Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 319 One Heart, Beyond the Universe

Chapter 319 One Heart, Beyond the Universe (Super Long Chapter Finale!)
Close your eyes silently.

The mind sank into the dantian.

Yingxi used the power of three thousand ways to search for the legendary ring of restraint in her body.

That's right.

The method of proving the Tao with force in this universe, in fact, this force is not that force.

It's not about breaking the universe's enlightenment with force.

That's outrageous.

Even the strongest in the Supreme Realm have no ability to break the universe.

Not to mention Yingxi who has just been sanctified.


Even if it is not to break the universe to prove the truth.

In fact, the conditions are still very harsh.

That is, first of all, if you want to prove the way with strength, you must first find the binding ring buried in the dantian by the will of the universe at the beginning of each person's birth in this universe.

Many sub-sages are so perfect that they can't even detect this binding ring.

Then let alone breaking the ring of bondage to prove the truth with strength.

At this moment, Yingxi is trying her best to find her own ring of restraint.

The only way is to find the ring of bondage that belongs to you.

Only then can he break the ring of shackles and complete the proof of the saint with his strength!

Become a sage who witnesses the three dharmas.

I don't know how long it took.

Ying Xi searched all over his dantian, tried his best, but couldn't find his binding ring.

Just when Yingxi fell into deep thought and fell into an endless loop.

Li Zini's voice suddenly sounded next to his ears: "You are originally a person from beyond the sky, your soul is pure, and you are not restricted by this universe, how can you get the ring of restraint?"

This remark is deafening.

In an instant, Yingxi's pupils lit up, as if she had been enlightened.

"I am unrestrained, so why break the shackles."

"Avenue of strength, break!"

The next moment.

A bright golden light instantly pierced Yingxi's dantian.

In the dark, Yingxi's phantom rose in the golden light.

That phantom is like the incarnation of the Dao of Power.

Has the unparalleled power to shake everything in the world.

Look at it, it's daunting!
Following that, Yingxi's power surged wildly at that moment.

The early stage of the saint, the middle stage of the saint, the late stage of the saint, until the completion of the saint!
The sky and the earth are ringing, and the sun is shining.

A million miles of purple air is coming from the east!
Never before, unheard of!

At this moment, the universe also recognized Yingxi's three ways of proving the way together, and achieved success!

Prove the Tao with merit, prove the Tao by beheading three corpses, and prove the Tao with strength!
Three proofs!

Under such circumstances, once Yingxi entered the holy realm, he would be the most powerful saint in the world!
The purple air coming from the east for millions of miles shows his unprecedented identity in ancient and modern times.

at the same time.

In the depths of the universe, the original power that split into dots of color unexpectedly fell on the top of Yingxi's head.

In the blink of an eye, Yingxi received the gift of the original power of the universe.

In an instant, the three thousand avenues in the body started to run crazily.

Almost every breath is undergoing a substantial improvement.

It didn't take long.

The three thousand roads in Yingxi's body have achieved 90.00% control of the true meaning of nine point nine in a short period of time.

At this moment, Ying Xi seemed to feel that he was only one step away from the Three Thousand Ways to control the entire universe.

It seems to be within reach.

But, in fact, it is out of reach.

Yingxi clearly knows that only by controlling one hundred percent of the true meaning of one side of the road can one become the master of that side of the road.

Only then can we hope to use the power of heaven and earth to be promoted to the Supreme Realm, and then it is possible to transcend this universe.

His eyes slowly opened.

The terrifying divine light dissipated in the entire world in an instant.

A group of white-clothed warlocks who just appeared from the gate of the heaven were swept away by the divine light and turned into dust in the space of breath.

It was a group of subordinates from Tianji Pavilion. They were nourished by the heavens and their strength improved greatly.

The leader has even broken into the sub-holy realm.

It's a pity that they are facing Yingxi.

He is the most powerful saint in the world, bar none!

With just one look, they were shocked and killed.

"The saint is a puppet, shame on you."

"Forget it, I will send you on the road, so as to spare you the pain!"

His eyes glanced at a place in the void.

Ying Xi waved his hand.

The six radiant sword glows locked onto the six figures.

