Chapter 44 Depose all schools of thought, only respect Confucianism

One sword move pierces the sky and covers hundreds of miles!
This sword shocked the entire Xianyang City!

The attacking sword light that blocked the sword was smashed to pieces in an instant.

The sword strokes are endless, one blow, shattering a place in the void.


Inside, another man in black, bleeding all over his body, fell to the ground in embarrassment like a dead dog.

"Heaven-level killer, that's all."

With a cold snort, Ying Xi stepped forward directly, and put a palm on the head of the man in black, the soul-stirring method, enlightenment!

After searching for the soul, he killed the sky-level killer with one palm.

Afterwards, they also used the soul-stirring method on the three surviving earth-level killers.

After the soul search, the three prefecture-level killers were also killed directly.


After a wave of soul searching, Ying Xi shook his head in disappointment.

Even if it was a super killer that day, he didn't know who instigated Liushamen to attack him, and he didn't even know the location of Liushamen's headquarters.

However, this day-level killer is only a first-timer in the Dongtian Realm, and it is only a first-level Dongtian Realm. It is normal that he has not learned the secret of Liushamen.

The only useful information Yingxi got this time was that the Liushamen had to have at least the seventh level of the cave to be eligible to know the core secrets of the Liushamen.

"Liushamen, I am looking forward to fighting with you again."

After murmuring, Yingxi knew that Liushamen would not attack him again in a short time.

However, the next shot will definitely be a storm.

Yingxi is very much looking forward to, preferably, the next time, there will be an attack by beings above the seventh level of the Liushamen Cave Heaven.

At that time, after the soul search, Ying Xi feels that he will definitely get a lot of news that he is really interested in.

"Depose all schools of thought, and only respect Confucianism!"

At this moment, a voice seemed to travel through the ages.

At this moment, the entire radius of thousands of miles seems to have returned to the era when Confucianism and Taoism were rampant and all laws were suppressed!
Confucianism and Taoism are dominant, and all laws are declining!
The ancient chariot landed directly on the Nantian Gate as if it had crossed the long river of time and space.


Under this majestic general trend, Zong Youdao actually felt like kneeling and submitting.

Such a domineering true meaning of Confucianism and Taoism made him tremble.

"Da Qin, Dong Zhongshu!"

The heavy voice, just five words, was like the general trend of heaven and earth, making Zong Youdao breathless.


Not waiting for Zong Youdao to continue to speak out, suddenly a cyan beam of light descended from the sky, imprisoning Zong Youdao in it.

"go with!"

Zong Youdao was thrown into heaven by Dong Zhongshu like garbage.


Zong Youdao yelled in horror, until he entered the heavenly prison, he could no longer make a sound.

"Ding, Heavenly Prison felt that this Youdao was too arrogant, so he abolished his cultivation first, and deprived him of his "Hao Ran Jue" and his lifelong cultivation experience."

"Ding, in order to please you, Tianyu specially dedicates Zong Youdao's "Hao Ran Jue" and his lifelong cultivation experience to you."

"Ding, congratulations, you have mastered the top-grade earth-level exercise "Hao Ran Jue" and gained Zong Youdao's life-long cultivation insights."

"Ding, the three brothers of "Bai Di Geng Jin Jue", "Black Emperor Sunflower Jue", and "Red Emperor Lihuo Jue" banded together to discriminate against "Hao Ran Jue", shouting that the scumbag top-grade exercises are not worthy of being with them."

"Ding, the "Hao Ran Jue" knows its shame and is brave. It painstakingly studies the profound truths of Confucianism and Taoism, trying to break through itself, but because it is too eager for success, it directly goes into a rut."

"Ding, the Heavenly Destiny Emperor suddenly had a kind heart, and used the power of fate to lead the way for the "Hao Ran Jue". The "Hao Ran Jue" came to his senses, and with the help of the power of fate, he successfully evolved into a heaven-ranked top-grade "Hao Ran Zheng Qi Jue."

