Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 45 Xiao Feng's Vicious Power, 8 Desolate Battle Body

Chapter 45 Xiao Feng's Vicious Might, Eight Desolation Battle Body

The voice of Wang Da's call fell, and in an instant, the surrounding scene changed like a sudden change of wind and cloud, and there seemed to be ghosts and ghosts among the howling wind.

"Wang Datong, today, I want you to die without a burial place!"

Xu Wangcai, he hates people calling him by his full name the most in his life.

Most of the time, others either call him City Lord Xu or Cai Ye.

Worst of all, he is also called Brother Xu Cai, only Wang Datong is not afraid of him at all.

Every time they met, Wang Datong deliberately called him Xu Wangcai, which was full of provocation.

This time, in front of many great masters of the Dongtian Realm, Xu Wangcai felt that he had lost his face. In a fit of rage, Xu Wangcai made up his mind to kill Wang Datong at all costs.

"Wangcai? Hahaha, coincidence, I raised a dog before, also named Wangcai."

But Xiao Feng couldn't stop laughing.

"Xiao Feng, you are dead!"

Xu Wangcai showed a gloomy face, and his voice was piercingly cold.


Xiao Feng stomped his feet heavily, full of fighting spirit and surging.

"Master Xiao, be careful. These eight people, except for that trash, are not Yi Yi's generation. Although they have not been listed in the heaven list, they are not inferior to the ordinary masters in the heaven list."

Wang Datong frowned and said in secret.

Compared to Xiao Feng.

He is not easy.

As he said, these eight people, except for the trash who was easily injured by Xiao Feng, the other eight people are all grand masters above the third level of the cave.

Strength, very strong!
Most of the time, they are not listed in the Heavenly Ranking, not because of lack of strength, but because of lack of information in the Heavenly Secret Pavilion or other considerations. In short, the 36 great masters in the Heavenly Ranking are only listed by the Heavenly Secret Pavilion.

Rather than a list that truly represents the strength of the world's great masters.

In fact, in the world of Kyushu, hidden dragons and crouching tigers, there are many people who are more powerful than the Great Master of Tianbang.

However, Tianji Pavilion may not know its information, or for other reasons, it cannot be included in the list of heaven.

The Xu Wangcai in front of him is one of the eight great masters of Dongtian, whose strength is not inferior to Wang Datong in the slightest.

According to Wang Datong's knowledge, the reason why he was not on the list was because of the name Xu Wangcai, and he hated others knowing his name.

Therefore, in order not to offend Xu Wangcai, Tianji Pavilion did not dare to include Xu Wangcai's name in the list.

"It's okay!"

Xiao Feng smiled nonchalantly.

Since he was born, he has never had a hearty battle.

Today's scene, on the contrary, made him a little excited.


Shaking his head, Wang Datong did not expect Xiao Feng to be so belligerent.

"You eight, let's go together!"

next moment.

Something that surprised Wang Datong even more happened.

Xiao Feng actually hooked his fingers, he wants to fight eight with one!

You know, these eight people, except for that trash, are only the first level of the cave.

Of the remaining seven, Xu Wangcai is the most powerful, with the eighth level of Dongtian, and the rest are one of the sixth level of Dongtian, two of the fifth level of Dongtian, two of the fourth level of Dongtian, and two of the third level of Dongtian.

Even though Xiao Feng's combat power is far superior to that of ordinary great masters, it would be too risky to entrust him so much.

Thinking about it, Wang Datong was planning to intercept Xu Wangcai first, to help Xiao Feng resolve the greatest pressure.

"Xiao Feng, you are too rampant."

Sure enough, as soon as Xiao Feng's words came out, it aroused the anger of the crowd, and the eight people screamed in anger.

"Master Xiao, you"

"Vice Chief Wang, you just stand aside and sweep the formation for me!"

Without waiting for Wang Datong's persuasion, Xiao Feng interrupted him with a solemn tone.


Wang Datong smiled helplessly.