Two Buddhist saints, two Taoist saints, one demonic saint, and one Confucian saint.

Six saints.

All of them should be superior and have their own style.

However, at this time, after revealing his figure.

But they were all in a state of distress, with only a black robe on their bodies.

A majestic saint, after being refined into a puppet.

How pathetic is it that it is like an ordinary murderer, with empty eyes, only knowing to complete the killing order?

boom! boom! boom!
Fortunately, they met Yingxi, the most powerful saint in the world!
Locked by Yingxi's aura.

They have no chance of breaking free.

Just like that, any of Yingxi's body passed through.

Immediately, the wind passed, and everything disappeared.

The six saint puppets, dust to dust, dust to dust!

In a trance, six phantoms appeared above the sky.

Among them, there were two big bald heads with kind faces, Buddha's light permeated the air, their hands clasped together, and they were doing Buddhist salutes to Yingxi.

There are two old men in Taoist robes, with green clothes and whisks, standing far away, as if they are saying to Ying Xi, "Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable".

A middle-aged man in plain clothes, holding a scroll in his hand, bowed respectfully towards Ying Xi, and seemed to be muttering something, as if he was talking about etiquette in poetry and books. The power of Confucianism and Taoism is surrounding Yingxi.

There was another person, whose whole body showed fierce and blazing demon power. Without saying a word, he stared fixedly at Yingxi, and disappeared into nothingness with long smiles.

"Ding, congratulations on successfully helping the six sages of the heavens to be liberated. You have obtained the gift of heaven and earth power left by the six sages of the heavens."

"Ding, congratulations on obtaining 9000 million threads of heaven and earth authority."

"Ding, congratulations, your power of heaven and earth has reached 9000 million threads in total, occupying 30.00% of the power of the universe here."

Ying Xi clenched his fists tightly.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a sense of nothingness that he could already control this universe.


To be precise, if he is willing.

In a sense, he can already call the wind and rain in this universe.

For example, he saw countless continents except the Central Continent, which is the Kyushu Continent.

As long as Yingxi wants to, he can use his power of heaven and earth to shift the continents of all parties at will, and even grasp them in the palm of his hand in an instant.

One thought is heaven and earth.

This feeling is erratic and vague.

Between fantasy and reality.

"Thank you."

Slowly falling into the sky, Ying Xi took a deep look at Li Zini and thanked her in a deep voice.

Without Li Zini's reminder.

He is afraid so far that he is still looking for his own ring of bondage, and cannot perceive the truth.

Not to mention the completion of proving the way with strength, the success of the three ways of proving together, and the current strength.


"Your current strength is as good as mine before I entered the realm of the master of rules."

Li Zini nodded appreciatively.


Ying Xi smiled slightly.

Not much to say, at this point, he has been able to vaguely find out about Li Zini's background.

Needless to say.

Ying Xi said: "Let's go, let's step into the heaven together!"

Afterwards, Yingxi strode into the heaven.

some things.

Sooner or later you have to face it.

He had a vague foreboding.

Ying Wushang, Master Liaofan, and Yantian were all waiting for him.

"it is good."

"Be careful."

For some reason, Li Zini's heart skipped a beat before stepping into the gate of the heaven.

An ominous premonition quietly lingered in his heart.

hold head high!hold head high!hold head high!
Just entered the heaven.

Yingxi saw a mighty and extraordinary black dragon covering the sky.

The dark rays of light gathered all over his body, making him hideous and terrifying.

It also stands proudly with its dragon head, like the most noble dragon in the world.

"Golden dragon?"

Ying Xi frowned slightly, he could feel that this black dragon already possessed a power far beyond that of a saint.

That is to say.

This black dragon is a powerhouse in the Supreme Realm.

However, whether Master Liaofan or Yantian, neither seems to be a black dragon.

Then, who is this black dragon?
After a little guessing, Ying Xi had the answer in his mind.

"The First Emperor of Qin, Ying Wushang?"

"If I guessed correctly, you are the Dragon Patriarch of this universe, right?"

At present, Yingxi has three thousand roads.

And all have reached 90.00% nine point nine of the true meaning of control.

With just one thought, one can calculate a person's past and present lives.