"Ding, "The Jue of Grandeur of Righteousness" absorbed Zong Youdao's lifelong cultivation insights, and directly broke through to the fifth level!" ("The Jue of Greatness of Righteousness" is also divided into nine levels)
"Ding, in order to thank the Heavenly Mandate Emperor Body for the "Great Righteousness Jue", I vowed to follow in the footsteps of the Heavenly Mandate Emperor Body and become a loyal younger brother of the Heavenly Mandate Emperor Body."

Afterwards, Yingxi made another breakthrough in his realm and entered the eighth layer of the Purple Mansion!

"I've seen the Great Confucianism."

At the same time, He Wanshan just came back to his senses and bowed to the ancient chariot.

Although he didn't know when the Great Qin Dynasty had such a great Confucianism in charge.

However, he was happy from the bottom of his heart.


After speaking, Dong Zhongshu hurriedly stepped out of the chariot, striding more than ten feet in one step, and came to Yingxi, without daring to hold him back at all.

"Dong Zhongshu pays his respects to His Majesty."

Bow down and worship, very respectful.

"Great Confucianism doesn't need to be polite."

Ying Xi waved his hand, and said nonchalantly, "What's the next plan, Great Confucianism?"

"Your Majesty, Zhengqi Academy dares to make trouble and insult His Majesty."

"My humble servant will go to the Zhengqi Academy in person!"

In Dong Zhongshu's words, there was faint fury of thunder.

Obviously, Dong Zhongshu will definitely make a big move during this trip to Zhengqi Academy.

"I want to go to the Zhengqi Academy with the Great Confucianism, and beg Your Majesty's permission."

Immediately afterwards, He Wanshan stepped forward to salute, speaking sincerely.

In his eyes, there seemed to be deep memories hidden deep in his heart.

Ying Xi raised his forehead slightly. He knew that He Wanshan was definitely going to settle with Zhengqi Academy. This time, it happened to be a good opportunity.

At the moment, he agreed: "Yes."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"You guys go, go early and come back early."

After finishing speaking, Ying Xi stepped back to the Great Qin Palace.


On the spot, Dong Zhongshu stepped onto the chariot and shouted loudly, He Wanshan dared not neglect and followed closely behind.

Zhongzhou, Jiangnan Road.

On the way to Xu'an City, the headquarters of the Beggar Gang.

Xiao Feng, Wang Datong, the two of them were drinking while galloping their horses, very happy.

Especially Xiao Feng after comprehending the true meaning of Xiaoyao, his words and deeds seem to exude the meaning of Xiaoyao.

"Shut up!"

Yu Ma stopped, Xiao Feng looked around, and said in a serious voice: "Vice Chief Wang, it seems that someone doesn't want us to go to Xu'an City."

After discussing with Xiao Feng, Wang Datong still served as the deputy head of the beggar gang.

"Master Xiao, since that's the case, let's fight them here."

Wang Datong, as a powerhouse of the eighth level of the cave, can naturally sense the looming aura around him.

"Get out of here!"

Xiao Feng's eyes were cold and severe, he stepped on the horse's back with his toes, he twirled and leaped in the air, his palms pushed in all directions.

boom! boom! boom!
In an instant, there were eight figures who were forcefully blasted out from the darkness by Xiao Feng.

Among them, one whose breath was a little weak, even bleeding from the corner of his mouth, was injured under Xiao Feng's careless palm.

"As expected of the famous Xiao Feng."

Among the eight figures, there is one figure that is particularly conspicuous.

Wearing a black shirt, he has a feminine face, and his voice is like a eunuch's male duck voice.

"Xu Wangcai, are you looking for death?"

Xiao Feng didn't know Xu Wangcai, but Wang Datong did.

Xu Wangcai, the lord of Xu'an City.

As the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and the headquarters of the Beggar Gang is also in Xu'an City. Naturally, Xu Wangcai has always regarded the Beggar Gang as a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh.


[Third watch, please recommend a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward~]

(End of this chapter)

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