Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 86 Upgrading Weapons, Phantom Body Skills

Chapter 86 Upgrading Weapons, Phantom Body Skills

"Ding, in order to ensure your safety to the greatest extent, the Artifact Refining Hall specially upgrades the True Dragon Ring, True Dragon Armor, and True Dragon Emperor Sword for you."

"Ding, the real dragon ring and the real dragon battle armor have been successfully upgraded to the best of the king rank, and the real dragon emperor sword has broken the limit of the king rank and promoted to the lower rank of the emperor rank." are all royal ranks)
[True Dragon Ring——The King's Grade Ultimate Grade]

[Characteristic 1: The stone of connotation space has a storage space of [-] cubic meters]

[Characteristic 2: Fist of the True Dragon—a punch that contains the power of a real dragon, can blast and kill the Nine Layers of the Cave Heaven, can only be used once a day]

[True Dragon Battle Armor - King Grade Ultimate]

[Characteristic 1 - Hidden three real dragon reverse scales, which can offset three fatal injuries]

[Characteristic 2 - Contains the power of a real dragon, and if the realm is not higher than yours, it can suppress [-]% of its combat power]

【True Dragon Emperor Sword—Imperial Grade Low Grade】

[Characteristic 1: The Wrath of the Emperor——When the Emperor was angry, he lay dead for thousands of miles, using the power of a real dragon to evolve the will of God, the stronger your anger, the stronger your power]

[Characteristic 2: True Dragon Emperor Power - Can be combined with the True Dragon Divine Power of the True Dragon Battle Armor, can suppress the power below the third stage of the magic phase, [-]% of the combat power]

The improvement of the True Dragon Ring can be regarded as better than nothing.

However, the True Dragon Battle Armor has two more True Dragon Reverse Scales, which can offset two more fatal damages.

In particular, the combination of the True Dragon Armor and the True Dragon Emperor Sword can also use the True Dragon Emperor's power to fully suppress the magic phase below the third level, and [-]% of the combat power.

For Ying Xi, this is undoubtedly a few more cards.

"Ding, the Alchemy Pagoda doesn't want the Artifact Refining Hall to be more beautiful than before, and specially presents you another king-level top-grade product——Perfect-level Cave Explosion Pill."

[Perfect Cave Explosion Pill: After use, it can increase your combat power by a hundred times, with a time limit of [-] breaths, without any side effects]

Good guy.

Ying Xi just had more confidence just now, now, with this perfect Cave Explosion Pill, he feels that he can walk sideways during this trip.

With his current combat power, if he burst into a hundred times of combat power in an instant, Ying Xi believed that no matter what kind of dragon's pool or tiger's den, he would be able to kill it with confidence.

at the same time.

Bailong Mansion, outside a mountain forest.

A man and a woman, both of them have a cold appearance that no one should enter.

The man was dressed in a black shirt, and the woman was in a red gauze skirt, with a cold face.

"Xiaoqi, are you sure that the biggest stronghold of Liushamen in the entire Zhongzhou is in this mountain?"

The man glanced at the woman with a serious expression.

"Meng Xinghun, do you think I, Shen Xiaoqi, will lie to you?"

Shen Xiaoqi felt distrust from Meng Xinghun's questioning, so she held her head up and showed displeasure.

That's right.

These two people are Meng Xinghun and Shen Xiaoqi.

Shen Xiaoqi is the female killer of Liushamen who was hooked up by Meng Xinghun, and she is in the realm of the Seventh Layer of the Cave Heaven.

However, since Shen Xiaoqi had only just been promoted, she didn't know the location of Liushamen's headquarters yet, so she provided Meng Xinghun with the location of Liushamen's stronghold that she knew.

Together, the two came here, intending to destroy Liushamen's largest stronghold in Zhongzhou.

"You won't lie to me."

Meng Xinghun shook his head, his intuition told him that Shen Xiaoqi would not lie to him.

Shen Xiaoqi was almost instigated by Meng Xinghun.

"Then follow me."

Only then did Shen Xiaoqi's cloudy weather turn sunny, and Tsundere led the way.


Nod silently.

About an hour later, Meng Xinghun and Shen Xiaoqi traveled to the depths of this mountain forest.

"It's here."

Shen Xiaoqi carefully opened the secret door in the cave beside him, pointed at Meng Xinghun, and said softly.

"it is good!"

As he said that, Meng Xinghun lowered his head and followed Shen Xiaoqi into the secret door.

Not long after, the two turned around and entered a gloomy hall.

Meng Xinghun slowly raised his head and looked around, but he didn't expect that there would be another cave in this cave.

"Shen Xiaoqi, who is the person beside you?"

At this moment, an old voice came out.

"He is also a killer, very powerful. I brought him here to join my Liusha Gate."

Shen Xiaoqi replied calmly.

"No, why do you have a strong smell of blood on your body?"

Then, an old man in black robe suddenly appeared in front of Shen Xiaoqi and Meng Xinghun.

"Oh! Of course he killed someone."

Shen Xiaoqi didn't speak, Meng Xinghun's voice had just reached the old man's ears.

Just hear a sting.

The pupils of the old man in black robe shrank suddenly, and when he looked down, his chest had already been pierced by a sharp sword.

Meng Xinghun acted too fast, even though he was also a heaven-level assassin with a fourth-level cave, there was no time to react.

"Shen Xiaoqi, you betrayed Liushamen!"


Exhausting his last strength, after roaring loudly, the black-robed old man twitched violently, then fell to the ground with a thud, dying beyond death.

"Get ready to do it."

Meng Xinghun let out a deep drink, and stood back to back with Shen Xiaoqi, ready to meet the enemy.

Along the way, the two have cooperated perfectly and slaughtered many people.

That's why the smell of blood was so strong that the old man discovered it as soon as he entered.


Soon, dozens of figures appeared again.

However, none of them were as strong as the old man in black robe.

Shen Xiaoqi and Meng Xinghun almost killed them all without wasting any effort.

"Strange, why are there only so few people left in this stronghold?"

After killing, Shen Xiaoqi murmured strangely.

In her impression, when she came here before, there was at least one Dongtian Jiuzhong who had been in charge for a long time.

"Could it be that this is not the largest stronghold in Zhongzhou?"

Meng Xinghun was also a little dazed, he was ready for a big fight, but in the end, that's it?

As everyone knows, the reason why they can be so relaxed is entirely thanks to Ying Xi.

During this period of time, Liushamen attacked Yingxi frequently.

In particular, the heavenly killers at the ninth level of the cave in this stronghold were all killed by Yingxi.

"Ding, Meng Xingsoul successfully destroyed Liushamen's largest stronghold in Zhongzhou, and the gang panel took action and successfully plundered 5.00% of Liushamen's luck."

"Ding, congratulations, you have successfully obtained the feedback of Liushamen's exercises, and you have introduced the Shadow Body Technique."

[Phantom Movement: Heaven-level top-grade footwork, the secret of Liushamen, which can be transformed into a shadow after cultivation to perfection, and the figure is unpredictable]

"Ding, you have been baptized with a small amount of luck. Your entry version of "Tai Yi Dao Zang" has advanced No. 11, and your "Hao Ran Jiang Shan Jue" has advanced No. 13."

"Ding, Meng Xinghun has made great contributions, and the gang panel will give him special rewards."

"Ding, Meng Xinghun has been baptized with a large amount of spiritual energy, and his realm has improved by leaps and bounds, breaking through to the seventh level of the cave."


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(End of this chapter)

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