Chapter 6
"Old slave Cao Zhengchun kowtows to His Majesty."

Cao Zhengchun was still the same as Yingxi remembered.

There is a hint of contempt in the femininity.

Seeing that even Cao Zhengchun, the ninth level of the Zifu, the pinnacle of the master, had to salute the Emperor Qin so respectfully.

The sense of humiliation in You Ziying's heart disappeared in an instant, and there was even a trace of inexplicable and unexplainable emotion in her heart.

"Cao Zhengchun, is it Daqin's hidden background?"

After thinking about it, You Ziying did not find any information related to Cao Zhengchun, and could only assume that Cao Zhengchun was the background of the Great Qin Dynasty.

"There is such an existence. Thinking about it, the attack of the Heavenly Demon Sect is just a joke."

You Ziying was even more stunned, she was already sure that the people from the Heavenly Demon Sect who rushed into the Great Qin Palace this time must have died without a place to bury them.

After all, with Cao Zhengchun, the Ninth Level of the Zifu, the pinnacle of the Grandmaster, even if the Heavenly Demon Sect Master came personally, he might not be able to win it, right?
"Cao Aiqing is exempt."

Yingxi is very satisfied with Cao Zhengchun's attitude.

Of course, even if Cao Zhengchun didn't make this great gift, Yingxi wouldn't have any idea.

Because, the characters summoned by the system are all loyal to him, Yingxi, and they can be trusted without reservation.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

After Cao Zhengchun got up, he stood respectfully by Yingxi's right hand, like an old servant.

"Saintess of Taiyi Palace, raise your head and tell me, what is your name? What is the purpose of trying to break into my Daqin Palace?"

No matter what You Ziying thought, Ying Xi's question still came.

With a thump in her heart, You Ziying only felt that her mind seemed to be controlled, and she blurted out immediately: "My name is You Ziying, this time, I learned that the Heavenly Demon Sect planned to act preemptively, and wanted to wash the Daqin Palace with blood. Press Qin Huang Yingxi to obtain the whereabouts of Qin Huang's secret key, and seize Qin Huang's secret key."

"In order to prevent the Emperor Qin's secret key from falling into the hands of the Heavenly Demon Sect, I came here on purpose to compete for the Emperor Qin's secret key."

"Oh? Are you so sure that you can learn the whereabouts of Emperor Qin's secret key from me?"

Yingxi asked again.

"The news was released from the Tianji Pavilion. The Tianji Pavilion said that Qin Huang Yingxi knows the whereabouts of Qin Huang's secret key."

Tianji Pavilion, one of the eight heresy sects in the world, is good at calculating the secrets of heaven, and is mysterious and unpredictable.

"Tianji Pavilion."

Whispering to himself, Yingxi's pupils dimmed.

He was very sure that the original owner absolutely did not know the whereabouts of Qinhuang's secret key.

As we all know, Tianji Pavilion has almost never made a calculation error.

So, this time, is the rare calculation of Tianji Pavilion wrong, or is Tianji Pavilion deliberately releasing the news?

Ying Xi was more inclined to the latter, but he couldn't guess what was the purpose of Tianji Pavilion releasing this news?
To get rid of him?
No, because the original owner is just a decoration for Tianji Pavilion and the whole world, and there is no threat at all.

In this way, there must be a deep meaning behind the Tianji Pavilion's time-consuming calculation of the original owner.

However, for a while, there was too little information, and Ying Xi couldn't guess it at all.

"Your Majesty, the Tianji Pavilion dared to plot against you. This old slave begs for orders, so I will lead the black-clothed arrow team to destroy the Tianji Pavilion."

When Cao Zhengchun heard this, he was furious immediately. Before Gao Shun could react, he had already guessed that it was Tianji Pavilion who was plotting against Yingxi.

As expected of the Governor of the East Factory in the previous life!

"Tianji Pavilion plotting against His Majesty?"

"Your Majesty, the last will fight!"