Even though Ying Wushang has a noble personality and holds part of the power of heaven and earth, under Ying Xi's deduction and calculation, he cannot conceal his original identity.

"Hahaha, Yingxi."

"My junior, you are finally here."

"I have been waiting for you for a long time."

The black dragon suddenly looked up and laughed, and transformed into a middle-aged emperor in a black robe.

His eyes were sharp.

Terrifying aura lingered continuously around his body, and in an instant, it shattered the void for thousands of miles.



With a cold smile, Yingxi was noncommittal.

From the perspective of his succession to the Great Qin Dynasty, Ying Wushang can indeed be regarded as his ancestor.

However, he is from Blue Star and does not belong to this universe.

They cannot be regarded as Ying Wushang's descendants.

"Amitabha, little friend, we meet again."

When the familiar figure of Master Fan appeared in front of Yingxi again.

Ying Xi couldn't help but his pupils contracted suddenly.

The power of cause and effect in the body suddenly rose!
Sure enough, the cause of the past, the fruit of today.

The relic should not have been accepted back then.

Now the cause and effect are hard to tell.

Ying Xi couldn't believe that if Master Fan's layout was changed that day, there would be no backup.

Forced himself to calm down, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he calmly responded, "Master Liao Fan, we meet again."

"I am so relieved."

"Today, it seems that some acquaintances meet."

"Yantian, it's time for you to come out and meet me."

After speaking, Ying Xi shifted his gaze to his left rear again.

As you can see, there, a young gentleman in white clothes who is light and dusty, who is proud of the world, is slowly walking towards Yingxi.

As he smiled slightly, a mysterious and mysterious aura rose up all over the sky.

The power of fate in the dark is surging.

Yingxi's Body of Destiny also had a mysterious resonance.

"Yantian, the origin is the first numerology between heaven and earth."

"I don't seem to be surprised why you provoked the Tianji Pavilion to plot against me back then."

"Although you hadn't awakened the memory of your previous life at that time, your original source was afraid of the real body of destiny, right?"

At this time, the cause and effect of the past.

In Yingxi's eyes, there are no more secrets at all.

Yingxi explained why Yantian was back then.

Yantian didn't refute either.

With a faint smile, he said in a calm manner: "Yes, back then, I was indeed afraid of your body of destiny."

"However, it was only that year."

"Now I have returned to the peak, and my destiny is in my hands."

"Why should I be afraid of you anymore?"

Step by step, Yan Tian stepped onto the sky.

Around him, colorful lights slowly gathered.

Spots of light, flickering constantly.

In a trance, the power of destiny between heaven and earth is moving closer to Yantian.

Even getting Yingxi's Mandate of Heaven feels like being stripped away.

This is the pressure from Yantian!
A supreme powerhouse in charge of the avenue of destiny!
In this universe, under fate, he is the only one!

Even Yingxi has already controlled 90.00% of the [-] Dao of Destiny, but under Yantian's suppression, he is unable to use even a trace of the power of the Dao of Destiny.

Yingxi shook his head.

No more words.

Silently closing his eyes, he felt the three thousand ways in his body.

Impressively, not only the Dao of Destiny, but quietly, even the Dao of Destruction and the Dao of Karma have become unusable.


Yingxi is not surprised either.

Since Supreme Yantian who is in charge of the Dao of Destiny can cut off his connection with the Dao of Destiny.

Then, the Supreme Liaofan who is in charge of the Dao of Karma and the Supreme Ying Wushang who is in charge of the Dao of Destruction can naturally cut off his connection with the Dao of Karma and the Dao of Destruction.

"Since that's the case, I'll wait for the day when the fate will come, and then we will have a showdown."

Ying Xi's eyes dimmed.

He calmly glanced at Liao Fan, Yan Tian, ​​and Ying Wushang.

Inside, I always felt something was wrong.

Especially after the connection between the Avenue of Fate and the Avenue of Karma was severed.

After he had difficulty calculating the current situation, he became even more uncomfortable.

Quite a sense of restlessness.


As soon as Ying Xi finished speaking, Ying Wushang looked up to the sky and laughed.

He has a different kind of wanton feeling in his whole body.

