Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 46 General Sima Cuo, Iron Eagle King Body, Royal Conquest

Chapter 46 General Sima Cuo, Iron Eagle King Body, Royal Conquest

[Eight Desolation War Physique: The terrifying physique raised by war, the more you fight, the more courageous you become, and the more you fight, the stronger you are is the only characteristic of this physique]


Let out a roar.

The awakening of the Bahuang Battle Body completely aroused the bloodthirsty ferocity hidden deep in Xiao Feng's heart after his blackening.

One step forward, spanning tens of feet, directly tore an old man in white robes in the dark place in the void!

Blood was all over Xiao Feng's body, but he didn't care, on the contrary, he went crazy and laughed wantonly.

Step by step towards another person.

"I am Di Qingfeng, the head of the seven dragons of the Azure Dragon Society, you dare to kill me?"

The other person was Di Qingfeng who had just attacked Xiao Feng with his sword!

At this moment, he has been captured by Xiao Feng's ferocity, obviously his body is as high as the ninth level of the cave, but in front of Xiao Feng's sixth level of the cave, he looks like a baby, like duckweed in the wind, extremely fragile.

With every step Xiao Feng got closer, the fear in Di Qingfeng's heart increased by one point.

When Xiao Feng stepped in front of him, Di Qingfeng didn't even have the courage to draw a sword.

"Blue Dragon Club?"

"Hahaha, Xiao Feng not only wants to kill you, but in the future, he will even slaughter your entire Azure Dragon Club!"

While Xiao Feng was looking up to the sky and laughing, he was under Di Qingfeng's unbelievable eyes, punching one after another, smashing Di Qingfeng into a puddle of flesh, and only after he couldn't die anymore did he stop.

"You die too!"

Xiao Feng turned his head, looked at Xu Wangcai and other people who were not dead, his palm fell out.

boom! boom! boom!
In an instant, after several loud noises, only Xiao Feng and Wang Datong were left alive on the huge ancient road.

"The nine elders of the Tianji Pavilion, the seven dragon heads of the Azure Dragon Society, the two caves and the nine levels of the cave, and the peak of the great master, were they killed so easily?"

Wang Datong muttered to himself, like waking up from a dream.

Looking at Xiao Feng's eyes, unconsciously there was a trace of fear.

At the same time, a more terrifying energy was released around Xiao Feng.

After the battle, Xiao Feng went up to a higher level and directly broke through to the seventh level of the cave, and his aura is quite stable, vaguely, he is not far from the eighth level of the cave.


Clenching his fists tightly, he felt the boiling power in his body.

Xiao Feng dare to say that he is already invincible in Dongtian territory!
Even if it is the Supreme Grand Master of Faxiang Realm, he dares to fight!
Xianyang City, Great Qin Imperial Palace, inside the True Dragon Hall.

Cao Zhengchun was bowing to Ying Xi to report: "Your Majesty, there is the latest news from Lord Jia Xu, saying that the Taiyi Palace is furious, and there seems to be a terrifying person born. Please be careful and guard against it."

"It doesn't matter, the soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it."

"If Taiyi Palace has the guts to come, I will let him come and go."

"By the way, Cao Zhengchun, how is your inquiry about what I asked you to inquire about?"

Ying Xi tapped lightly on the table with her knuckles, not paying much attention to the Taiyi Palace.

Today's Xianyang City is no longer what it used to be.

Even if all the palaces arrived at Taiyi Palace, Yingxi might not be without the power to fight.

"Your Majesty, there are currently nine big cities in the Golden Dragon Mansion, with Xianyang City as the main one."

"Except for Xianyang City, the other eight cities have already surrendered to the Xinzheng Yu Clan at some point in time."

In fact, now, Xianyang City is under Yingxi's control.

Even though there are still some ghosts and monsters hidden, they are no longer to be feared.

Therefore, Yingxi planned ahead and ordered Cao Zhengchun to secretly investigate the situation of the entire Jinlong Mansion early on.

The purpose is to take down the entire Golden Dragon Mansion first when he frees up his hands.