Gao Shun was also enraged, and shot with murderous intent, wishing he could crush the Tianji Pavilion immediately.

"Cao Aiqing, General Gao, don't be impatient."

"The Tianji Pavilion plotted against me. I will definitely figure out this matter, and I will definitely settle this account."

"but not now."

In Yingxi's heart, he already had a plan.

As he said, he will go back to settle the account of Tianji Pavilion sooner or later.

But, definitely not now, right now, there are more important things to do.

Besides, the Tianji Pavilion has already released the news. For the Emperor Qin's secret key, there must be someone who will trouble him, so he needs to prepare in advance.

"What did I just say?"

At this moment, You Ziying, who was kneeling on the ground, gradually regained her mind, while she murmured, her head drooped, full of fear.

She was going to answer truthfully just now.

However, the moment she opened her mouth, she felt that her mouth was not listening to her at all, like a puppet on a string, whatever Yingxi asked, she would answer.

Without a sound, he controlled her mind.

this is too scary.

Looking at the world, even the master of the Taiyi palace, the master of the heavenly demon, the ninth level of the purple mansion, the peak master, can't do it, right?

Perhaps, only the great masters of the Dongtian Realm can do it?

However, Qinhuang Yingxi, who is a well-known waste, but only in the third level of body training, how could he be the great master of the Dongtian Realm?

Even though Qin Huang Yingxi is very talented, he is still no more than a genius. Even if he started to practice from the mother's womb, he would not be able to cultivate to the Great Master of Dongtian, right?
As everyone knows, in the True Dragon Palace, Yingxi has the double blessings of the imperial power and the true Dragon Palace, even if the serious Dongtian Grandmaster comes in person, he is not as good as him!

"Then, I wonder what your Majesty's plan is now?"

Cao Zhengchun dared to ask, he didn't question Yingxi's decision, it was purely because he was just born, he didn't make any achievements, he felt that his footing was unstable, and he was anxious to do something.

"Don't worry."

"Gao Shun, you immediately follow my imperial decree and lead the [-] camps out of the palace to recruit the Xianyang garrison army and control the Xianyang garrison army."

Instead of continuing to interrogate You Ziying, Ying Xi wrote down the imperial decree while speaking.

After stopping writing, Ying Xi was just about to hand the imperial decree to Gao Shun, but was stunned.

Faintly, it seemed that something was missing, but he couldn't think of it for a while.

"Ding, the system senses that you may lack a seal that symbolizes your identity, and specially rewards you with a seal of Chuanguo."

[Jade Seal of Chuanguo: The supreme seal that symbolizes the power of the emperor]

[Characteristic 1: All imperial edicts blessed by the Jade Seal of Chuanguo will contain a ray of the power of the Great Qin Luck Golden Dragon, which can deter evil spirits and suppress rebellion]

[Characteristic 2: Putting it in the imperial study room can ensure the prosperity of Daqin]

[Characteristic 3: Within the range covered by the Chuanguo Yuxi, your cultivation speed will increase by a hundred times]

"Ding, the system prompts that as the fortunes of the Great Qin State continue to rise, the characteristics of Chuan Guo Yuxi will surely become more and stronger."

at the same time.

Inside the True Dragon Hall, golden light shines.

The jade seal of Chuanguo fell from the sky and fell into Yingxi's hands, like a gift from heaven.

After holding the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, Yingxi covered the imperial decree heavily.

Immediately on the imperial decree, there were eight bright characters, reflecting the void, "Ordered by the sky, you will live forever!"

You Ziying was dumbfounded by this scene.

According to legend, the Chuanguo Yuxi was lost at the end of the Great Zhou Dynasty as early as ten thousand years ago.

Back then, when the Great Qin Dynasty was established, it only used a Qinhuang Seal instead.

Thousands of years ago, after the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom was lost, there have been rumors in the world that whoever gets the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom wins the world.

And now, Emperor Qin Yingxi has received the seal granted by heaven.

Does this mean
(End of this chapter)

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