"Ying Wushang, what are you laughing at?"

Ying Xi glanced at him coldly, feeling another sudden surprise in his heart.

"What are you laughing at?"

Ying Wushang asked back, but smiled without saying a word.

"Forget it, it seems that little friend doesn't know yet."

Liao Fan looked at Ying Xi kindly, which made Ying Xi's scalp tingle.

"What do you mean?"

Ying Xi frowned.

There has never been a moment when Yingxi felt so uncertain.

"Hahaha, Yingxi, don't you know your identity?"

"You are a man from beyond the sky!"

"You are the Body of Destiny again!"

"The fate you want to fight for is actually just yourself."

"And we have been waiting for you!"

Yantian looked at Yingxi and smiled, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

"Are you waiting for me?"

In an instant, Yingxi's whole brain felt like it was about to explode.

Also at the same moment.

Yingxi's Body of Destiny exploded violently.

But it turned out that from the beginning to the end, the fate of this life rested on Yingxi, and at this moment, the fate of heaven appeared.

Yingxi is in the package of destiny, everything is clear!

His system is precisely the supreme one percent power of heaven and earth contained in the destiny of this life.


Yingxi is now unable to advance to the Supreme Realm, let alone control the [-]% supreme power of heaven and earth.

It is also incompatible with the fate of this life.

He could only watch Ying Wushang, Liao Fan, and Yan Tian come to snatch it like a child holding gold in his hand.

"The three of you deliberately spread the news that the so-called three-day destiny was made up by you."

"The real purpose of the three of you is to let me lure Yingxi here as soon as possible?"

at the same time.

Li Zini's eyes were about to burst.

She also suddenly realized.

Knowing that he was also calculated by Yantian, Liaofan, and Ying Wushang.

She also became a pawn of the three in disguise.


It's really hateful!

"Li Zini, do you really think that you are an alien from space, and I don't know?"

"You need to know that this universe has not recognized your identity. We, the Supreme Realm, can gain insight into your origin in the long river of time at a glance."

"Besides, you probably don't know it yourself, because you are not from this universe, and somewhere in the dark, the will of this universe is also deliberately helping us."

"This calculation is up to you. To be honest, if you don't have the original will of the universe to influence you, I am afraid that with your strength, you will be able to understand the calculation at a glance."

"It's a pity, under the will of the universe, all living beings are ants, and you can't escape the arrangement of the will of the universe."

Yantian is like a nagging old man.

Standing with his hands behind his back, he smiled contemptuously.

While carefully explaining the cause and effect to Li Zini.

It was as if he already had the chance to win.

"Yantian, even if the three of you join forces to succeed in the calculation, but there is only one destiny in this life, and the supreme [-]% authority can only be possessed by one person."

"Are you so sure that you can defeat Fan and Ying Wushang?"

Yingxi is not chaotic in the face of danger.

Quickly recovered from the shock.

He looked directly at Yantian and asked coldly.

"No, no, I have never been rivals with Liao Fan and Ying Wushang."

"We will be permanent partners."

"Yingxi, what you may not know is."

"This universe has its own rules. People born in the universe, even if we break the halo of restraint, we can't really break free from the shackles of this universe."

"Even if we have won the destiny of this life and possessed [-]% of the authority of heaven and earth, it is absolutely impossible to transcend this universe."

"Because, our roots are in this universe, and we are children of this universe."

"As long as there is this relationship, we will never be able to escape."

"Therefore, the three of us have already thought about it."

"Since this is the case, we will work together to share the destiny of this life, and leave the supreme one percent of the power of heaven and earth to return to the origin of the universe."

"Each of them controls 30.00% of the power of heaven and earth, and they will be with the universe from then on."

"The universe is immortal, and we are immortal, which is a beautiful thing!"

While Yantian was speaking, it could be seen that Liaofan and Ying Wushang had quietly stood together with Yantian.

The three stood side by side.

It seems to be confirming the authenticity of what Yantian said.

"Yantian, Liaofan, Ying Wushang!"

His eyes swept over the three of them one by one.

Yingxi finally understood the plan of the three of them.

They actually want to divide this universe equally and jointly rule the future of this universe.