"Xinzheng Yushi? Tell me more specifically."

In Yingxi's impression, the six great families in the world do not seem to have this so-called Xinzheng Yu family.

"Returning to Your Majesty, the Xinzheng Yu clan is a newly born family. It is said that a few years ago, the Xinzheng Yu clan produced a master of the cave."

In the world of Kyushu, people from all families should at least have a Great Master of Dongtian Realm sitting in charge.

If there is no great master of Dongtian Realm sitting in the town, it cannot be called a family, but a family.

"It's no wonder that the Yu family of Xinzheng can secretly control the eight cities of Jinlong Mansion."

"Tell me, how strong are they?"

Yingxi asked again.

"Your Majesty, according to the information obtained by this old slave, the eight cities of the Golden Dragon Mansion, in fact, the seven cities are all empty shells. The guarding army is less than three thousand, and the guarding generals are no more than Tianyuan Realm."

"Those city lords are also some wine bags and rice bags, at most no more than the ninth level of Tianyuan."

"Only in Xinzheng City, where the Yu family sits, there is one grand master of the Dongtian realm, three masters of the Purple Mansion, and dozens of strong people of the Tianyuan realm, almost all of them are from the Yu clan."

During the conversation, Cao Zhengchun had a lot of disdain, even the Xinzheng Yu family did not let Cao Zhengchun take a high look.

"Well, it's just rubbish."

Yingxi agreed.

However, just when Yingxi was planning to send someone to wipe out Xinzheng Yu's family and take back the entire Jinlong Mansion.

Suddenly, he realized that he didn't have anyone suitable for him.

Counting the summoned heroes, there are indeed quite a few.

Gao Shun, Cao Zhengchun, Jia Xu, Xiao Feng, Dongfang Bubai, Hong Qigong, Dong Zhongshu.

But, now, except for Gao Shun and Cao Zhengchun, the other five are all out on important matters and cannot be recalled.

As for Gao Shun, his realm was really low. To conquer Xinzheng Yu's family, he was fine as a vanguard, but if he was the main general, he was obviously not strong enough.

According to Cao Zhengchun's words, it seems inappropriate to let him lead the army to fight.

Shaking his head, Ying Xi said: "Forget it, pass on the order, Gao Shun led the [-] camps to be the vanguard, and I will personally conquer."

There is no way, there is no one available, Yingxi can only choose to do it himself.

"Ding, I realized that your subordinates are short of manpower. In the cycle of reincarnation, General Sima Cuo volunteered and asked for help from the world."

"Ding, when Sima Cuo stepped out of the reincarnation, he was influenced by the iron eagle warrior and awakened the iron eagle king body."

"Ding, as soon as your imperial authority feature is activated, congratulations, you have obtained the iron eagle king body."

【Name: Sima Cuo】

【Affiliation: Eternal Heroes】

[Martial Arts Qualification: Monstrous Level]

[Martial Arts Potential: Seven Stars]

【Martial Dao Realm: Purple Mansion Ninth Layer (Grandmaster Peak)】

[Physique: Iron Eagle King Physique]

"In addition, Sima mistakenly assigned three thousand iron eagle warriors to the Chinese army."

"Cao Zhengchun, you will stay at the Great Qin Palace. If there is any change in Xianyang, you need to send a message to me as soon as possible."

During this period of time, under Gao Shun's training, the number of Tie Ying Rui Shi has reached [-].

"Your Majesty, villains are rampant in the outside world. For the sake of your safety, I implore Your Majesty not to conscript yourself."

Cao Zhengchun was terrified by Liushamen's assassination earlier.

This time, Ying Xi's imperial conquest came in person, and Cao Zhengchun was deeply afraid that Ying Xi would be attacked again. If something really happened, the consequences would be disastrous.

"It's okay, I know what's in my mind."

Yingxi waved his hand.

On the contrary, he still has a sense of eagerness to try.

He even desperately wanted to use the Quicksand Gate Killer to test where his ultimate combat power was.


[One update, please recommend a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward~]

(End of this chapter)

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