He secretly thought in his heart, for a while, as long as Xiao Feng falls into a disadvantage, he will immediately join the battle and never let Xiao Feng fall into danger.


Facing the eight great masters of Dongtian, Xiao Feng chose to take the lead without hesitation: "Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms No. 12 - Riding on Six Dragons at Time!"

hold head high!hold head high!hold head high!
A series of six palm shadows, in an instant, turned into six golden dragons, condensed like substance!
"Xiao Feng, you are too arrogant, you all will kill with me!"

boom! boom! boom!
However, Xu Wangcai's voice was not yet finished.

Beside him, there were six people, vomiting blood and flying backwards.

Especially that hole in the sky, after falling to the ground, his eyes turned white, and he died on the spot.

The other five people were all heavily wounded, they struggled to get up, their faces were full of fear, with one blow, Xiao Feng only hit them, they were severely injured, they were almost powerless to fight again.

The sixth level of the cave beside Xu Wangcai gasped, as if seeing a ghost, pointed at Xiao Feng: "You, you, you"

Stuttering voice, the whole body is trembling.

There is no doubt that Xiao Feng can instantly kill six people, and naturally, he can also instantly kill him!
He doesn't want to die!
Immediately, he said to Xu Wangcai: "Brother Xu, I don't want the benefits you promised, so leave."

He and the other six were Jiangnan Dao loose cultivators recruited by Xu Wangcai at a great price.

At this moment, seeing Xiao Feng's ferocious flames soaring to the sky, and Wang Datong who was staring at him, he didn't want to die, he just wanted to escape, far away.

"Want to go?"

"Style No. 11 of the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon——Fish leaping into the abyss!"

Xiao Feng's viciousness is very strong, naturally he will not let anyone go!
With one leap to the sky, one blow, the dragon shadow leaped and slammed into the back of the sixth layer of the cave.

After the loud noise, the six layers of the cave had already been blasted into a pool of flesh and blood.

Xu Wangcai was close, touching the hot blood on his cheek, and the depths of his pupils were full of shock.

At this moment, he didn't even have the courage to fight against Xiao Feng.

so horrible.

Of the seven great masters of the cave, Xiao Feng only used two moves, which resulted in two deaths and five serious injuries. With such strength, is it really possible for a sixth level cave master to do it?
Is Xiao Feng a man or a demon?
With a plop, Xu Wangcai knelt down on the ground weakly, as if Xu Wangcai had lost his mind and was depressed.

"Heavenly Mystery - Imprisonment!"

"Sword of the Azure Dragon!"

Just when Xiao Feng felt bored and planned to step forward to finish Xu Wangcai with a slap.

Suddenly, two shouts came out.

Xiao Feng suddenly felt that he was bound by an invisible force.

He could only watch helplessly as Yijian came to the east, turned into a phantom of a blue dragon, and came right at his heart!

A sword pierced his heart!
With the last of his strength, Xiao Feng took out a elixir from the storage ring and threw it into his mouth!
Life-sustaining golden elixir!

Before Xiao Feng left Xianyang, Yingxi ordered Cao Zhengchun to secretly give Xiao Feng the life-saving elixir, as long as there is still one breath left, it will be fully recovered in an instant!


"Damn you!"

Xiao Feng was furious, his face was full of ferocity.

Today, if it weren't for the life-sustaining golden pill bestowed by His Majesty, he would have been killed by this insidious villain who had been secretly preparing for a long time.

At this moment, Xiao Feng's whole body suddenly has a sense of iron and blood awakening!
"Ding, Xiao Feng encountered a life-and-death crisis. Between life and death, there is great terror and great opportunity. Xiao Feng has awakened the Eight Desolation Battle Body!"

"Ding, as soon as your imperial power feature is activated, congratulations, you have obtained the Eight Desolation Battle Body."


[Four more, please recommend a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward~]

The previous Chapter 12 and Chapter 14 have been changed. If you are interested, you can re-read it. Of course, the changes will not affect the viewing of subsequent chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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