The words say so.

Ying Xi didn't believe it, and they really didn't want to escape.

It's just that, right now, their strengths are evenly balanced, and they can't tell the winner, so it's just a compromise between them.


If there is only one person who can control [-]% of the power of heaven and earth authority, and win the destiny of this life.

Ying Xi did not believe that he would not try to transcend.

"Detachment, detachment."

Upon hearing this, Li Zini shook her head.

What Yantian said was right and wrong.

Because of the relationship of being born in this universe, they are cut off from this universe, and it is extremely difficult and almost impossible to escape.

However, Li Zini once heard her father Li Chengqian say it unintentionally.

In such a situation, it is not completely impossible to transcend, and the original will of the universe will also give a chance to transcend.

It's just that almost no one can grasp the opportunity of detachment.

"Yingxi, are you committing suicide, or do you want us to give you a ride?"

After finishing speaking, Yan Tian seemed to have lost the patience to continue wrangling, and stared directly at Ying Xi with his cold eyes.

Boiling murderous intent was revealed unabashedly all over his body.

"And you, Li Zini, you are a person from beyond the sky. We also know that you have an extraordinary background."

"You'd better leave on your own, otherwise, you will only be buried in this heaven when we are together."

"Also, in this universe, there is the original will of the universe. It is impossible for the people behind you to break through the universe and save you, let alone us."

As Yantian said, he cast his severe gaze on Li Zini again.

His words were mainly to coerce Li Zini to leave.

He could feel from the original will of the universe that the people behind Li Zini were so strong that even the will of the universe was afraid.

With such unimaginable characters as his backing, Yantian really didn't want to kill Li Zini.

However, if Li Zini continued to stay in this universe, he felt that he could not truly control this universe.

Therefore, after several times of entanglement.

Yantian made the decision after discussing with Liao Fan and Ying Wushang.

The attitude towards Li Zini is to force him away.

"Even if I want to die, I will die in battle."

"I want me to commit suicide in aggrieved manner, but you are delusional!"

Ying Xi's eyes were still stern.

It is absolutely impossible for him to surrender!

The only pity is.

His heart is too big.

I want to control all the three thousand avenues in my hands.

Today, the Dao of Karma, Dao of Destiny, and Dao of Destruction among the Three Thousand Dao are controlled by Fan, Yantian, and Ying Wushang.

Yingxi never had the chance to be in charge of the Three Thousand Avenues at the same time.

Even more because of the characteristics of the Three Thousand Great Dao Body, if the Three Thousand Great Dao cannot be synchronized, he will not be able to advance to the Supreme Realm.


If he only cultivated one avenue, at this moment, he might still be expected to make a breakthrough, grasp [-]% of the truth, and then break into the Supreme Realm.

With the power of the Supreme, he can integrate the destiny of this life and control the one percent of the supreme authority of heaven and earth derived from the system.

Thus completing the Jedi comeback.

It's just, unfortunately, now, everything can only be an idea.

"Good spirit."

"I admire you."

"As expected of a person whom the emperor favors."

"I have a way, I can help you, turn the corner, do you want it?"

Ignored Yantian's persecution.

Li Zini stepped aside, pressed close to Yingxi's ear, and exhaled like a rand.

"I have also cultivated the Three Thousand Great Dao Body, as long as you and I are of the same mind."

"Your avenue of destiny, avenue of karma, and avenue of destruction can be reconnected with this universe, and even they cannot stop it."

Li Zini smiled.

That smile is overwhelming.

Ying Xi subconsciously held Li Zini in his arms.

He said softly: "If you and I can be of one mind, I will never lose each other forever."

In fact, Ying Xi has long been attracted to Li Zini.

Li Zini also recognized Ying Xi through Ying Xi's performance.

At this moment, the two are tightly stuck together.

it is more than words.

"Hahaha, what's the matter? Li Zini, do you want to die with Yingxi in your arms?"

Li Zini used a secret method to isolate the voice of Yingxi communicating with her.

It made Yantian, Liaofan, and Ying Wushang unable to hear it.

As everyone knows, just when the three of Yantian laughed contemptuously.

