Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 33 Jia Xu contributes to the flames, and the Qinglong horse bandits attack Xianyang

Chapter 33 Jia Xu contributes to the flames, and the Qinglong horse bandits attack Xianyang
The shadow of the candle moved slightly, and the sinister middle-aged man lowered his head, and said in a hoarse voice: "Lord Qianshan, in a month's time, Emperor Qin will hold a grand court meeting. I think this is an excellent opportunity for you to make great contributions."

"What opportunity, please speak up, Mr. Jia Ming."

Hearing this, General Qianshan asked impatiently.

He has just become one of the three generals under An Wuhou.

His strength barely reached the ninth level of the Zifu, the peak of a master.

Compared with the other two generals, no matter in terms of strength or qualifications, they are incomparable.

Therefore, although he is named one of the three great generals, his status is the most humble.

For a long time, Warlord Qianshan wanted to get a chance to make great contributions, so as to change his status and rectify his name as Warlord Qianshan!

"Lord Qianshan, isn't Lord Anwuhou missing a chance to become king?"

"Lord Qianshan can create this opportunity for Lord Anwuhou."

As soon as Jia Ming finished speaking, a flash of enthusiasm burst out from the eyes of General Qianshan.

Putting his hands on Jia Ming's shoulders, he said excitedly, "Mr. Jia Ming, tell me more about it."

God, create an opportunity for An Wuhou to become king.

This is a great achievement.

Warlord Qianshan thought in his heart, no matter what, he must grasp it.

"Lord Qianshan, tomorrow, when Lord Anwuhou convenes the generals to discuss matters."

"You can suggest to Lord Anwuhou that he arrange people to go to Xianyang City to participate in the Great Court Meeting in January."

"At that time, at the Great Court Meeting, let people propose to ennoble Lord Anwuhou to be promoted to King Anwu!"

Jia Ming continued to speak methodically.

"No, Mr. Jia Ming, if Emperor Qin disagrees, what should we do?"

Warlord Qianshan thought about it for a while, he wasn't too stupid, and immediately found the key to the problem.

If Emperor Qin did not agree, he would have done useless work. Afterwards, he might be dissatisfied with An Wuhou.

Isn't he in a cocoon?
"Simple, if Emperor Qin does not agree, it is enough for people to anger Emperor Qin."

"At that time, no matter what, those who angered Emperor Qin must die."

"As soon as this person dies, Marquis An Wu can immediately use this as a name to say that Emperor Qin killed Zhongliang, was sinister and vicious, and so on. At that time, he can find any excuses, and he can use the banner of justice for 'Zhongliang' in a justifiable way. Marquis Anwu took advantage of the situation and became king."

As soon as Jia Ming said this, General Qianshan burst into laughter and laughed wildly: "Hahaha, sir, master plan, sir, master plan!"

"Lord Qianshan, I will wait for your good news."


Seeing that General Qianshan was overjoyed with joy, Jia Ming probably had no intention of continuing to talk with him, so he just surrendered.

"Mr. Jia Ming, please, I will make some preparations, and I will go to see Lord Hou in a while."

As everyone knows, as soon as these words came out, a ray of light suddenly shot out from Jia Ming's pupils.

"Then I wish the general all the best."

After speaking, Jia Ming turned and left.

When he left Qianshan Warlord's Mansion, he walked several streets in a row and stepped into a remote courtyard.

Jia Ming raised his head slowly, and took off the human skin mask on his face, revealing his true colors!

He was actually Jia Xu!

"King Anwu, heh, there is no chance, I will create a chance for you."

With a cold smile.

But it turned out that after Jia Xu was ordered to monitor Anwuhou's mansion, Jia Xu felt that she had been hiding in the dark, and it seemed that she could not achieve the best effect.

So, he chose to wear a human skin mask, and used a little trick to become the disciple of General Qianshan.

Today he suddenly dedicated his plan to General Qianshan, in order to fuel the flames and speed up An Wuhou's becoming king.

