Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 7 Tai 1 Dao Palace, also my subject

Chapter 7 Taiyi Palace, also my subject

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, I am delighted to pass on the Imperial Seal."

Inheriting the jade seal of the country, God bestows orthodoxy!
Gao Shun and Cao Zhengchun were all overwhelmed by it.

"This matter, for the time being, don't spread it to the outside world."

Ying Xi nodded slightly, his face calm.


Both Gao Shun and Cao Zhengchun knew that it was far from the time to publicize it. The current Great Qin still needs time to develop.

After a warning, he handed over the imperial decree to Gao Shun and said, "Go quickly."

"No, I will accept the order at the end."

As he said that, Gao raised his hands above his head by the way, and respectfully accepted the imperial edict.

Immediately, he adjusted his posture, held the imperial decree in his right hand, held the spear upside down in his left hand, and strode away from the True Dragon Hall.

"Cao Aiqing, I also entrusted you with an important task."

"I want you to find out the situation in Xianyang City as quickly as possible."

When the original owner was in power, he was a fool. He didn't know the situation of the big and small forces in Xianyang City.

Right now, Ying Xi naturally needs to find out the specific situation before he can determine the next step.


Hearing this, Cao Zhengchun's eyes lit up immediately.

He is not afraid of doing things, he is afraid of doing nothing.

When Cao Zhengchun also left the True Dragon Palace.

In the True Dragon Hall, only You Ziying and Yingxi were left.

Walking towards You Ziying step by step, You Ziying's head drooped, her smooth forehead was almost touching the ground.

At this moment, she was even more nervous and frightened.

There has never been such a moment of hesitation as now.

"Head up."

As Yingxi's majestic voice reached her ears, You Ziying's face turned pale with fright.

He is already a prisoner, and Emperor Qin is overbearing, in case, he wants to...
Thinking about it, You Ziying's whole body was about to collapse.

However, no matter what You Ziying thinks.

Her body was no longer under her control, and her head was lifted slightly.

On the beautiful face, there was no blood, the pupils constricted, trembling with fear.

It's hard to imagine that the majestic Saintess of the Taiyi Palace would be so afraid of Yingxi in such a short period of time.

However, this extremely unreasonable thing in the eyes of outsiders is actually happening, and looking at You Ziying's state, this kind of fear from the heart will intensify.

"Ding, True Dragon Palace despises Cao Zhengchun as an old eunuch. If he takes care of your daily life, True Dragon Palace feels worthless for you."

"Ding, with the critical eyes of the True Dragon Palace, the Biluo divine body in front of me can barely be your maid."

"Ding, in order to solve your worries, if you accept Bi Luo's divine body as a maid, the True Dragon Palace will present you with a puppet engraved with the divine body, and at the same time, the True Dragon Palace will be happy for you, and the power of the True Dragon Palace will increase by [-]%. "

[Divine body engraved puppet: Drop a drop of the blood of the owner of the divine body into it, and the puppet can perfectly reproduce the divine body, which can be swallowed by the myriad emperors]

"Surrender to me and be my maid, otherwise, die!"

When Ying Xi spoke, her voice was cold, she was just a maid, life and death should be under his control, if You Ziying refused, he would never be merciful.

After the words fell, You Ziying could clearly sense that as long as she dared to say a word "no", she would die immediately without a place to bury her.

With a trembling heart, he quickly said: "I am willing."

After hearing the words, Yingxi let go of You Ziying's chin, stood with her hands behind her back, and strode away.

"If you accept me as a maid, aren't you afraid that my Taiyi Palace will come to your door?"

Standing up slowly, looking at Yingxi's back, You Ziying dared to speak out.

However, the voice is getting smaller and smaller, and there is no momentum at all.

"I am Emperor Qin, the ruler of the world."

"Taiyi Palace is also my subject."

"What do you think, how will I deal with Taiyi Palace coming to me?"

Ying Xi looked back, her feet were on the ground, her eyes were firm and domineering.

do not know why.

You Ziying felt an inexplicable palpitation.

It seemed that if the Taiyi Palace really dared to come, something terrible would happen.


For a moment, he was at a loss for words again, and stood there dumbfounded.

"Why are you standing still?"

"Follow me."

Yingxi did not expect any answer from You Ziying.

With a shout, he strode towards the outside of the True Dragon Hall.

Tai Chi Palace, Imperial Study Room, Tie Ying School Field, etc. There are many places he needs to be familiar with in the huge palace.


You Ziying didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly quickened her pace to keep up, with a submissive appearance, she looked a bit like a maid.

In the east of Xianyang City, the city guard camp.

In the past, when the Great Qin Dynasty was in its heyday, in the camp defending the city, the army was as high as tens of thousands at one time, with fierce strength and strong combat power, which shocked the Kyushu.

It's a pity that now that the Great Qin has fallen, there are only a few thousand troops left in the camp defending the city, and the average strength is much worse than it was back then.

At this time, several black armor commanders in the camp were gathering together.

"Brothers, it seems that Da Qin is really finished."

"That's right. That group of men in black rushed straight to the palace this morning. The visitors were not friendly. I'm afraid that the Emperor Qin is in danger now."

"Not long ago, the entire imperial palace was like a purgatory, bloody and bloody. From my point of view, there must be some people in the way of the devil, killing wantonly in the imperial palace, and setting up some evil array."

In a few words, no one was optimistic about the Great Qin Imperial Family, or rather, the Qin Emperor Yingxi.

They all have a common point of view, that is, the Great Qin is over, and the Emperor Qin is doomed.

"You said, once Emperor Qin died, what should we do next?"

As they talked, several people all looked sad after this statement.

"That's right. As the defenders of the city, we should be loyal to Emperor Qin, but once Emperor Qin dies, what should we do?"

Everyone was helpless.

"I said you guys, what are you still thinking about?"

"Not long ago, didn't the Xianyang Order throw an olive branch to you, and wanted to recruit you?"

"You rejected it on the grounds that Emperor Qin is still alive and cannot rebel."

"Now, you can't refuse anymore, can you?"

At this moment, another black-armored commander came over, and there was a trace of disdain and dissatisfaction in his words.

He had recruited these commanders for Xianyang Ling before, but these commanders not only didn't appreciate it, but also severely reprimanded him, which made him hold a grudge.

Secretly thought, if these commanders don't know what to do again.

He will report to the Xianyang Order and let the Xianyang Order deal with them.

"Chen Feng, you bastard of the Xianyang Order, get out of here."

"Xianyang Order, disloyal and filial, harming the people, worse than animals, we will never be loyal to him."

Among the several black-armored commanders, one of the most burly men came from a hot family background.

"Li Tie, you don't want to toast and eat fine wine."

"If you dare to slander the Xianyang Order, aren't you afraid of suffering misfortune?"

"Furthermore, you guys, don't make yourself so noble. If you are really loyal ministers, why didn't you go all out to stop those men in black from entering Xianyang today?"

Chen Feng was also tit for tat, tearing off everyone's fig leaf.

That's right, today, when everyone from the Tianmo Sect entered Xianyang, Li Tie and the others chose to turn a blind eye in the choice between loyalty and life.

"Hmph, little Yingxi, he is not worthy of being Emperor Qin, let alone our allegiance to him."

"Why should we fight to the death?"

Li Tie was not angry and forced himself to argue.

"Insulting His Majesty is a capital offense!"

With a sharp shout and a long spear, a cold light flashed, and blood gushed out of Li Tie's neck like a spring.

(End of this chapter)

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