Chapter 32
After He Wanshan walked out of the Great Qin Palace.

Soon, one piece of news, like thunder, caused an uproar in the world.

From Qinhuang Yingxi's domineering attack again, a shocking sword stabbed Taiyi Gong Jianxuan.

Finally, the strong man named Xiao Feng from the Beggar Gang made a move, and with a single palm, Jian Xuan was powerless to fight back.

That's right, in the eyes of the people in the world, Xiao Feng's ability to use the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms is undoubtedly from the Beggar Gang, one of the Seven Gangs in the World.

The strong man on the Tianbang, Taiyi Gong Jianxuan, was beaten into a puddle of flesh, and suppressed into the Great Qin Heavenly Prison. Countless people were sitting and watching how Taiyi Gong reacted.

At the same time, He Wanshan's identity as an abandoned student of Confucianism was completely exposed, especially, he was in charge of the Fifth Confucian Academy, and the "Hao Ran Zhengqi Jue" that had been lost for tens of thousands of years in the Zhengqi Academy.

It is conceivable that this news will attract the prying eyes of various forces. Of course, no one would dare to act rashly before the Confucianism Academy, especially the Zhengqi Academy, has nothing to do.

After all, the power of Confucianism is quite terrifying!
Even if they are as strong as Taoism or Buddhism, they dare not provoke them easily.

However, when He Wanshan came forward in person and announced to the world that one month later, Emperor Qin held a grand court meeting in the Great Qin Palace.

As time goes by, it is like a stone stirring up thousands of waves. As time goes by, the entire Kyushu is bound to boil over it.

At this time, there was also news from Tianji Pavilion, claiming that Emperor Qin innocently killed Yantian, the saint son of Tianji Pavilion, and this hatred was irreconcilable.

From now on, in the world, anyone who captures and kills Emperor Qin's subordinates, even a soldier, can go to any Tianji Building and receive at least one low-grade yellow-rank kung fu method or a bottle of low-grade yellow-rank pill as a reward.

If they can capture and kill important figures under Qin Huang's command, even Wan Shan and Xiao Feng are at least rewarded with heavenly items.

Of course, Tianji Pavilion also knew that the existence of being able to capture and kill He Wanshan, Xiao Feng and others probably wouldn't care about a reward of unknown rank.

Therefore, Tianji Pavilion promises that anyone who can capture and kill He Wanshan, Xiao Feng and others can come to the door in person to discuss the terms of attack with Tianji Pavilion.

As for Emperor Qin, Tianji Pavilion let go of its bold words. If someone can kill Qin Huang, Tianji Pavilion is willing to give Tianji Pavilion's century-old accumulation as a reward.

"Ha ha!"

When the news reached Ying Xi's ears, Ying Xi couldn't help but sneer.

Facing Cao Zhengchun, he said flatly, "I see, you can go down first."


Cao Zhengchun didn't dare to disturb Yingxi, so he resigned immediately.

"System, extract the Heavenly Mystery Divine Body for me immediately!"

Feeling the desire of the Myriad Transformation Emperor Physique in his body, Ying Xi had to find time to devour and fuse the Heavenly Mystery Divine Physique first.

all of a sudden.

In the process of Yingxi devouring the divine body of Tianji, Yingxi seemed to see a long river of seven colors.

Every drop of water is an independent individual. Yingxi feels that it seems that he can change a person's fate by playing with a drop of water at will.

However, when Ying Xi wanted to touch those water droplets, he suddenly felt a terrifying palpitation in his heart.

It wasn't until Ying Xi stopped thinking about touching the water droplets that the sense of panic disappeared.

Waking up slowly, Ying Xi murmured: "Just now, could it be the legendary River of Destiny?"

Feeling the changes in the Wanhua Emperor Body, Ying Xi tried to communicate with the river of fate again, but unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't see it.

Shaking his head helplessly, Ying Xi guessed that he should have seen it by accident when he had just devoured the divine body of Tianji.

"Ding, because of your chance, you saw the river of fate, and the Wanhua Emperor Body was gifted by the river of fate, and evolved into the Emperor Body of Destiny!"