On Li Zini's chest, a drop of blood essence slowly condensed, and at the same time, a drop of blood essence shot out from Ying Xi's body.

Between the two slowly blending.

Between Ying Xi's and Li Zini's eyebrows, a light red concentric knot was faintly revealed.


Ying Xi immediately sensed Li Zini's strength.

Li Zini's perception of the Three Thousand Ways.

In an instant, they blended with him.

Just at this moment.

The situation in the heavens changed suddenly.

The blockade that Liao Fan, Yan Tian, ​​and Ying Wushang tried to block Ying Xi dissipated.

The power of the Dao of Destiny, the Dao of Karma, and the Dao of Destruction are all under Yingxi's control and can be used freely.

That is at this moment.

With the help of Li Zini, Yingxi's Three Thousand Ways has been sublimated to the extreme.

The Three Thousand Ways are coming to perfection!

In just a few breaths, Yingxi has mastered [-]% of the true meaning of the Three Thousand Ways!
The fate of this life then merged into Yingxi's dantian.

The supreme one percent power of heaven and earth was also quietly imprinted in the sympathetic knot between Yingxi's eyebrows.

From now on.

This [-]% of the supreme power of heaven and earth belongs to Ying Xi as well as Li Zini!

Li Zini felt the power of supreme heaven and earth shining on the concentric knot between her brows.

This universe has actually begun to tolerate and admit her identity.

Slowly pushing Li Zini away, stroking Li Zini's beautiful hair, and patted her fragrant shoulder, Ying Xi said softly, "Wait for me."

"it is good."

With her head lowered, Li Zini's pretty face was covered with red clouds.


Yingxi stepped onto the top of the heaven step by step.

Between a long drink.

The three thousand avenues sounded together.

It turned into three thousand radiant chains, covering Yingxi's whole body.

In just an instant, Yingxi became the master of the Three Thousand Ways.

Take charge of the Three Thousand Ways and break into the Supreme Realm!

"No, how is that possible?"

"No, it's impossible!"

"Why? Why is this?"

Below, also at the same moment, the roars of Ying Wushang, Liao Fan, and Yan Tian could be heard.

Their faces were full of unwillingness and disbelief.

With Yingxi in charge of the Three Thousand Ways, she breaks into the Supreme Realm.

Their realm immediately fell to the supreme realm, and they could only barely maintain the realm of saintly consummation.

Especially the power of the avenue that they should have 100% control over.

At this moment, only 90.00% of the control power of [-]% is left.

No matter how hard they try, they can't regain [-]% control of the Dao.

Re-entering the Supreme Realm is even more delusional!
The battle for the Great Dao has always been cruel.

Especially when it comes to the control of one side of the avenue.

One person will block the way of tens of thousands of people!

At this moment, with the help of Li Zini, Ying Xi has reconnected with the Three Thousand Great Dao of this universe, and the power of the true meaning of the Dao under his control is far above all the people in this universe.

Especially on the three avenues of Karma Avenue, Fate Avenue, and Destruction Avenue.

Ying Xi has already far surpassed the understanding of Yan Tian, ​​Ying Wushang, and Liao Fan.

Therefore, he was able to go up against the enemy, control the Three Thousand Ways, and suppress Yan Tian, ​​Ying Wushang, and Liao Fan.

As a result, they can no longer achieve the Supreme.

The control of the true meaning of the Dao can only stay at 90.00% nine point nine forever.

That is to say.

from now on.

As long as Yingxi is in this universe for one day, there will be absolutely no possibility of a second Supreme being born in this universe.

Because, the three thousand avenues are all in the hands of Yingxi.

People, there is no way out.

Unless there is a talent in the sky, and a new avenue is created, or it is possible to break into the Supreme Realm under Yingxi's suppression.


He glanced indifferently at Yantian, Liaofan, and Ying Wushang.

At this moment, there is a world of difference between Yingxi and them.

While waving their hands, the gods were full of light, and the three of Yantian, Liaofan, and Ying Wushang all let out screams.

The strands of heaven and earth power that belonged exclusively to this universe were forcibly stripped from their bodies by Ying Xi.

At this moment, Yingxi is the supreme being in charge of this universe.

