Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 85 Devouring 2 Major Physiques, Yingxi Breaks the Hole

Chapter 85 Devouring Two Major Physiques, Yingxi Breaks the Hole
Great Qin Palace, True Dragon Hall.

Shangguan Haitang stepped into the hall with a particularly dignified expression.

"Your Majesty, something happened."

Bowing to Yingxi, Shangguan Haitang's tone was quite anxious.

"What happened?"

Ying Xi asked in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty, a group of disaster victims from Qinglong Mansion suddenly arrived in Xianyang City."

"They said that there is a devil rampaging in Qinglong Mansion, massacring people from village to village."

"The devil threatened that if His Majesty doesn't go to Qinglong Mansion for a day, they will continue to slaughter Qinglong Mansion for a day."

Having said that, Shangguan Haitang paused unconsciously, and glanced at Yingxi.

Lest Yingxi get angry.

"anything else."

Ying Xi tapped the dragon chair lightly with her knuckles, expressionless.

"What's more, that group of disaster victims actually spread rumors everywhere, saying that you are foolish and innocent, which is why you provoked the devil to slaughter Qinglong Mansion."

"Some people even made a big publicity, saying that you are as cowardly as a mouse, you dare not go to Qinglong Mansion to fight the devil, etc."

Seeing that Yingxi hadn't gotten angry yet, Shangguan Haitang gritted her teeth and told all she had seen and heard.

"How brave!"

Ying Xi slapped the dragon chair heavily, murderous intent was revealed in his eyes.

From this look, it is clear that someone specially designed a conspiracy for him.

The purpose is very simple, it is to force Yingxi to leave the palace and go to Qinglong Mansion.

Undoubtedly, the Qinglong Mansion at this time must have opened up a net, just waiting for Yingxi to step into their well-designed trap.

However, it sounds like nothing at first glance, isn't it just a trap deliberately prepared for Yingxi?

Yingxi knows, why not go?

Back to the origin, what is a conspiracy?
Yangmou is, you know there is a pit, you have to jump.

Right now, that's the case with other people's conspiracy for Yingxi.

If Yingxi didn't go, just because a large number of people in Qinglong Mansion were slaughtered every day, this blood debt would be credited to Yingxi.

At that time, after a long time, it will spread throughout the world, and Yingxi's reputation will be completely ruined.

At that time, it will not be as simple as these few victims preaching.

At that time, Yingxi was notorious and wanted to unify Kyushu. Not to mention anything else, it would take a lot of effort to make up for the popularity of the people, and it may even never be able to make up for it.

This is where the enemy's conspiracy is so vicious.

The situation has already been laid, and Ying Xi has completely fallen into a passive position.

Go, in danger of death.

If you don't go, you will be ruined.

"Your Majesty, do you see?"

Rao Shangguan Haitang is good at stratagem, at this moment, she can't help but be speechless.

She really didn't know how to break this situation.

"Hmph, do you think you're sure to eat me?"

Ying Xi snorted coldly, and said with a ruthless expression: "Shangguan Haitang, you should pass on the order immediately, so that Zhu Wushi will lead people immediately, and kill all the victims who speak nonsense, leaving no one behind."

"In addition, tell the world that I will go to the Qinglong Mansion personally, and I want to see who is plotting against me!"

Ying Xi's move seems to be brainless, but it is actually the best way to break the situation.

In this game, if you retreat, you will definitely be counted.

Only by going forward bravely, facing the enemy's traps, and killing the enemy in adversity can we break the situation!

Yingxi's combat power at this time is even in the ordinary realm of law, and he is also capable of fighting.

Based on his confidence in his own strength, Yingxi decided to use his body as a bait to enter the game himself and then break it.

"Your Majesty, this is inappropriate!"

Shangguan Haitang immediately spoke up, trying to stop Yingxi's decision.

In her opinion, Yingxi's move was too risky.

In case of a mistake, wouldn't everything be aborted?
"Then tell me, what else can I do?"

Ying Xi asked back.

Ying Xi also wanted a surefire solution, but there was no other way.

He did not.

Now, in the situation of Great Qin, if he wants to break the situation, he can only enter the situation with his own body.

"Then, should His Majesty bring some more people so that he can take care of him?"

Shangguan Haitang suggested.

"No need, I'm alone, that's enough."

Ying Xi waved his hand, rejecting Shangguan Haitang's proposal. As far as the current Great Qin Dynasty is concerned, Ying Xi's strength is even stronger than those summoning characters.

If he went and couldn't return safely, then the others who followed would just die.

Besides, it's not that Yingxi doesn't have means to save his life.

For example, he also has a king-rank high-grade life-extending golden pill.

"His Majesty."

"Okay, don't say too much, you hurry up and do as I say."

Without waiting for Shangguan Haitang to continue persuading him, Ying Xi interrupted her.


Seeing this, Shangguan Haitang didn't say much anymore, and had no choice but to turn around and leave.

In my heart, I can only silently pray that Yingxi can return safely from this trip.

"System, immediately extract the Qingfeng Sword Body and the Rhythm Dao Body for me."

Before deciding to set off, Yingxi naturally had to improve his own strength as much as possible.

After Shangguan Haitang left, Yingxi gave instructions to the system.

"Ding, Qingfeng Sword Body and Rhythm Dao Body have been extracted."


When Ying Xi gave a soft drink, he could clearly sense the excitement shown by the Mandate of Heaven.

The green edge is like a blade, and the faint blue sword light appears faintly and faintly in Yingxi's body while the body of the Mandate of Heaven is being devoured.

Like the body-protecting sword energy, Ying Xi feels that its power is average, just like what he felt at the beginning, the Qingfeng sword body is better than nothing for the improvement of the destiny emperor body.

On the contrary, the melody and dao body, with the continuous devouring of the Heaven's Mandate Emperor Body, Ying Xi can feel that he has a natural sense of fit for various musical instruments.

If at this time, Ying Xi was given a book on rhythm, Ying Xi felt that his cultivation speed would definitely reach the point of rapid progress.

In a daze, outside Yingxi's body, a vision of violins and zithers harmoniously appeared.

This made Yingxi's Heavenly Mandate Emperor Body evolve towards the most perfect direction.

"Ding, absorb the spirit energy dissipated from the two major physiques, your "Tai Yi Dao Zang" entry-level version has advanced to the tenth level, and your "Hao Ran Jiang Shan Jue" has advanced to the No.12 level."

"Ding, you have to go on an adventure yourself again. The True Dragon Hall is afraid that you will have an accident, so I will dedicate all the pure and pure dragon spirit that I have treasured to you."

"Ding, with the pure true dragon energy contributed by the True Dragon Hall, you have a hundred purple mansions that can be transformed into caves."

"Ding, the Palace of Inheritance feels that you are about to break through the cave realm. In order to make your breakthrough more perfect, the Palace of Inheritance personally guides and engraves the supernatural powers of your own destiny."

"Ding, congratulations, you have engraved your natal supernatural power: Xuansha Heavenly Ghost in one hundred caves."

"Ding, congratulations, you have successfully broken through the cave realm!"

With a crisp sound.

Yingxi has successfully advanced to the first level of the cave!
At this moment, Yingxi's aura has increased by more than ten times compared to before?
With clenched fists, Yingxi is more confident about going to Qinglong Mansion to break the situation.


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(End of this chapter)

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