes dimmed, he stared at the golden arch, and asked in a whisper.

"Exactly, this is the portal of the heavens."

"It's a pity, after all, the heavens have fallen."

"The portal is just for show."

Shaking her head, Li Zini waved her slender hand slightly.

Above the gate of the Heavenly Realm, there was a gust of wind blowing.

After the storm.

Ying Xi looked intently.

Unexpectedly, I only saw a dusty, dusty withered door.

The myriad rays of light, the golden arches, and the phantom of the golden-armored warrior that I saw just now all dissipated.

As if it never happened.

"It turned out that it was just a phantom just now."

Yingxi shook his head.

"Yes, that is the last dignity of the portal of the heavens."

"He hallucinated the last image for himself."

"It's a pity that an image is an image after all, and it can't be taken as real."

"To enter the heaven, you must dispel the image and enter through the main entrance."

Saying that, Li Zini was the first to go to the withered broken family.

Yingxi followed suit.

Along the way, there are wrecks everywhere, dead branches and leaves, broken stones and treasures, everywhere.

It can be seen that outside the portal of the heaven, there has also been a shocking battle.

The more Ying Xi walked forward, the more dignified his expression became.

He seemed very cautious.

Another half an hour passed.

Ying Xi and Li Zi Ni had just arrived in front of the ruined family.

Suddenly, before Yingxi could step into the heavenly realm.

As soon as I heard it, the surrounding sky suddenly changed, and the sound of thunder rolled.

Countless sky thunders are constantly bombarding.

When Ying Xi stared away, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

He felt the aura of the saint.

The breath is still obvious!

Two Buddhist saints, two Taoist saints, one demonic saint, and one Confucian saint.

"It seems that Ying Wushang doesn't welcome me very much."

Stand with your hands behind your back.

Ying Xi directly called the First Emperor of Qin, Ying Wushang, by his name.

Bluntly, he revealed the identities of the six saints from the breath of the six saints he felt.


Li Zini once said to Ying Xi that the only six saints left in the heavens had already been refined into puppets by Qin Shi Huang Ying Wushang.

That, without a doubt.

The appearance of these six saints was sent by Ying Wushang.

The purpose is obvious.

Naturally, it was to prevent Yingxi from entering the heavenly realm.

It's more likely that these six saints are just the touchstones to test Yingxi.

However, no matter what state of mind Ying Wushang is in.

what kind of thought.

Even Ying Xi would definitely not let it go.

"Ding, feeling that your path to heaven is blocked, Wushuang Panel specially invites six saints from reincarnation to open the way for you."

"Ding, congratulations, the Six Great Prehistoric Sages have been invited to step out of reincarnation."

"Ding, when the six sages of the Great Desolation stepped out of reincarnation, there was a little accident, as if they were rejected by the will of the origin of heaven and earth."

"Ding, the six sages of the Great Desolation have no choice but to come into this world easily."

"Ding, in order to help you, the six sages of the Great Desolation have each given you a gift of their origin."

"Ding, congratulations on receiving the gift from the Nuwa sage, the true meaning of controlling the avenue of good fortune has increased to 90.00% nine point nine."

"Ding, congratulations on receiving the gift of the quasi-mention saint and the guide saint. The mastery of the truth of the five-element avenue and the yin-yang avenue has increased to 90.00% nine point nine."

"Ding, congratulations on receiving the gift from the Tongtian Sage, the mastery of the true meaning of the Dao of the Sword has increased to 90.00% nine point nine."

"Ding, congratulations on receiving the gift from the Yuanshi sage, the mastery of the true meaning of the Dao of Karma has increased to 90.00% nine point nine."

"Ding, congratulations on receiving the gift from the sage Lao Tzu, the mastery of the true meaning of the Dao of Destiny has increased to 90.00% nine point nine."


In an instant, Yingxi's whole body shone with golden light.

A terrifying divine light enveloped the four fields.

The Avenue of Creation, the Avenue of Five Elements, the Avenue of Yin and Yang, the Avenue of Karma, and the Avenue of Destiny, which one is not one of the top ten supreme avenues?

Coupled with a sword avenue comparable to the ten supreme avenues, a total of six avenues, in an instant, have been upgraded to a full 90.00% nine point nine of the true meaning control.

Ying Xi's growing power can only be described in words.

"Ding, the six sages of the Great Desolation are giving you merit and virtue empowerment across a big world, please accept the boundless vast merit and virtue."

With the sound of the mechanical reminder in the ear.

Above Yingxi's head, suddenly, colorful auspicious clouds were densely covered.

The power of merit suddenly turned into a golden ocean, pouring into Yingxi's body.

However, Yingxi was like a glutton, devouring the power of merit everywhere with incomparable greed.

In a short while, the merit empowerment from the prehistoric six sages was sucked up.

However, to Ying Xi, this seemed almost meaningless.

Licking his lips, Ying Xi said regretfully, "The power of merit seems to be a little short!"

shook his head.

He was just on the verge of achieving success and sanctification.


"Is the power of merit not enough?"

When Li Zini waved his hand, a large group of merit burst out.

It poured into Yingxi's body in an instant.

Having received Li Zini's pure and incomparably virtuous power, Ying Xi's complexion suddenly became rosy.

It seems to have been sublimated at this moment.

The whole person is in high spirits.