It is also for this Yingxi to regain power in the world, planning the first step.

An Wuhou is the first stepping stone!

Daqin, within the city of Xianyang.

Since Tianji Pavilion released the news.

At that time, Tie Ying Ruishi, Tianwei, Governor of Tiantian, Hunting Envoy of Tianyang, and even He Wanshan, the Ling of Xianyang, who was in charge of the government office of Xianyang City, were frequently attacked.

Fortunately, the ones who did it were mostly those casual cultivators who were not strong enough and wanted to reach the sky in one step, but they were all beheaded one by one by them.

Of course, there are also some things that think that they are powerful and not afraid of death. They trespassed on the Great Qin Palace, and they were all shown to the public to deter the enemies who looked down upon them.

Accompanied by the thunderous sound of horseshoes, a group of uninvited guests arrived outside the east gate of Xianyang City.

On the wall of the east gate, Zhang Yuan, the centurion in charge of guarding the iron eagle, hurriedly climbed up to check.

He shouted, "Who is here?"

A line of cavalry, thousands of people.

The minimum is also a martial artist in the first level of body training.

At first glance, the visitor is not good.

"Blind your dog eyes, you don't even know our famous Qinglong horse bandit."

In the front of the horse team, there was a big man with a beard and a gangster look on his face, and there was a trace of majesty in his eyes, which was quite extraordinary.

At this moment, the one who made the sound was a man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, who looked like a dog leg, behind him on the right.

This statement came out.

Inside and outside Xianyang City, soon, some well-informed people told the origin of this group of horse bandits.

In other words, the world is divided into Kyushu.

The capital of the Great Qin was Xianyang, Zhongzhou.

Zhongzhou is divided into seven provinces and 23 prefectures.

Xianyang City is located in Gyeonggi-do.

There are five prefectures in Gyeonggi-do, except Jinlong Mansion where Xianyang City is located.

The remaining four mansions are Qinglong Mansion, Bailong Mansion, Chilong Mansion, and Black Dragon Mansion, which are divided into southeast, northwest, and guard the four sides of Jinlong Mansion.

And this Qinglong horse bandit is a group of powerful horse bandits running around in the Qinglong mansion.

The leader of the bandit is called Qinglong Dao by people in Jianghu. It is said that his origin is extraordinary, and his strength has reached the Great Master of Dongtian Realm. Therefore, few people dare to provoke him.

Under the Qinglong Saber, there are four horse bandits in charge, all of whom are masters of the Purple Mansion.

They are Li Yang, the second master of the thunderbolt, Zhang Feng, the third master of the windbreaker, Xie Shang, the fourth master of the flying cloud stick, and Wu Liu, the fifth master of the blue-eyed mouse.

The one who just uttered his voice was Wu Liu, the blue-eyed mouse. No wonder he looked like a villain, not a good person.

His nickname has already proved that this is not a fun thing.

"I don't care if you are a green dragon horse bandit or a stupid dragon horse bandit."

"If you want to find fault, you are in the wrong place."

"No way, today you will come and go!"

Although Zhang Yuan couldn't see through the strength of Qinglongdao and others, he was full of toughness when answering, and he didn't lose Daqin's face at all.

"Hahaha, what a joke, the world is so big, where can I, Qinglong Horse Bandit, go?"

Qinglong Dao suddenly laughed out loud.

This time, he has secretly reached an agreement with Tianji Pavilion. As long as he slaughters the Qinglong horse bandit in Xianyang City, he can get a big gift from Tianji Pavilion, which is enough to make the Qinglong horse bandit go to the next level big gift.

"Ding, feeling the arrogance and disdain of the invading enemy, the east gate of Xianyang City was furious."

"Ding, the east gate of Xianyang City is determined to use its own power to make the Qinglong Horse Bandit die. The east gate of Xianyang City is in the cycle of reincarnation and began to look for helpers."


[One more, please recommend a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward~]

(End of this chapter)

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