Even Yantian, Liaofan, and Ying Wushang could only be incompetent and furious.

"Yingxi, you!"

Ying Wushang still had something to say.

Ying Xi did not give them a chance to continue screaming.

Leng Lie smiled and said: "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, everything should be over."

Liao Fan, Yan Tian, ​​and Ying Wushang each hold 20.00% of the power in the world.

A total of 60.00% of the power of heaven and earth is in Yingxi's hands.

One more wave.

Three piercing beams of light shrouded the sky.

Yantian, Liaofan, and Ying Wushang couldn't even scream, but were annihilated in this sky-reaching beam of light.

"All causes and effects will not be added to me, they will all dissipate!"

Immediately afterwards, Yingxi gave another soft drink.

There is no trace of causal power entangled in him.

Yingxi, who speaks the law, controls [-]% of the power of the world.

It has reached an unimaginable realm.

It can be said.

He is the unique ruler in this universe.

What he says is what it is!
"By the way, this supreme bone is useless to me."

"Let's go!"

As he said that, Yingxi took out the supreme bone given by the system again, and threw it into the depths of the universe.

This supreme bone seems to come from another universe.

There is an alternative cause and effect and chance.

But, right now, Ying Xi doesn't want to pay attention to it anymore.

He threw it into the depths of the vast universe.

In the future, those who are destined will get it.

"Yingxi, are you detached?"

Seeing Ying Xi landed beside her, Li Zini opened her eyes wide, blinking her lovely pupils and asking.


"Well, anyway, in this universe, I can leave as I please, without any constraints."

Yingxi smiled.

He didn't know what state he was in now.

However, he can be sure that his strength, after integrating [-]% of the authority of heaven and earth, has already far surpassed the Supreme Realm.

As soon as Yingxi's words fell, deep in the universe, the will from the origin of the universe suddenly burst into cheers.

Boundless purple air surged throughout the universe.

At this moment, this universe and countless continents are full of flying dragons and phoenixes, all of which are celebrating Yingxi's transcendence.

Feel the goodwill of the original will of the universe.

Ying Xi clasped it with one hand.

The huge mainland of Kyushu was taken to the heaven by him.

Afterwards, Ying Xi said: "My order, from now on, the heavens and the mainland of Kyushu will be integrated."

"Rename it to the Supreme Continent, as the final barrier of this universe!"

"This universe can be called the Great Qin Universe from now on!"

"The Great Qin Dynasty will be promoted to the Eternal Imperial Court from now on, and the Great Qin Universe will last forever!"

When Yingxi's magnificent voice resounded throughout the Great Qin Universe.

Ying Xi has also embraced Li Zini, and has traveled hundreds of millions of miles in one step, to the deepest part of the Great Qin Universe.

There, there is a huge black hole.

It seems that even the Supreme Continent can be easily swallowed.

Ying Xi held Li Zini's hand tightly, and said with a gentle smile, "Let's go."

"it is good."

Li Zini smiled sweetly to show her approval.


I don't know how long it took.

Ying Xi and Li Zi Ni escaped from the black hole and came to an empty and empty place.

At the end of nothingness, there is a stalwart figure.

Standing there, like an immortal emperor, even winning Yingxi, he didn't feel subdued by it.


Li Zini shouted in surprise and jumped over.

"My eldest princess of the Tang Dynasty finally knows how to find a good family."

When that figure turned his head, he was wearing a golden dragon robe, extremely majestic, but who was it if it wasn't Li Chengqian?
He caressed Li Zini's long and delicate hair, and said with a spoiled smile.


Li Zini acted coquettishly and was very shy.


Looking at Li Chengqian from afar, Yingxi wanted to say something, but at the moment she didn't know how to say it.

"Brat, if you want to marry my precious daughter, you must first follow me."

Li Chengqian made an angry sound, and with a wave of his hand, he disappeared in place with Li Zini.

Ying Xi was dumbfounded, and hurriedly said loudly: "Senior, no, father-in-law, wait for son-in-law!"

"Hehehe, Yingxi, you don't have a poor mouth, your father hasn't recognized you yet.".
Complete the book!
(End of this chapter)

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