【Heavenly Destiny Emperor Body——Your Exclusive Physique】

[Characteristic 1: It has the characteristic of devouring fusion that is more terrifying than the Myriad Transformation Emperor Body, and can devour all physiques in the world to strengthen itself]

[Characteristic 2: Possess a touch of destiny blessing in the dark, if the destiny does not decline, you will not die]

For a time, the inside of the True Dragon Hall was colorful.

Bathed in it, Ying Xi only felt that his whole body was infected with the breath of fate, and his whole person became more mysterious and powerful.

Lingtai became much clearer.

The mind sank into the "Black Emperor Sunflower Jue" and "Bai Di Geng Jin Jue".

In an instant, the breakthroughs in the two top-grade heaven-level exercises were like eating and drinking water, and they entered the realm as quickly as possible.

"Ding, congratulations, thanks to your diligent practice, your "Black Emperor Sunflower Jue" and "Bai Di Geng Jin Jue" have broken through to the second level."

"Ding, congratulations, thanks to your diligent cultivation, your "Black Emperor Sunflower Jue" and "Bai Di Geng Jin Jue" have broken through to the third level."

"Ding, you have improved too fast in your own cultivation. You are deeply ashamed of the "Black Emperor Sunflower Jue" and "Bai Di Geng Jin Jue". You have entered the sleepless, crazy cultivation mode, and your self-cultivation speed has increased by a thousand times."

Take a deep breath.

In Yingxi's pupils, there was a gleam of brilliance.

The Purple Mansion Realm, what is the Purple Mansion Realm, is to build a purple mansion in the body to store the true energy of martial arts!

Ordinary people, if they practice earth-level exercises, even if they go to the ninth level of the purple mansion, it will be difficult to break through ten purple mansions.

Ordinary celestial-level exercises, even top-tier celestial-level exercises, can at most cultivate 99 purple mansions.

And whether it is "Hei Di Kui Shui Jue" or "Bai Di Geng Jin Jue" practiced to the ninth level, two hundred purple mansions can be opened up!

That is to say, if Ying Xi is in the Purple Mansion Realm and has practiced these two high-level celestial-level exercises to the ninth level, then Ying Xi will be able to open up a full four hundred Purple Mansions!

At that time, the martial arts zhenqi in Yingxi's body will be like a vast ocean, flowing endlessly.

Now, although Ying Xi is only at the sixth level of the Purple Mansion, both of the two major kung fu techniques have broken through to the third level, and the first level has opened up twenty Purple Mansions, that is, a full 120 Purple Mansions have been opened up in Yingxi's body!

The true energy of martial arts in his body, even the ninth level of Zifu who has cultivated to the perfection of the top-ranked kung fu of the heaven rank, is far inferior to him!
In a short period of time, Yingxi's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes.

If he fights with Jianxuan again, Yingxi is sure to kill him with a single blow!
Open the System Properties panel.

【Name: Yingxi】

[Position: Emperor Qin]

[Physique: Destiny Emperor Physique]

[Cultivation techniques: Black Emperor Sunflower Jue, Baidi Gengjin Jue (Tian Tier Top Grade)]

[Secret method: Soul-absorbing Dafa (Heaven-rank top-rank, Dacheng)]

【Realm: Sixth Layer of Purple Mansion (Grandmaster)】

[Supernatural Power: Poisoning the Common People]

[Summon characters: Gao Shun (demonized), Cao Zhengchun (demonized), Jia Xu (poisoned), Xiao Feng (blackened), Dongfang Bubai]

[Strength: [-] trapped camps (demonized), [-] black-clothed arrows (demonized), [-] iron eagle warriors (demonized)]

[Treasures: True Dragon Emperor Sword (King Rank Top Grade), True Dragon Battle Armor (King Rank Top Grade), True Dragon Ring (King Rank Top Grade), Chuanguo Jade Seal (rank unknown)]

Longwu Road, Anwu Mansion.

Anwuhou Mansion is not far away.

The mansion of General Qianshan.

General Qianshan, following the death of General Blood Crazy, under the command of Marquis An Wu, one of the new three generals.

At this time, there was a middle-aged scribe with a gloomy face, plotting something with the rough-looking general Qianshan.


[Third watch, please recommend a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward~]

(End of this chapter)

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