On the occasion of slowly stepping into the sky.

It can be seen that the purple air travels thirty thousand li from the east.

Tianyin bursts, let's rejoice!

Yingxi has already succeeded, and with the power of merit, she has proved the Tao and become a saint.

Immortal music filled the sky at once, and they started to send Yingxi off in a big way.

"It's not enough just to become holy through merit!"

In Yingxi's eyes, a ruthless look suddenly appeared.

He still needs to kill the three corpses to prove the way, and use his strength to prove the way!
He must come once for the three ways of proving and sanctifying!
Thinking about it, Yingxi took out his magic weapon.

True Dragon Emperor Sword, True Dragon Battle Armor, True Dragon Ring, Mountain Sea Fan, Destiny Dragon Robe (Holy Rank [-]), Destiny Holy Axe (Holy Rank [-]).

These are already Yingxi's entire possessions at this moment.

Except the Dragon Robe of Destiny is worn on the body.

The rest, the True Dragon Emperor Sword, the True Dragon Battle Armor, the True Dragon Ring, the Mountain Sea Fan, and the Holy Ax of Destiny, all shined brightly in front of Yingxi.

Waiting for Yingxi to take them as sustenance and chop up three corpses to prove the truth.

To behead the three corpses, you need to behead the good and evil corpses first, and then behead your own corpse.

Ying Xi's eyes wandered over the magic weapons such as the True Dragon Emperor Sword, the True Dragon Battle Armor, the True Dragon Ring, the Mountain Sea Fan, and the Holy Ax of Destiny.

I was also thinking about it in my heart.

What should I take as sustenance, and cut out three corpses to prove the Tao.

"Ding, I feel your entanglement, and I feel deeply guilty about not having double panels."

"Ding, in order not to make you entangled in making choices, Wudu Panel has deliberately tried its best to provide you with three treasures."

"Ding, your True Dragon Emperor Sword, True Dragon Battle Armor, True Dragon Ring, Mountain and Sea Fan, Destiny Axe, and Destiny Dragon Robe are all recycled by Wudupan, plus the accumulation of Wudupan hundreds of millions of years, specially for you Create three most suitable treasures."

"Ding, congratulations, you have successfully obtained the three supreme treasures, the Supreme Emperor's Sword, the Supreme Emperor's Robe, and the Supreme Emperor's Seal."

[Supreme Emperor Sword: The supreme treasure of the supreme level, the ultimate attack magic weapon of this universe]

[Supreme Emperor's Robe: The supreme treasure of the supreme level, the ultimate defense magic weapon of this universe]

[Supreme Emperor Seal: The supreme treasure of the supreme level, the magic weapon of extreme authority in this universe]

"The emperor's sword cuts the good corpse!"

"Emperor Robe Town Evil Corpse!"

"The emperor's seal contains my own corpse!"

Immediately, Yingxi shouted in a deep voice.

Above the head, a dazzling golden holy sword fell into the palm of his hand. This is the Supreme Emperor Sword, and he waved it lightly.

A kind-faced Yingxi came out in response.

This is Yingxi's good corpse!
The good corpse wields the supreme emperor's sword, thinking that it will kill at the limit and will not be stained with evil thoughts!

Another sound, the Supreme Emperor's robe in front of him was surrounded by rays of light, and terrifying rays of light surged into the void.

A figure of Yingxi with a ferocious complexion slowly emerged from the robe of the Supreme Emperor.

This is the evil corpse of Yingxi, who was born to be guarded by the emperor's robe, to suppress his evil thoughts, so as not to make him slaughter the common people and cause disaster to the world.

In the end, Yingxi backhanded.

One emperor's seal seems to contain supreme authority, and when the seal is moved, it seems that the willpower of the entire universe is trembling.

As soon as the emperor's seal came out.

Another figure of Ying Xi with piercing eyes came out!

He took over the seal of the supreme emperor without any hassle, and his whole person was mighty and extraordinary, and his achievements surpassed the world.

"It's not over yet!"

The three corpses are finished!

With Ying Xi sternly shouting, the three corpses returned to one!

The purple air is ninety thousand li from the east!
Yingxi once again used the method of the three corpses to prove his sanctification.

It also won the recognition of this universe.

Gained great strength.

Ziqi travels [-] miles from the east, which is three times that of a normal saint.

This is the praise of Yingxi's fighting power by the will of the universe.

Move your body.

Ying Xi stood up abruptly.

He will also carry out the method of proving the Tao with strength, which is said to be impossible for anyone since ancient times!

It is said that proving the Tao with strength can completely break the shackles of the origin of heaven and earth.

From the root, have the hope of detachment!

This is also the reason why this universe does not want anyone to use their strength to prove the truth.

Therefore, this universe has also been strongly suppressing those who prove the way with strength.

As a direct result, since ancient times, no one has ever heard of anyone proving the truth with force.

Yingxi just wants to give it a go!
He wants to make a bright future for himself!
Proving with strength, he must go on this road!

Only by successfully proving the Tao with strength, and proving the Tao in three ways at the same time, can he have the opportunity to become the pinnacle of the saints in one fell swoop, approaching the supreme realm, and have the qualifications to compete for the destiny.

Only in this way can we completely break free from the shackles of the universe, and hope to be detached.

(End of this chapter)

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